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Word roots - Kavu

an - country, land

ba - father

bai - (to be) broken

bal - nonsense

ban - center, core

bas - stop, end

bau - dog

be - topic marker

bea - room

beli - fennel

ben - child

bena  - million

beo - box, container

bes - gray

bi - organ

bia - to beep

bin - grain, cereal

bo - in, inside

boi - dirt

bol - apple

bon - fall

bos - bag

bu - man, male

bua - brother

bul - B

bum - explode

buna - maize

bus - mash, squash

cha - hole

chai - tea

chal - scoop

cham - carbon

chau - exact, precise

che - hit, touch

chen - shoot

chi - out, outside

chil - thin, chip

chin - chirp

chis - C

cho - broadcast, let out

choi - sour

chom - tomato

chos - brassica, sinapis, mustard

chu - leave, from

chul - mite

chum - suck

da - wheel, turn

dai - rhythm, thump

dal - computer, digital device

dan -program, application

dau - number, count

de - come

den - quake, shake, rock

deo - pot, crock

di - insect

dia - eight

dil - jingle

din - light

do - house, build

doa - D

doi - problem, issue

don - force, power, strong

du - stone

dua - 10.000

dun - tooth

ea - interest

ebe - E

en - that, whether

fa - parent

fai - ghost, spirit

fan - iron

fau - short

fe - opposite

fen - pepper

feo - F

fi - play

fim - salty

fo - flower

foi - pejorative, no good

fon - punish

fu - smell

fua - garlic

fum - blow

ga - G

gai - thick

gan - fish

gau - donkey, ass

ge - fast, quick

gem - chickpea

gin - mountain

goi - frog

gon   - wave

gos - hundred million

gua - gulp

gun - fruit

ha - question

hai - live

ham - rough, coarse

hana - which, which one

hau - laugh

he - disgust

hea - hey

hen - new

hi - tense, tight

him - hear, ear

ho - true

hoi - surprise

hos - H

hu - low, flat

hua - cough

hum - breath, air

ia - element

ini – I, i

io - unit, measurement

ja - do, make

jai - sex

jam - do, make

jau - carry, load

je - think, mind, brain

jem  - smoke

ji - music

jin  - yellow

jo - know

joi - cool, great

jom - five

ju - feel

jum  - heavy

jus - J

ka - speak, say

kai - close, shut

kal - crow

kan - work

kas - billion

kau - coffee

ke - intend, would, want

ken - neck

kes - X

ki - food, mouth

kil  - gnaw

kim - royal

ko - write

koi - control, power

kom - fake, false

kona - K

kos - lump, knot

ku - front, before

kum - pull

kus - citrus

kwa - one

kwai - click

kwan - study, learn

kwau - duck

kwe - net, web

kwen - Q

kwi - already

kwil - thistle

kwin - crunch

kwis - twitter, tweet

kwo - chicken

kwoi - juniper

la - at

lai - there

lal - L

lam - white

lau - here

le - have

leng - without

leo - help

li - you

lia - worm

lim - light, not heavy

lio - liter

lo - focus

loi - taste, tongue

lon - dense, rich, intense

lu - with, at

lua - tail

lum - edge, tip, verge

ma - mother

mai - hi, greet

mam - moon

mas  - balance

mau - add, also

mbe - part

me - sheep

mea - sister

mel - hundred

mem - M

meng - nothing

meo - cat

mi - ill, sick

mia - dead

mil - open

ming - bad

mo - undo, reverse

moa - bear

moi - tilted

mong - undo, reverse

mos - secretion

mu - cause

mul - cow

mun - cause

mus - gas

mwa - rot

mwe - soft, gentle

mweng - mean, cruel

mwi - squeak

na - of

nai - long

nain - N

nam - god

nana - line, stripe

nas  - cosmetic product

nau - this way, direction

ne - bird, fly

nen - good

ni - vehicle

nia - car

nin - sun

nini - ten

nis - fortune, chance

no - direction

noi - that way

nong - not, no

nos - pipe, duct

nu - go

num - wall, board, screen

nungu - 10 million

nga - animal

ngi - level

ngo - cloth

ngu - precious, gem, glitter

nya - exponent

nyai - monkey

nyam - act, pretend

nyau - blocked, stuck

nye - happy

nyem - silver

nyo - collective, group

nyom - rub

nyu - orange

nyum - flop, floppy

oho - O

pa - money, worth

pai - grateful, thank

pan - four

pas - magic

pau - give

pe - stick, tree

pea - plant

pel - oak

pem - potato

pena - chestnut

peo - nut

pi - fire, electricity

pil - angle

pili - banana

pim - hang

pina - P

pis - alcohol

po - trade, sell

poi - grass

pol - thousand

pon - push

pos - cucurbita

pu - moral

pun - govern

pya - jump, hop

pyai - deer

pye - shiver

pyen - honk

pyo - dot

pyoi - stain

pyu - needle

ra - sit

rai - brown

ram - pinch, clip

ras - R, rho

rau - scratch, nail

re - solid

ren - order, system

reo - egg

ri - on, active

ria - switch

rim - ripe, fullgrown

rio - hour

ris - rattle

ro - circle

roa - growl

roi - weasle

ron - combine

ru - conflict

rum - boil

sa - shape

sai - cultivate, grow

san - color

sana - paste

sau - fat, grease

se - meat

sen - limb

seo - cup

ses - S

si - few. little

sin - little, small

sina - light, subtle

sis - hide, secret

so - water, fluid

soi - please, request

sol - black

su - grape

sun - two

sus - quiet

sha - card

shai - like that

sham - warm

shau - like this

she - glass

shem - fold

shi - like, as

shim - clean

shina - cloud

shis - hiss

sho - sheet, paper

shoi - slide, slip

shon - shower

shu - sweet

shum - sand

ska - blue

ski - frame

sko - mix

sku - knot

sta - nine

sto - but, however

stu - friend

swi - shrill

ta - time

tai - then

tais - T

tal - machine, device

tan - picture

tau - now

te - able, can

ten  - able, can

teo - seven

ti - above, up

tia - cap, lid

til - small portable device

tim - must

tio - best, worst, most

to - happen, time

toi - stick, sticky

tol - swathe

tom - to become

tos - about

tu - cut

tua - crackle

tum - through, beyond

tus - permit

usu - U

va - link, related

vai - six

van - shield, protect

vau - elastic

ve - peace, calm

ven - cold

vi - too

vo- substance

voi - V

von - bitter

vos - legume

vu - down, under

vun - gold

wa - I, me

wai - again

wal - synthetic material

wali - camelid

wan - big

wana - woman

was - pear

wau - this

we - state

wen  - high, tall

wi - much, many

wil - pig

win - horse

wisti - 100,000

wiwa - W

woi - mistake

wong - anger

wu - how very

wua - howl

ya - it, thing

yai - pain

yam - red

yau - excuse

ye - that

yem - three

yi - fear

yil- Y

yin - other

yo - all, every

yoi - woe

yol - finger

yom - swap, exchange

yu - he, she, it, person

yun - see, eye

yus - art

za - take, use

zai - dear

zam - magnet

zau - itch, irritate


ze - back

zen- danger

zeo - hump, swelling

zi - hair

zia - care

zim - buzz

zo - fly, bug

zoi - grain

zon - sleep

zu - cook

zua - serve

zun - honey