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Vocab HW #2 - Eva Brandis
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  1. Billow - n. A large undulating mass, usually a cloud or steam (v. - to billow)
  2. Buckle - v. to bend under pressure
  3. Flayed - v. to peel skin off
  4. Traverse - v. to travel across or through
  5. Pine - v. to really want/long for something or someone
  6. Guile - n. A sly or cunning intelligence (kind of like guile)
  7. Chastise - v. to rebuke or reprimand severely/get mad at
  8. Inclination - n. A person’s natural tendency to act/feel in a certain way (v. - to be inclined)
  9. Desolate - adj. deserted/empty (v. - to make empty; n. - desolation)
  10. Summon - v. to call on someone to be present or to do something (n. - summons)

One time I had to let go of someone I loved was when my cat, Mango, died.  It was an overcast day when I woke up to go to school.  Clouds billowed in the otherwise desolate sky.  I was just getting out of bed when I was summoned to the kitchen.  My parents were gone, traversing in Japan, so I was living with my grandparents.  When I found out Mango was dead, my knees buckled.  I felt inclined to go to my room and cry, but I had to get ready for school.  We buried him in the backyard.  Who knows what’s happened to him since.  A few months later, my other beguiling cat, Jr. Mint died.  This time, I felt more chastised at life than sad.  I wanted to flay my skin off.  It’s been a couple years since this happened, and I’ve let go completely.  But, I still pine for them sometimes.