DLA007-0026  Transcription

1 Abingdon Mansions, Kensington, W.

13. I. 1915.

My dear Mr de László,

I am sorry you are being worried by this old scoundrel.[1] I believe the threat is mere bluff. You have told him what you are prepared to pay him for work you acknowledge as done to your order (the photos in Guiche’s studio & the Noailles prints). The rest, as distinctly shown by our agreement, lies between himself and Hutchinson.[2] He has no more right to claim it from you than he has to claim it from me.

If you are anxious about the affair you had better ask your solicitor

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and show him the correspondence. But I feel sure he would only tell you what I do.

I am in most nights after dinner and shall be glad to call one night if you send me word.

Yours sincerely

Oakley Williams

Editorial Note:

For related correspondence, see DLA007-0019 to DLA007-0025




[1] Williams is referring to the printer and engraver, Frederick Jenkins. Jenkins submitted that there was an outstanding amount on de László's account relating to work he had undertaken for Oakley Williams' de László publication.

[2] Hutchinson was the publisher of Oakley Williams’ Selections from the Work of P. A. de László, London, 1921