Get ready for the SMACKDOWN! at 3:00 PM Sign up here to share your favorite resource.
Session 1 10:00 - 10:50 | Session 2 11:00 - 11:50 | Session 3 1:00 - 1:50 | Session 4 2:00 - 2:50 | |
Digital notetaking @dawnrnelson @wilsandrea | A Paperless Classroom @karinhogen | How to plan an EdCamp @lisasjogren & @tombrantt | Makerspaces @jenlegatt @ohlgrend | |
e assessment @host | e-assessment @host | e-assessment @host | e-assessment @host | |
Twitter Accounts @host | Nearpod @host | Chromebooks @tammiwilkins | Facilitate Digital Citizenship Mary M | |
201 - Room Change | Edmodo @techielms | Open Online Experience MOOC #00E13 | QR Codes in the classroom @Jen Legatt | Title @host |
iPad Apps for preK/early literacy @poesygalore | Flipped Learning @alynnmeyer | Student centered creation and assessment Ryan | @host | |
using parent advisory groups effectively Sheri T | Connect to Classrooms Globally @Patrick Morrow | iPads @poesygalore @theycallmeej | Health/PE Teachers @jennywamsley | |
Facilitating teens in leadership @host | Create a presentation using technology and can be interactive @tinavanerp | Asynchronous & mastery learning in science @alynnmeyer | 21st century leadership @jenhegna | |
History Day/Digital Primary Sources @crossons | Daily5 Math @khurdhorst | Arts infused education! @artmpower | Project Based Learning Andy P, Matt W | |
Social Media/sms with parents @brenda | Multi Touch Textbooks Brian H | Child Online Protection Act Andrea Wilson Vazquez | Work Flow/Google Scripts @chesseltech @pattistrukel | |
Genius Hour @khurdhorst | School within a school Ed C | CCSS/ELA Nonfiction @Karinhogen | Classroom Teachers Working with Library/Media (k-12) @cburke @poesygalore |
Invitation Key:
I would like to teach others about... | I would like to facilitate a discussion on... | I would like to learn more about this topic/idea... | Let’s get together and... |
EdCampMSP Schedule and Session Note Templates by EdCampMSP are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |