Nic Mason Performance Agreement 2013



PD/Supported by:


Effective formative practice characterised by: 

  • Careful planning of Language Experiences to motivate and engage all learners;
  • Learning Intentions/ success criteria clear, known by students and visible;
  • Timely, specific feedback to writers including feedforward/next learning steps; and systems to support it e.g. highlighter strategy and insert page;
  • Routine self and peer assessment assessment;
  • Teacher modeling and examples (exemplars and illustrations) used;
  • Explicit discussion of the link between reading and writing.

Robust assessment/OTJs based on RSS matrix;

  • A growing theory of action, which is supported by research and/or craft knowledge.
  • Accelerated progress for focus group;
  • A sound understanding of all the technical details in the level that my focus group is at.
  • School-wide curriculum  development of writing;
  • Rita Palmer (Facilitator)
  • Murray Gadd;
  • Professional conversations with Jacqui!

Teacher Inquiry

Implementing a process of teacher inquiry that engages me in:

  • Collecting useful data (attitude, engagement, achievement) and synthesizing the information effectively….leading to the identification of a focus group;
  • Implementing a plan of inquiry, seeking evidence to inform change,
  • Making change and justifying it;
  • Participating effectively as a professional being coached.
  • Sharing/participating in new knowledge creation during the inquiry (including JK);
  • Close monitoring/tracking of the focus group

  • Jugyou Kenkyuu process
  • Professional Readings:
  • Effective Literacy Practice etc.
  • Shared Writing
  • Staff meetings/workshops of data and moderation.

Personal/ Professional

To develop best practice that includes:

  • effective teaching and learning of 34 students;
  • providing support for Rosie in Kapa Haka, Te Reo Maori and strategic plan for Maori Learners at RSS;
  • coaching of the school band and provide opportunities for them to perform;
  • organisation of school art supplies;
  • to liaise with Dean McKerras and staff for the school production;
  • James release
  • Developing seamless systems to do with learning (google docs, self-directed learning), behaviour (follow-up and follow through, contacting parents).  
  • Fine-tuning regularly systems through discussions and sharing with colleagues

Expected Outcomes:

To significantly raise the achievement of a group of writers who are above in reading, to ensure that they are ‘Above Standard’ in writing by the end of 2013.  

To engage in a robust teacher inquiry process including evidence based decision making leading to improvements in student achievement in writing for my focus group and across my class.

To collaborate in a professional learning community culture that values collaborative inquiry, and joint creation of knowledge.

To develop my teaching craft so that I can effectively design and implement learning that is engaging and has purpose.