Guided Conversation 43


  1. What kind of gift do you like to receive and why?
  2. What kind of flowers are popular to give in your country as gifts?
  3. Which do you prefer: receiving gifts or giving gifts?


Please give a 2 minute speech: Describe a gift that you received.

You should say:

   What was it?

   Who gave it to you?

   What was the special occasion connected to the gift?

Would you give the same thing to another person? Why /not?


•        Here are some questions for you…

What do you call the last day of the year?

New Year’s Eve.

What is the date of New Year’s Eve?

The 31st of December.

What do you call a party that you have on New Year’s Eve?

A New Year’s Eve party.

Do people act perfectly normal at a typical New Year’s Eve party?


What do you say at midnight on the 31st of December?

Happy New Year!

And if somebody says “Happy New Year!” to you, what can you say to them?

The same to you.

Do you like going to New Year’s Eve parties?


What do you call the first day of the new year?

New Year’s Day.

So, what is the date of New Year’s Day?

The 1st of January.

What do you call the special promises that people make for the New Year?

New Year’s resolutions.

Do you think it’s a good idea to make New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Day?


Do you think most people keep their New Year’s resolutions?


Why not?

(human nature?)

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions last year? / Do you want to tell me about them?


Are you going to make any New Year’s resolutions this (next) year? / …


Do you smoke? / How many packets a day? (US: “packs” a day)        […]

What kind of cigarettes do you smoke? / How much do they cost?        […]

Do you ever buy cigarettes by the carton?        […]

Many people who smoke say they want to give it up. What about you?        […]

Do you believe in diets?         […]

I think most people have some experience with diets. What about you…?        […]

Do you think you get enough exercise? / Would you like to get more?        […]

Time is the problem, isn’t it…?        […]

Do you go to bed late or early? / Do you get up late or early?        […]

Do you think it would be a good idea to get more sleep? / Is it possible?        […]

Is it better to go to bed before midnight or after midnight?        […]

Did Cinderella have to get home at midnight, by midnight, or after midnight?        By midnight.

four phrasal verbs:

If you “get up” at five a.m., is that early or late? / What time do you get up?        It’s early. / […]

If someone “gives up” smoking, do they stop smoking or start smoking?        They stop smoking.

Where were you born? / Did you “grow up” there (here)?        […]

Do you often “put off” doing things, for example studying for your English lessons?        […]

What advice does an English proverb give about this?
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


STORYMary wants to go to Argentina… She’s going to take a Spanish course

Mary wants to go to Argentina for her holiday next year. Before she goes, she wants to learn some Spanish. She says she’s going to do a Spanish course, and she’s going to study for two hours every day. She’s also going to learn to dance the tango. What do you think about that?

Teacher: When does Mary want to go to Argentina?

What is Mary going to do before she goes to Argentina?

How many hours is she going to study every day?

Susan wants to be a complete vegan. Two years ago she stopped eating red meat. Last year she stopped eating chicken and fish. This year she’s going to stop eating cheese and eggs. She’s going to eat just fruit and vegetables. What do you think about that?

What does Susan want to become?

Two years ago what did she stop eating?

She did she stop eating last year?

What is she going to eat this year?


Paul wants to get more exercise. He plays tennis at the weekend, but during the week he hasn’t got time to play tennis, or go running, or go to the gym. So he says he’s going to get a bicycle, and ride it to work every day. What do you think about that?

What does Paul want to do?

What is he going to do?


Francesca wants to get 100 (a hundred) percent on her next Exam. She got 85% on Exam 30 and 95% on Exam 40. She says she’s going to study for three hours every day, and she’s going to watch the news on CNN every evening. What do you think about that?


Philip wants to be a singer in a rock band. He can play the piano, and the guitar, and the saxophone, but he can’t sing very well. He says he’s going to take lessons from a famous singing teacher, then he’s going to start singing with his brother’s band. What do you think about that?


Alice wants to make an Italian meal this evening. Her boyfriend Roberto is coming to dinner, so she’s going to make lasagna (it’s Roberto’s favourite dish). Roberto is going to bring the wine — a good Chianti. It’s going to be a very romantic evening. What do you think about that?



(a)  I  am going to go           downtown  tomorrow.

(b)  Sue  is going to be  here tomorrow afternoon.

( c ) We are going to come to class tomorrow morning.

Be going to expresses (talks about) the future.


am \

is \                   GOING TO



( d )   I'm not  going to go downtown tomorrow.

( e)  Ann isn't going to study tonight.


NEGATIVE:  be + not  + going to

(f)   "Are you going to come to class tomorrow?" "No, I'm  not."

( g )          "Is Jim going to be  at  the meeting  tomorrow?" "Yes, he is."

( h )   "What time are you  going to eat  dinner  tonight?" "Around six. ''

 QUESTION:  be + subject + going to

A form of be  is used in the short answer to yes/ no question with be going to, as in (f) and ( g).

EXERCISE 1—ORAL: Some activities are listed below. Which of these activities

are you going to do tomorrow? Which ones are you not going to do tomorrow?

STUDENT A: Ask a question. Use "Are you going to . . .  tomorrow?"

STUDENT B: Answer the question. Give both a short answer and a long answer. Use "I'm going to . . . tomorrow" or "I'm not going to . . . tomorrow" in the long answer.

Example: go downtown

STUDENT A: Are you going to go downtown tomorrow?

STUDENT B: Yes, I am. I'm going to go downtown tomorrow, OR:  No, I'm not. I'm not going to go downtown tomorrow.

1. get up before eight o'clock

2. come to class

3. stay home all day

4. eat lunch

5. eat lunch with (someone)

6. get a haircut

7. watch TV in the evening

8. do something interesting in the evening

9. go to bed early

10. go to bed late

11. get up early

12. get up late

13. walk to school

14. study grammar

15. get some physical exercise

16. eat dinner

17. eat dinner alone

18. listen to music after dinner

19. go shopping

20. do something interesting and unusual

EXERCISE 2—ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Answer the questions.

Example: tomorrow?

A: What am I going to do tomorrow?   I'm going to (go shopping).

STUDENT B: What is ( . . . ) going to do tomorrow?

What am I going to do:

1. tomorrow?

2. tomorrow morning?

3. tomorrow afternoon?

4. tomorrow night?

5. at 7:00 tomorrow morning?

6. at 9:00 tomorrow morning?

7. at noon tomorrow?

8. at 5:00 tomorrow afternoon?

9. around 6:30 tomorrow evening?

10. after 8:00 tomorrow night?

EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences. Use be going to + the following expressions (or your

own words).

call the landlord                call the police                        get something to eat

go to the beach                go to bed                        »/ go to the bookstore

go to an Italian restaurant        lie down and rest                look it up in my dictionary

major in psychology        see a dentist                        stay in bed today

take a long walk                take it to the post office        take them to the laundromat


1. I need to buy a book, I __am going to go to the bookstore.

2. It's midnight now. I'm sleepy, I __________.

3. Sue is hungry. She __________.

4. My clothes are dirty. I __________.

5. I have a toothache. My wisdom tooth hurts. I __________.

6. I'm writing a composition. I don't know how to spell a word. I__________.

7. George has to mail a package. He__________.

8. Rosa lives in an apartment. There's a problem with the plumbing. She__________.

9, Sue and I want to go swimming. We__________.

10, I have a headache. I__________.

11. It's late at night. I hear a burglar! I__________.

12. I want to be a psychologist. When I go to the university, I__________.

13. I feel terrible. I think I'm getting the flu. I__________.

14. Ivan and Natasha want to go out to eat. They__________.

15. It's a nice day today. Mary and I__________.

EXERCISE 4—ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Listen to the common activities that are

described. Picture these activities in your mind. Use be going to to tell what you

think your classmates are going to do.

Example: ( . . . ) is carrying his/her textbooks and notebooks. He/She is walking

toward the library. What is ( . . . ) going to do?

Response: ( . . . ) is going to study at the library.

1. ( . . . ) is standing next to the chalkboard. He/She is picking up a piece of chalk.

What is ( . . . ) going to do?

2. ( . . . ) has some letters in his/her hand. He/She is walking toward the post office.

What is ( . . . ) going to do?

3. ( . . . ) is standing by a telephone. He/She is looking in the telephone book for

( . . . )'s name. What is ( . . . ) going to do?

4. ( . . . ) put some water on the stove to boil. She got a cup and saucer out of the

cupboard and some tea. What is ( , . . ) going to do?

5. ( . . . ) is putting on his/her coat. He/She is walking toward the door. What is ( . . .)

going to do?

6. ( . . . ) has a basket full of dirty clothes. He/She is walking toward a laundromat.

What is ( . . . ) going to do?

7. ( . . . ) bought some meat and vegetables at the market. He/She is holding a bag of

rice. He/She just turned on the stove. What is ( . . . ) going to do?

8. ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) are walking into (name of a local restaurant). It's seven o'clock in the

evening. What are ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) going to do?

9. ( . . . ) gave ( . . . ) a diamond engagement ring. What are ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) going

to do?

10. ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) have airplane tickets. They're putting clothes in their suitcases.

Their clothes include swimming suits and sandals. What are ( . . . ) and ( . . . ) going

to do?

EXERCISE 5—ORAL: Ask a classmate a question. Use be going to.

Example: when / go downtown

STUDENT A: When are you going to go downtown?

STUDENT B: Tomorrow afternoon. / In a couple of days. /1 don't know. / etc.

1. where / go after class today

2. what time / get home tonight

3. when /eat dinner

4. where / eat dinner

5. what time / go to bed tonight

6. what time / get up tomorrow morning

7. where / be tomorrow morning

8. when / see your family again

9. where / live next year

10. when / get married

EXERCISE 6—ORAL: Answer the questions. Use be going to.

Example: You want to buy some tea. What are you going to do? What is (, . .)

going to do and why?

To STUDENT A: You want to buy some tea. What arc you going to do?

STUDENT A: I'm going to go to the grocery store.

To STUDENT B: What is (Student A) going to do and why?

STUDENT B: He/She's going to go to tlie grocery store because he/she wants to buy some


1. You have a toothache. What are you going to do? What is ( . . . ) going to do and why?

2. You need to mail a package. Where are you going to go? Where is ( . . . ) going to go and why?

3. Your clothes are dirty.

4. It's midnight. You're sleepy.

5. It's late at night. You hear a burglar.

6. You need to buy some groceries.

7. You want to go swimming.

8. You want to go fishing.

9. You want to buy a new coat.

10. You're hungry,

11. You have a headache,

12. It's a nice day today.

13. You need to cash a check.

14. You want some (pizza) for dinner.

15. You're reading a book. You don't know the meaning of a word.

Lesson 43-44

Ex.20. p. 9

2. ‘m going to go to bed 3. is going to get something to eat 4. ‘m going to take them to the laundromat 5. ‘m going to see a dentist 6. ‘m going to look it up in my dictionary 7. is going to take it to the post office 8. is going to call the landlord 9. are going to go to the beach 10. ‘m going to lie down and rest for a while 11. ‘m going to call the police 12. ‘m going to major in psychology 13. ‘m going to stay in bed today 14. are going to go to an Italian restaurant 15. are going to take a long walk in the park

Ex.7. p. 15

3. next 4. last 5. yesterday 6. Tomorrow 7. next 7. next 8. last 9. last 10. Last 11. next

Ex.8. p. 15

3. an hour ago 4. in an hour 5. in two more months 6. two months ago 7. a minute ago 8. in a half an hour 9. in one more week 10 a year ago

Ex.9 p. 16

2. ago 3. next 4. in 5. yesterday 6. tomorrow 7. last 8. next