This document is a non-exhaustive compilation of pathways for migration for Afghans seeking entry to the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.  The situation is evolving and pathways are limited. This is meant to be a live, informational document to inform individuals of what pathways might exist for their loved ones.

This document has been compiled by volunteers from the Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress, Pangea Legal Services, and Centro Legal de la Raza in an effort to share information within our network of, at the time, a few hundred people--given the situation, it had an unexpectedly large reach. We do not make any representations or guarantees about any of the information below. We are not directly providing legal assistance. We were overwhelmed by the response to the original version of this document, and will make every effort to reach out to all those who contacted us when this document included forms, and/or will delete all of your information from our Google Drive after doing so. Please understand that we seek to use this unanticipated reach responsibly, cannot respond to every request made to our personal or organizational accounts, and encourage you to turn to official government sources, news channels, legal services organizations, lawyers, and resettlement organizations directly. This is only intended as a compilation of informational links.

If you are looking for ways to help -- please see the links below and also visit this document.


  • Search for non-profit legal service providers in the U.S. based on area code
  • Contact your member of congress for immediate help and potential assistance with evacuation of family members
  • If the person is not an immediate family member, please email the following message to the below email address: MN05.info@mail.house.gov
  • Sample script:


My name is XX, I am a U.S. Citizen or Green Card Holder, and my following family members need to be evacuated from Afghanistan. Please provide me with assistance:

  1. Name, date of birth, relationship to you
  2. Name, date of birth, relationship to you

Your Name,

email + phone number”

  • If any of the above people have passports (or copy of passport) please include that.
  • For any pending Immigration Cases, please contact:
  1. Afg-evac@ossoff.senate.gov
  2. MN05.info@mail.house.gov
  3. Call: 210-348-8216

  • P-2 and P-1 refugee admissions programs
  • For certain Afghans who were employed by the government, government-funded program, U.S. based media organization or NGO and their families
  • If you worked for a U.S.-based media organization or U.S.-based nongovernmental organization (NGO) project that was not funded by a U.S. government agency, you must be referred by the senior-most U.S. citizen employee of the media organization or NGO’s headquarters in the United States (e.g., CEO, Executive Director, etc.). This senior-most U.S. citizen employee will need to submit information and supporting documents about you, your eligible employment, and your family members for a referral.
  • Relevant links:
  • Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans
  • Certain Afghans who assisted the U.S. government or its contractors and their families
  • Relevant links:
  • Humanitarian Parole
  • Requires both a financial sponsor in the U.S. and evidence of exceptional humanitarian need
  • Entry into the U.S. is temporary. The maximum parole period is 365 days.
  • After you enter the U.S., you can apply for another immigration status, including by filing for asylum. If you are not successful, you may be required to leave the U.S.
  • You cannot apply for public benefits while in parole status.
  • https://www.uscis.gov/forms/explore-my-options/humanitarian-parole 
  • DOD Parole
  • How to apply for humanitarian parole from IRAP
  • Family Reunification
  • Resettlement agencies and other organizations that need local assistance and donations for arriving refugees:


  • Special immigration program for Afghan nationals, and their families, who assisted the Government of Canada
  • Eligiblity:
  • You’re an Afghan national and your employment involved a significant and/or enduring relationship with the Government of Canada, which could be, but is not limited to
  • interpreters who worked with the Canadian Armed Forces
  • local staff who currently or used to work at the Embassy of Canada to Afghanistan
  • You or your eligible family members were in Afghanistan on or after July 22, 2021
  • You are not inadmissible to Canada
  • Eligible family partners include:
  • Spouse or common law partner
  • Dependent children under 22 years old and not married
  • Dependent grandchildren who are under 22 years old and not married
  • Individuals who depend on a specific family for emotional or financial reasons, and who may live with the family
  • your full name (include any nicknames you may have had)
  • your date of birth
  • your email address
  • your phone number
  • a description of your work with the Government of Canada or the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan, including:
  • your job title or position
  • your identification number, if you had one
  • the name(s) of your Canadian point(s) of contact (if possible)
  • a copy of your passport and the passport for each eligible family member travelling with you (if possible)
  • Attach any documents you have that show you worked with the Government of Canada.

  • Humanitarian program for Afghan nationals in need of resettlement
  • Eligibility:
  • You’re an Afghan national
  • You’re outside of Afghanistan
  • You don’t have a durable situation in a third country
  • You may be eligible for this program if you are a: woman leader, human rights advocate, journalist or someone who assisted Canadian journalists, persecuted religious minority, LGBTI individual, or an immediate family member of one of these
  • You apply for this program if you are outside of Afghanistan
  • Information on how to apply as part of this group is not yet available - visit this link to stay updated as details are announced.

  • Canada is also prioritizing applications from Afghans for the following:
  • Afghan nationals outside Canada who are immediate family members of Canadian citizens, persons registered under the Indian Act, or Canadian permanent residents and have made or will make: (1) a family class application for permanent residence; (2) an application for temporary residence
  • Protected persons applications for permanent residence received from Afghan citizens where the spouse or partner and any children are currently residing outside of Canada
  • Dependants of resettled Afghan refugees
  • To ask questions specifically about family reunification, email this address: IRCC.SituationAfghanistan.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
  • The Canadian government’s instructions to the IRCC for processing these applications can be found at this link.


  • In order to be eligible, you must be proposed for this visa by a person or organisation in Australia.Your proposer must be one of the following:
  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident, or
  • an organisation in Australia
  • Immediate family members can also propose you for this visa if they meet the eligibility requirements for a split family visa application.
  • Your proposer may have to pay for your travel to Australia if you are unable to. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) offers a range of travel assistance for Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa holders, including the No-Interest Loan Scheme (NILS).  IOM can provide you with:
  • a no-interest loan of up to 75% of the travel costs for you and your family to come to Australia under NILS
  • travel bookings
  • advice and support for your family’s journey to Australia
  • Priority given to most vulnerable applicants:
  • assessed as refugees by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and
  • referred to Australia for resettlement, or
  • proposed by an immediate family member (for example, spouses and minor aged children) who has a Refugee category visa (subclasses 200,201,203 or 204.
  • Because of the limited number of resettlement places available each year and the high demand for them, they accept applicants in most compelling circumstances only.
  • There are four visa subclasses included in the Refugee category of the Humanitarian Program. They are:
  • Refugee (subclass 200)
  • In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201)
  • Emergency Rescue (subclass 203)
  • Woman at Risk (subclass 204)


  • New scheme that offers relocation or other assistance to current and former Locally Employed Staff in Afghanistan to reflect the changing situation in Afghanistan.
  • If any current or former staff believe they now qualify or are at serious risk, they should apply by using the online relocation form
  • MOD representatives in Kabul can be contacted for further advice at localstaff-afghanistan@mod.gov.uk or on 0792 907 303.


  • Journalists and Media Personnel:
  • The Pakistani embassy in Kabul is facilitating visas for journalists and media personnel in Afghanistan. Contact the press counsellor on whatsapp at 00923222807863.

  • Pakistan is not a party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or the 1967 Protocol.  The Government of Pakistan has not adopted any national laws or procedures to determine the refugee status of persons seeking protection within its territory.  This means that UNHCR does this work on behalf of the Government of Pakistan.  See UNHCR for more details.

  • If you have just arrived in Pakistan, you should contact UNHCR or one of its partners.  You can find information for UNHCR and its partner offices in various parts of Pakistan here.

  • You currently have a Proof of Registration (PoR) card
  • You currently have an Afghan Citizen Card (ACC)

  • UNHCR does not have an active resettlement program in Pakistan at this time.


  • e-Emergency X-Misc Visa: Afghans can apply online for fast-track visas for emergency rehabilitation for an initial period of 6 months. Questions can be directed to the Ministry of External Affairs via email at MEAHelpdeskIndia@gmail.com or phone at 919717785379.



LAST UPDATED AUGUST 19, 2021 by volunteers from Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress

LAST UPDATED AUGUST 19, 2021 by volunteers from Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress