DLA114-0070  Transcription

28th October, 1930.

Dear Sirs,

With reference to your letters of the 16th and 27th instant relative to commissions due to you by Mr. de Laszlo who, as you are no doubt aware, has only recently returned home after two months’ absence abroad, I am desired by Mr. de Laszlo to forward herewith a cheque for £78.15.0. being 15% commission on a “head and shoulders” portrait of Mrs. Wadia [10061], of Grosvenor House.

In regard to the first paragraph of your letter of the 16th, if you will refer to my letter to you of June 30th last I think you will find that I forwarded with it a cheque for commission on the portraits of Mr. David Luke [6103], of America, and Lady Mathew [6282], the receipt for which I hold. This cheque followed a previous one sent to you under cover of my letter of April 3rd for a portrait of Mrs. Tufnell [7379].

Mr. de Laszlo wishes me to point out that, so far, he has not undertaken any further portraits in connection with those people whose names you submitted in your letter of September 13th, and that he will not fail to communicate with you in the event of his doing so.

Yours faithfully,


Messrs. Wallis & Son,

The French Gallery,

158, New Bond Street, W.1.

