We take an interface ecology approach, connecting theory and practice. Thus, to understand curation, we must curate! And engage in reflection.

Analyze the assigned set of readings. Identify important themes.

  1. Deliverable A. Write a short essay (400-500 words), articulating themes FROM THE READINGS, connecting them to each other and synthesizing your own emergent ideas in relation to the themes.
    Note: you do not have to be encyclopedic in your coverage of themes. In the  tradition of Duchamps, Choose! (But choose from at least 2-4 different readings, which must be from different fields.) Which themes are significant to your overall presentation? Why? Formulate a conceptual position.
  1. From a process perspective you could try to figure out your conceptual position in advance.
  2. You also could take a Dada approach to assemblage, in which, according to Seitz, “... a dispersive context within which untried kinds and degrees of organization could… arise from a state of randomness and disorder…  Incongruous elements are transformed into an unexpected, homogeneous cohesion as soon as they take place in a newly created ensemble. The type of unity that results from juxtaposition can never be entirely preordained, for an assembled work grows by testing, rejection, and acceptance.
  1. Deliverable B.
  1. Create a thoughtful curation involving at least 10 found digital objects from outside the readings, which exemplify the themes and synthesis that you articulated in #1. Make sure to connect each curated object to one or more specific ideas from one or more specific readings. Use visual as well as conceptual means. Express the curation using IdeaMACHE, Pinterest, Buzzfeed, Tumblr, or propose another platform and get me to agree.
  2. Write a short essay (400-500 words) that:
  1. Frames and explains your curation, using the readings as context.
  2. Develops emergent ideas, while further synthesizing your conceptual position.
  1. Finally, assemble all components into a web presentation (accessible via a single URL) that evokes and stimulates engagement with your analysis and synthesis.

Grading Rubric



Does the first essay articulate themes from the readings through clear writing?


Does the first essay develop a synthesis that connects and contrasts themes?


Are the found objects illustrative?


Are the found objects thoughtful and provocative?


Does the second essay provide new insight about and illustration of concepts from the readings, through clear writing?


Does the second essay articulate emergent ideas?


Does the final assembly juxtapose, connect, and synthesize all elements?


Does the final assembly evoke and stimulate engagement?

(This includes thoughtful title and Twitter post.)



All assignments MUST be turned in via Twitter: #curation#ideation.

5 Points deducted if not publicly visible in this way on Twitter.

5 extra points for 20 Retweets.

10 extra points for 50 Retweets.

15 extra points for 100 Retweets.

20 extra points for 200 Retweets.

25 extra points for 500 Retweets.

(Paying a service for this is not allowed.)