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Research How Basketball Impacted My Life
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Research: How Basketball Impacted My Life


Basketball. (2013, January 12). Wikipedia, . Retrieved 15:36, January 15, 2013 from

Teamwork. (2012, December 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:42, January 15, 2013, from

Thompson, John R. , Jr."Basketball." World Book Student. World Book, 2013. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.



Basketball is played with two teams, with 5 players from each team on the court at one time. The players that are not on the court can sit on the bench; the maximum number of players on the bench differs by league. In international play, a maximum of 7 players are allowed on the bench, resulting in a roster of 12 players. The NBA has 13-player rosters; college and high school teams usually have 15-player rosters. When a player wants to substitute for another player on the court they tell the score bench who will signal the substitute to the referee at the next available opportunity. The referees will then signal the player on to the court and the substitute will become a player and the player will become a substitute.

Each team is allowed to have a coach and, if they want one, an assistant coach. On the bench with the substitutes a team is allowed to have up to five team followers like: a manager, a doctor and an interpreter.

Basketball is a fast, exciting, and entertaining sport played between two teams, each consisting of five players. A team wins games by scoring more points than the opposing team. Players score by shooting a large inflated ball into a raised goal, called a basket, at one end of a basketball court. A player can advance the ball toward the basket only by dribbling (bouncing the ball) or by passing to a teammate. Each team also tries to prevent the other team from scoring.

Basketball was invented in the United States in 1891. By the mid-1900's, it had become the world's most popular indoor sport. Today, millions of fans crowd into gymnasiums and arenas to watch their favorite teams. Millions more watch games on television. In the United States, thousands of elementary schools, high schools, and colleges and universities sponsor amateur teams for male and female players. The finest male players in the world compete as professionals in the National Basketball Association (NBA).

Basketball is a popular form of recreation as well as an organized team sport. Park districts, religious organizations, and youth centers sponsor recreational leagues. Most schools sponsor intramural competition. Both young people and adults enjoy playing on neighborhood playgrounds, in backyards, in alleys, and on driveways. As few as two players can play; all they need is a ball, a basket, and a level surface to serve as the court.

Basketball requires teamwork, quick reactions, and endurance. Tall players have an advantage because they can reach closer to the basket or above other players to shoot and rebound. But smaller players also make contributions to their teams as shooters and ball handlers.

Point Guard:

Point guard (PG) (1) - point guards are responsible for leading the team on offense. They have to take the ball out (to dribble the ball halfway across their team's court side into the opposing team's court side) and plan an "attack" or "play" - to pass the ball to a player and he passes on to another player and so on till a player shoots the basketball. Point guards can be small, but they have to be very fast and possess good ball-handling. But the most important thing for the PG is a wide view. PG should control the game when on offense. That's why PG is called 'the coach on the court'.


Teamwork is when a group of people work together. They work together to reach a goal. Teamwork helps people to understand others, build friendly friendships, and to get any job done the right way. In health care, teamwork is often practiced to help patients at the hospital.[1][2]


Leadership is the act of leading a group of people or animals to achieve some specific goal.[1]