DLA072-0014  Translation and Transcription








Paris 1. May 1914


View of Chateau rouge with Montparnasse Glacier[1]


[Postcard verso]


Dear friend!


Thank you for your letter, I sent newspaper cuttings about you, letters with thanks, etc. and a card to the hotel in Athens. So you will only come in June? Which year? 1915, 1916? Oh you Englishman! Catalogues are private [illegible] and [Bon… illegible, the publisher, gallery owner?] does not provide a copy. I will buy you a casebound catalogue and send it to you. You have two big pictures in it. Never happened before, un étranger, 2 pieces!!!


I will send your brother old and interesting [masks?] to London!


Travel well & congratulations to Herr [illegible] [you] [illegible] have saved. [Servus]




Phillip de László

IV. Eötvösgasse N° 28










Paris 1. Mai 1914


Ansicht v. Chateau rouge mit Montparnasse Gletscher


[Postcard verso]


Lieber Freund!


Danke f. Brief, sandte an Hotel in Athen Zeitungsausschnitte über Dich, Briefe mit Dank etc. und eine Carte. Also erst im Juni willst du kommen? Welches Jahr? 1915, 1916? Oh Du Engländer! Cataloge sind Privat [Mit...] u. [Bon… illegible, the publisher, gallery owner?] giebt kein Exemplar ab. Werde Dir ein gebund. Catalog kaufen und senden. Du hast 2 grosse Bilder darinnen. Noch nie dagewesene, un étranger, 2 Stück!!!


Nach London sende ich Deinem Herrn Bruder alte & interessante [Masken?]!


Reise gut & gratuliere Herr [illegible], [dir/du] [illegible] erlöst hat. [Servus]



Phillip de László

IV. Eötvösgasse N° 28



Editorial Note:

Heinrich ‘Henri’ Kautsch (18591943), Austrian sculptor and medallist; for biographical notes, see [113452].




ATG (translation, transcription & summary)


[1] This would appear to be a joke as the postcard was printed in Bozen, Südtirol, and shows the glacier behind Burg Taufers.