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Pronunciation Guide

A as in back        Œ as in dough

Á as in what        Æ as in why

E as in dead

É as in hey        all consonants are the same as the english, exept for CH, which is pronounced like the scottish

I as in hit        "loch", RR is trilled, LL sounds like dll, and ' is a glottal stop. If any vowels get placed

Í as in fee        side-by-side, the resulting diphthong is changed for Œ if it contains O, U, Ú or Œ; In all other

O as in rot        cases it becomes Æ.

U as in dumb        

Ú as in room


verbs:                                                Conjugation:

(át): (I) do                                                1st person singular: -át

súmal(át): (I) help/assist                        2nd person singular: -et

drak(át): (I) call                                        3rd person singular: -it

hest(át): (I) rule/command                        1st person plural: -ot

sokr(át): (I) speak                                2nd person plural: -út

grad(át): (I) hear/listen                        3rd person plural: -æt

folin(át): (I) see/watch                        imperative(to everyone): -átá

sasd(át): (I) sniff                        negative(prefix): é-

shasd(át): (I) stink                        "request marker"(after the conjugation and "tense marker"): -orr

kormal(át): (I) cook                        "tense markers":

korm(át): (I) eat                                        past tense(after the conjugation but before the "request marker"): -í

kom(át): (I) taste                                        present tense(after the conjugation but before the "request marker"): -ú

forg(át): (I) apologize                        future tense(after the conjugation but before the "request marker"): -œ

derk(át): (I) yield

bosn(át): (I) sail

bokn(át): (I) fly/soar

borkn(át): (I) flee

bork(át): (I) run

gotr(át): (I) forgive

seln(át): (I) give

jonk(át): (I) take

selan(át): (I) sell

jonek(át): (I) buy

doreg(át): (I) make/create

flork(át): (I) wish/pray

súreg(át): (I) fight

jarr(át): (I) greet/welcome

farfl(át): (I) go

frekn(át): (I) come

dron(át): (I) spit, also (I) hurl/"throw up"

zab(át): (I) fart

verúf(át): (I) sing

brand(át): (I) pick(up)

chord(át): (I) cut

forn(át): (I) "use the facilities"

monj(át): (I) become

fíl(át): (I) am

fúl(át): (I) am(named)

sanad(át): (I) sleep

loband(át): (I) die

lorbún(át): (I) kill

jaipúnd(át): (I) age

hent(át): (I) climb

franf(át): (I) improve

bomb(át): (I) send

zh(át): (I) write

quendav(át): (I) yearn

'ndetys(át): (I) laugh

nanyg(át): (I) include

'nteryp(át): (I) clamp/latch

sterdyl(át): (I) carry

willil(át): (I) strategise

yimick(át): (I) revolve/spin

lerqu(át): (I) brew

surd(át): (I) befoul

pek(át): (I) fall

kedresk(át): (I) play/act

hrórf(át): (I) promote

pírœd(át): (I) learn

chafr(át): (I) swear (as in "I swear to serve you")

jermok(át): (I) try