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World War I in English Painting

Lesson Plan: World War I in English Painting. Paul Nash

Subject: Advanced English

Level: 4º E.S.O

Timing: 5 SESIONS


El Frente del Agua.

Students are introduced to the First World War through the Arts in English Paintings.

CONCEPTS – First World War in English Paintings; Picture description; collaborative project;

OBJETIVES - Learning about the historical context in the UK; Describing pictures; Research project on Nash paintings;

Lesson Plan- 4 periods:

Day 1: Students are introduced to the British artist Paul Nash: his life and main works, especially The Menin Road. Powerpoint and video from Tate Gallery in London.

Day 2: Students answer some questions about The Menin Road. Class check and feeback on their answers. Next, they discuss the way man and the landscape are related in the painting. Finally, they compare a photo and a painting of The Menin Road. Students’ task is to write an opinion essay on how effective both languages are, pictorial and photographic.

Day 3: Students read their essays. Open discussion. Next, in pairs or small groups, students will compare other paintings by Paul Nash: Things in common, subject in both paintings and symbols they contain. Provide the following sites:

 The Menin Road, Imperial War Museum

Landscape form a Dream, Tate Gallery

Day 4: Students present their projects in the class.

Assessment and Evaluation

Students’ written tasks will be graded, as well as their active participation during class debates.

Projects and class presentations will also be graded.