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Studio Art Course Expectations cc
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Studio Art Course Expectations

Art Department | Burlington High School

 ** Please read this LETTER TO STUDENTS AND FAMILIES from the high school administration.

Also note that text in green (below) is specific to the hybrid learning expectations of the 2020-2021 school year.**

Teacher: C. Chang                                   

Course Title and Number: Studio Art

Grades 9, 10, 11.12

Prerequisite - None

5 per/wk – 5 credits

Full year course

Room: 217

Class Site:


I. Course Overview


Design is the prerequisite for all studio art courses offered at the high school. This course will cover the basic art principles and compositional concepts in both two and three-dimensional design. Students work in all areas of art with an emphasis on drawing, painting, 2-D and 3-D design, looking at/writing about art, art history, and aesthetics. Conceptual design problems as well as technical skills are emphasized. The use of a variety of medium- pencil, pen, crayon, charcoal, watercolor, paint, clay, and wire will help the student develop many skills that will aid in their personal growth and self – expression. Through historical and cultural references students will develop an appreciation of art as an expression of other cultures.  This art history component seeks to reinforce visual literacy and a respect for diverse and creative thought.


II. Successful Learning



III. Student Learning Expectations


As a student in this course, you will be expected to:


IV. Expected Outcomes


By the completion of the Design course, successful students will be able to:



V. Topics/ Content


Main Components:



Essential Questions:


 VI. Assessing Progress                                


Types of Assessment:



Your grade will be based primarily on the portfolio of work for the quarter. Depending on duration and level of difficulty, each project may weigh from 5% to 25% of the term grade.


Your grade will be based primarily on the portfolio of work for the quarter (approx. 80%) (depending on duration and level of difficulty, each project may weigh from 5% to 25% of the term grade), and homework (usually 2 - 5% for each assignment, depending on the length and complexity of the assignment.).


Weekly writing assignments will each weigh as homework. Homework and writing assignments combined will weigh a total of approximately 20% of your term grade.

 ** During the hybrid learning scenario of the 2020-21 school year, assignments will be graded as they would during any “normal” school year. **


Grading Criteria:

You will generally be graded on a combination of concept, design, technical quality, and participation

                            (attendance, work habits, “self-challenge”, listening, asking questions, contributing)


You generally will be graded on a combination of concept, design, technical quality, and personal investment/work habits. Although we reference the art department’s general grading rubric, you are at a level in your art education where the rubric will need to be modified for many projects based on the independent, individualized nature of your artistic investigations. In these cases, you will be graded on how well you met the objectives .

These are the tools we use to measure your success:

VII. Classroom Expectations

Studio time and group critique time cannot be replicated at home.

Poor attendance will have a direct bearing on your grade.

** You must use this form when leaving the room to use the bathroom, and use the bathroom closest to the art room. *

Remote Learning Expectations

Students are expected to be present and actively engaged during the scheduled class period every school day, either in the classroom or at home. Attendance will be taken every day whether students are in the classroom or learning remotely. Students at home will either be assigned activities to be completed and turned in by the end of the class period each day, or continue work on long-term projects.

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the school schedule ( and join on time all Google Meets at the beginning of each period. Following attendance and check-ins, teachers will give direction to the students working remotely, with the possibility of requiring that the work be turned in by the end of the session as an “exit ticket” via Google Classroom, email, or sharing from Google Drive. The teacher’s attention will then be focused on the students in the actual classroom.

During Wednesday’s remote days, sessions might be used for group critiques of student work; for viewing and discussing art historical, contemporary art, or professional applied arts; for introducing and developing art vocabulary and refined understanding of art concepts such as the elements and principles of art, perspective, etc.), for shorter art activities not necessarily related to the current longer project work, or for arts enrichment activities.

Assignments will be graded as they would during any “normal” school year, using rubrics previously developed by the department.



No form of cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated. For any infraction of cheating or plagiarism (including the first), the student will receive a zero on the assignment or assessment, and parents/guardians will be notified, as per the student handbook. The definition of plagiarism is “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own.” Please note that plagiarism includes all forms of stealing words or ideas – no copying from books, web sites, or each other.

In addition, artwork is to be unique and original. Images produced by others (drawings, paintings, even photographs) are the property of those artists, and obviously cannot be claimed as your own. There are special circumstances that govern the use of “appropriated images”, and these we will discuss as issues present themselves, but before you turn in a project that includes them. An example of legitimate use of a pre-existing image would be altering the image more than 60%, but then the question is “what is 60%?”. Our rule is: ask (the instructor) before you use a pre-existing image in your artwork. In general, use of “pre-existing images” (those not created by your own hand) will not be tolerated.


VIII. Homework/Make-up Policy

If you are absent on the day a project or other assignment is due, you are expected to turn in your work on your first day back to school.


Since homework assignments are generally projects that are given a week in advance, if you are absent on the day a homework project is assigned, you will be expected to turn the project in on its due date.


In the event of a long absence, you will be given time equivalent to the number of days absent to make up the work, unless you request an extension well before the due date, and it is approved by the instructor.


You will likely not be given extensions for work missed due to family vacations outside of the school calendar.

IX. Additional Information

Please feel free to contact me at school by phone 781-273-7023 or  email

I can usually be found in the painting & drawing studio (217),  or the art department office  – they’re all connected.

Class Website:

BHS Art Department website:


You will be expected to access these sites on a regular basis. On them you will find the current homework assignment, the current class project, contests and art opportunities, weekend workshops and classes, links to art schools, galleries of student artwork, and answers to many of your questions.

** For the 20-21 school year, you will be given a plastic slider storage bag of art materials. You will need to bring this bag back and forth from school and home in order to do project work in both spaces. You must follow all guidelines to keep the materials in good working shape. You are responsible for returning all tools in good condition at the end of the school year.