Linda Vista STEAM Magnet Elementary
School Wide Behavioral Expectations
At Linda Vista Elementary, all students follow the Dolphin Way!
Dolphin Pledge:
At Linda Vista Elementary
we follow the Dolphin Way!
We will be respectful, responsible, inclusive, and kind
so that our school will be a safe community
filled with learning and joy every day!
The following school-wide expectations and guidelines are critical to maintaining a safe school environment. We are committed to teaching students the behaviors that will help them grow individually and contribute to our positive school culture. We will use the anchor character traits from the Dolphin Way to teach students our expected behaviors.
- Dolphins should attend school every day and on-time!
- Any student who arrives after 8:45 needs to go through the office to get their tardy slip.
- Upon arrival, students may go to the cafeteria for breakfast, to the line-up area on the blacktop or to the field for Running Club.
- Students are not allowed in the hallways as there is no supervision there.
- At Running Club, students should follow the Coach’s directions and be actively participating in order to stay in this area.
- At the line-up area, students may sit in their lines and talk quietly to classmates. Students should keep hands, feet, and backpacks to themselves while waiting.
- Students must listen to all supervising adults at all times.
- 8:40: Teachers pick up students from their line and walk them to the classrooms
- On rainy days, students should report directly to their classrooms.
- Teachers will walk students to the dismissal gates.
- Students who are in after school programs must go directly to their club/program.
- Students who are not in an after school program need to leave campus at the end of the day.
- All students eat lunch for free at school. Students may bring their own healthy lunch if you prefer.
- We ask families to please not send any chips, sodas, caffeinated drinks, candy or other unhealthy snacks with students to school.
- Please ensure any snacks that you send are a snack-size portion (i.e. small bag of pretzels, one apple, one cheese stick).
- Due to potential allergies, sharing of food will not be allowed during lunch or snack time.
- Students should follow the recess rules set by their teacher / supervising adult, including following procedures for lining up when the whistle is blown.
- All sports/activities are no-touch. Students should keep their hands and feet to themselves while playing.
- Please do not send your child with any personal toys, balls, or games as these can get lost or cause problems amongst the students.
- Students should walk to the bathrooms and return to class as soon as they are done.
- Students should use all supplies respectfully and clean up any mess they make.
- Students are expected to be quiet and not play when using the restroom.
- All students are to walk in the hallways using quiet voices in order to be respectful of other classes who are learning.
Dress Code:
- Students should dress in comfortable clothing that is school appropriate.
- Students must wear athletic appropriate shoes on PE days.
- Clothing should be free of any negative messages (drug, gang, swear words, etc.).
Lost & Found:
- Please label all jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. with your child’s first and last name.
- All lost clothing, water bottles, etc. will be hung on a rack or put in baskets in the office lobby.
- Students in grades UTK - 3 will leave their Chromebooks at school unless otherwise directed by their teacher.
- Students in grades 4-5 should bring their charged Chromebook and charger to school daily.
- We do not have loaner computers for students who forget theirs at home.
Personal Electronic Devices:
- Students who bring phones or electronic watches to school must turn them off before entering campus and leave them off for the whole day.
- Students who do not follow these rules will have their devices taken away and returned at the end of the day. The second time this happens, the device must be picked up by a parent.
- Students should turn their devices in to their classroom teacher at the start of the day, where they will be kept in a tub in the classroom. In case of emergency or need for evacuation, the teacher will take the tubs with the class.
Student Recognition Assemblies:
- Students will be recognized weekly for following the Dolphin Way, monthly for perfect attendance and quarterly for academics and citizenship.
- Parents are welcome to attend all student recognition assemblies.