Thank you for agreeing to plan and lead worship at CCMC.  This document offers some general guidelines and helpful information, a summary (in checklist format) of the responsibilities that fall to the worship leader, and Time & Talent responses for the current year to assist you in finding worship participants. If you have any questions please contact a member of the worship committee. Contact information all people who may serve as resources to you is found at the bottom of this document.


Music & Hymnals:

Worship Participants:

Other Resources:

Arriving Sunday Morning:

Liturgy Available:


During the week(s) prior to the service:

By the Wednesday before:

On Sunday, before the service:

On Sunday, during the service:



Music & Hymnals:

If you would like assistance selecting hymns for the service, check (in advance!) with the pastor or your song leader and ask if s/he is willing to consult. You may also check with Glenn Martin Klaassen or Philip Kendall who may be willing to assist. Our instrumentalists enjoy as much lead time as possible, so please send them the list of hymns as soon as possible. If you have a special request of an ensemble, accompaniment instrument, or music group, please contact them with as much advanced notice as possible to submit your request.

We have two supplemental hymnals available for use: Sing the Story and Sing the Journey. We keep them on the shelves at the back of the sanctuary. If you plan to use hymns from either book, please distribute them before the service (place them on chairs or as people come in) and then ask folks to stack them in the back again after the service. You may consider limiting your selections to one or the other since distributing and collecting both sets can be rather hectic.

Worship Participants:

As you plan the service, please consult the appropriate sections of the Time and Talent Survey (see below) to find people interested in helping with worship.  When you agree to lead worship, you will be given access to a Google Docs worship grid outlining the lectionary texts, preacher, musicians, and visual artists for the Sunday you are scheduled to lead worship.

Other Resources:

In general, we ask that worship leaders try be as inclusive as possible and suggest that you use inclusive language for God and people. Consider reading through hymns and making suggestions to change wording as needed, and using the inclusive Bible for New Testament and Psalms available in the library. Also, please do not use incense during the service as a number of people from our congregation and First Church have asthma. We have developed a consistent ritual format for lighting the Peace Lamp. We have provided some helpful guidelines for planning children’s time and involving children in other parts of our worship. We have also provided some sample words of welcome, prayers, calls to worship, benedictions and also sample words of introduction for our time of sharing. Please consult our “Sample Worship Script” as a good place to start with your planning; everything else can be found on separate pages under the "Worship" tab on our website.

Log in for “members only” access (password: wildonion08).

Arriving Sunday Morning:

A person will be designated to open the door by 8:00 am.

Communion Sunday:

If you are leading worship on a communion Sunday, you are responsible for bringing the “elements” (i.e., grape juice, grapes, and bread). Celeste Groff is coordinating with members of the congregation to bake a gluten-free common loaf to use for bread, but you should contact her to verify that someone has agreed to bake the loaf and bring it to church that week (contact info in list at end of document). You can also ask that person to bring the loaf forward at the appropriate point in the Communion liturgy. There is grape juice at the church.

Liturgy Available:

If you would like to use a printed liturgy as a worship outline, you may use "A liturgy for life in the city," which is printed on green paper and available in the mailroom-library. If you would like to adapt it and print new copies, contact Celeste Groff for a computer document.



During the week(s) prior to the service:

By the Wednesday before:

On Sunday, before the service:

On Sunday, during the service:

How to must successfully “gong” the singing bowl:

Tibetan singing bowl.jpg


Lead children’s time in worship:


Read Scripture, poetry, or other text:

Lead a prayer in worship:


Offer special instrumental music:


Offer special vocal music:



Bulletin Preparation 

Kurt Frymire: kurtfrymire@gmail.com

Ideas for Including Children in the Service

Glenn Martin Klaassen: glenn.5.mk@gmail.com

Kevin Key: kevin.key@sbcglobal.net

Communion bread and juice

Celeste Grace Groff: celestegraceksg@gmail.com 

Altar Crew

Janet Friesen (coordinator) friesenjl1970@gmail.com

Worship Committee

Kiva Nice-Webb: kiva.shiri@gmail.com (chair)

Philip Kendall: philipyoderkendall@gmail.com

Jody Schmidt: jdy.schmdt@gmail.com