DLA016-0050  Transcription

My Address: 15 Rue 

de Berri

Champs Elysées,

Hungarian Legation

23. Oct. 1926.

My Dear Philipp

I am staying here in Paris some days ago and I wished to start to Budapest on 27th or on the 28th of October. I just got a letter from my wife[1] from Budapest telling me that Marczi[2] came to see her at the

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Uri Utca and told your stay at Venice was not an agreable one; as you got ill there. She tells to me too, that you have the intention to come to Paris on 26th or 27th of October to stay with the Duc de Guiche.[3] I would be anxious to meet and to see you. We got always news from you not only through your kind letters, but from the foreign newspapers, and from dear Marczi, who is such a good friend of mine. 

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He gave me an address of yours “Hotel de L’Europe, Venice.” I wrote there a long registered letter some two months ago. I don’t know if this letter of mine ever reached you. I gave to you detailed news from our private and political, social and artistic life. We spent some weeks at Munich and Lake Starnberg Tutzing castle with Nemes,[4] Marcell, and week with my mother at [Tocheo?],

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Slovakia. I took now the second grant of my holydays [sic], two weeks and one enjoying Paris arts, museums and life. I am staying 5 Rue Scribe Paris, Concierge, but please send your answer to the Hungarian Legation, Paris. 15 Rue de Berri, Champs Elyseés. Sous-Secretaire d’Etat Etienne de Barczy. 

Before I left Budapest the only son of Prince Taszilo Festetics, Count George Festetic[5] came to see me and asked me to write to you about following

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will bring him to me in September. I spent my holidays with me poor mother in [Tacheo?] – Slovaquie. She is 68 years old and she is fighting the [illegible] and refuses to leave the house where she was born and where her grand-parents are in the cemetery. Afterwards we went to Schloss Tutzing Starnberg Lac to stay for two weeks

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with the famous art collector Nemes Marczell.[6] You must go there with Lucy. He always has guests and is simply beautiful his place and most artistique. He would be very pleased to entertain you. We spent five days in Munique too. The glaspalast is full of pictures but surely a decadency. We spent with my wife four days at Orszvás Castle with Prince and Princess

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Lonyay, Royal Princess of Belgium and widow after Crown-Prince Rudolf of Austria-Hungary.[7] We spoke much about you. She would be so pleased if you could paint one day his portrait. I get still weeks holiday so perhaps I am going for 10 days to Paris in October 10th. Next year in June I wish to come to London.

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Do come to Budapest. You could stay with us and do bring little Henry[8] with you. He could play with Charlie,[9] who will be 13 in October. My kindest regards to your dear wife. I am very often thinking of you. I am very fond of Marczi and we are glad both when we hear and read about your successes. God bless you and good luck for the future. 

Yours very sincerely

Pieta Barczy

Editorial Note:

István Bárczy de Bárcziháza (1882-1952), Private Secretary to successive Hungarian Prime Ministers, later Permanent Undersecretary of State in the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office and close friend of de László; for biographical notes, see [111342].



[1] Madame István Bárczy de Bárcziháza, née Edit Luczenbacher de Szob (1888-1973) [111011]

[2] Marczell ‘Marczi’ Laszlo (1871-1940) [6521], the artist’s younger brother

[3] Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de Gramont; styled duc de Guiche (1879-1962) [11801]

[4] Marczell de Nemes (1866-1930), Hungarian financier, art collector and dealer

[5] Prince György Tasziló József Festetics de Tolna (1882-1941)

[6] Q.v. fn 4

[7] Prince Elemér Lónyay de Nagy-Lónya et Vásáros-Namény (1863-1946); Princess Stéphanie of Belgium (1864-1945); Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889)

[8] Henry Guinness de Laszlo (1901-1967) [11664], eldest of the five sons of Philip and Lucy de László. It is possible that Bárczy meant de László’s youngest son, John (1912-1990) [11622]

[9] Károly ‘Charlie’ Bárczy de Bárcziháza (1913-1934); Charlie died of a lung infection while still a university student.