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BRC June 10th 2013 Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

7:30 Call to Order. Attendees: Dan Trapp, Doug Havlin, Toby Trapp, Meghan Trapp, Pat, Shelly, Andria, JT, Angela, Byron Goodrich, Barb, Al

  1. Committee Reports
  1. Membership is
  2. Public Relations & Special Events - Sarah is not going to be here
  3. Group Run training plan for fall marathon starting july 27th. We’ll have infomational meetings leading up to that.
  4. Treasurer’s Report

  1. Old Business
  1. Kids triathlon needs volunteers for their race. Any help would be good.
  2. Sarah is working on the Tree for Boston.

  1. New Business
  1. RRCA Runner friendly community. We’ll apply to become a recoginized community. We’ll get notice in the newsletter, a plaque, and 400 to go to the community meeting.
  2. Byron Goodrich For Let me run. We gave him $50 for helping offset the costs of the race entry. 2 days a week workouts. They participated in the 5k race in U-city Memorial Day race. Sat Aug 17th is another coaching event to train more coaches to expand the program. Aaron and Trent joined us. THey had 15 boys in the race and program. THey did classroom learning and then went out to the track and did workouts, including a unity lap where they were silent and stayed together. If they didn’t stay together they had to do it again. They worked on pacing themselves. The classroom activities included activities where they scooped up baking soda when they heard emotion words, then combined them with vinigar to emphasize not letting their emotions get to the best of them. The race was a lot of fun with them. They started in the back of the pack on purpose and moved through the people and . Mr. Schamburg at the monthly board of education meeting asked the boys to present to the board about their experiance. They read the lines of the Let me Run credo and gave examples of what each line of the creedo meant.

Member Announcements / Accomplishments


8:15 Adjournment

Next meeting to be determined.