2016-2017 Indiana Classics Lectures and Events
Upcoming Events
- Friday, April 21, Wabash College
- Holly Sypniewski (Millsaps College) will present TBA on grafitti from Pompeii and Herculaneum at noon in TBD room
Previous Events
- Wednesday, April 12, Ball State
- Julie Van Voorhis (IU-Bloomington) will present Ancient Art for Sale: The Sculptor's Workshop at Aphrodisias at 4 p.m. in Burkhardt Building 101
- Monday, April 3, Purdue University
- Professors Pedar Foss and Rebecca Schindler will deliver a lecture entitled "Shaping a Landscape Between Lakes: The Lago Trasimeno Regional Archaeology Project” at 5:30 p.m. in 210 Matthew Hall
- Monday, April 3, Indiana University Bloomington
- Adrienne Mayor (Stanford) will present "Alexander the Great and the Amazon Queen" at 4 pm at the Arts and Humanities Institute, 1211 East Atwater Avenue
- Tuesday, March 21, DePauw University
- Donna Zuckerberg, “The Ovid Method: Seduction and Sexual Assault in the Ars Amatoria and the Pickup Artist Community” at 4:15 in Watson Forum
- Monday, March 20, DePauw University
- Donna Zuckerberg, “Arms and the Manosphere” at 4:15 in Peeler Auditorium
- Monday, March 13, DePauw University
- Chun Liu (Peking University and Visiting Scholar at Columbia University) will present “Time and Space in Ovid’s Heroides” at 4:15 in Julian 147
- Monday, February 27, Wabash College
- Johanna Hanink (Brown University) will present Making Athens Great Again: Art and Politics in an Ancient Era of Uncertainty” at noon in Detchon 109
- Monday, February 27, Wabash College
- Johanna Hanink (Brown University), Sabrina Thomas (Wabash College), Nathaniel Mary Quinn (Wabash College Alum) will present “Protest and the Arts from Athens to America” at 8:00 pm in Baxter 101
- Sunday, February 26, Wabash College
- Spike Lee's Chi-raq: Screening and Discussion, at 6:00 pm in Hays 104
- Thursday, October 27, Indiana University Bloomington
- James May (Kenneth O. Bjork Distinguished Professor of Classics, St. Olaf College) will present "Love of Wisdom (and Eloquence?), the Guide of Life: Cicero’s Ideal Orator and Beyond" at 4:30 pm in Sycamore Hall 106
- Thursday, October 20, Indiana University Bloomington
- Elizabeth Thill (IUPUI) will present "All Religions in Rome: Architectural Depictions, the Valle-Medici Reliefs, and the Creation of a Cosmopolis" at 4:30 pm in the Walnut Room, Indiana Memorial Union
- Monday, September 19, Wabash
- Dr. Mary T. Boatwright (Duke University) will present the John F. Charles lecture at Wabash College at 8 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, in Hays Hall room 104. Boatwright, a specialist in Roman history with interests in the social and political history of the Empire, Roman women, Rome’s northern frontiers, and Latin historiography, will present a talk titled: “Alma Mater? Rome and the Emperor’s Mother.”
2015-2016 Indiana Classics Lectures and Events
- Wednesday, April 20, IUPUI
- Daniele Maras (Pontifica Accademia Romana di Archeologia) will present "Masters of Prophecy: Religion, Identity and the Fate of the Etruscans in the Context of Roman Italy" at 8:00 pm at the IUPUI Campus Center CE02
- Wednesday, April 13, Ball State University
- Christopher Bungard (Butler University) will present "Conniving Prostitutes and Tricky Slaves: Reflections on Plautus' Favorite Plays" in the Arts and Journalism Building (AJ) 175 at 4 pm.
- Thursday, March 17, Valparaiso University
- Professor Paul Keen (University of Mass., Lowell) will give this illustrated AIA lecture: How to Rule the World: Gods, Kings, and Soldiers in the Hellenistic Near East.
- Tuesday, March 15, DePauw University
- Geoffrey Sumi (visiting Watkins lecturer at DePauw) will be presenting “Beyond ‘Bread and Circuses’: Spectatorship and Collective Action at Roman Public Spectacles” on Tuesday, March 15 at 4:15 pm in Peeler Auditorium.
- Monday, March 14, DePauw University
- Geoffrey Sumi (visiting Watkins lecturer at DePauw) will be presenting “Nero as Heir to the Throne: the Circus Procession and Imperial Succession in Ancient Rome” on Monday, March 14 at 4:15 pm in Peeler Auditorium.
- Monday, February 29, Butler University
- Timothy Moore (Washington University in St. Louis) will talk about "Greek Tragedy after Ferguson" in Pharmacy Building 150 at 4:30 pm. This will be a wonderful event for thinking about the role of performances of Greek drama in response to and engagement with contemporary issues in our country.
- Wednesday, February 24, Butler University
- Michael Nelson (Queens College) will present as part of the AIA's lecture series. His talk is entitled "The Roman Period Temples at Omrit. The Long and Intriguing Life of a Sanctuary." He will join us to speak on the Roman temples at Omrit in Israel and how architectural changes observed in the temples there reveal changes in the use of the sanctuary over time. This talk will be held on the campus of Butler University, in the Ford Salon (downstairs in Robertson Hall, below the Eidson-Duckwall Recital Hall or Ducky to those in the know), on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 8pm. Contact Lynne Kvapil (lkvapil@butler.edu) with any questions.
- Tuesday, February 16, Valparaiso University
- Julia Fischer (Lamar University in Texas) will give an illustrated lecture about some of the most beautiful pieces of art from Classical antiquity: Roman cameos of the Imperial Period. Roman art is famous for its propagandistic purposes, especially in the public sphere. Professor Fischer, however, will investigate the persuasive power of a form of private art, large imperial cameos, and how their iconography reveals a language of private propaganda, concerning Augustus and the Julio-Claudians, that is different from the public art seen by the general population.
- December 1-3, Butler University
- Butler Theatre will perform Christopher Bungard's new translation of Truculentus, directed by Bart Simpson in the Studio Theatre (Lilly 328) at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5.
- Monday, November 16, Purdue University
- Christopher Bungard (Butler University) will present "Conniving Prostitutes and Tricky Slaves: Reflections on Plautus' Favorite Plays" in Wetherill 160 at 4:30 pm.
- November 5 - 7, 2015, IFLTA Conference, Sheraton at Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis
- Program
- ICC Meeting, November 7 10:00-11:15 AM, Suite 6