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1.  The quality of the instructional program reflects the effort invested by teachers.  Developing lesson plans that are consistent with district curriculum and appropriate to the individual needs of students, and that reflect best practice research is essential for effective teaching.


2.  Teachers are expected to prepare lesson plans on a weekly basis. Building principals may require that copies of lesson plans be submitted on a regular basis.


3.  Lesson plans should be of sufficient length and substance to allow a substitute teacher to carry on the course of study and to provide a means by which the building principal or designee may monitor instruction to assure that the educational program in a particular class or activity is consistent with the district-approved course of study.


4.  An up-to-date seating chart, class schedules and information identifying any classroom student aides or other special student needs should be accessible to substitutes and building administrators.


5.  At the secondary level, a syllabus that provides an overview of the course of study, materials used, grading policies, behavior expectations, and significant projects or assignments, and other information deemed relevant should also be prepared and readily available for the building principal and/or student and parent review.