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DHMN Organizational Meeting

March 7, 2016

Call to Order

Present: Bob T-Son, Jakob, Shane G., Sim, Steve P., Mike P., Andrew, Tyler

Late arrivals: Mark F.

Potential (past) attendees: Karl P., Tim B., Erin Q-L., Paul K., Dan Brunner., Tater, Jake K., Sara K.,  Ross L., Jason S.,John McGrath, Iga (Guest), Ryan Peterson,Tinker, Mathew P., Kristin M.

Approve Minutes

Moves to approve: Bob T-Son

Seconded: Shane G.


Treasurer's Report

Report at end of 2016/02
generated from 3388bd30e

Short Term Net Worth
Accounts Receivable      0
               Cash   3074.89
amrtzd charge Assets    154.22
Pos Short term Assets  3229.11

         insurance   -617.00
  Accounts Payable   -860.95
   Utils budgeting   -245.99
earmarked donations   -565.00
prepayed dues held   -450.00
Short term Liblties  -2121.94

Short Term Net Worth   1107.17

Long Term Net Worth
Short Term Net Worth   1107.17
          Equipment   3470.69
               food    531.22
             shirts     91.16
           Deposits   2042.00
              Loans  -1231.38
Long Term Net Worth   6010.86

Move to approve: Shane G.

Seconded: Bob T-Son




Mark F. moved them to Github.

Mark motions:

Draft done by Feb. 5th.

Board vote on changes by the 18th.

Followed by call for elections.

New terms to begin March 1st.

Mark F. moves to start the process to amend the bylaws:

The board of directors will be elected on an at-large basis by electing

the 6 individuals with the highest vote totals in the annual election.

Ties will be broken by random selection.  Officer positions will be

created and filled by the board as needed rather than voted on directly

in conjunction with the board election.  This provision will override

any conflicting provisions of the current bylaws.  This provision is

intended to be a step towards a clean re-work of the bylaws in the near

future, and the board shall have the power to decide any conflicts in

the bylaws until that time.

Seconded: Steve P.


New Business


Move to Adjourn:

