Marec 2016
Zakaj plamen sveče sveti proti sredini: (pri priblizno 2 minuti)
Fant dobil nagrado Breakthrough Junior Challenge
za razlago teorije relativnosti
Aug 2015
Magnetizacija porusi simetrijo v cubicnem perovskitu ki sicer ima inversion centre in postane feroelektrocen. Zato v tem sistemu, ki ne bi smel biti multiferoik pisejo o multiferoicnosti (PRL:
Apr 2015
Ze 144 atomov zlata (nanodelec) se obnasa kot zlato-kovina. Medtem, ko se 100 atomov obnasa kakor molekula. Ugotovili iz sipanja svetlobe.
Nanodelci okoli kovinskih trakov … vplivajo na odboj EMV
Ideja: Na tleh ali stropu ali stenah phase change material. Vosek na tleh: bodo tla mehkejsa za hojo in hkrati dušila temperaturne spremembe. Clanek:
Mar 2015
Kondo effect
Feb 2015
magnetni moment Croma:
Jan 2015
Magnetni grafen … na plasti yttrium iron garnet Y3Fe5O12.
Toploški izolatorji
Dec 2014
Spin polarization in Magnetite
Še boljše sončne celice
Struktura rje
Toploški izolatorji (prevajanje le po površini)
Nov 2014
Spin waves
okt 2014
superprevodnost v visokem polju: elektroni se grucijo, čeprav so Cooper pairs razbiti
kaj so metamateriali:
trenje in nanomateriali, C60, fuleren.
sept 2014
še ena spintronika:
avgust 2014
Spin-charge converters
Prehod iz tekoče v steklasto fazo na mikroskopskem nivoju.
julij 2014
Razlaga superprevodnikov tipa ii
We concluded that magnetism is the quantum glue underlying the emergence of unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5."
Sončne celice z večjim izkoristkom, tako da foton izbije dva elektrona?
junij 2014
“Opticno vlakno za magnetno polje” … znotraj FM material, okoli superprevodnik,
Teoretično delo o multiferoikih. Naj bi bili mozni blizu sobne temperature. Layered system.
Nevtrini imajo NAJVEČ maso med 0.3 in 0.9 eV. Npr. elektron ima okoli 0.5 MeV!
april 2014
Array of SQUIDs as high sensitive antennas for military applications
Stroncijev titanat.
Zgodovina znanosti v Barlceloni.
Metamagnetizem za hladilnike.
Železo se magnetno obnaša podobno rare-earth atomov
marec 2014
Entropija, II zakon termodinamike. Porusen pri nanodlecih ujetih v laserski žarek svetlobe.
Pervoskit material also for solar cells and laser:
Kako hitro voziti, da radar ne prebere registrske tablice? Doppler efect, mozen seminar?
diamant obsevajo z nitrogen in dobijo N ali vacancies namesto C. Potem deluje kakor magnetooptični detektor: emitirana svetloba po obsevanju z laserjem je močno odvisna od magnetnega polja v katerem je tak diamant.
Iz zbornika Kmice: Ocena polmera Zemlje na plaži, Milan Ambrožič. Ležiš na plaži in Sonce ravno zaide. Vstaneš (višina človeka h) in še enkrat počakaš, da Sonce izgine. To traja okoli t = 10 s. V tem času se Zemlja zavrti za kot \varphi = 2\,\pi\,t\over t_0, t_0 = 24 ur. Iz geometrije ugotovimo {R\over R+h} = \cos\varphi. Razvijemo kosinus in izračunamo polmer Zemlje R. Referenca: Halliday, Resnik, Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 1997. Pomanjkljivosti: ne upoštevamo nagnjenosti zemljine osi, loma svetlobe zaradi različnih temperatur ozračja. Nagnjenost se na zemljepisni širini 45 stopinj pozna tako, da je cas t v resnici 17 s namesto 10 s.
feb 2014:
novi multiferoic effect
jan 2014:
magnetni monopol - Nature. Lepo razlozeno kaj to je.
Dec 2013:
Superprevodnost, ki jo povzroci magnetno polje. AFM urejen superprevodnik CeCoIn5
Dec 2013:
SQUID: zelo mini izvedba za raziskave superprevodnikov (magnetic pinning)
Nov 2013:
Nove sončne celice z 'bulk' photovoltaic effect”. Ne rabijo dveh polprevodnikov.
Boljši izkoristek soncnih celic z uporabo kvazikristalov.
Okt 2013:
New research led by an electrical engineer is aimed at improving lithium-ion batteries through possible new electrode architectures with precise nano-scale designs. The researchers created nanowires that block diffusion of lithium across their silicon surface and promote layer-by-layer axial lithiation of the nanowire's germanium core.
Sept 2013:
Using low-frequency laser pulses, a team of researchers has carried out the first measurements that reveal the detailed characteristics of a unique kind of magnetism found in a mineral called herbertsmithite. In this material, the magnetic elements constantly fluctuate, leading to an exotic state of fluid magnetism called a "quantum spin liquid." This is in contrast to conventional magnetism, found in materials called ferromagnets -- where all of the magnetic forces align in the same direction, reinforcing each other -- or antiferromagnets, where adjacent magnetic elements align in opposite directions, leading to complete cancellation of the material's overall magnetic field
Aug 2013:
Aug 2013: Alone, neither lanthanum aluminate nor strontium titanate exhibit any particularly notable properties. But when they are layered together, they become not only conductive, but also magnetic.
In the current online edition of Nature Physics, researchers at The Ohio State University report the first-ever theoretical explanation to be offered for this phenomenon since it was discovered in 2004.
Aug 2013: Aug. 15, 2013 — Researchers at Umea University, together with researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University, show in a new study how nitrogen doped graphene can be rolled into perfect Archimedean nano scrolls by adhering magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on the surface of the graphene sheets. The new material may have very good properties for application as electrodes in for example Li-ion batteries.
Julij 2013: Največje magnetno polje v vesolju 10^12 T v nevtronski zvezdi
Julij 2013: Molecular magnetism “Illustration depicts a Mn24C18 cluster carrying a magnetic moment of 70 Bohr magnetons.”
Teoreticna studija, da se vecje od C60 za drug delivery magnetne molekule.
Julij 2013: Magnetic switching, Lepo pregledno napisano za magnetni zapis.