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Crafting the ePerfect eTextbook Syllabus 2014
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Crafting the ePerfect eTextbook Syllabus

Table of Contents


How Will You Create an ePerfect eTextbook?

Your 5 Week Missions

Week 1 Introductions, Creative Commons, & Digital Literacy

Week 1 Objectives

Mission 1 (Jan. 6th-Day 1).  Get Started with Google+ Communities and Listly

Mission 2, Days 1-3: Post your 3,2,1 Introduction

Mission 3, Jan. 6th to Day 2: Answer a Survey

Mission 4, Days 3-5: Create a Creative Commons License for Your eTextbook

Mission 5, Days 4-6: Join a Peer Editing Group

Mission 6, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session

Week 2 Visual Design, Layout & Logistics

Week 2 Objectives

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Ebook Design Presentation

Mission 2, Days 1-3: Create an outline for your e-textbook

Mission 3, Days 2-5: Participate in a discussion about visual design

Mission 4, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session

Week 3 Mapping it Out: The First Chapter

Week 3 Objectives

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Map out chapter 1

Mission 2, Days 1-4: Discussion on authors' frustrations

Mission 3, Days 2-4: Analyze publishing options and choose one to create your e-textbook

Mission 4, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session

Week 4  Assisted Technology and Design that Engages & Supports Students

Week 4 Objectives

Mission 1, Days 1-4: Complete part of chapter 1

Mission 2, Days 2-3: Integrate an activity that engages learners

Mission 3, Optional, Days 3-5: Add a technology or design element that supports learners

Mission 4, Optional, Days 3-5: Ebook student evaluation

Mission 5, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session

Week 5  Publishing Our Projects and Final Reflections

Week 5 Objectives

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Publish Chapter 1

Mission 2, Optional, Days 2-3: Create the cover for your e-textbook

Mission 3, Days 3-5: Session Reflection

Mission 4, Days 3-5: Session Evaluation

Mission 5, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session

IV. Online Platforms

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The Scenario: Published textbooks are just the beginning of a teacher’s instructional tools. Often, teachers need additional support for their learners, but don’t have the time to collect, gather, organize, and produce supplemental materials in a cohesive beautiful document.

Welcome to the Crafting Your ePerfect eTextbook EVO Session!

How Will You Create an ePerfect eTextbook?

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Your 5 Week Missions 

Week 1 Introductions, Creative Commons, & Digital Literacy

Main Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Özge Karaoğlu, Janet Bianchini, Debbie Tebovich, Jennifer Verschoor, Jake Duncan, Rubena St. Louis (EVO Mentor)

Co-moderators- Lindsay Clandfield, Chuck Sandy, Terry Freedman, Dave Guymon, Sylvia Guinan, André J. Spang, Jackie Gerstein, Jason Levine

Week 1 Objectives

During the first week, you will:


Week 1 Missions

Mission 1 (Jan. 6th-Day 1).  Get Started with Google+ Communities and Listly


1st.  Join our Google Plus Community here, This is where our discussions will take place and where you will post your completed missions. Please read these COMMUNITY GUIDELINES. Short URL 


2nd. Once you are approved, please post a hello message in the Welcome thread. Click here to go directly to that thread.


3rd. Register for a free Listly account. This is optional. However, this will be our e-portfolio and bookmarking tool. This is where we will pin our work, reflections, readings and resources throughout the session as well as where we will showcase your published ebook chapters. Listly is a social bookmarking tool like Pinterest, Diigo, Delicious, Symbaloo, PearlTree, etc.

Why Listly?

We use Listly to Highlight content, good design, and books that we believe would be incredibly useful or refreshing. If you are on Listly, you can add to anyone's List of Bookmarks. We use Listly because it offers away for YOU to add anything to our Lists.


You do not need to join the wiki. It is only a place where we post the missions and tutorials.


Mission 2, Days 1-3: Post your 3,2,1 Introduction

1st. Once you join the Google Community, please post your 321 Introduction in the thread titled 321 Introductions. Click here to go directly there.


Use any of these suggested tools ( to make a fun and interesting 321 Introduction.


2nd. Make sure to include in your presentation:

3  things we should know about you

2  of your favorite activities in the world

1  dream job you would have if you weren't in the field of education


3rd. Be Creative

Many learners respond to visuals and multimedia. Google Communities allow you to share video, images, and audio. You have a lot of freedom on how you would like to present the activity so be imaginative and creative. You could reuse this activity to introduce yourself to your students. We are looking forward to meeting you!


4th. Connect by Commenting

Before the end of week 1 try commenting on at least 3 other 3,2,1 posts.

Mission 3, Jan. 6th to Day 2: Answer a Survey


Please fill out this survey about your classroom setting and publishing online. This mission is very important as it will help us set a good pace for this session and help you establish groups. Also, we will be inviting those who participate to pin to our weekly collaborative Listly boards. Short URL- 


Mission 4, Days 3-5: Create a Creative Commons License for Your eTextbook


Our online textbooks will include material we have found on the Internet. We will include images, lesson ideas, articles, and materials created and shared by other individuals. Part of digital citizenship and literacy is that we have to responsibly use online materials. We want students to learn to respect copyright, and to identify where they found materials so we must model this. Creative Commons licensing has become a simple way for people to define how their images (and other works) can be used. In this mission, we will learn about Creative Commons licenses and create one for our e-textbook.


1st. Watch this slide show explaining Creative Commons. Generally, permission to use images ranges from pictures that are in the public domain (anyone can use them) to images that are copyright and require permission to use. Creative Commons licenses grant permission in advance. All Creative Commons licenses require attribution (meaning you have to credit the person who shared the image).


2nd. We can also use Creative Commons licenses to make it clear how our own work can be shared. For this Mission, create a Creative Commons License for your e-textbook:


3rd. Post which license you chose in the Wk 1 Creative Commons Discussion thread in the Google Community and respond to the following questions:



4th. Find Creative Commons images (stock as well), sounds, music, and video clips to include in your e-textbooks below. Feel free to contribute a resource we missed by adding it to our Creative Commons Listly Bookmarks.

Mission 5, Days 4-6: Join a Peer Editing Group


By the end of this session, you will have completed an outline for your e-textbook and Chapter 1. Throughout the process we will be receiving constructive peer feedback. We want to make sure the feedback is based on those who have experience with your age group and topic. Follow the steps below to join the right group.


1st. Creating your “Hello” message


In your message, please include the following:


2nd. Post your hello message in your group forum


Choose which of these groups to join and post your hello message there:



Mission 6, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session


If you checked out your moderators' profiles, you will have discovered they have a lot of experience publishing books, course books, ebooks, and other materials. Each week, you will get to learn from them live as they share their expertise and experiences in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend.


Time & Date:

Live Session URL:

Week 2 Visual Design, Layout & Logistics

Main Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Chuck Sandy, Sylvia Guinan

Co-moderators- Jake Duncan, Rubena St. Louis

Week 2 Objectives

During the second week, you will:


Week 2 Missions

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Ebook Design Presentation


1st. Evaluate various ebook designs to determine how you want to design your e-textbooks. Check out this Listly board for recommended places to evaluate ebooks. 


2nd. Create a presentation pointing out the design elements and activities you enjoyed in various ebooks. Include screenshots in which you point out the elements and give a reason. Check out this Listly board for recommended presentation tools.


3rd. Post your presentations to the Google Community in the Wk 2 thread and Listly board. Use the hashtag #Wk2EbookPresentation


4th. Comment on your peers' presentations.

Mission 2, Days 1-3: Create an outline for your e-textbook


1st.  For this mission, you will need to have a copy of your curriculum and/or textbook Table of Contents. Based on these outlines, create a basic outline/skeleton of what information and topics you'd like to include in your e-textbook. We recommend Google Docs for this mission, but feel free to use another tool as long as this is posted online for peers to view. We also encourage you to use the Voice Comments feature on Google Docs. You have to install it. Here is a tutorial


2nd. Post your textbook outline to the Google Community in the Wk 2 thread. Use the hashtag #Wk2EbookOutline


3rd. Comment on your peers' outlines.


Mission 3, Days 2-5: Participate in a discussion about visual design



Mission 4, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session


If you checked out your moderators' profiles, you will have discovered they have a lot of experience publishing books, course books, ebooks, and other materials. Each week, you will get to learn from them live as they share their expertise and experiences in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend.


Time & Date:

Live Session URL: 

Week 3 Mapping it Out: The First Chapter

Main Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Jake Duncan

Co-moderators- Lindsay Clandfield, Dave Guymon

Week 3 Objectives

During this week, you will:

Week 3 Missions

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Create an outline for chapter 1

1st.  Map out your first chapter.  Try any of these recommended tools from the Listly board or do it on paper or a word processor as long as it is online somewhere for your peers to view it. Create a basic outline/skeleton of what information and topics you'd like to include in the first chapter. We recommend Google Docs for this mission, but feel free to use another tool as long as this is posted online for peers to view. We also encourage you to use the Voice Comments feature on Google Docs. You have to install it. Here is a tutorial


2nd. Post your chapter 1 outline to the Google Community in the Wk 3 thread. Use the hashtag #Wk3EbookOutline


3rd. Comment on your peers' outlines. We also encourage you to use the Voice Comments feature on Google Docs. You have to install it. Here is a tutorial

4th. Continue working on filling out chapter 1 for next week


Mission 2, Days 1-4: Discussion on authors' frustrations



Mission 3, Days 2-4: Analyze publishing options and choose one to create your e-textbook


Mission 4, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session


If you checked out your moderators' profiles, you will have discovered they have a lot of experience publishing books, course books, ebooks, and other materials. Each week, you will get to learn from them live as they share their expertise and experiences in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend.


Time & Date:

Live Session URL:

Week 4  Assisted Technology and Design that Engages & Supports Students

Moderators- Sylvia Guinan, André J. Spang, Debbie Tebovich

Co-moderator- Shelly Terrell, Jackie Gerstein

Week 4 Objectives

During this week, you will:

Week 4 Missions

Mission 1, Days 1-4: Complete part of chapter 1

Complete part of chapter 1 of your e-textbook and post in the Google Community in the Wk 4 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk4EbookCh

Mission 2, Days 2-3: Integrate an activity that engages learners



Mission 3, Optional, Days 3-5: Add a technology or design element that supports learners



Mission 4, Optional, Days 3-5: Ebook student evaluation


Mission 5, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session


If you checked out your moderators' profiles, you will have discovered they have a lot of experience publishing books, course books, ebooks, and other materials. Each week, you will get to learn from them live as they share their expertise and experiences in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend.


Time & Date:

Live Session URL:

Week 5  Publishing Our Projects and Final Reflections

Main Moderators- Terry Freedman, Shelly Terrell

Co-moderators- Chuck Sandy

Week 5 Objectives

During this week, you will:

Week 5 Missions

Mission 1, Days 1-3: Publish Chapter 1


Complete chapter 1 of your e-textbook and post in the Google Community for peer feedback.

1st. Complete chapter 1 of your e-textbook and post it to the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookChapter

It's clearly useful to obtain general feedback, but think about any specific points you'd like people to consider. For example:


2nd. Comment on your peers' outlines.

3rd. Optional. Do you think your first chapter is ready for the world to view? If so, add your chapter to our Bookshelf,


Mission 2, Optional, Days 2-3: Create the cover for your e-textbook


1st. Create a cover for your of your e-textbook and post it to the Google Community in the post it to the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookCover

They say that you can't judge a book by its cover. However, the cover is the initial 'hook' for people. Basically, you have to get people to want to open the book in the first place. See our list of links to ebook cover resources. And remember to ask your students what they think of the design.


2nd. Comment on your peers' outlines.


Mission 3, Days 3-5: Session Reflection


Reflect on your experience participating in this EVO session. Post in the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback . Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookReflection

Mission 4, Days 3-5: Session Evaluation


What have you found the most challenging aspects of publishing and cover design? Please let us know about your experience taking this session by filling out this evaluation form! We appreciate it! 

Mission 5, Day 6: Attend our Live Online Session


If you checked out your moderators' profiles, you will have discovered they have a lot of experience publishing books, course books, ebooks, and other materials. Each week, you will get to learn from them live as they share their expertise and experiences in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend.


Time & Date:

Live Session URL:

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IV. Online Platforms

(these are the platforms where we will be hosting our EVO session)

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