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JCTIC MC Auto-Marking Software User Guide
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Jockey Club Ti-I College

The most updated version of this document
can be found

Last updated on 30-6-2020 by KPM of  IAC Committee

JCTIC MC Auto-Marking Software



1. MC Auto-Marking Software: TestAnyTime        

2. New JCTIC M.C. Answer Sheet        

3. Help and Support        

4. The MC Auto-Marking Workflow (YouTube Video Instructions)        

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1.        MC Auto-Marking Software: TestAnyTime

        The updated version of the software can be downloaded here:

TestAnyTime is a user-friendly, yet powerful form processing solution that helps users scan, collect and analyze data from paper based or digital forms to produce detail reports & results. Simply create forms using any word processor software or design program and then print using printer or copier. It scans completed forms with any common document scanners on the market. You can then analyze your data within TestAnyTime while generating your reports and even exporting the captured data to numerous existing applications.

Currently 2 licensed copies of TestAnyTime are purchased and installed in the Resources Centre. To operate the software, a hardware USB dongle must be inserted in the computer.

* The USB Dongles (#1 and #2) are kept by the clerical staff in the Resources Centre.
If you want to use the software on your own computer in the staff room, please approach technicians of the
IAC Committee for software installation and borrow a USB Dongle from either the Resources Centre. All borrow and return of USB Dongles must be properly recorded in our Logbook.

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2.        New JCTIC M.C. Answer Sheet

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To use the auto-marking feature of TestAnyTime, you need to use the following new custom made JCTIC M.C. Answer Sheet.

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Updating students’ information can be downloaded HERE. Paste this excel file to this folder and overwrite it.


3.        Help and Support

You can always contact us through email ( for any IT related support. You may also obtain support through this SUPPORT PAGE.

For enquiries related to the captioned matter, please contact Mr. Leung Li Yick or Mr. Kwan Po Man for help.  

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4.        The MC Auto-Marking Workflow (YouTube Video Instructions)

YouTube Link:

The standard template "JCTIC MC.DAT" can be downloaded from HERE.

YouTube Link:

YouTube Link:

YouTube Link:

YouTube Link:
Sample Report (Excel, PDF)    Sample Marked Scripts

YouTube Link:
Sample Data Export (Excel, CSV)


                 YouTube Link:

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