Template of Email Text for Constituent Service Satisfaction Survey

How am I doing?

As your [Representative/Senator], it is an honor and a privilege to be able to represent and serve you. To ensure my staff and I are doing the best we can to fulfill this responsibility, I invite you to take a few minutes to compete our Constituent Service Survey [INSERT LINK].

The information you provide is confidential and will be used to help me and my staff better serve the people of [DISTRICT OR STATE]. If you have any questions or if we can be of additional assistance, please contact my office at [PHONE NUMBER] or visit my website at [URL].

In your service,




Template of Questions for Constituent Service Satisfaction Survey

  1. When did you last interact with Representative/Senator [NAME]’s office?
  1. Within the last 2 months
  2. About 3-4 months ago
  3. More than 4 months ago
  4. Don’t know/can’t recall
  5. Not applicable

  1. How did you interact with Representative/Senator [NAME]’s office?
  1. I contacted the Representative/Senator (via email/telephone/letter) with comments/questions on legislation or a public policy issue
  2. I contacted the Representative/Senator for help with a federal agency issue (i.e., casework)
  3. I attended one of the Representative/Senator’s events in the district/state (e.g., town hall, site visit)
  4. I requested or participated in an in-person meeting with the Representative/Senator
  5. I made a DC tour request or purchased a flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol
  6. Other interaction – please specify:
  7. Can’t recall/not applicable

[Question 3 is a branching question for those who chose (a) for Question 2. If branching is not available in your survey software, the question text could be modified to say, “If you chose (a) I contacted the Representative/Senator (via email/telephone/letter) with comments/questions on legislation or a public policy issue, please indicate…”]

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

Representative/Senator [NAME]’s response appropriately addressed my concerns.

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
  6. Not Applicable

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

Representative/Senator [NAME] and/or [his/her] staff that I interacted with were professional and courteous.

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
  6. Not Applicable

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

Representative/Senator [NAME] and/or [his/her] staff responded to my request or comment/question in a timely manner.

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
  6. Not Applicable

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

Representative/Senator [NAME] and/or [his/her] staff met my expectations of providing quality constituent service.

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral/Neither Agree Nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
  6. Not Applicable

  1. How likely are you to recommend other constituents to contact Representative/Senator [NAME]’s office if they had a similar question or request?
  1. Very Unlikely
  2. Unlikely
  3. Neutral/Neither Likely Nor Unlikely
  4. Likely
  5. Very Likely
  6. Not Applicable

  1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your experience with Representative/Senator [NAME]’s office?
  1. Very Dissatisfied
  2. Dissatisfied
  3. Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
  4. Satisfied
  5. Very Satisfied
  6. Not Applicable

Thank you for answering these questions and letting me and my staff know of your experience with my office. If you need additional assistance, want to share your opinion on public policy or legislation, or would like to sign up for my email newsletter, please visit [URL].

  1. If you have any additional comments or suggestions on how Representative/Senator [NAME] and/or [his/her] staff can best serve you, please share them here: