My mum said,  “You are going to your Nana’s house today.” I got ready quickly and then mum drove me and  left  me outside Nana’s door.

“Nana, you are very old,” I whispered.

The paint on Nana’s walls and windows are starting to peal. After talking for a while she went to  get food for us to have for lunch. Then she went to sleep and I put  a blanket  on her.I woke Nana up when mum to collect me. My nana walked us to the car. “Bye darling see you tomorrow.” I waved her goodbye.

When I got in the car I asked Mum if  could go to Nana’s soon someday. Mum said, “ Yes. You can go to nana’s house if you behave and be  good to your brother and sister.” I said, “ ok fine.”