Couchsurfing is a beautiful experience, that every traveler must try atleast once.

However since the online and offline reviews of this site are so polarized, leaning heavily in favour or against, this is my attempt to debunk some  preconceived notions about couchsurfing.

I can afford a hotel, so why bother with couchsurfing

As solid as that point sounds, Couchsurfing isn’t just about finding a “free couch” to sleep on. There are numerous meetups, many hosts who offer to take you around the city, give you inside tips or just meet you over a cup of coffee.

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 Missable entrance to the hippest restaurant in the neighbourhood. The interiors are beautiful and nothing like the external graffiti filled facade. I would have missed this spot if not for the couchsurfers I met :) .

Couchsurfing equals free accommodation

Amm, no it does not. Unless you insist on being a douche.

Costs are incurred by all involved, both monetary and otherwise.

Let's consider the monetary costs first  - from the surfer's perspective it could include gifts for the hosts, restocking their groceries, sponsoring a drink or a meal, or even cooking up a lavish spread. Of course, all of this is upto you and you are not required to spend on the hosts, but remember they are shelling out for you too. Even if it is small stuff like the roll of toilet paper you use up,  clean sheets they provide you or their offer to use the kitchen - none of this comes free to them.

But the real costs incurred during couchsurfing aren’t monetary at all, it’s the trade off you make in terms of freedom, space, privacy and time.

Remember, that a complete stranger is kind enough to trust you and open their home to you, so the least you can do is spend time with them and be mindful of their schedules and home rules.

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Couchsurfing is unsafe

Couchsurfing horror stories abound - rape, theft, misconduct, scams etc.  - enough to put off a cautious traveler.

However, we forget that couchsurfing as a community is a reflection of the world outside.

The only thing that you can trust is your own instinct and gut feeling - back out as soon as you feel uncomfortable and do not couchsurf just because it can potentially save you some money.

Couchsurfers are like minded

Once again, couchsurfing is a reflection of the world outside, its members equally diverse.

Accept requests, only if you feel like it will be a great experience for you and your host - there is nothing worse than traveling half the world to be part of a conversation with people you cannot relate to.


 Everything said ..

Couchsurfing is probably the most authentic form of stay for nomadic travelers. It is kind of magical, naive and unbelievable how adults put themselves out there with a belief in human kindness.

The concept is idealistic and romantic, as it transcends the monetary and economic noise that surrounds a traveler's path.

 So should you couchsurf or not ?

Personally I prefer the comfort of a hotel - beautiful big beds and mattresses, daily cleaning , lots of personal space and lots of attention to your comfort.

But I have learnt to pick my stay based on where I am going. Sometimes you get unforgettable experiences and super comfortable stays through homestays, AirBnB’s and couchsurfing too .

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