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Copy of BYOD Student Contract
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Guidelines

Student Contract

Classroom Procedures

Overall Guidelines


As a student I am responsible for the choices I make when I use technology. I understand that using technology effectively is a skill that is essential to my success, and I understand that I am accountable for my use of technology at school.

That means, as a student, I am responsible...

1. for keeping my personal computer devices secure when I bring them to school.

2. for keeping my digital accounts secure.

3. for what I do when using technology at school.

4. for not hurting the ability of others to learn.

5. for what I say and do online.

6. for giving credit where credit is due and respecting the intellectual property of others.

7. for making good choices about when and where I use personal devices at school.

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Student Printed Name                        Student Signature                                Date

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Parent Signature (Grades K-6)                Device Serial #