Initial Proposal

Form your project team, set your direction, and begin your journey. In this phase, decide what interactive system or device you want to address, why you want to work on it, and how you will engage in development and evaluation. Work to formulate an innovative research contribution. Balance your dreams for innovation with the practicalities of the time frame. Identify the lowest hanging fruit.  

In this initial version of your proposal, fulfill the below Proposal Specification, with these 2 modifications:

Brainstorm about potential interactive experience, system, device, and/or service projects. Pay attention to your process, to avoid fixation!

The project proposal describes the problem/need/desire your team's project will address, who the users will be, the specific tasks they will want/need to accomplish or activities they will conduct using your system, and an initial description of hardware, software, and design components you will need to prototype.

In The Proposal deliverable, you will learn about how to: