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U 202 patrol 2

Datum und Uhrzeit

Angabe des Ortes, Wind, Wetter, Seegang, Beleuchtung, Sichtigkeit der Luft, Mondschein Ufw.


Geheime Kommandosache!


des Unterseebootes “U 202“

4. Unternehmung.

begonnen:              8.1.1942        

abgeschlossen:    22.1.1942


                          . . . . . . . . . . .

Kommandant:         Kapitänleutnant Wähling.


2 x O.K.M.

1 x B.d.U.

1 x 2.A.d.Uboote.

2 x 1.U.-Flottille

Org. für Boot.

Patrol 4

0505 Brest

N3, clear 0/10, sea 2, vis. good

Leaving port. Joined convoy with Sperrbrecher.

0640 BF5222

Leaving convoy. Several boats and ships spotted. HF ahead

0800 BF5225

N3, cirrus 2/10, sea 2, vis. good

0812 "


1200 BF5248

ENE 7, nimbostratus 10/10, sea 5, low visibility, light rain

Day's run: surfaced 76nm

1600 BF5433

1648 BF5436


2000 BF5456


Day 2 Bay of Biscay

Travelling towards patrol area

0000 BF5484

0400 BF5717

Test dive. Diving to A-30 to let the crew rest

0918 BF4966


1200 BF4992

Day's run: surfaced 95 nm, submerged 14 nm

1600 BF4986

1703 BF4988


2000 BF7331


Day 3 off Bay of Biscay

Travelling towards patrol area

0000 BF7316

0400 BF7238

Test dive. Diving to A-30 to let the crew rest and to listen. On the surface nothing can be seen because of the rain and mist

0908 BF7261


1200 BF7254

Day's run: surfaced 96 nm, submerged 17 nm

1423 BF7246

Dive to A-30 to listen

1600 BF7247

1700 BF7169

Dive to A-30 to listen



2000 BF7183

2101 BF7183

Dive to A-30 to listen


Day 4 off Bay of Biscay

Travelling towards patrol area

0000 BF7184

0101 BF7176

Dive to A-30 to listen

0230 BF7178

Dive to A-30 to listen and to let the crew rest

0812 BF9633




1200 BE9637

Day's run: surfaced 140 nm, submerged 20 nm


Dive to A-30 to listen

1600 BE9650

Dive to A-30 to listen

1730 BE9654


2000 BE9672

Dive to A-30 to listen


Day 5 off North Atlantic off Portugal

Travelling towards patrol area

0000 BE9597

Dive to A-30 to listen

0400 BE9826

Dive to A-30 to listen

0800 BE9851

SWS 5, stratocumulus 10/10, sea 4, medium visibility



1200 BE9871

Day's run: 198 nm, submerged 12 nm

1600 BE9798

1741 CG1127


2000 CG1148


Day 6 off North Atlantic off Portugal

Travelling towards patrol area

0000 CG1410

0400 CG1448

Test dive

0800 CG1742

0827 CG1740


1200 CG4111

Day's run: surfaced 195nm, submerged 1 nm

1600 CG4147

1752 CG4177


2000 CG4411


Day 7 North Atlantic off Portugal


0000 CG4413

0400 CG4421

Test dive

0800 CG4423

SO 5, stratocumulus 10/10, sea 5, visibility medium



1200 CG4431

Day's run: surfaced 121 nm, submerged 1 nm

1600 CG4436

1752 CG4439



Dive for listening

2000 CG4463

Dive for listening


Day 8 North Atlantic off Portugal


0000 CG4469

Dive for listening

0400 CG4468

Dive for listening

0800 CG4459

Dive for listening



1200 CG4457

Day's run: surfaced 83 nm, submerged 8 nm. Dive for listening

1600 CG4449

Dive for listening

1752 CG4448


2000 CG4448

Dive for listening


Day 9 North Atlantic off Portugal


0000 CG4471

Dive for listening

0400 CG4477

Dive for listening

0800 CG4478

S 5, stratocumulus 10/10, sea 5, visibility medium

Dive for listening

1200 CG4487

Day's run: surfaced 80 nm, submerged 6 nm. Dive for listening

1600 CG4488



2000 CG4489


Day 10 North Atlantic off Portugal


0000 CG4498

Dive for listening

0400 CG4499

Dive for listening

0800 CG4493

Dive for listening



1102 CG4469

↯ from BdU: = Convoy in CG4379 N 7 knots. U 353, U 107, U 401 to intercept. = New course 039T, speed GF. ETA 0130 hours

1200 CG4544

Day's run: surfaced 78 nm, submerged 7 nm

1410 CG4313

Test dive

1600 CG4284

Having difficulty to make the calculated 13 knots because of the swell. New course 37T.

1745 CG4250


2000 CG4230

2200 CG1890

Dive for listening. Multiple screws 24 - 28 km 80T

2258 CG1971

Dive for listening. Multiple screws 8 - 10 km 50 - 100T


Fire seen 105T


A ship sighted 107T long range


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1971 352T 7 knots. Weather S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis. medium. Wähling= New course 352T, speed HF. Turning away from a Black Swan class, probably a port guard


352T GF. Trying to get in front of the convoy

2353 CG1944

↯ from BdU: = Freedom to attack. = Trying to get to the starboard side of the convoy in hope of the starboard side being guarded by a corvette


Day 11 North Atlantic off Portugal

Attacking convoy



↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1944 352T 7 knots. Attacking on surface. Wähling= Dog curve towards the burning ship, LF, deck awash tried, but not succeeded because of the swell


An escort sighted 3200 meters, 345R. Estimated course straight towards us. Initially KF back, keeping bow towards the escort, but the escort turns away from the convoy. Turning stern towards the escort. The Black Swan class turns away first, then towards. At 2000 meters it slows down, apparently listening


The Black Swan at 2800 meters 95R, getting away. 262T HF towards the merchants


Another Black Swan 323R under 3000 meters. Bow torpedoes launched with quick estimations. G7e, 3 m, AZ, gyro angles 15 - 18, AOB stb 95, range 3500 meters. Target not identified because of the darkness

0218 CG1940

↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1940 352T 7 knots.10 torpedoes left. 3 - 4 escorts. No successes. Wähling=


Loading torpedoes. Preparing for an end run

0336 CG1910

Dive for listening. The convoy heard at 222T, over 20 - 25 km

0400 CG1839

Towards the convoy


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1839 352T 7 knots. Attacking surfaced. Wähling=


An escort, probably a Black Swan class 235T 3500 meters. I presume this is the front guard and by letting it pass and keeping pretty much where the boat is, we'll get to the starboard front side of the convoy


An escort spotted 3500 meters. Probably a stern guard. Either the convoy has changed its course or the last spotted escort was a starboard guard instead of a front guard


343T 10 knots


An escort spottted 3500 meters 354R, and the stern guard still seen at 228R. 280T 10 knots


Tube 1 G7a 30 knots AZ 5 m gyro angle 007 AOB 82 port range 3800 meters. Target a medium merchant Tube 2 G7e AZ 3 m gyro angle 007 AOB 82 range 3800 m. Tube 3 G7a AZ 3 m gyro angle 006 AOB 82 range 3800 m. Turned towards the stern of the convoy


No hits observed. The stern guard Black Swan lit its search light at a range of 1600 meters. Kept our stern towards the escort and ran away at HF initially, then GF. Loading torpedoes


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1839 352T 7 knots. No successes. 5+2 torpedoes left. Wähling=


Dive for listening. No stragglers heard

0800 CG1599

Dive for listening. Convoy 222T long range



0917 CG1647

↯ from BdU: = Aircraft spotted large convoy in CG1832 NNW 5 knots. =

1105 CG1592

Columns of smoke seen 144T on the horizon. ↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1592. Attacking submerged. Wähling=


Periscope depth. The escorts making about 85 RPM


Trying to keep just in the middle of the front and the port guard in order to get inside the port guard but outside the merchant columns


The front guard 65 RPM


Day's run: surfaced 272 nm, submerged 3 nm. Now 250T 1knot for a stern tube shot. Having trouble keeping depth in the swell. Three escorts spotted. There are at least four escorts


A 6000 tonne steamer one of the closest merchants


Tube 5, TII AZ depth 4,5 meters. Target bearing 190R, gyro angle 000, range 2500, aiming point funnel, AOB port 82 degrees, running time 2 min 35 seconds. LF straight ahead


After 7 minutes 5 seconds an explosion heard. The sound man didn't hear the torpedo before that. Suspected torpedo failure

1411 CG1594

Surfaced. Loading stern tube. Started an end run

↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1594. No sinkings. 4+2 torpedoes.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Wähling=


A one-engined aircraft attacked from the clouds and strafed the boat with machine gun fire. No casualties or wounded. Crash dive to A. An explosion heard at A-30. No damage noted inside the boat. HF away to gain some distance in case there are destroyers closing. We are 620 nautical miles from Gibraltar and the air space of Spain and Portugal are inbetween Gibraltar and us. It's possible the plane, possibly a Hurricane came from a CAM ship or a carrier

↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Attacked by airplace. No major damages. Lost contact with convoy.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Wähling=

1600 CG1586

1739 CG1558


2000 CG1524

Dive for listening. Nothing heard. New course 80T

2117 CG1526

A Black Swan spotted medium range. KF back, bow towards it. After a couple of minutes a merchant spotted 105T at the edge of visibility, probably 4000 meters. The escort is either a front guard or a more likely a port guard


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1526.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Attacking on surface. Wähling=


Tube 1 TII depth 3 m, gyro angle 333, AOB 14 port, 333R, aiming point keel range 4000 m. Tube 2 TII gyro angle 330, AOB 15 port, 334R aiming point funnel. Tube 4 TII gyro angle 331, AOB 15 port, aiming point stern


Periscope depth, silent running


Tube 5 TII depth 3 m, gyro angle 353, 184R medium merchant range 4000, AOB port 85. Turning towards the stern of the convoy


The port guard Black Swan has its search light on. Maybe the torpedo was spotted. No explosions heard


The Black Swan very slow 40 - 50 RPM. Probably listening but over 3000 meters away


Fire seen through the periscope. Possible the torpedo hit something, but the light is so far away that it is difficult to say if it is a search light or a fire. Nothing out of the ordinary in the hydrophone


The sound man says he thinks there is damaged merchant 29T, where a fire can also be seen. Surfaced, 4 knots towards the fire


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1526.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. 0+2 torpedoes. One ship damaged. Wähling=


The stern guard sighted 4000 meters away. The straggler is able to keep up with the convoy. Periscope depth for reconnoitering. The convoy heard medium range. Breaking contact as there are no usable torpedoes left and the damaged ship can't be finished.




↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1526.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. 0+2 torpedoes. Request orders. Wähling=


↯ from BdU: = U 353 Wähling hold contact until noon 1200 hours. Reports every four hours. Return to port after 1200 hours. =


Day 12 North Atlantic off Portugal

Shadowing convoy

0000 CG1526

0400 CG1294

Dive for listening. Convoy heard 4T range 5 - 10 kilometers


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1294, course N, speed slow.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Wähling=


A Black Swan spotted. Turning away. Initially HF, then after 3000 meters GF. The escort does not notice the fast speed


A Black Swan and some merchants spotted. Turning away HF

0800 CG1274

Dive for listening. Convoy 350 T 25 - 35 km


↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1347, course NNE, speed slow.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Wähling=



0930 CG1348

A Hurricane attacked from clouds, close range, from 90T. Crash dive while the plane strafed the boat with machine guns. The convoy heard 345 T over 25 km

1105 CG1349

↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in CG1342, course NE, speed slow.  S5, 10/10, sea 5, vis medium. Attacked by a Hurricane, the boat was shot at, but not bombed. Returning to port. Wähling=

1200 CG1349

Day's run: surfaced 208 nm, submerged 19 nm. Diving to let the crew rest after 24 hours of continuous action

2000 CG1353



Day 13 North Atlantic off Spain

Returning to port

0000 CG1332

0400 BF7748

Test dive

0800 BF7728



0941 BF7723

Airplane 253R,300T long range. Crash dive. The plane was one-engined, but unidentified. Apparently didn't notice the boat

1200 BF7497

Day's run: surfaced 145 nm, submerged 21 nm


Airplane 232R, 285T long range. Crash dive. The plane was one-engined, but unidentified. An explosion heard while at A-40. I decide to keep submerged until night in order to avoid the heavy enemy air activity

1901 BF7493

S2, clear 0/10, sea 2, medium visibility



↯ from U 353 to BdU: = BF7493, running submerged by day. Heavy air activity.  S2, 0/10, sea 2, vis medium. Wähling=

2000 BF7547

Dive for listening. Nothing heard. Preparing to move outside torpedoes inside the boat


Day 14 North Atlantic off Spain

Returning to port

0000 BF7543

0400 BF7297

Test dive

0800 BF7347



1200 BF7320

Day's run: surfaced 176 nm, submerged 13 nm

1600 BF4976

1707 BF4957


2000 BF4953

Dive for listening


Day 15 Bay of Biscay

Returning to port

0000 BF4933

0400 BF5449

Test dive

0800 BF5426



1200 BF5193

Day's run: surfaced 247 nm, submerged 3 nm

1600 BF5243



1948 Brest

Made convoy with Sperrbrecher

2117 Brest

Made fast at pier 4

Special Experiences

Very heavy air activity in the sea area off the Spanish and Portuguese coast. The enemy’s location capability in sea 5 is limited. Torpedo malfunctions suspected.

Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote on the Kriegstagebuch of " U-353 " from 2.1. - 22.1.42.        


         Multiple well executed approaches against the convoy, and contact with the convoy kept well. However the attacks were not pushed close enough and consequently many torpedoes missed.

Results: According to Radio Intelligence troop transporter M/V Adda sank with several hundred troops on the night of U 353’s attack. The ship is presumed to be sunk by U 353 as it was the only boat in the area. Another ship is presumed damaged, but not sunk.



                  For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote        

                  the Chief of the Operations Department

