Welcome, welcome to my Galactic Scrap Shop. Come in, come in. Here you will find the best prices for all your travelling needs. We accept republic and imperial credit! So, I hear you are after a cargo ship. Well if you need freighter that will keep you protected, which many consider the fastest in the galaxy, which is strong with the force, then why not buy the Millennium Falcon.

Trash? I think not! Don’t let its aged appearance fool you, it has had numerous advanced modifications to boost the ship's speed, weapons and shield, including a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy, enabling it to outrun Imperial Star Destroyers.

Its basic shape has two convex saucers welded together, a pair of front-facing mandibles and an outrigger-style, side-mounted cockpit with transparisteel viewports.

Inside, it includes sensor-proof smuggling compartments which can evade imperial stormtroopers, don’t believe me? Just ask Princess Leia,  as this was the ship that rescued her from the Death Star.

It has had two previous owners, Lando Calrission and Han Solo. Han led the ship with a wookie named Chewbacca which will explain any loose hair you may find in the cockpit. I apologise for that!

Although it was built as a smuggling ship it has the capacity to be used in combat with two gunner modules. In fact, this ship was one of the main reasons why the rebellion were able to bring down the Empire.

As you can see, the falcon can outrun the best of them, evading imperial tie fighters.

Price you say? Well how does 20,000 credits sound? A fair and reasonable price!