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LRFC Cougars U14's - Season Review (2013/14)
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LRFC Cougars U14's (Season 2013/14) - End of Season Review

This season has been a case of what might have been. Not in terms of challenging for the league or cups but more about the league form and getting results we should have. In the first part of the season we looked very strong against the lower teams scoring lots of goals and dominating possession. Sometimes it would take us a while to get going but once we did we rolled them over. Results against Cleeve and Saracens catching the eye (11-1 and 12-1 respectively), good results against Southside in consecutive weeks as we played them in the league and then the league cup.

But perhaps the games that show our frailties were the Lydney game away where we contrived to draw 1-1 after taking the lead and playing as good as we ever have particularly in the first half, the two matches against Gotherington where we snatched draws from the jaws of victory and the County Cup match v Charlton Rovers Reds where we lost 4-2 in what was possibly our worst performance ever.

In each of those games, the County Cup defeat aside, we created enough chances to win the games comfortably, we were in the lead in each game and let it slip at the last.

As the season has progressed we have improved in areas that we highlighted at the end of last season too. The key factor has been heading the ball. It sounds a little too simplistic to say that that is what we have been missing but since the lads have started competing for the ball in the air we have improved.

Whereas last season, and early this, there was a reluctance to head the ball and challenge for it putting us immediately under pressure at the back we have started to turn this around and been much improved as a result. This has started at the back with George, Lewis and Freddie showing great strength to win aerial balls. Dan G has also shown fearlessness when the ball is in the air to challenge. Once a couple of the lads started to do this then it spread through the team and now if the ball is in midfield we no longer look like we are just going to get out muscled. The penny has dropped.

As a team we have also improved through the spine. Some changes to personnel in key positions has made a big difference to how we play. When we started at 11-a-side we had so much pace in the side we could outrun teams, as the players have all grown that gap has reduced. Now we need to play with more guile and power.

We have started to do that and in the matches against Painswick and Fintan, in the second half of the season, were desperately unlucky not to get any points. Having tightened up the defence and strengthened in midfield we need to be able to support attack more so that when we create chances we can capitalise on them. We do create chances but playing one up front is a disciplined role and for the talent of our strikers they are not penalty box predators. They often pull out wide to get on the ball and then there is no-one breaking forward to support.

Defensively we have improved and our full backs, this season, have been key to that, Freddie, Sam and Dan G are the usual full-backs (Will D succumbing to injury has seen his opportunities curtailed) and each of them has had a great season defending well and supporting midfield when the opportunities arise. This has been underpinned by the centre back pairing we have played in the majority of the later games. The Lewis and George partnership has really developed, both are strong athletes, plenty of pace and not frightened of a tackle. George in particular has benefitted from playing alongside Lewis and become much more expansive his play, winning the ball and driving through into midfield and beyond with the security of knowing Lewis is behind him.

In midfield we have experimented with personnel and formation, against the better teams opting for 3 central players with two wide players. Playing this way makes it a high energy position. Jacob has shone again this season, burying himself in every match to keep us ticking over. Alongside him Ben has had a fantastic impact on the team doing the simple things incredibly well, so economical in possession and rarely putting a pass astray. Tom has played in there too bringing something different with his terrier like tenacity and dribbling, carrying the ball from midfield and looking to get into attacking positions. Luca has also been playing more centrally where his energy and pace have been a very effective weapon in both defensive and attacking positions.  Although his availability has been limited in the second part of the season due to cricket commitments, Max has again showed his class in being able to link play between the midfield and the forwards, always looking to thread through the killer pass.

On the wings we have Louis and Will T. Both left footers although with different styles, Louis looks to link with the midfield, drop a shoulder and drive the ball into the box whereas Will is bustling in possession and barges his way forward. What they both give us is excellent outlets from defensive or central positions. If the ball is played to them it sticks and means we can get out and support play better.

In striking positions we have tended to play a lone striker which can make it a frustrating experience. With limited chances the pressure is on and if chances cannot be capitalised on then that frustration can build. With Dan and Jorge playing up front it is a different approach for each. Dan is all about power, drive and aggression when on the ball. Driving at defenders to unleash a shot. Dan has linked well when playing with Will T as they are both single minded in getting forward. Jorge has a less direct approach looking to link with wide players and then get into the box. His range of shooting has seen him score goals from inside and outside the box.

Despite ending Division 1 this season as the bottom team we should look forward with some confidence. Churchdown aside, we are match on our day for all of the teams above us. We should have won the games against Gotherington and should have got at least a draw against both Painswick and Fintan. If we continue to learn from each season we will improve and be more competitive in the next.


We have become more solid as a team what we need to do now is take the chances we create and that means supporting the striker from deeper positions.


This has been a difficult season but we should not forget that we have played very well and are more than capable of challenging the teams immediately above us. We continue to play football in the right way and, largely, with a smile on our faces. We are a good team and I am convinced that, whatever division we play in next season, we will push on again and add more goals and results to our game.


As ever the last word goes to the supporters, thanks for all the support over the season - setting up the pitch when we are the home team, running the line (special thanks here go to Eric and Mike), and cheering the lads on. While the results may not always have been great you have always given positive support and the lads have given you some great moments.

Players report......

Will F (Captain)

The goalkeeper is possibly the most exposed position on the pitch, one mistake and it's a goal. Will rarely makes mistakes and when you look at the goals we have conceded there has been little that he has been able to do to prevent them. This season he has marshalled his area well and taken the encouragement to play more like a sweeper-keeper as the team pushes forward. A role that he has accepted as his confidence has grown - whereas he started by just hitting the ball long, now he looks for long passes and has the ability to do that. A really strong season.

Games played - 19/19

Could do better - communication! Playing sweeper-keeper it's important for will to talk to the defence and, just as importantly, for the defence to listen to Will. If he puts his name on it then it's his.

Best moment - MotM v Churchdown Panthers, a game we lost but one that we would have lost by a much higher margin were it not for Will in goal.

George (vice Captain)

A warrior on the pitch. George has had an excellent season, he tackles like a Tasmanian devil that has not been fed for a while. Ferocious and decisive, with blistering pace. This season he has added heading to his game and with that a new dimension. Surely one of the best defenders in the division something that has seen him deservedly earn a call up for the Cheltenham Schools District Football team. Another great season from a player that never gives anything less than 100% and who has really improved.


Games played - 18/19

Could do better - communication, George is a leader on the field by example but needs to talk to the team and keep them in the right position. He has started to do this and it is something that he needs to build on as we go into next season.

Best moment  too many to mention.  As tough a defender as you will meet but with skills to match. A contender for MotM every time he takes to the pitch.


A conundrum wrapped in an enigma. A gentle giant. Lewis joined us at the start of the season unsure of where his best position would be. When playing for the Panthers he played in a number of positions all over the pitch. He has developed into a strong centre back where his partnership with George has blossomed as the season has progressed. Strong in the tackle and a powerful athlete Lewis also has good skill as witnessed in his MotM performance versus Churchdown in the cup semi final. What Lewis gives the team in defensive positions is decisiveness, if there is no pass out of defence he will get it clear so we can regroup and go again. Exactly what you want from your defender. Now settled into the team and into a position next season should be even better for Lewis.

Games played - 17/19

Could do better - communication! We need to hear Lewis speak on the pitch (all the lads need to do this) and he needs to trust himself more when on the ball.

Best moment - that pirouette turn in our penalty box v Churchdown Panthers.


A season in which Freddie has found his best position. Playing much of the season at left back he was MotM in the first couple of games such was his influence. Excellent technical ability, good strength and reading of the game has seen him able to develop into a role where once on the ball he can drive forward into midfield before releasing passes to team mates. Also able to play in centre midfield Freddie has had a really improving season that has seen him be more competitive physically. Challenging for the ball in the air and using his body to shield the ball.

Games - 19/19

Could do better - the only thing that holds Freddie back is his fitness; he has an undeniable football brain, first class technical skills and great competitiveness - with improved fitness he would be a complete player.

Best moment - excelling in full back positions and winning 3 MotM awards this season.


Sam has played much of the season as right full back, a position that he doesn't necessarily like but one that he has really developed into. What Sam provides is the ability to play quality balls to either central positions or up the line from deep. He has also played wide right when called upon where his crossing has been an excellent weapon.

Games played - 16/19

Could do better - when defending sometimes more decisive action required, if in doubt knock it out so we can regroup and defend as a team.

Best moment - MotM in the league match against Southside where he played full back like a young Roberto Carlos.

Dan G

Perhaps a difficult season for Dan where he has started a number of games from the bench. A very willing and able deputy in either full back position Dan has played very well when called upon, rarely putting a foot wrong when on the pitch. A good header of the ball and adept with either foot Dan has really improved this season as his confidence has grown. Something that the management need to remember as we look ahead to next season.

Games played - 11/19

Could do better - Dan needs to believe in himself more as do the coaches which is something that will be rectified. Dan als needs to work on his fitness.

Best moment - In training Dan can often be heard saying things like "I can't run" or "I'm no good at 'that'" to then unknowingly prove the opposite on match days...His best game was perhaps the last of the season against the league Champions where despite the defeat he defended with skill and confidence

Will D

Another steady Eddie in the team who keeps it simple. Adept with both feet Will rarely puts a pass astray and can be relied upon to give his all when defending. Playing predominantly as full back he has played in the centre this season too. Calm and assured on the ball Will has a great eye for a pass. His end of season was, unfortunately, curtailed by injury - we look forward to having him back fully recovered for the start of next season.

Games played - 14/19

Could do better - communication - strong and silent is good but not on the football pitch!

Best moment - an MotM performance v Charlton Rovers Reds in the County Cup defeat.


A proper winger. Louis hugs the touch line and once on the ball looks to drive at the opposition. Possessing more tricks than Paul Daniels (perhaps I should have said Dynamo) he often gets the better of opponents and leaves you wondering how did he do that? He has linked really well this season when playing alongside Tom, the two of them seeming to have a telepathic understanding. A great crosser of the ball, with a disproportionately strong shot Louis has been consistent through the season and is ever reliable. Louis has also started taking our corners delivering quality from the dead ball. A quality member of this squad.

Games played - 18/19

Goals scored - 2

Could do better - have a shot! Louis is one of the best strikers of a football in the team and needs to back himself more.

Best moment - a MotM performance v Charlton Rovers Blues where he was at his technical and marauding best on the wing.

Will T

Will joined us midway through the season and made an immediate impact a flurry of goals. Direct and bustling Will has provided some much needed drive and will to win to the team that has rubbed off a little on the rest of the squad.  Undoubted quality when breaking from wide Will is also in the Cheltenham District Football Team. He has played a number of positions for the team, both wings, centre midfield, second striker and left back.

Games - 11/13 (joined midway through the season)

Goals scored - 9

Could do better - a driven competitor on the pitch Will definitely brings some spice to the team.

Best moment - scoring a brace in each of his first three games. Memorably against Painswick trying to get back on the pitch after a heavy knock on the head and not really knowing where he was...."it's only a flesh wound"


An out-standing season. THE steady-Eddie of this team. Never loses his head, rarely puts a pass astray and rarely takes more than two touches. Ben has played much of the season in centre back or centre midfield, alongside Jacob. They have formed a solid partnership with Bens more defensive approach enabling others to push on. You could almost miss Ben in matches such is the quiet efficiency that he goes about his business but he has been a significant addition to this team and we would miss him if he weren't available.

Games played - 18/19

Could do better - another quiet player (can you see the pattern) Ben needs to be much more vocal on the pitch. He has great vision and positional awareness – and should not be afraid of communicating this to others

Best moment - Mr Consistent, Ben has played with probably the most consistent level of anyone in this team. Calm in possession and rarely missing a tackle this has been an excellent season for Ben. He was MotM v Gotherington for a performance where the ball seemed to be like a magnet to his boot.


A quiet man of the team who leads by example. Jacob can probably play anywhere on the pitch and do a good job. Typically playing in central midfield where his discipline and tackling make him perfect for the role, he does get frustrated at lack of opportunities to get forward particularly as there is a £'s to goals incentive at home! Jacob just doesn't have bad games and is a major cog in our midfield.

Games played - 18/19

Goals scored - 5

Could do better - Similar to George, leading by example is great and should not be under-estimated but talking on the pitch would be so much better. Jacob is a very under-stated leader and could really dominate games if he pulled the strings of the players around him.

Best moment - never gives less than 100% on the pitch and is always a candidate for the MotM. Has been a major part of this team since we started all those years ago.


Flymo. The human dynamo. A typical conversation with Tom on the touch line could go something like this....

"Tom, we are bringing you on in the left back position ok? You need to play with some discipline there as the right winger is pacy and being used as the outlet. Ok?"

Tom - "yes"

Tom takes to the pitch and trots up front next to the striker.


A great member of the squad and a player who's ability in many positions has served us well this season. Tom has linked well particularly playing on the left where his link play with Louis has, in particular, been excellent.  He has also played with much improved discipline this season as the team has needed him to.

Games played - 14/19

Goals scored - 2

Could do better - Tom needs to release the ball quicker when in attacking positions. He gets himself into great positions through skill and tenacity that need to be finished off with the killer pass.

Best moment - the fittest Cougar as his bleep test result proved. Evidenced in every match where he just runs, tackles and dribbles, runs tackles and dribbles, repeat to fade.....


When he signed for us he was called George. He has emerged as Jorge with some fine early season performances that saw him score some memorable goals. Good technical ability when on the ball and with an eye for goal. Playing as the striker or just behind the striker Jorge has had perhaps a frustrating season starting a number of games from the bench. However, he has added a new dimension in being an effective linkman from the midfield to the forward line.

Games played - 17/19

Goals scored - 10

Could do better - Jorge has great skill and very quick feet, what he needs to develop is that eye for a quicker pass particularly towards up the wings or up front if he is playing deeper.

Best moment - scored the first goal of our campaign with a great strike against Charlton Rovers Reds. Would go on to score 9 more finishing as second top scorer this season. MotM against Gotherington capping a fine performance that day with a goal.


A season of two halves, Max featured in all our games up to the split in the divisions when his cricket commitments took priority. We really missed Max in the last few games, when we needed someone to link the midfield and attack or do something creative he is the player we look to only he wasn't there. He was somewhere else in white slacks and a v neck jumper playing cricket.

Games played 12/19

Goals scored - 2

Could do better - could just accept that cricket is ok but that football is the game for him ;)

Best moment - his MotM performance v Saracens where he was at the heart of everything we did going forward and did everything but score himself.


This has not been an easy season for Callum, he has missed a number of games and then found playing opportunities difficult to come by particularly in the latter half of the season where the games have all been tense and making changes to the team have beendifficult.


Games played - 9/19

Could do better  Callum needs to play with more pace and aggression – he has good ball skills but can get muscled off the ball too easily

Best moment  The home match against Gotherinton where Callum played a large part of the game and went close to scoring on a number of occasions.


Started slow this season as issues with fitness caused him some problems. As the season progressed though he has developed into a very competent central midfielder. Luca has played a number of positions this season including both wings, up front and central midfield. Not frightened of a tackle or to head the ball his pace and fitness have seen him grow into a role where he is more involved with play and able to drive from deeper. A good passer and with an eye for goal centre midfield  may yet turn out to be his best position.

Games played - 19/19

Goals scored - 7

Could do better - playing centrally needs more discipline positionally and a range of skills, improving these will make him an excellent box-to-box midfielder.

Best moment - moving into central midfield Luca was MotM v Painswick where he stuck to his man-marking job and had the energy to drive forward at every opportunity and at the death went desperately close with what would have been a deserved equalising goal.


Electrifying pace and power Dan is an incredibly strong athlete. As he proved at Painswick he is faster than the human eye when breaking forward. Has found goals harder to come by this season as he has ploughed a largely lone furrow up front and defences have been able to double up on him. This has seen him drop deeper or pull wider to get the ball leaving too much to do even for him to get in range.

Games played - 17/19

Goals scored - 13 (Top Scorer)

Could do better - relaxing in front of goal when about to shoot, Dan needs a finesse button (a reference to FIFA on XBOX) in his head as he is about to pull the trigger.

Best moment - His goal against Gotherington - is there a finer sight that Daniel sprinting towards goal or taking on a defender at full pace and power?