DLA123-0045  Transcription

8 Lennox Gardens


18. 12. [19]26

Dear Mr Laszlo

I am afraid I made a bit of a muddle over the Honorarium, thank you very much for the refunded cheque which your secretary has kindly sent me.

The more we see of the pictures [111881] [possibly 5051] the more delighted we are with them, they both look so much better in their new position at the end of the room, everybody who comes admires

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them very much. The slight alteration you made to my wifes portrait [111881] has made it much more like her normal self; when she first had her sittings she had been in bed for a week with influenza and naturally looked a bit tired and [hum?] [down?] and the impression the picture gives now is that what she is genuinely like and gives me

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much more pleasure.

Your architect friends Sir Reginald Bloomfield[1] etc are giving us a lot of trouble, Bloomfield said the the [sic] bridge must not be altered in anyway whatever in fact he would rather have no bridge at all than an altered one. But he has now quite changed his mind and has himself sent in a plan for altering it according to his own idea, what can one do with people who chop and change so much they dont even seem to know what they want themselves.

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You spoke about the varnishing of my wifes picture [111881], we shall be going away on Thursday till about 20th January will it be all right to leave it till then? My wife sends her best wishes with mine to you and Mrs Laszlo for Xmas.

Your sincerely


[in another hand] FALMOUTH

Editorial Note:

Evelyn Hugh John Boscawen, 8th Viscount Falmouth (1877-1962); for biographical notes, see [5051].



[1] Sir Reginald Theodore Blomfield (1856-1942), British architect