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MODX Revolution Client Documentation
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


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MODX Revolution Client Documentation




Logging In

Forgot Your Password

Change Your Password and Edit Your Profile

Manager Overview

Resource Tree: Managing Resources

Top Buttons and Search Bar

Right-Click Menu

Moving Pages

Creating and Editing Resources

Resource Types

Full Edit/ Create View

Resource Fields

Weblinks (Redirects)

Search Engine Tips

Resource Settings

Other Edit Tabs

Template Variables

Resource Groups

Quick Edit/ Create Mode

Rich Text Editor

MODX Codes

Using the File Manager

Inserting Links

Anchors (linking to a part of a page)

Inserting Images

Inserting Media (such as YouTube videos)

Main Menu Tools

Components Menu




This non-technical guide to the MODX manager is meant to be used as a convenient reference after your initial training. Please contact me if you need additional help or if you have any questions about anything to do with your website.




Free to use and distribute: This document is free to modify and distribute, even commercially, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, as long as you make a note that I was the original author. I would appreciate an optional link back to the original document or to my website (


Logging In


1. Point your web browser to YOURDOMAIN.COM/manager, where YOURDOMAIN.COM is your website’s domain name.


2. Enter your username and password and click “Login


Forgot Your Password

If you forgot your password, you can have a new password emailed to you:


1. On the login screen, click “Forgot your Login?”.

2. Enter your username in the box that appears and click “Send Activation Email”.

You should see a message saying the email was sent:

3. Open the email that was sent to you and click on the activation link.

4. After you click the activation link, enter your username and the new password you received to log in.

5. Change your password after you log in.


Change Your Password and Edit Your Profile

You should change your password any time you receive a randomly-generated password, such as when you first log in or when you reset your password.


1. Either click on your username in the top right corner of the manager, or (in the main menu), click on User → Profile. Either one will take you to your user profile.


2. On the profile page, you will see the following tabs:


3. After you click on the Reset Password tab, enter your current password, your new password, and your new password again and hit “Save” when you are done.

Manager Overview

When you first log in you will see the following manager screen:


Basic manager areas:


Resource Tree: Managing Resources

On the left of the manager, you will see a “tree” of the pages, or resources, on your website:




Unique Resource ID:

Each resource name is followed by a number in parentheses. This number is the unique resource ID number, which never changes and uniquely identifies each page.


Resource Types:


Top Buttons and Search Bar

At the top of the resource tree are some buttons with icons in them. Move your mouse over each button to see its title.