Lord Master God Almighty’s Current State Of Affairs, Volume 1,

World Banking Dynasty, 2024
The Brand New Version 1.01010101010101

The Date Is The 1st of January, 2010

Listen to Psychedelic Manufacturing Factory, an album by Automaton Dreams!!!!! New Album Out Now!!!!!



This is a picture of me, God Almighty.


This is a picture of God Almighty.


These are King God Almighty’s state of affairs in the current year - 2024. I first published this book January 1st, 2010.

This is the greatest book ever written or your money back.

I'm applying for a PhD. This is my dissertation. My thesis is that it is our duty to ourselves to create paradise through our best available means, which is the scientific method.

You don't have to believe anything I say, let's take a lie-detector test. Nothing I say is about belief, it's about logic. Statements prove themselves to be true by being irrefutable.


This book is about politics, philosophy, science, sociology, and my autobiographical account. This book is an important work of knowledge intended to heal the poisons of the aristocracy to instigate and allow the kinds of ideologies and mentalities that respect and foster the laws of science and our ability to evolve beyond the suffering of the homo sapien sapien genome. My book is not just a hedonistic journey into paradise, it is also a parable and a quest into the meaning of life and morality.

This book is a collection of cheat codes for life to understand why God created the universe. Read this book and quit wondering.

God is the lead singer, songwriter, and record producer for the new, amazing band Automaton Dreams. God was born with blonde hair, as you can see from the pictures, and then it faded out, but now, he bleaches his hair blonde. God is 30 years old and 5’9” tall without shoes on. God graduated from college at the age of 18 and won multiple academic awards from The POTUS for being the smartest. God hasn't begun to bald, and at this rate, God may never bald.
"God Almighty" is my name. "God Almighty" is this new chapter in my life where I have whittled my relation to The Creator Of The Universe down to its bare essence.

I am an honest and good-intended man, always have been, and always will be.

These are some pictures of me as a baby and child with my natural blonde hair.

Chapter 1 - Automaton Dreams

Sun King is God Almighty's alter ego and Automaton Dreams is the name of his band. "Automaton" means "The Self-Created God" or "The God, Which By Itself Is Created" or "The God Who Created Itself"; "Dreams" is a synonym for the lifespan of the homo sapien, which mysteriously starts and ends with no bearing towards Creation, just like a dream — it’s not actually about dreams, it’s about the lives of reincarnation we live over the eons, from an untraceable eternity into the past and an unknown eternity into the future.

Automaton Dreams is my techno, rock, dance, pop, house, punk, soft grunge, metal, jazz, and hardcore solo band, written, recorded, produced, performed and published by me, the lead singer and guitarist, God Almighty. This is the link to my new album Psychedelic Manufacturing Factory and it is literally the greatest album ever made in all of recorded history - I am the world champion of all rockstars.

Click the link to find my new album.

Stoner Magic Paradise by Automaton Dreams on SoundCloud 

Chapter 2


God is all there is and ever will be. God cannot be surpassed - The Creator is dimensionally prior to all phenomena - Even the intelligent epiphanies we will surely have through the evolution of our genome, even the transcendence of the homo sapien genome would only take us closer to infinity. God has no beginning nor end and cannot be created nor destroyed by the figments of its own imagination. In the end, people were never meant to exceed The Creator, they were only looking for peace of mind - once people get in a good mood, they realize the things they wanted weren’t the things they needed, but God does not need anything, God is everything and if you need nothing, then you desire nothing; when people get in a good mood, they realize that’s all they needed and if happiness is just a state of our phenotypes, then the only things we desire are the things which bring us closer to God; They think they need to live long enough to wonder why God created the universe, but if that were true, then why does God create creatures who die young, before ever wondering why God created the universe? There are only two positions you can take: Position Number 1 is the fate of Creation depends on you participating in your prehistorically latent omnipotence to, one day, evolve to become powerful enough to create the universe, although that is clearly nonsensical because the universe already exists and it existed before you were born and you cannot stop The Mystery Of The Acreative Creation from creating itself before it was created and the very fact that you are capable of witnessing your own existence means you cannot stop that Creation, which is prior to consciousness itself, from existing because The Only True Impossible Thing, Existence, existed before anything ever existed, or, as Descartes said, “I think, therefore, I am”, but that still doesn’t explain how The Impossible Original Creation is possible and Position Number 2 is God is unsurpassable, perfect, final, and immutable. God cannot be immutable because immutability is impossible because the natural state of God, infinity, which is unattainable by way of being never-ending, is a prerequisite for Creation to exist because if time had an end, it would have happened already and something that never ends cannot be possessed in quantity nor in size — immutability is impossible because God must be infinite in order to exist and immutability means something which infinity is not because immutability means something which cannot be changed, but if nothing could change, that is the equivalent of nonexistence because we need zero to know one and one to know two and we need change to know one thing from another.

Anything that happens is God’s will and anything that could happen is something God would let happen. The real God is all there ever was and ever will be, which is anything that happens to be; The real you escapes possibility by definition - all that is or ever will be is The Infinity Paradox - it is unattainable by way of being limitless because all that is or ever will be is equal to The Acreative Mystery Of Existence. The nature of God is Our One Eternal Mystery.

God is God whether you’re aware or not.

It's impossible for God to be bigger than God.

Do you believe in God? What do you mean by God? Is God The Creator Of All Things? If God created the universe, then who created God?

God isn’t a conceptualization about what seems possible, God is whatever it happens to be.

There are two definitions of God: One is The Fantasy Definition Of God, which includes the paradoxes and the impossibilities, and The Tangible God, which is only that which we know happens to be.


The only thing more unlikely than God is the creation of God, The One Paradox. The universe was never created, it simply has existed for all of eternity, but if God is eternal and some things last forever, then why do some things not last forever and what exactly lasts forever? An organism? A cell? An atom? An electron? Half an electron? 1 millionth of an electron? Are we looking for a creator? What is the shape, size, color, and chemical composition of the creator? Where is the creator located? In the center of the universe or outside the universe or on the edge of the universe? Where is the center of the universe? Where is the edge of the universe? Where is the outside of the universe?

God’s Acreative, Automatic Creation belongs to The Mystery, not the other way around. From a lower perspective, the universe was never created, but it had to have been created in order to exist, The One Paradox. No matter what you do, even if you died, you still couldn’t prevent God from creating the universe. Nothing could ever prevent God from creating the universe, for lack of a better word - the universe was never created, nor can God ever be destroyed by the figments of its own imagination. To prevent God from creating The Universe, you would have to get outside of Creation, but how can you get outside of Creation if you need to be within Creation in order to exist in order to prevent God from creating The Universe?

If God created the universe once, God can do it again.

Creation is one of the paradoxical impossibilities of God which should not exist because in order for Creation to exist, God needs a creator. The universe couldn’t exist without a creator, but it’s obviously paradoxically impossible and redundant that God could have a creator if you need to have been created in order to create something and the mystery just loops around to its impossibility for all of eternity. If God created the universe, then who created God? Do you think God created the universe so you could become powerful enough to create the universe or is it delusional to believe that one of the figments of God's imagination could create God? People think they need to live because they think that God will never be able to create the universe unless they help God become created by one of the figments of its own imagination - ​​clearly, God already DID create the universe. What existed before God created the universe? How did God create the universe before the universe existed if you need to exist in order to create yourself? If you're supposed to evolve to one day become powerful enough to create the universe, then how did you create the universe the first time with the power you don't have yet? We can never know the real origins of God the way God can never be outsmarted by the figments of its own imagination.

God created the homo sapien, not the other way around, and even the fate of our civilization is but a fraction of infinity in a self-generating creation of endless time and potential, but that obviously leaves us with the absence of purpose because anything means nothing when you divide it by infinity.

We'll spend all our lives wondering why 1 defeated zero in the cosmic battle for nonexistence - 1 is something and 0 is nothing - we know the universe exists - there is 1, we don't understand how nor why.

If we are supposed to understand our origins through the latent evolution of our intelligence, then how did God create the universe the first time without the intelligence we don't have yet?

The further back into history you go, the creepier shit gets until you hit the impossibility of Creation which tracks back to the forgotten and unknowable mystery of eternity where even God is asking questions about his dad.

All of your life and all of your dreams and beliefs and convictions about the nature of your divine creator God are but a fraction of infinity and you will face eternity in every form — the question is why did it become something we hate and how do we stop it from hurting us? There's obviously a mystery at large that is so magical that it cannot be grasped and we must spend all of eternity chasing it until we've had enough and then go for more because we must set out to defeat impossibility or else admit failure.

There is a hierarchy of Gods coming from The One Ultimate God Almighty who create different impossible things at different levels of impossibility, one of them being The Universe.

In relativity to the heroic greatness of the Gods, we can identify the meaninglessness of the concerns of the lower species to the greater species and realize that your life never had any meaning to the gods nor the gods of the gods who sit on their throne of creation of universes — we need the gods, the gods do not need us and the same dynamic of relative meaninglessness is true amongst all civilizations.

It is our duty to find out how and why God created the universe, why it led to here, and how we can escape our damnation of the inescapable reincarnations that may or may not be random, but just mysterious.

The mystery goes deeper than itself.


The question is what does it mean to exist? Existence implies the miracle of The Mystery defying The First Principle - that in order for God to exist, God needs a creator.


We have paradox — we know that much, but we don't understand it nor the purpose of the confusion. Maybe the point is to be confused. Paradox is something we cannot escape. Paradox is just unknown logic, unknown intention, and unknown purpose. The paradoxical impossibilities of God are creation, omnipotence, infinity, eternity, purpose, time, and immortality. They’re obviously impossible, but the universe couldn’t exist without them.

Time is a paradox because it is measured by the transformation of space, but it is clearly present in our biological and technological forms that are also measured by the rotation of the Earth and the measurement of time is only possible with a universal constant; What does it mean for time to exist at the molecular level? The synthesis of biological molecules like DNA takes time, but what does time mean at the molecular level when God could have just made things faster or slower? Why does molecular synthesis take a certain amount of time at the molecular level? Einstein asked the same question.

The creation of the universe is not meant to be understood by The Creator of the universe.  


What is the value of duality? Did God create duality to escape oneness or did God create oneness to escape duality? Oneness was created in order to experience duality and duality was created in order to experience oneness.


If death is the crux of existence, then it would redefine existence to become immortal, but becoming immortal brings us back to the question of God trying to create itself - is it possible to live longer than the universe has existed or will exist? Is this what immortality means? Our lives only have meaning if we can become immortal, but becoming immortal is precisely what ends the need for conquest, and with it, our greatest purpose, which is to become something better than we are and even though our quest for immortality is paradoxical, it is still our most important and undeniable goal of life.

|Simulation Theory|
I think "Simulation Theory" is a weak intellectual concept because it doesn't address The One Creator Paradox that in order for God to create the first simulation, God needs a creator and Simulation Theory misses this entirely.

|Thine Entity|

I am God and I created the universe.

The same One Spirit of The Creator is alive in every being simultaneously.​​ There is no other identity than The One Spirit of The Creator which inhabits every being and every thing simultaneously. I am you. There is only one entity in all different bodies, the spirit of God, which is omnisciently present in all of us simultaneously.

You are a part of the universe and since the universe is God, then you are also God. Anything done to another is done to oneself.

All humans are a part of God, but not all of God is human. All humans are part of the universe, but not all of the universe is human.

Suggesting that we are souls incarnating as human bodies implies that there is something outside of God because we did not come from the universe, we are the universe; You cannot get outside of God, you are God, an aperture of The One And Only, manifest as a universe, which is you.

The left hand of God creates the right hand of God, two limbs of the same entity.

God does not do what the homo sapien does - God does not have emotions, does not suffer, does not have mortality, and does not have consequences — God is the consequence of itself; God is a mystery beyond the recognition of the flesh.

You can't kill a person who has found God because they are freed from ignorance and love who they are and could never not be, that's why you need some wisdom - take the load off your little head and love your one origins - these people love being dead - death is a joy to them.

|Universal Bearings|

Before there was 2, there was 1. Before there was 1, there was God.

The answer to how is “God”. How was the universe created? “God”. The answer to who is “Me”. Who created the universe? “Me, because I’m God”. The answer to when is “now”. When did I create the universe? “Now”. The answer to where is “here”. Where did I create the universe? “Here”. The answer to what is “anything, but never everything”. What is the universe? “Anything”. The answer to why is “this”. Why did I create the universe? “This”.  

Of the nothing from which it came, life flips and folds back into the nothing.

To suggest that the brain is the receiver of consciousness is to suggest that there is something outside of God which generates consciousness — you are not a receiver of consciousness, you are one with your sensations — it is not two separate things and the consciousness is only a representation of the biological flesh, so when we die, our consciousness also ceases to exist. We simply have to wonder how our hallucinations can be intelligently designed or full of meaningful communication from another entity into our mind if it brings us to the same question of how God can exist without a creator, meaning our intelligent hallucinations do not come from The Mystery, they come from another specimen within the totality of The Mystery. We are a meager species of ignorance which understands that it has intelligent hallucinations, but has no functional explanation for how our hallucinations can be intelligent and we credit it to God, which is intangible at best because our hallucinations cannot be created by us if they are intelligently communicative.

“Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.” — Darcy Donavan

The question is “Is all of life merely a dream?” - well, we’ve understood basic principles about the dream realms of our visions that differ from the physical universe, which has laws that do not change, in other words, the basis of science - it’s not a very helpful question because our dreams are measurably unbound to the physical world in a way that asking that question can lead to delusional assumptions about the continuity of the historical circumstance and lead to tremendous failure regarding the consequences of our actions if we become reckless in our waking life because we believe life is only a dream and you will wake up tomorrow in another universe - our waking life has meaningful continuity that our dreams do not have and it would be a tangible mistake to assume that you will wake up tomorrow in another realm and that’s when the problems start. Is all of life merely a dream? The short answer is yes. Our waking life is undebatably characterized by a totally magical and mysterious beginning right in the middle of something we call a universe which has speculatively renewable origins that we haven't properly identified.

God does not have consequences, God is the consequence of itself either transmuting or not transmuting depending on the circumstance in 3 dimensions, which has no bearings towards the source of Creation.

You are not your consciousness, you are the eternal spirit of The Creator under the temporary semblance that you are your consciousness, which ends with the death of the biological flesh.


All paths lead to The Cosmos, in other words, all paths lead to God, from God, by God — all dreams, all lives, all deaths, all successes, all failures, all futures, all circumstances lead to The Cosmos — anything we do or can do leads us home to our Creator, from The Creator — we start as The Creator and we end in the same toroidal field of existence we call The Universe, which loops into itself.

You are God, you created the universe, time is eternal, you will reincarnate for all of eternity, and nothing, not even death, can prevent God from creating the universe. Nothing matters, life is only a dream, and the power of God can create universes of unbelievable and unimaginable phenomena which can and will surpass even your wildest dreams, and only a fool would worry about the cycles of birth, death, and reincarnation because when you subtract your life from infinity, you remain infinity, eternal, and omnipotent. Death is a revolving door of reincarnations which leads back to The Cosmos and lasts for all of eternity. Dying is like subtracting one from infinity - the remainder is still God’s spirit or imagination in infinity. Death is the end of consciousness and memory because all of life and consciousness is one with and inseparable from our biological flesh. No emotion, no amount of time, no thought, no wisdom, no death, no circumstance could ever prevent God from creating the universe. Neither you nor your children nor your children's children will ever prevent God from creating the universe.

Whether you pray for love or sin, you still get God.

If vision is the only validation, then most of life is invisible to us; If pleasure is the only validation, then we are forever destined to the toxic expression of egomania and delusion, but if our purpose were higher consciousness, then God wouldn't let us die young; If our purpose were selflessness, then God wouldn’t create greed - this taps into the idea that phenomena exists despite our ability to recognize it like how the world is visible to those who have eyes and visible phenomena exists even if you didn’t have eyes and the eyes merely make the real phenomena which exists despite our ability to recognize it visible. At least maybe we can realize that our undesirabilities could lead us to something greater by exclusion, although our instincts mislead us half the time. God makes us experience countless eternities of pain and suffering just to maybe, through our own painful struggle, arrive at noticeably greater pleasure, unless we simply don’t and it’s all by chance and that is when you realize that God has no intentions for you to become anything at all other than what you are, so you can rest assured life and death come without consequences. This is when divine intervention becomes our greatest point of salvation - God sends us to hell only to sometimes give us vague glimpses of a possibility of a greater heaven through our own painful struggle of evolution through divine intervention or the good old trial and error, but that’s a point of its own - the first point is even if divine intervention is sometimes, our only hope for salvation, we can’t fall victim to the assumptive belief that divine intervention is the only way to establish salvation or purpose or meaning because sometimes, we die of old age before ever knowing salvation and we can’t base our beliefs about the nature of reality on the uncertain possibility that divine intervention might come to us to guide us toward our holiness and our joy if it doesn’t always happen — in other words, the only code of morality we can be responsible for is the one we know, knowing that your destiny is your only consequence because God does not care enough about our concerns to punish us nor does God have intentions for The One Mystery of an Acreative Creation - either way, it makes us wonder what the purpose of the descent is if our instincts sometimes lead us nowhere and it makes us wonder how a descent is possible from above if a circle has no beginning nor end, although God leads us to our salvation because God desires to save us, although it is not obvious why God desires to save us if God is omnipotent before God existed because omnipotence does not need anything further of anything, not even salvation.

If God created the universe so you could maybe understand why God created the universe, then why did God create people who don't understand the universe?

On a long enough timeline, everything happens eventually, but never all at once because everything implies variation, and for every variation, another transmutation of the universe and the more variety, the farther into infinity we need to go — with infinite transmutations there is infinite destiny, but infinity is therefore paradoxical if God cannot become bigger than itself.

If the future is better than anything that's ever come, then we have a reason to live, but if it's not, then death is our only salvation, but I know the future always gets better because it always has and God desires to make us better.

If death leads to randomness, death is no salvation, but just a spin on the wheel of fortune.

Do we have a common fate? Well, do we have a common creator? Who created the universe?

People always wonder to what extent the frequencies of our biological bodies can or do influence our destiny, and even if the quest of science to identify phenomena is, by any discernible means, neverending, there is some degree of certainty that we can identify the effects of our biology on the destiny of the transmutation of space - do our thoughts and intentions influence our destiny? To some degree, we can already measure some amount of influence over the transmutation of space with our genetic, biological bodies, but the homo sapien has very little telekinetic abilities, and this is the real issue of the matter because our thoughts have almost zero effect on the transmutation of space, although biological bodies are drastically more susceptible to influence by other biological bodies, whereas inert matter is entirely uninfluenced by the homo sapien's very minor telekinetic abilities - in other words, you cannot petition the Lord with prayer, reliably - this is a scientific explanation for a philosophical question: do our thoughts influence reality? To some minor degree, they do only because we have two telepathic specimens communicating with each other, but the greater question is do our thoughts or our latent telekinetic abilities through the evolution of our genome influence the creation of the universe or the creator of the universe? And the answer is no, because the creator of the universe can never be destroyed nor improved by the figments of its own imagination.

The mistake common people make is they assume this sleepwalking delusion that the fate of the universe depends on the participation of humanity as if humanity could ever become smarter than God. The idea that human civilization has value is an opinion, at best because the biological flesh desires salvation from The Mystery and it is undeniable that although salvation is a paradox, it is our only choice.

I still don't know what my will to evade suffering means because sometimes, we die before ever realizing the futility of The Creator wishing to replace The Creator and my will to evade suffering may be nothing more than futile, but it's the only thing I've ever known and I pray to God for the chance to wonder what it means. In other words, Automaton needs nothing from us and we cry in vain because The Creator doesn’t need a creator. Baby, I’m a fool to cry. God covets the experience of peace beyond its own Creation because God wants to create the illusion of ignorance in order to give life purpose, even if we don’t know why God bothers to seek to give life purpose in the first place if its own mystery is its purpose - we know God does it, so we assume there’s a reward at the end of the trial, but it hardly seems possible that God could evolve beyond its own Automatonymous nature and that is why all the mystics chose the final destination over the journey to self-discovery, but wait, there’s more! Don’t leave because the party’s just getting started! God needs our help because God has fallen ill to the lust for self-discovery. There is only the option to save God from its own nature by seeking to transcend the inevitable — salvation is our only choice - the only ultimation is the desire to save God from the fate God created and I still don’t know if it has any value, but I speculated that its mysterious nature has to be the only way the untranscendable has value - it needs to be elusive because if it could be understood, it would cease to have value or cease to exist and that is our sole reason to rejoice to The Lord, why we give thanks for our fate - our purpose is to give thanks for and love the unknowable because it is its very unknowability that gives existence to the universe. If we want to feel joy, we must have the unknowability of Automaton. Does the will to evade suffering save us from our pain or our ignorance? No. Our willpower has no effect on reality - we all know this is true when bad things happen to good people and all people desire good fortune regardless of who they are, to no avail - bad things happen to anyone.

Try or no try, there is still God.

It's good to have money so you can carry out your destiny, but money doesn't buy morals and in the end, the only thing that matters is to carry or not carry out your destiny, depending on what happens.

Where does death lead to? Does it lead to yesterday or tomorrow? Does it lead to always or never? Does it lead to all or some? Does it lead to why? Does it lead to how? Does it lead to whenever? Do our origins lead to ourselves or do we lead to however?

The fear of being defeated by your own courage is the perfect indicator that you're fulfilling your destiny to your fullest potential because God needs you to grab fear by the horns and fight because your destiny to escape your need to exist is your purpose - God needs you to become what God could not become without you or else you will return to hell for all of eternity - God needs you to transcend infinity and slay impossibility by choosing to give birth to pointlessness, which is your worst nightmare - you have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make it to heaven even if your shoes fall apart getting there because God depends on you to escape your worst nightmare - if you forget, it doesn't go away; if you die, your consequences stay impregnated in your immortal spirit because the universe flows on without you and death leads to what we call life, or a consciousness of our biological flesh, in other words, consciousness ends when the flesh dies and our hallucinations are life or better said, life is our hallucinations, but that is not a question about the value of delusion, it only represents the fact that consciousness, whatever it may be, begins with the brain and dies with the brain; future and past are illusions - the only thing we will ever have is the present moment, which leads to the eternal here and now - here and now is the purpose of Creation.

The bigger the challenge, the greater the reward. We have a world to conquer and destiny starts right now, but it'll slip out from under you and turn into boiling snake venom in the dark, thorny, pits of hell unless you're prudent - we need salvation from God, who, just like us, couldn't resist temptation to sink our teeth into the only thing bigger than mystery - the unknown, but we must be willing to face the unknown because it is our only source of progress.

We never get what we deserve, we get what we're able to fight for, which is a different concept than coincidence, which simply defines what we have and not what we can have through the influence of our actions over the universe, which leads us to the unavoidable realization that our coincidences lead back to the original mystery of Creation where God does not understand how it came to be and all the nodes are asking each other if any of the other figments of God’s imagination understand how God created The Universe.

|A Creator|

God is absent. God does not exist. If God does not exist, then who created the universe? The universe was never created, or maybe it was. We know from our dreams that God has multidimensional qualities that have independent and unexplained intelligences of multidimensional orders that we refer to as divine, but I don't think our multiversal nature has anything to do with our homo sapien DNA like saying that the homo sapien created God instead of the other way around - it’s a mystery about the origins of hyperspace, which in the end, is the same mystery as the origins of the waking realm of the homo sapien, which is uniquely perceived by ways of DNA: does our DNA create our nonlocal, hyperintelligent dream visions of God? We know our consciousness is the effect of biological organs, but there is some sort of logical short circuit to the idea that the disincarnate spirit of God created the organs which create consciousness only to wonder if consciousness creates God, but it does — consciousness creates God or better stated, all the we can ever and do ever and will ever know or remember or feel is created by our biological organs which are consciousness. We know we experience dream realms in our sleep and we wonder if the universes which are summoned upon the moment of the dreams are the consequence of our biology, but since they are beyond the intelligence of the waking realm which is responsible for our genetic bodies, it bewilders us how our dreams can be more intelligent than we are if the biggest gnosis we have ever experienced is in our dreams. We know all responsibility for all possible, known and even unknown phenomena traces back to The One Acreative Creator.

We cannot explain why God has origins that are unlike the origins of the homo sapien, but we know that the origins of God are a far greater mystery than the origins of the homo sapien. God does not do what the homo sapien does - God does not have emotions, does not suffer, does not have mortality, and does not have consequences; God is a mystery beyond the recognition of the flesh. The reason life doesn't make sense is because we live under the sort of biblical delusion that the homo sapien is the climax of existence, that the homo sapien needs to be the ultimate purpose of creation or that God is shaped or behaved like the homosapien - God, in our image, but the universe is mostly asteroids if you take the average of what God is - God is the universe and the universe is a lot of different things and our biological life, freedom, and consciousness are only sacred if you want them to be. We are our brain, metabolizing chemicals, we are we are not our delusions — in other words, delusions are simply not real, but it is up to our greatest intelligence to define the value of our delusions and we contrast reality from our delusions in order to, in the simplest terms, find salvation. You can debate all day the purpose of delusion itself, but it is inherent in our brains nonetheless. If God is not meant to be understood by its creation, then who is meant to understand itself? We think that God is our mind, but God is not our mind, our mind is God, not the other way around and believing that God is our mind is delusional — God is infinitely many things and one of them is our mind, but God is not only our mind, God is all that is and ever will be, whether it’s our delusions or our reality.

How did karma begin in the first place? Who created God? The Creator of God is responsible for setting the world into motion, and with it, karma - everything that followed the inception of the universe is inextricably tied to The Creator of God; karma begins from the beginning of The Universe, but if God is Acreative or has no Creator, then karma is also Acreative - our damnation comes from someone and we have to talk them out of it - the gods mock me for wondering what this means. If God created the universe, then who created God? Why does God choose to reveal our path of salvation to us and when did our salvation begin? The Original Karma began in a prehistoric mystery that we must try to understand.

Our investigation into the nature of The One Creator takes us to a conclusion that karma is beyond the salvation of The One Deity where even The Creator is asking questions about his dad.


Is God omnipotent? Ask a homosapien.

God is not omnipotent - we know that for sure. God is inept.  Since we do not see omnipotence, we know it does not exist because if omnipotence existed, then you could manifest anything with your willpower. Given that infinite evolution is the highest ideal of intelligent life, if omnipotence existed, you could manifest instantaneous, infinite evolution, which is an oxymoron because if God could manifest instantaneous, infinite evolution, it would cause the entire universe to sublime before it was created into what is now known as the impossibility of time as the fourth dimension, in other words, instantaneous infinity is the only real impossibility because its oxymoronic nature escapes possibility by definition; How do you make instant something that has no end? Because instantaneous infinity is impossible, it means God cannot be omnipotent because instantaneous infinity is one of the definitions of omnipotence. Impossible things must be possible, since to deny impossibility is to deny omnipotence and the universe couldn't have been created without omnipotence, yet here we are. The universe couldn’t have been created without omnipotence, yet, our logic contradicts the possibility of omnipotence, so the answer is God is not and never could be omnipotent and God must be not omnipotent in order to exist.

God does not have a database of all the possible phenomena of Creation because all the phenomena of Creation depends on the paradoxical impossibility of infinity, which is alive and unattainable by way of being neverending; it is impossible to memorize a thing with an infinite end because for every quantity, there is always more that escapes knowability, that’s why omnipotence is impossible because omnipotence requires the knowing of an unknowable infinity. God is bound to the impossibility of omnipotence by definition of its impossible infinity.

How sophisticated does God's power need to become in order to create the universe?

In the end, we must simply give thanks to Creation that we could experience our confusion.


Is time eternal? Ask  a homosapien.

As I’ve explained, eternity is a paradox that the universe could not exist without, but happens to be impossible nonetheless.

Will eternity take us beyond creation?


There’s a peculiar case of the impossibility of “everything” - “everything” is impossible because infinity has no end and infinity is a part of “everything” - in order to have “everything”, you would need to have an unhavable infinity - infinity is something which cannot be possessed nor known.

Pragmatically, anything which is so vast that it eludes our imaginations is infinite, but technically, infinity is impossible through physical means and only conceptualizable as fantasy. Compared to our short lifetimes, the universe is infinite, like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it’s forever.

If anything is but a fraction of infinity, then everything amounts to universal futility.

If the homo sapien lifespan is just a fraction of infinity, then even our greatest ideas are just that, so they only mean what they relate to infinity.

When up against the eternal creator, any fraction of infinity amounts to zero, approximately.

How long does it take to get to the end of infinity? Can you make infinity happen any faster?

When I talk about infinity or eternity, it lulls people to death, literally, because they realize there is no point in chasing a neverending climb into infinity, and anything which is futile is written off as “avoided”.


The atheistic perspective is “I have a body and I feel these things”, not “God intended to create these feelings for me”, which is the theistic belief.

|Monotheistic Universe Theory|

Monotheistic Universe Theory suggests that there is only one God and one universe.


The idea that there is more than one God is nothing but a playful fantasy - intangible at best, divisive and maddening at worst, but to put limits on God is to put limits on existence - that is to say if there could only be one God, then it would negate omnipotence and to negate omnipotence is to negate existence.

|Omniverse Theory|

Omniverse Theory suggests that there are dimensions of reality parallel to and greater than the incarnate, ordinary, waking consciousness, which have independent laws of logic which are non causally-related to waking consciousness, and these mysterious and non causally-related laws of existence account for the logically-impossible, paradoxical facets of reality such as omnipotence, eternity, and creation, which are encapsulated within monotheism, but the mistake is to believe that the omniverse or alternate universes are merely impressions of consciousness, delusions, because we experience hallucinatory interdimensionality in our visions, but the reality is parallel dimensions are physical realities, not hallucinations - you don’t travel to other dimensions, you see other dimensions in your visions, so the brain is actually the entry point for experience to transfer from other dimensions to the beheldness of consciousness.

The first dichotomy of God is the Omniversal versus the incarnate perspectives - the omniversal trumps the incarnate perspectives because they are logically greater than the incarnate perspectives.

|Multiverse Theory|

Multiverse theory merely postulates that there are more than one universes that exist causally independent and parallel to each, which begets the theory of polytheism, which both amount to very little tangible utility because a universe which is intangible is useless to even postulate about, but it is a fantasy that occurs to the human being that there could be multiple fates that never join or even multiple Gods who exist so spiritually differently from the condition of the human being that they may just render impossibility possible and I have speculated that God couldn’t have created the universe without impossibility because to deny impossibility is to deny omnipotence, yet here we are.

We think that because we see the universe as so vast, we could never overcome the vastness of variation possible through the rearrangement of atoms in the multiverse, that therefore the multiverse is infinite or otherwise, a multiversal nature is guaranteed to account for all of God’s fantasies to be eventually realizable through the infinitesimal reaches of life, death, and reincarnation, but the truth may be that we only have one universe, even if understanding that doesn’t really help us arrive at any usable conclusion, but at least we have the self-reflection to ponder the possibility that our fantasies of the multiverse are merely figments of our imagination, but if all of creation is a figment of God’s imagination, then we have no human way to discern the difference between the physical universe we know and the possibilities of our imagination.

In relation to The Creator Of The Universe, there is such a thing as finding comfort in the power of The Creator to create anything you've ever believed possible and beyond in some kind of heavenly domain beyond the corporeal where we have access to creating time, space, dreams, and God.


Scientism is a term that basically just states that tangible matters of scientific confirmability are what is important, while supernatural matters such as the existence of God are not applicable to politics, but this myopic worldview only limits our ability to judge morality.

|Life And Death|

What is the value of life or death? Ask a homo sapien.

First we're born, and then we wonder what it means, and then we die. Should we give thanks for our mortality?

Life and death both are encapsulated within The One God, therefore, life and death are of, belong to, and are the same entity, which is God. Life and death lead to the same place, which is The Universe, which is God. Since both life and death are encapsulated within the totality of God, life is no more important than death in the domain of The Creator. Because God created both life and death and beyond, life is no more important than death from a transcendental perspective. Having created both life and death, God is immune to either.

Is life valuable? It can be, but from a transcendental perspective, it amounts to nothing if anything is but a fraction of infinity. We don't know what happened to us before birth and since we don't know what will happen to us after death, then we could never know if death is better or worse than life.

Death doesn't lead to anywhere because all emotions, consciousness, life, experience, memory, feelings, and dreams are the effects of certain types of DNA producing sensory perception through our organs of consciousness that is always unique to the genome — death is not a place you go to, it’s a condition of our biology being over.

Death isn’t even a thing - death is an empty, eternal, black, consciousless, soundless, sightless nothing with no pain, no sensation, and no memory. It's futile to try to guess what death will bring to us in the form of reincarnation & judging by the unexplained original incarnation, we can only expect gigantismal, Godly arbitration like we had the first time, but just imagine where our epiphanies and understandings about the nature of The Creator will lead in 1 trillion years or a quadrillion or ten centillion googolplex years.

If God has omnipotence before the Creation of The One Paradox, then you can feel free to comfortably die whenever you want to with no regret; it doesn’t actually mean life doesn’t exist, what it means is all phenomena is only knowable through our sensory perception based on our genome and if God’s omnipotent power to create The One Paradox continues to exist despite the death of our mortal flesh, then our emotions don’t have ultimate realities outside of our mortal flesh — in other words, our consciousness is the effect of the corporeal - people think their emotions or even their beliefs or hallucinations are a universal experience of Creation, but these things are simply local to their flesh bodies — all humans are part of God, but not all of God is a human; When we alter our perception, we realize that the realities we considered ultimately real are nothing but extensions of our flesh metabolizing the factors of our scientific circumstances.

From a transcendental perspective, is it delusional to worship life more than death? Maybe. It comes into question. It is delusional to believe you’re smarter than God or you or even your children could ever prevent God from creating the universe and if that is true, then life is merely a thing which potentially seeks to evolve to get to an end which is already omnipresent as The Creator before Creation but this concept is simply impossible to define because we don't have the vocabulary to describe the historical latency of the power of The Creator to create the universe in the end of time with power it doesn't have until after the end of its evolution, so God must have something unlike omnipotence, but more so an inept power to experience anything and God’s ineptitude is not a faltering of holiness, but the only means to exist before the universe was ever created, but if God created the universe, then who created God? If we don’t have an explanation for who created God, then how can we describe the futility or meaninglessness of our mortality without including the jungle-wild bewilderment of an Automatic Creation? If either life or death both lead to ignorance of the original Creation Of The Universe, which is beyond creation and time and even possibility, which is innocence, then even desiring to know God is a waste of time because if we are destined for arbitration, then even our deepest devotions to holiness are lost to eternal mystery - however, we knowers of God live by the ideology that we must never stop trying to know God even if it could mean futility because it may not be futile, but it doesn't because inseparability from our consequences is the only reality we know - in other words, it is not futile to chase after the dissolution or purification of our original karma which comes from The One Paradox of an Automatic Creator, which has no creator because relative damnation is the only reality we can predict and must at least try to overcome. We can only live by the faith that we are ultimately destined for paradise through our intentions, which are sometimes led by the mystery of divine intervention, which either comes or it doesn’t and we can never know the value of our intentions unless God wills it and that doesn’t sit easy with anyone if 99% of all of recorded history is a sequence of misfortunes that lead to death or worse because sometimes, even our good intentions lead to worse suffering and strife - people make delusional assumptions with the best intentions and they still end up damned.

Both life and death lead to God, which is All-That-Is, which is The Omniverse.

We can speculate that death does not lead to anywhere and life is the real destination of the purpose of existence, but this conclusion is based on the semanticality of destination and death, meaning that our beliefs about the destination of death are provisional at best and simply mistaken at worst because death is as intrinsic to the acreative Creation of The One Paradox as life is and death is simply the perpetuation of God manifesting its unintentional consequences about the Automatic Creation of the universe and the cycles of life and death as they relate to those who are aware of them.

All of life is but a preparation for death.

What will happen after we die? Is a purposeless life worth living? Does suicide have repercussions?

Since we don’t know what happens after death, the repercussions of suicide are a guess, at best, and we can only imagine what happens after death. We wonder if we can escape suffering if by death, but since we don’t know what happens after death, we are merely playing with the infinite possibilities that could happen after death, but the hope in committing suicide is that we could escape suffering and karma by death, but if our incarnations really do lead to arbitration, then we are simply praying for good luck, but the mystery of the fate of The Creator incarnating by arbitration is only mysterious because it escapes the understandability of our genome, but that doesn’t answer what The Creator actually is and maybe we could know more about the things we don’t understand in the future if we stay good with God.

We're afraid of pain and suffering, but what does it mean to the dead? The dead don't cry. What’s the value of life when you’re dead? I stand by my statement that "dead people don't cry and only the living experience tragedies". Some people ask "why delay the inevitable?", but it's one or the other - you can either die young or live long enough to wonder why God created the universe because that’s the best you or your grandchildren will ever have. Is it better to neglect and be neglected or to never have been born? The answer is it’s better to never have been born. God doesn't need anything, God does not need any fraction of the gene swarm to be born in order to be fully God. God is God whether you participate in it or not, but God is not a conceptualization about what may be possible, it is whatever it happens to be.

If you’re discussing the meaning of life and death, it depends on what you mean by "God" — people who don't have a transcendental reference point will kill each other over the right to live because they're afraid they could lose the only thing they’ve ever known — they gawk at the impression that there is something greater than their entire religions right around the corner they've never known.

A lot of people refuse to live without the proper fairy tale, the proper belief.

Being a hippie necessarily means embracing the transcendental observance beyond life and death, and to some, that means accepting death at any moment, but it could mean anything as long as you believe it and that's dangerous to the ego because believing in the supposition that the mortality of the flesh is meaningless to an omnipotent and eternal Spirit Of The Creator means the believers of this ideology could pose threats of harm to those who wish to stay safe or unaffected.

I still don't know what my will to evade suffering means because sometimes, we die before ever realizing the futility of The Creator wishing to replace The Creator, but it's the only thing I've ever known and I pray to God for the chance to wonder what it means.

Is the will to live an asset to the creator of the universe? We know the homosapien typically has an inherent, genetically-based will to live, but what use does this will to live have to the creator of the universe, who is not only amorphous, but also completely eternal, if not omnipotent?

The will to live exists only through the expression of a highly perceptive central nervous system or brain which is capable of self-reflection, so in a way, the will to live is merely an embarrassing fetish of a cosmically trivial trifle of flesh, which is incapable of godly qualities such as omnipotence or even immortality. The gods mock us for being afraid of death, the dissolution of flesh into the ultimate recycling of the soul in the eternal stage of dream theater that is the cosmos, the body of The Creator.

The dead don't cry. Disappointment is something just the living experience, that's why it's better to never have been born than to suffer, that's why I said don't make babies. The mistake is to believe that our infinitesimally random mammalian sliver of the gene pool could ever achieve what God could not through our historical latency of what can only be imagined to be omnipotence, for lack of a better word.

The purpose of life is to live or not live out your lifespan, depending on what happens, but a lifespan is the only thing you are ever aware of; Your lifespan is the ultimate measure of your existence - no matter what you do to it, you get a lifespan, no matter how long or short, the only thing your ego and memory are ever connected to is your lifespan; The purpose of life is to protect the ego, but the ego is just a lifespan long, it is not eternal like The Creator, so the things you spend your whole life protecting — your beliefs based off your consciousness — are just as transient and mortal as your flesh, or as Finneas O’Connell would say, “It’s only a lifetime.” — even if you died, the most you could ever lose is your lifespan — the fate or karma of the creation of the universe is immutable; the universe keeps existing even if you die; you need the ego, but God doesn't need the ego. Historically, people were afraid of dying because they thought carrying out their lifespan will save them from the fate of The Mystery's Acreative, Automatic Creation, that through their mammalian endeavors, they will be able to do what God could not.

Death is not the end of Creation nor is life the beginning.

If death leads to the cosmos, then does it lead to karma?

In the domain of The Creator, death is not a bad thing, it is not an insult, it is as intrinsic to the nature of our Creator as life is.

The phrase "you only live once" doesn't really mean anything helpful because we know your life exists beyond you through your children and it doesn't explain how God created the universe nor gives a reference point to eternity.

Do you miss the pitch black empty nothingness that you experience while you're asleep? No - that's what it's like to be dead. We do not feel nostalgia for times we never knew. Ask a dead person what they think about being alive - that’s what they think about being alive because all consciousness and memory are just the effects of our flesh metabolizing synapses.

The homo sapien panics when it realizes it may die before it ever understands The Mystery Of Creation, but panicking will not help it at all and we WILL die and some of us die before ever even realizing we could understand anything about the creation of the universe and God just lets us die and lets us wonder and lets us die wondering and all of it amounts to one infinitesimal dream floating in space of The Mystery. The homo sapien consciousness is just a dream within a dream, a drop of water in the ocean that doesn't know it exists until it leaves the ocean.

You have to fall in love with your mortality and death because otherwise, you’re vulnerable to being a slave to your own imagination about the consequences of your mortality in relation to The Eternal Spirit Of The Creator. It is only after you make peace with your mortality that you can ever be free from suffering - they act as if it's their duty to suffer by being trapped in the idea that they shouldn't die — it’s a trap — you’re going to die anyway — you might as well love it or else you’re a fool.

I hate it when people act surprised that they have to die one day as if it hadn't happened to their ancestors.

The mystery of the creation of the universe goes far deeper than simply fearing death because all we can have if the homo sapien is mortal flesh.

The problem with certainty is that God is perfectly comfortable with allowing what you would call sentient lifeforms or incarnations to live and die entire lives of reality itself, in the form of time or transmutation, without ever becoming aware that they relate to the eternal mystery of creation.

Isn’t it ironic the way violence, greed, rape, or forsaking the innocent is often the only means of survival?

People who consider themselves fearless brag about no fear of death, but death just leads to the creator and that means it leads to here - damnation can only be avoided through technique, not hiding.

You're born — are you supposed to do anything about it? What if you died at the age of 1 before you had a memory? Would it affect the karma of the creation of the universe? So why does it matter if you die young? You gotta die anyway, why even be born?


All people who really suffered know that it is better to never have been born than to suffer, but if we need to experience suffering in order to know the meaning of pleasure, then why does God create an experience God knows is not worth the pain? It renders Creation a mistake and that means God is an idiot. Are we smarter than God? Any being or thing that suffers or is even capable of suffering is a mistake to have created and that's why, for what it's worth, the gene of permanent euphoria in a static genetic experience is the only redeeming value of choring over bioengineering or civilization itself.

|The Effectively Inevitable Mortality Of The Human Being|

If you don’t face your own mortality, you’ll never be free and you’ll never be happy. You have to get excited that you get to drop dead one day because it will mean the end of your human suffering and the launch into your divine doorway of reincarnations into The Ultimate Destiny of The Cosmos, which you have always been and always will be. Everyone secretly knows that the desire to live is an embarrassment because we all have to die one day. Let me ask you why you delay the inevitable while I try my best to delay the inevitable.

|3-Dimensional Space And The Impossibility Of Time|

Time not existing is a greater perspective than time existing, but they are both apparently real phenomena from their vantage points. Time and space are synonymous because time is measured by the transformation of space… Time implies space, meaning there is no such thing as time and 3-dimensional space is the only real measurement in the universe. All moments in time are not actually moments in time, they are circumstances of matter, which is only 3-dimensional. Since there is no such thing as time, and space is actually 3-dimensional, all circumstances of matter are actually redeemable, however unlikely, because some things are out of our control as humans. From a lower perspective, there is no such thing as time, there is only the transmutation of space; from a higher perspective, there is no such thing as the transmutation of space, there is only the omnipotent, immutable, multivortexed, eternal infinity - that’s the idea that all moments in time create a timeline, from past to future, which is 2-dimensional, like a string - One God, One Universe, One Timeline, One Destiny. I argue that the definition of time travel makes it impossible because space is actually 3-dimensional and in order to travel through time, time must exist at all and in order to travel through time, you would have to rearrange the entire universe, not just your body and it is only fiction to speculate otherwise.

Einstein said “The reason time exists is so everything doesn’t happen at once.”, and I said “Time does not exist and omnipotence is impossible because it would negate the possibility of Creation by causing a sublimation of transformation which rolls on the edges of infinity.”. Clocks don't measure the metabolic appearances of consciousness, they measure the movement of celestial objects, which are controlled by the laws of physics and not consciousness.

|The Case Of Telekinesis|

To what degree do our genetically-based intentions influence the transmutation of matter? To some, none; to others, remarkably so. If telekinetic abilities exist, then it redefines the meaning of our reality because if our thoughts influence the physical world, it has Godly implications that God could manipulate matter as an extension of God’s willpower and that’s about as close to omnipotence as we’ve ever been able to conceptualize.


Does life have a purpose? Ask a homosapien.

Why did God create the universe?

What’s the point of staying alive? Having babies. What’s the point of having babies? To continue the human species. What’s the point of continuing the human species? To find out why you were born. What’s the point of finding out why you were born? To lose your fear of death, but if God created the universe so you could lose your fear of death, then God wouldn’t create people who are afraid of dying. How you were created is the eternally elusive One Mystery Of God - The point is to know why you were born.

Although paradoxical, there is no purpose to the universe.

Wherever we find paradox, that is where we find our purpose because chasing after the mystery of paradox is what gives life purpose.

We can never defend the assumption that the point of life is anything other than what it happens to be and if it could be anything, then it’s always nothing, but never everything all at once.

Should we give up our ego? Well, the purpose of the ego is tied to the divine purpose of the universe, which is essentially nihilist, so the truth is the ego is irrelevant the same way that subtracting one from infinity still results in a total of infinity.

If the purpose of life were to stay alive as long as possible, then one second would make a difference, but it doesn’t. If one second doesn’t make a difference, then neither do fifty years, and if fifty years don’t make a difference, then nothing makes a difference and life is totally pointless.  

If life is pointless, then suicide is also pointless.

This is a case of “what is and what may never be important”.

God created the universe because God wants to become omnipotent, but later, I’ll explain why that is actually an impossible goal. God created the universe because God wants to become omnipotent, and the only way to become omnipotent is to prove you are omnipotent by creating every possible, infinite possibility both known and unknown, but since it’s impossible to create omnipotence because in order to create omnipotence, you must accomplish an impossible thing: infinity, which is unattainable by definition of being neverending. It’s impossible to attain everything because everything depends on infinite variations, and for every variation is another state of the universe and since infinity never ends, neither does everything.

In a purposeless universe, we have to wonder why the gods didn’t commit suicide.

In a million years from now, no one will remember your name. It is all done in vain. In the end, it doesn't even matter. All of our fears and tears and even our joys and successes will one day come to an end and we will die and then one day, we will all be forgotten and replaced by the asteroids and the frozen planets and the dying stars and the nebulae which never did and never will know emotions, meaning that suffering is futile.

In regards to the purpose of life in the face of Nihilism, being compassionate is not pointless if it gives you assets, so even compassion is a self-interest.

If the point of life were to avoid pain, then God wouldn't create pain.

The intentions of God appear to be random, at best, and pure, sadistic evil, at worst.

God creates creatures who suffer because imperfection is the aspect of Creation that allows experience to exist - if we could have omnipotence, the universe would cease to exist because our lust for happiness would cause all phenomena to sublime into improvement faster than it could be felt, so our misery or our boredom is precisely what gives existence to Creation. If the purpose of life is happiness, then why does God create creatures who suffer? And if God creates creatures who don’t suffer, then how do we become creatures who don’t suffer?

Is the purpose of Creation to be alive or is the purpose of life somehow nonpreferred or neutral to the living life of biological creatures with genetically-based self-sustaining organisms that are also temporary and susceptible to decay and death? If the purpose of Creation were to be a exogenously-sustaining flesh and blood biological incarnation, then why does God create inert matter? If the purpose of Creation were living biological organisms, then why does God allow dead biological organisms?

If the purpose of life is to be nice to other mammals with similar genes as you, the homo sapien collective, then why did God create evil and interspecies hostility? If God wanted you to be kind, why wouldn't God just make you kind? Seems like an ass clapper to me.

Even if the point of life were to evolve until the point where you realized that life is pointless, it still doesn’t explain why God created the universe.

If God wanted us to become sentient, God would not make us delusional and neither is exactly the purpose unless it is.

It's not that death nor transcendence are the purpose of life, it's that transcendence makes death tolerable.

If the purpose of life were to die, then God would kill us before we were born. If the purpose of life were to die, then why does God create creatures who live?

The reason I say the point of life is not to become immortal is because in order to become immortal, you would have to surpass eternity, and here, you're up against the impossible.

Even if the future meant that all of our dreams came true, it is still cosmically futile in the sense that nothing could prevent God from creating the universe and nothing could ever transcend infinity. You could argue that becoming immortal is the point of life, but futility trumps even our greatest technological advances. If you could become immortal, it would make life pointless.

If humanity is the point of life, then why did God create animals? God created animals because God is pointless, that means humanity is not the purpose of creating the universe. Even if humans were the most intelligent species in the universe, humanity still does not define the purpose of life, therefore, we don’t matter, and in the presence of superior extraterrestrials, we matter even less. Making an impact on society, the highest of human ideals, is not the point of life because humanity does not define the point of life, specially in the presence of a superior species. Does it matter to make an impact on homo sapien society? No. What if you did? What if you didn’t? Would God punish you either way? No.

If the purpose of creation were to live forever, then God wouldn't create creatures who die.

From the most pessimistic perspective, life IS a tragedy because it is pointless. Even the most serious of human ambitions are just a little bit of brain activity from a reductionist perspective, and in light of these scientific perspectives, our lives reduce to borderline meaningless and even stupid tragedies. From the most pessimistic perspective, even our greatest ambitions are merely the hackneyed whines of a hairless monkey. Every creature that ever lived thought it was the center of the universe - you’re not special in that sense. Even our greatest fears are just a bit of intercellular metabolites in our brainstems and even if our thoughts and feelings came to an end, it could only jeopardize our ultimate futility.

Phenomena is knowable only in relation to its opposite, so God creates hell in order to sense heaven. Because phenomena is knowable only in relation to its opposite, God creates hell in order to, by contrast, experience happiness, so we must remember hell in order to feel heaven, so does it make sense to have to suffer through hell in order to know happiness? It’s a stalemate. There is no purpose and there is no intention, at least that if there is an intention, it is the intention of an inept, therefore shoddy, creator. If hell is a prerequisite to experiencing heaven, does that make God evil or good? Stalemate. The purpose and meaning of life is therefore also a stalemate. Is a stalemate worth creating? Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.

Ask a homo sapien: If you could have it all — youthfulness, beauty, health, immortality, strength, speed, time travel, telepathy, teleportation, wealth, omnipotence, spaceships, servants, gene design, supertechnology, art, talent, unlimited light, warmth, food, and shelter, would you die? Would there be any point to life if omnipotence automatically caused the universe to sublime instantaneously into nonexistence? Maybe the meaning of life is to experience the journey of evolution, but “meaning” is not a synonym of “purpose” — knowing the futility of desire in perfection, the only thing that makes life meaningful is the fluctuations of our metabolism — in other words, the only thing that makes life meaningful is our very mortality.

Life is either meaningful or meaningless if you will simply believe it and that's as much as most people have ever had or ever will have and whether you recognize that or not has no ultimate effect on your mortal fate, so just go to sleep whenever you feel like it.

Whether or not God creates tragedies doesn’t matter. What you need to know is you shouldn't create tragedies.

If you could have everything you wanted, the evolution of the universe would speed up so quickly, it would sublime out of existence before it could ever exist. That's where Einstein's line rings truer than ever: "Time exists so that everything doesn't happen at once.", but now we know that time is nothing more than an account of the intervals of the movement of celestial objects, which are only as regular as the laws of physics allow - in other words, the measurement of time is inextricably embedded into space.

God creates obstacles in order to differentiate something from nothing because if all our desires were fulfilled, then we would have no desire to create the universe - the journey is the destination - if you could have everything you ever wanted, you would want instantaneous infinity, but that would cause the universe to sublime before it ever had a chance to exist. There is no purpose to life because if you could have everything you wanted, you would have infinity, but it’s impossible to transcend infinity, so God creates obstacles in order to give feeling to nothing, but if descending into hell means we will arbitrarily experience suffering in order to differentiate hell from pleasure, then we don’t know if the journey is worth the end. The point of life is desire - if we wanted nothing, we would die and if all we wanted was death, then the universe would not exist so God creates desire in order to give feeling to the absence of feeling. God lets us choose if we want to face obstacles or not by ways of death to escape strife, so that means creating obstacles is merely a benchmark into the inquisition about the real intentions of God — God creates obstacles in order to have something to do because if there were nothing to do, nothing would happen and if nothing happened, the universe would not exist.

The point of life is to create obstacles? That's not the point of life - the point of life is to not have any obstacles so you can have instantaneous infinity.

Evolution does not answer why God created the universe… God created the universe so you could evolve? Why wouldn’t God just make you perfect to start with? Well, perfection is impossible because it is synonymous with instantaneous infinity, that’s why God did not create you to evolve. Evolution is not the goal of life, the present moment is the goal of life. The Universe is the destination. Anything is the purpose. If anything is the purpose, then there is no point to life.

Evolution is something you must do if you want to escape hell and enter into heaven, but that’s a different point — you must evolve if you desire to be happy. You can evolve if you want to, but if you died without evolving, God wouldn’t punish you, so it is not the point of life - in this sense, God seems to be entirely absent in the realm of disciplining us for “sinning”, which I will explain later why sinning is actually an illusion and God’s agenda seems to be more like devilish arbitration, questionably to the point of blind sadism and total atheism, but since we know the universe exists, we know someone created it with devilish arbitration and blind sadism.

If the point of life were to avoid pain and suffering, then God would not create pain nor suffering - God creates these things in order to know itself from the other itself like the left hand gives to the right hand.

Even if we could become immortal through the latent advances in science, it still doesn't explain why God created the universe. If God created the universe so we could become immortal, then why did God allow other people to die before becoming immortal? God does not punish you, God simply creates random shit and says “here, do whatever you want with it”. There is no point to life. Would God punish you if you didn't evolve? No - the suffering is your only punishment.

The majority of all people who were ever born lived their entire lives and died without accomplishing anything remarkable, yet, God doesn’t bat an eye about it, never did, and never will. It is only the transient and illusory belief of the ego which convinces you that you need to accomplish something great before you die, meaning that achieving something great is not the purpose of life and if achievement is out of the picture, then desire is a waste of time.

There’s nothing you can do that isn’t what you’re meant to do. You were made to follow your intuition, but sometimes our intuition leads to arbitrary failure and disappointment, so we reach a point of resentment with The Creator for making us delusional.

From a transcendental perspective, God does not depend on us, we depend on God.

There are two possibilities: either God intended to create suffering, or it happened by accident, and we all know accidentality is pure magic - either way, it fucking sucks.

God creates the player and the stage to do whatever it is they wish to do in a world without purpose.

If we could give life a purpose, that is to say if we could do what God could not, then would we create the universe? Are we smarter than God?

They say that the point of life is to destroy Satan, but if Satan is the natural consequence of God's universe, then why bother to argue with God? The purpose of life is what? We're supposed to destroy Satan? Then why did God create Satan? Either God doesn’t take us seriously or God simply enjoys watching us suffer and that’s much reason for despair. If there is no God, then who created the universe?

Purpose is impossible because of eternity because if purpose were fallible, then it would self-destruct eventually, and in eternity, the chance of this happening is always 99.99% away from immediately and anything which is close enough to 100% is taken as 100% - in this sense, purpose is a guarantee that the universe could not exist because if purpose could fail us, then it would eventually fail us and eternity, eventually already happened - in this sense, purpose is a liability - that's why the universe must be purposeless in order to exist. Nihilism is our only true salvation because if there were a purpose to the universe, then we would have the anxiety of needing to fulfill that purpose or else be doomed. Maybe Nihilism is our only salvation if the possibility of a fallible divine purpose means inevitable annihilation that would come before we had the chance to be born — the only way the universe can exist is through futility and mystery is the only salvation from pointlessness — in other words, the purpose of life is mystery.

I joke when I say that the purpose of life is to prevent God from creating the universe, which could only happen if you could become omnipotent — I joke when I say that that because it’s an oxymoron, because I don't know if it's true or good — if things can go wrong, then maybe our pain isn't worth our joys — it's like taking chances — The alternative is we have to deal with anything we're dealt, and anything has no limits, meaning on a long enough timeline, our God-born delusions and arbitrary nature guarantee we're gonna deal with being gored alive by demons. If this were true, it would give credence to the idea that God loves "nothing" and maybe nothing is the only thing we've never had nor will be able to have and maybe that’s precisely why it’s so coveted - because at least it would guarantee peace and security and save us from experiencing suffering. Is life worth the trouble if it can fail us? Why doesn’t life come with a failsafe? Maybe it’s not worth the trouble and life definitely loses its meaning if you realize Your Ultimate Source and Destiny are inseparable from The Creator because nothing could ever surpass God.

I think the mistake is to assign human characteristics to a nonhuman, possibly nonphysical God Creator and God does not suffer the way we are prone to suffer and the fact that God is content allowing atrocities to occur may be our worst nightmare. The idea that God has the same desires as the homo sapien is a logical fallacy - call it the cosmic macrocosm fallacy.

God created the universe in order to escape eternal damnation because anything which is permanent is the meaning of nonexistence through lack of contrast, for lack of a better word - that is to say: anything which is permanent is damnation by the death of unconsciousness by infinite sameness in the same way that you can't know 2 without 1 and you can't know 1 without 0. If suffering is 1 and happiness is 2, then we must first know 1 before we can know 2.

The only goals of life are 2 things: to become immortal, and to increase euphoria for all of eternity. We know of hundreds of different magnitudes of euphoria and that alone devises an understanding that euphoria can increase without any known limits.

The eradication of the pain genotype as the 7th sense would rid us of our fear, but if we can feel no pain, then we can never suffer, and if we can never suffer, there is no point to living. The eradication of the jealousy genotype would solve many of most people's problems, but if jealousy is a survival mechanism, then our greed keeps the species alive — for what it's worth; If there is no desire, then there is no purpose — desire gives life meaning — ultimately, God creates desire in order to give life purpose, the opposite of nonexistence through means of giving life obstacles in order to know the experience of evolving.

Happiness is not the point of life because if it were the point of life, God would not create suffering — neither, by themselves, nor both, are the point of life — anything which happens or can happen is why God created the universe. The point of life is neither your love nor your hatred, the point of life is to wonder what the point of life is, unless you don’t, in which case, anything which happens or can happen is the point of life, or otherwise Nihilism, meaning there is no point to life.  

Apparently, the only way to avoid suffering is to never create the universe, that's why I joke when I say that the point of life is to prevent God from creating the universe, but I don't know if it's a joke anymore.

God created the universe so you could become sentient? In other words, God wants you to know God? You know that doesn't make any sense because if God wanted you to know God, then God would not create the kind of delusional animal symptoms that we know as suffrage and hell, so God does not care if you know God and when you compare the point of biology to inert matter, they ultimately have the same purpose because God created both life and death and beyond. If the point of life were to evolve, then why does God create creatures who don't evolve? If God wanted you to know God, the universe would sublime before it had a chance to exist because to know God means to transcend infinity. The purpose of life is mystery because anything that is too revealing is not worth doing. God created the universe so you could wonder what the point of life is. The harder the challenge, the greater the reward. We have to go find challenges and then tackle them — the bad news is we're never going to run out of challenges; the good news is we're never going to run out of challenges - that's infinity for you. If the point of life is to struggle, the only way to have spiritual sustenance is to never run out of challenges. God imposes that struggles are worth overcoming even if they’re pointless - The One Stalemate; Apparently, the stalemate is worth the trouble it takes to achieve it. I suspect there's something we don't know - why is the stalemate worth the trouble? God does it, so we assume that God knows better than we do. If God created the universe in order to create challenges in order to have something to overcome for the sake of overcoming things, then it means we don’t understand why God created the universe.

God needs you to stay alive? Then why does God create creatures who die? Is the purpose of life to die? If the purpose of life were to die, then why does God create creatures who live? I think the obvious answer is it's not a stalemate and God needs to create the struggle in order to make it to heaven, but you know that doesn't make any sense.

If the purpose of life were human ambitions, then God would not create other things besides human ambitions and the fact that anything else exists means that the universe has more than one purpose — remarkably infinite purposes.

We must reject the will to surrender our destinies to suicide, the cosmic conviction of universal futility, and brave the cold desperation of a nihilist nature. Our homo sapien instincts sometimes respond better to fairy tales that give our lives purpose than to sicken our psyche with the despairing narratives of purposeless abysses of misery and extinction. The purpose of life is to seek the meaning of The One Stalemate between life and nonexistence. From a theist perspective, we have to wonder why we prefer to experience The Stalemate instead of The Only True Impossibility: Nonexistence. Think of the worst nightmare you've ever had - hell is worse than that - that implies that our greatest fears are true: that on a long enough timeline, we have no choice but to experience the worst hell beyond our wildest imaginations in order to experience heaven, & that's why people commit suicide, the last frontier of the intellectual. We know God does it, so we assume God knows better than we do. The other frontiers of the intellectual are to stand up to life, the great impossible paradoxes of acreative creation, or to surrender to the eternal nonexistence of death. If we are destined to become heavenly through the eons and generations of trial and error, then why do some people die young before ever experiencing realization of God? The point of life is to covet the mystery of Creation and gawk at the impossible.

The universe implies anything and anything implies Nihilism because anything which is subject to infinite variation is unattainable by its very nature and anything which has no end has no purpose. If there is no purpose, then why does God set us up for suffering? Is suffering valuable? If we can feel no pain, then we can never suffer, and if we can never suffer, then we will abandon all desire, so there is no point to living unless you can suffer.

What are we supposed to assume when God gives us random, or even worse, unpleasant phenomena in our visions?

If God created the universe as a puzzle to be solved through trial, when will it ever be understood? Is there a timeline? Is time even real? Is solving "The Puzzle" simply a matter of manipulating artificial intelligence until it becomes more intelligent than ourselves? What does that reveal about the ultimate nature of The Creator? Does it reveal that God has a secret, hidden, latent, or otherwise achievable omnipotence which would allow for the existence of The One Paradoxes? If God has a latent or achievable omnipotence which could create paradise, what does that reveal about the intentions of God? If God has an omnipresent omnipotence, then why does God not favor its own creations and why do we start in the middle of celestial and galactic dramas of cosmic size instead of clear and relatable beginnings and endings and why doesn’t God provide us with objective values of happiness, peace, and tranquility? Is God hiding or seeking? We were born created just for a chance to gawk at the mystery of God — or not — most people are born and die before ever realizing they were born just to wonder what it means. They say the universe is a puzzle that if solved, leads to where? The only place it leads to is the universe, but there is no such thing as the real universe, there is only circumstance affected by circumstance, which originates with The Ultimate Paradox. If the purpose of life is to create a puzzle in order to solve the puzzle, then doesn’t it make it futile to create the puzzle if you can choose to create or not create it? Why do you need something to do if you don’t need to need something to do?

One of the most bewildering things about a universe with so many causally-related intelligent phenomena is the case of coincidences. If so many things have causal relations, why do some have none at all? It really makes reality harder to define. I think the uncertainty of coincidence is just a principle of reality that we have to learn to live with. With so many consistencies like the laws of physics, we wonder why God wants to create coincidences like delusional schizophrenia, which has no evolutionary advantage. If the purpose of life were consistency, God wouldn't create coincidences. If the point of life were evolutionary advantages, then God wouldn't create evolutionary disadvantages. We can wonder all day about the purpose of delusional schizophrenia, but God seems to have created coincidences out of pure spite.

If becoming God means becoming omnipotent, we cannot become God because becoming omnipotent depends on manifesting infinity faster than it can be created, so the journey home is just a delusion and if the journey home doesn’t exist, it can’t be the purpose of the universe. God created the universe so that you could journey home to omnipotence? First of all, that’s not possible, and second of all, it doesn’t have any grounding in reality — it’s a circular argument — God created the universe so you could go home to the universe? God created the universe so you could desire to desire — In other words, the point of the universe is desire. If the point of life is to want something, then what happens when you realize that? Do you stop wanting anything? If the journey has no end, there cannot be a purpose to that which is impossible or unattainable.

Everyone has understood at some point in their lives that if our dreams are a reflection of God's unconscious, then there is no meaning to a life of arbitration or even worse, pure suffering, but the mystery goes deeper than that because we don't know how God created the universe nor who created God and so long as those two questions are still a mystery to us, then we have a duty to our primal core to search for the meaning of life, even if unto no end and that’s when you make a funny face.

They think the meaning of life is nihilism, but nihilism doesn't actually answer why God created the universe, it just admits we don't know. If the universe exists in order to give ourselves busy work in order to experience what it means to experience, then it would mean life is purposeless, but if creation has no purpose, then the mystery wouldn’t be open-ended because the fact that the mystery lacks a creator means that the mystery is greater than itself and life does have a purpose - the purpose is satisfaction and the challenge to satisfaction is the law of government.

If God created the universe so we could experience joy, then why did God create misery? Does God enjoy to watch us suffer? Does God benefit from our suffering? Does God need to make us suffer? Are our epiphanies as unreal as our delusions? Are our epiphanies as unreal as our genome is aware of anything at all? Compare the size of your body to the infinite size of all the galaxies in the universe combined and then compare your epiphanies in the same proportion.

Imagine if God created the universe so we could awaken to our identity as the creator, but if that were true, then why does God create members of the intergalactic gene swarm that don't awaken and questionably only ever have unique perspectives?

I joke that the point of life is to go postal — that is post-God, but that's a joke because it's impossible to get outside of Creation.

The purpose of life is to be or not to be, God has no intentions. You were never meant to do anything other than be what you are and that‘s the point - there is nothing you were or weren’t meant to recognize other than recognize exactly what you do or don’t, it doesn’t matter.

We need what because what? We don't need what because what?

If there is no reason why God created the universe, then why did God create the universe?

Do you remember what it was like to create the universe? What was it like before God created the universe? We need to incubate the mystery — of creation, the impossibility of eternity, we exist to incubate the indiscernible quality of forgetfulness, the purpose of delusion, the sanctity of torture and suffering, the need of impossibility to refute its own existence.

If left to their own devices, people cannot be trusted — they will always abandon loyalty to you for allegiance to their own needs and desires, as a matter of semantics. It is impossible to tame the homo sapien genome — they must be held accountable. Law is not based on the principle of the timeless and eternal mystery, the ultimate depths of God, because it is meaningless, it is based on the properness of civilization to sustain itself based on The Social Contract. We worship salvation because it is our only consolation to the dark depths of despair. The homo sapien experiences delusion and that is reason enough to abandon certainty. Why God gave us delusion is not sufficient motive enough to cower to fate. If you don't believe me, then tell me why God created the universe.

Whether you do or you don’t see the irony in the nihilistic nature of a necessary universe, God still leaves it up to chance that you may or may not notice your needlessness to know or not know anything before you die, but is that all we need to know or is the mystery deeper than we imagine?


Is what you want what you need? That's philosophical.

|The Goals Of Existence|

There are 2 goals of existence and they are 1, permanent euphoria, and 2, immortality.


Do you realize that God created your worst nightmares? It's almost as if the only way to create the universe is to create nightmares and I don't think it's worth it. God is therefore a lunatic or a sadist or, at best, just incompetent.

Do our semantical conceptions of God save us from our fears or do they simply obscure them?

|Divine Duty|

One of the mysteries of existence is there either is or isn’t a divine duty to fulfill; If you fulfill the duty, you are rewarded, but if you fail to fulfill the duty, then you will suffer grave consequences, so you should fulfill the duty whether you want to or not. The goal of life is to escape hell and enter into heaven, figuratively put.

You shouldn’t punish people for having egoic concerns because the ego and all its apparent convictions are real — people don’t intend on being delusional, they are simply living out the genetic lifespan that God gave them — your hallucinations mean something to you if they mean something to you — although real, the concerns of the ego of the human are infinitesimally minute in relation to Creation — the concerns of the ego of the homo sapien matter to those to whom they matter and none else, they don’t have absolute existence outside of your imagination, which is based in your genetically-coded consciousness which begins at birth and ends at death, they are not important nor essential to anyone other than to whom they belong to unless you take it upon yourself to believe that the narrow sliver of the mammalian homo sapien genome is sacred to The Creator, but The Creator treats your supposed sacraments with nonexistent regards, so to believe in your hallucinations means you are praying to your delusions and finding answers from them and it means you are consumed by your delusions and since it is counterprogressive to be delusional, it is hated; all humans are a part of God, but not all of God are parts of a human, so there is no divine sacrament, but there is nothing wrong with holding your concerns sacred to yourself so long as you don’t believe that God depends on you nor your beliefs because living in delusion is counterproductive to our divine duty to pursue the meaning of life — nothing is sacred in the everpresent presence of The One Creator, The One Mystery. The ego is a disease and we have a moral imperative to dissolve the ego and live in the presence of the transcendental at all times for our own pragmatic sake without needing to insist that God considers us sacred. If knowledge is the source of strength and integrity of character, then ignorance is weakness.

With all the tragedies God gave us, you'd think he's a sadist — well, for better or worse, we have to eliminate the tragedies we were dealt — it matters not if God created tragedies — it is our duty to create paradise for the divine omniscience in us all. You have a duty to God to lead, serve, and protect humanity from evil.

Don't say there's a peak intelligence to the universe because the mystery of the creation of the universe will always stay a mystery to us and so long as it is a mystery, we have a duty to surmount that mystery, so we have to keep working to achieve immortality, but you may find the irony in immortality if it renders all desire meaningless, but as far as we’re aware, it’s the most coveted fantasy in the world and so long as the attainability of Creation remains elusive, we have a duty to our primal core to pursue the meaning of life.

There is no such thing as right nor wrong, there is only the advantageous versus the disadvantageous. There is no such thing as rightness, there is only the pursuit of your desires subtracted by the opposition, divided by their difficulty to obtain. Good morals are for the weak because the strong take what they want — you wouldn’t need to enforce laws of morality if you could just force everyone to do what you want without checks and balances.


The falsehood is to suggest that life always gets better — it doesn't unless you're lucky, and the origin and purpose of luck are the same mystery — they both elude us. Well, anyway, 99.99% of all creatures who ever lived through extensions of DNA developing into complex and self-reflecting organ systems died without evolving and God doesn't seem to mind, neither does God appear to ever will mind, so we are left with an ultimately careless God who assembles galaxies of, primarily, strife and excruciating misery, which is seen as an inadequacy of ineptitude by virtue of self-evident disgust, only to baffle itself with it's divine mystery.

Sometimes, the revelations come to us and sometimes, they don’t, so we can’t base our ideology of purpose nor fate nor duty off of the occurrence of our hallucinations because they may or may not come - what if they didn't come? Would we be guilty of sin if we never knew enough to judge the difference? No. In this case, sin is simply an inconvenience of the homo sapien dramatized to the point of worship.


It is possible that our actions have consequences which last beyond death to our next birth, but since we have no memory of our previous incarnation, it’s just as likely that there is no continuity between reincarnations. If there is no such thing as reincarnation, some suppose, then how did we incarnate in the first place? You don’t remember your last incarnation, so what makes you think you’re going to remember this one? They say “you only live once”, but everyone knows that is not true because they experience childbirth happening all the time and childbirth is the only real reincarnation, but that still leaves creation as a mystery that we may never solve. The idea that you never reincarnate is just about the least likely thing of all time because we incarnated once, and if we incarnated once from a universe which obviously has phenomenological consistencies, then the most likely thing is that we will reincarnate even if we have no memory of the nature of creation. Because we incarnated once with no memory of a previous incarnation, we deduce that even our greatest accomplishments will one day be replaced by a reincarnation with no memory, no effect, and no causal connection whatsoever to any of our lives or memories, probably as a different species, in a different place, in a different time, but that leaves an awfully large hole in the logic of creation. To believe that you can change the intentions of God through the cycles of birth, death, reincarnation, and evolution is to believe that you could become smarter than God, or that the actor could become smarter than the stage on which the play takes place. The question of whether or not our actions have consequences which would inevitably catch up with us is a question of whether or not our reincarnations have causal connectivity to each other, otherwise, we could escape all guilt by death… All of our karma, since before birth, came from somewhere, but it's not obvious how. We deduce from experience that since we incarnated once, the most likely thing is that we will incarnate again, but the likelihood of us reincarnating on Earth is equal to one in infinity because the universe is so large, it cannot be measured in ten thousand lifetimes, and anything which is one in infinity is equal to zero. The chances of reincarnating on Earth are zero. The mistake here is the cosmic macrocosm fallacy — to believe that because the homo sapien incarnates with no memory whatsoever, that God is the same — God is of another nature which eludes even the smartest person who ever lived in a universe which is so old and so resilient to understandability that even saying “the smartest person who ever lived” is loaded with assumptions about the linearity of time and the fate of creation.

Do our reincarnations have sequential successions or are they just random? That's the current mystery of our time.

It's terrifying to imagine that God is comfortable creating pain and fear and what it could mean to our unknown reincarnations.

Assuming that we reincarnate, suicide is like roulette because if you score, you might reincarnate in heaven, but if you miss, you might get gored alive by a demon in your next reincarnation just out of random chance. This begets the question: can humans influence the direction of our reincarnations, or is that simply an impossible pipe dream and the truth is our future incarnations will be as peculiar and memoryless as the life you are living now?

Assuming that we reincarnate, even if the point of life were to package the knowledge of our evolution to a working delivery for the generations to come after you because our actions had consequences which last beyond our death to our next reincarnation, it still doesn’t explain why God created the universe.

Will we reincarnate? Do our reincarnations have causal connectivity to each other? Can we escape all guilt by death or will our actions come to haunt us in our future reincarnations? With no memory of any previous reincarnations, we feel unjustifiably guilted because we are not consciously the creators of our inter-incarnational karma. You do reincarnate? How would you know it if you have no memory of previous incarnations? How did you incarnate the first time? Why is there a sequence to reincarnations to a universe which would need to have One Origins of non sequential nature at its ultimate origins?

I think the only thing intelligent people fear is that there is inter-incarnational karma that we have no choice but to work off through kindness and forgiveness because if karma were escapable through death, then we could simply fuck it all and neglect our greatest intuition, but since our pre-incarnational/trans-incarnational karma is just as unexpected as our dreams, then we wonder where our karma comes from and the most likely answer is that our trans-incarnational karma is just as causeless as our dreams, but that doesn’t sit well with anyone and we suppose that our trans-incarnational karma comes from a nonsequential God, but that is a very trivial epiphany because everyone assumes our karma comes from God.

"Eternal reincarnations" is just as good of a guess as "you only live once", but "eternal reincarnations" is romantic because it gives you reason to hope for salvation through divine purpose. If there is no reincarnation, then there is no salvation from our mortal destinies.

If you're not 100% in love with death, you DON'T understand your eternal reincarnations.

You can't convince me of anything because I am in love with death. If anywhere is the middle of two eternities, then it doesn't make a difference when you reincarnate - at least that's what I first assumed, but I don't know if I believe it anymore because now I'm starting to suspect we must take responsibility for the fate of creation.


When bad things happen to good people, that’s when God is nowhere to be found.

When you're really smart, you realize that karma doesn't come from anywhere because since time doesn't exist, neither do any cycles of time, so your bad deeds won't come back to haunt you in the future because there's no such thing as the future - there's only the transmutable now.

Kindness and forgiveness are nothing but a schizophrenic's religious, delusional moral conviction born of their totally redesignable biological, molecular, intercellular synaptic brain activity surfacing as hallucinations in their imagination — neither kindness nor forgiveness have objective value that can be redeemed outside of their imagined purpose.

There are 2 types of people — the kind who say karma comes from the untraceable origins of a forgotten eternity, and the kind who say karma starts with you — either way, we're responsible for working with the luck we are dealt. Since we know of no divine dissolution for our karma, we can only pray that we are spared suffering in its many forms.

In the end, karma is only real if possessed by other people.

If God created karma, God sets us up on a journey to salvation we don't want to take to an ending we can't get enough of. If suffering exists to keep us busy, then the journey is the destination.

Only through willpower or seldom chance do people actually get what they deserve because God has no intentions — this is only a revelation to people who believe God exists, but God clearly intended to create the universe, although that clearly doesn't make sense to me how God could intend to create the universe but not have intentions thereafter; God intended to do everything that ever existed — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In order to deserve anything, first, you have to identify the source of karma that goes back to The Mystery where if God created the universe, then who created God? and if God has no creator, then karma came from nowhere. In order to have a source, you need karma.

|The Last Great Questions|

What will happen after we die? Will we reincarnate? How will we reincarnate? Will our reincarnations have any causal connection to this incarnation? How can we build positive karma that will help us be safe and happy? Are we just molecules? What are the intentions of God in creating molecules? What are the intentions of God in creating intelligent organisms? Does our human nature to self-reflect help or hurt our purpose? Is the narrow sliver of the mammalian, homo sapien genome sacred to The Creator Of The Universe or are we simply atoms rising and falling like castles made of sand? Is it a mistake to become self-aware? When will we see the end of our suffering? Where does self-reflection lead to? Does suicide lead to salvation or damnation? How do we identify our source of karma? Does prehistory come from an untraceable and forgotten eternity of pure, but impossible mystery? Will we ever know how God created the universe? Why does God create coincidences? What is the point of delusion? Why do our instincts sometimes lead us to ruin? Does God enjoy to confuse us? Does God benefit from our misery? Does God desire to hurt itself? Is there any value to a purposeless universe? Does God fear salvation? If God wanted us to turn towards salvation, why does God create creatures who die young, before ever experiencing salvation? Is nihilism salvation? Why does God need to suffer? Does God not suffice with something easier? Does God fear peace and love? Why must God drag us through hell? Is another universe possible? Does God benefit from our ineptitude? What is inevitable? Why did life become something we hate and how do we stop it from hurting us? Must we endure? Is an early death the only salvation? Is the fear of death irrational? Why does the ego hold on so dearly to its insecurities? Does the ultimate fate of creation have any fallibility? If you died young, would it prevent God from having created the universe? If you died old, would it prevent God from having created the universe? If you became immortal, would it prevent God from having created the universe? How fast does it take to get to the end of infinity? Is it wrong to forfeit your animal body to the tides of death? Has it ever been wrong? Could it ever be wrong? Are we simply the creator rearranging its omnipotence in attainable ways? If 99% of eternity has disappeared from memory, then did it ever happen? and where is it going? Will it ever happen again? Why does God toy with us? Do you think God primarily sympathizes with our emotion that freedom can make us feel constrained? Do you think that's why we were born to be incomplete? Is the purpose of life to meet futility? Does God need us to meet futility in the face or is there a greater mystery that none of us have ever cracked? Are we supposed to prevent God from creating the universe, as if we could ever get outside ourself, or is God simply as lost as us? Does God need help? Is God the bastard child of God's dad? If God created us to wonder what it means for 70 years and then die a death of cosmic termination where we forget everything we’ve ever known, are we supposed to give thanks for the chance to wonder what it means or not? Why is God calling us from hyperspace with all this stuff? Are we supposed to make a journey home to Our Creator or is that another one of our delusions and what is the point of God creating delusions? Have we always been home? Is it delusional to believe that God’s ultimate state of being is static and immutable? Is God’s ultimate state of being alive and subject to the impossibility of infinity? Is it good to live? Is it good to die? Does the ultimate fate of Creation depend on the participation of any portion of the gene swarm or does God simply create the universe so mysteriously, it eludes our wildest imaginations?  If God needed any portion of the gene swarm to participate in The Ultimate Fate Of Creation, then why does God even allow the possibility of them going extinct? Is it delusional to believe we are anything more than molecules metabolizing molecules? Why does God give us the content of our dreams?


If we have the potential to live and die entire lives of dogma believing in delusions, then there is no possible misfortune which could possibly hurt they who never did and never will recognize the very meaning of their fears to be anything more than hallucinations and will die before ever becoming aware of the imagined consequences we imagine as inevitable, meaning that your fears can only hurt you if you believe in them and even our deepest convictions about the nature of reality are powerless to hurt us unless we believe in them, but since that’s where most people draw the line, then we get a lot of absolutely certain homo sapiens proclaiming that they have knowledge more divine than God.

The attributability of our animal perception to our DNA implies the possibility of postal realities beyond the recognizability of the homo sapien, which we have only been tracing for a few hundred years in comparison to the trillions of light years attributable to the greater universe with all its galaxies, stars, planets, and intelligent life beyond the recognition of the homo sapien’s narrow, mammalian, genetic realm of perception.

True hallucinations? Do our senses receive reality or create it? I think that's the wrong question for lack of a better word — our senses are one with the appearance of knowable phenomena. Even our sober, waking consciousness is a hallucination of sorts. We can speculate the truthfulness of our hallucinations and understand humbly that even our deepest convictions may be nothing more than hallucinations, but even if some of our sensorial perception has objective groundings in reality that can be proven by science, then we are still left with a baffling mystery about the nature of The Creator as The One Paradox of a creatorless creator — either way, we are left debating the value of even our deepest convictions to be anything more than merely hallucinations, but if some of our hallucinations have groundings in reality, true hallucinations, then we can utilize the meaning of our visions to be guiding mechanisms to our salvation.

I don't think there is such thing as "homo sapien enlightenment" - I think it's an oxymoron to believe that the animal flesh of the human could ever become smarter than God.

What is the meaning of happiness? Is happiness freedom from the fears of the homo sapien mammal or is happiness the pursuit of meaning?

When our paranoid delusions are not based in physical phenomena, that's when we start to question the meaning of the physical world in relation to the things we imagine — the meaning of anti-materialism is that the physical world has no causal relation to spiritual phenomena, but if that were true, then which God does the physical world come from: The one who created the universe or The One Who Created The Creator? Of course, this is babble because all of our spiritual experiences are based off the impressions we feel as physical homo sapiens metabolizing physical molecules, so it is impossible to have an opinion without first being a physical organism in the material world and all our spiritual phenomena are based off our material world. The very meaning of spirituality is to try to identify how the physical world relates to spiritual phenomena, or more precisely, extra sensory perception, but it will never answer how God created the universe nor who created God. Nothing means anything in relation to eternity, but that's not very useful to try to understand how old the universe is and what it means to our human lifespan, but it gives us meaning to consider the depths of God's power to create phenomena, even if latently, although latency itself is an oxymoron if you need it in order to begin the galactic metamorphosis from biological ignorance we experience to any possibility of awareness of the very subject of its own creation to know or not know its own identity, to know or not know anything. Our evolution is the only thing that could give us God’s historically latent power to create the universe if we were able to become omnipotent through omnipotence we don’t have yet or never will have, but to become aware of your own identity as inextricably One with the universe is not the end of the search for meaning because we don't know how God created the universe nor who created God. We were born created just to gawk at the mystery because even if we lived long enough to understand the meaning of nihilism, it wouldn't change our ultimate destiny to be inseparable from or irrelevant to The Mystery. "Anti-Materialism" is a word in the field of psychology that means when a person is interested in the non corporeal dream realms or visions or hallucinations which are born of another intelligence outside our own intentions instead of the physical world of sobriety and it is not necessarily praise for certain values which relate to spiritually abstaining from the point of view that insists that being greedy or hoarding material possessions or wealth is evil, but simply that the spiritual world of other dimensions we all relate to experiencing in our dreams while we’re sleeping are more greatly enriching or valuable than the things we can determine in our waking sobriety, but the moral imperative our mystics intend to insist upon is that the noncorporeal realms or visions or dreams we experience through the pharmacological enhancement of our sensory perception INSTILL values of love and peace and community and enrich us tangibly in ways that can help us all fall in love with each other for virtuous reasons that have good results like the peacefulness of a law abiding public and the gentility of an awoken, God conscious society.

Getting drunk makes you smarter because it gives you an external perspective into the meaninglessness of biological consciousness — if it means nothing to you drunk, then it means nothing to God if our beliefs are made of chemicals. Ask your ancestors what the suffering of an animal means when they're dead. The universe is not made only of consciousness of biological organisms that do evolve continuously — that is not true in either case — only through luck does biology evolve, not divine will. Most gene pools are dead ends and that is the fate that God has chosen, continues to choose, and probably will always choose, as far as the homo sapien should ever be concerned because our concerns will be other as soon as we transcend the homo sapien genome. Immortality is impossible by definition, but extreme resilience and longevity is possible through evolution.              

Getting in a good mood is the only thing that makes life worthwhile.

Do you think you want to live long enough to reproduce/have children? What does it mean to survive if God lets us die young?

|The Philosophy Of Morals|

I do believe in the idea that the laws of physics are the only true laws of God but that kind of belief invites more misconduct and violence than we tolerate, so it is better for us if we assert the imposition that certain codes of conduct which protect our sacred freedoms dictate our social consensuses, even if they're fabricated, and it is up to us to define the meaning of our social consensuses, so it means there are no morals other than the ones you want, and our common desires, historically, or true scientific reasoning, ideally, are what dictate social consensuses. The only moral laws are the laws of physics. Your desires do not equate to morality. There is no such thing as morality, there are only your desires. Morality is a human construct that God clearly does not care for — we know this because God is the one who allows tragedies and atrocities to happen. You can believe that we're nothing more than molecules and still adhere to agreed upon principles without abandoning all sanctity. From a reductionist perspective, we're just atoms, but from a social perspective, we're beings with legal protections. From the biologist's reductionist perspective, we are just DNA molecules, but from a dogmatic religious perspective, you can say whatever's convenient for your ego and convince billions of people of it with no biological repercussions. Things are only opposed if other people don't want you to do them. Biology is only sacred if you think it is. There is no difference between a cat and a homo sapien who wants to live — the difference is a minor genetic code — the principles are the same - all of biology is merely the coincidence of molecules perpetuating molecules. Whether you create the evolution or the devolution is merely a coincidence of molecules perpetuating molecules and the dreams that give us beliefs about our purpose are merely coincidences of molecules perpetuating molecules. God wants you to know God? Then why does God start you off so far from God? God wants you to journey to God? In other words, the point of life is to create artificial struggles just to have artificial struggles to overcome? I think the only journey is the journey to infinity. And how fast can we make the journey to infinity? Is there such thing as too fast? What if I said I want infinity instantly?

Morality is something the flesh does and needs during its infinitesimally short time in incarnation — all flesh is part of God, but not all of God is flesh and morality only applies to the flesh — inanimate matter has no need for morality, but the sigh of relief is God does not need the flesh, the flesh needs God and we can escape all consequences through death until we find out where death leads, which is probably where it started: here and now in any given form, but why one and not the other?

I think the only real sin is to not wonder why God created the universe. Belief in morality is a symptom of schizophrenia where the subject mistakes their own thoughts for reality. Have you ever killed an insect? That's exactly how immoral it is to kill a person.

You ask me: does the suffering of others matter? And my answer is how could you possibly disappoint God if God creates a universe absolutely teeming with pain, suffering, and even bloody violence? God creates this suffering and then asks us to be holy? Are we smarter than God or is it simply oxymoronic to ask if God is holy when God creates a universe absolutely teeming with pain, suffering, and even bloody violence? Don’t blame Satan, blame God because God created Satan.

Maybe murder is impermissible to propose, but it's not really immoral when you think about why God created the universe. It's neither right nor wrong to be God, it is neither right nor wrong to be the eternal dream theater of life, death, and the cycles of rebirth.

In the end, we can never truly arrive at any objectivity in the definition of morality because even our impositions about the significance of morality as it relates to the transient nature of the homo sapien’s sometimes delusional or misleading instincts towards self-preservation are open-ended if they depend on the indiscrepancies of positive and negative infinities in the domain of science  — even our significant figures are subject to redefinition through the evolution of science. Even the significant figures of our sanctifications will never be anything more than whimsical and that begets an abandonment of duty.

I’m gonna say something and let me be very clear — Your DESIRE to live DOES NOT give you the RIGHT to live — don’t get the two confused.

If your moral duties belong to God, they belong to the truth and if they belong to the truth, they belong to science and if they belong to science, they don't belong to anyone.

If “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”, it just means God doesn’t have intentions, so God does not benefit from evolution in the same way that adding 1 to infinity still equals infinity, so it is neither right nor wrong to be delusional, it just comes with consequences, which is a statement about the purpose of the journey being the destination, for lack of a better word — existence is the purpose of Creation, but if God doesn’t have intentions, then why did God intend to create the universe?

The point of life is neither to be ethical nor to be evil, the point of life is to live or not live out your lifespan depending on what happens. Ethics is a thing flesh and blood does only because it feels pain and not because it's supposed to feel pain, which can be eradicated from the homosapien genome through genetic modification and that dissolves the illusion that morality is a religious affair, which it’s not.

We have human rights because someone insists on it, not because God needs anything from us as if God even existed — if God has the power to create the universe before you were born, then why do you think God needs your help to create the universe?

I don't just blindly have intentions against the UK royal family, I really do have honest intentions to investigate what it means to exist and that question may very well lead to an answer that I, for example, would benefit from sharing the love and lust for life with others, that's why I wrote my book so I could address this question. What does it mean to sacrifice your self-actualization for people who have no intention to protect your interests? What does it mean to experience emotions as a homosapien and what does it mean to become postal?

I'm not trying to be evil, it's a matter of semantics; Show business is inherently narcissistic and hoardingish, fueled by the ego, which seeks to know God, but is it honorable to teach the word of Christ or does our destiny remain eternal?

There's only one correct answer for any question and you don't have to be right twice to be right, so we only need one leader to answer what it means to strive for meaning as a disciple of God.


Is it honorable to share the world with the people you hate and thereby hate your life and life itself or is it honorable to love yourself enough to be loyal to yourself and attack the things you hate?

|Deja Vu|

Whether deja vu is just a metabolic glitch or a real memory of the future doesn’t matter because we feel it either way.


Faith is devotion to the possibility that somehow, through our evolution, we will give life the purpose God could not.

|Dark Forest Theory|

Dark Forest Theory is an idea that taking a military offensive against all other civilizations is the most guaranteed survival strategy, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is the most virtuous nor even intelligent possibility — this brings into question the value and sanctity of survival. Are we meant to be meritocratic? Should we favor our insecurities or intelligence? What does intelligence mean? What does ethics mean? Same question. What are we supposed to value? Do we need life or do we need purpose? Is there some way we can judge the meaning of our insecurities? The answer to our intercivilizational uncertainty principle is obviously not as simple as destroying all sentient life to guarantee survival because any civilization more advanced than us could immediately become our single greatest asset that our civilization has ever known or ever will know. The trick is to know the difference, but I don't want to lead you on a path of confusion to believe that our interhuman relationships have the same uncertainty principle as our intercivilizational relationships and that means there is likely very little to gain from other humans, but that is not the case for other civilizations, which may provide greater evolution. Again, the trick is to approach your interhuman relationships and issues with time and caution because haste is the foundation of bad decisions and caution is the source of wisdom.

|The Genetic Origins Of Experience|

Our thoughts are our genome — all of our hopes and fears are the extension of our genome and they don’t have absolute realities outside of our imaginations that belong to our genome and not to God.


If nihilism is true, our best excuse to stay alive is we are mindless hedonists that exist just to have orgasms and even if it'll never mean anything to God, we can still love it even if we don't understand the repercussions of the ultimate meaning of Creation being the life and mortality of a flesh and blood incarnation - that is to say, we can still love our mystery even if we don’t understand the repercussions of our lifespan being the ultimate stake in the epic of self-discovery.

I AM a religious man — that means I believe in a corporeal religion that worships and follows our scientific intelligence to provide physical assets to those people we love and stand to benefit from, but from a spiritual perspective, I am a scientologist and I strictly believe in the physical origins of sensory perception being innate to our biology.

And if in the end, the stalemate of death shall take me, it's okay — it wasn't my decision to die.

Boundary dissolution does not invite sin, it invites compassion and a lust for life; Lust for life does not invite sin, it begets knowledge and knowledge begets discipline and discipline begets evolution and evolution begets knowledge and knowledge begets boundary dissolution.

Take a look into heaven and free yourself from the burden of the flesh.

All of our sins come from either fear, jealousy, or deprivation. If we can reconceptualize the meaning of our lives, the purpose of existence, then we can BELIEVE in a reason to treat each other with kindness or basic decency by psychiatrically treating and genetically eradicating our fears, which only exist while we witness them and never else.

There's a very fine line between self-care and sadism.

We were born with a mystery and we will die with a mystery.

No one thinks except those who have the mind to think.

To know the transcendental nature of our own higher power is every person’s birthright.

What is the value of honesty? Does honesty pay the bills? Does honesty keep us safe from suffering? Does it save us from damnation? Does it save us from Creation?

The concerns of the ego of the homo sapiens pale in comparison in the presence of the gods.

I don't think it's fair to say "humankind is God's mistake" because I think God made a lot of mistakes and humankind is just one of them, but yeah, I understand that the implied mistake is our ability to self-reflect intelligently on our hollow and despairing purpose.

Even our greatest evolutions are but a fraction of infinity in a world without purpose.

That our desires are meaningless in the presence of the transcendental is true, but we have desires nonetheless. Without the transcendental, we are left alone with our desires with no point of reference to define their meaninglessness.

I often wonder if there is any limit to philosophical knowledge or if even our best guesses will one day become merely mistaken speculation. If there is no limit to knowledge, then when does it end? When can we claim a standard?

Our best guesses tell us that we haven't evolved far enough to understand the difference between pointlessness and delusion — maybe we are delusional to believe that life is pointless.

We should only worship the intelligent — it is a sin and a lie to worship the stupid. We should only worship the holy — it is a sin and a lie to worship the evil.

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” — Edgar Allen Poe

Someone said "life imitates art", but that's not true, although sometimes, dreams imitate life and with some intention, humans imitate dreams - in other words, you cannot influence the lord with prayer - that humans imitate life is not much of a statement.

Incredulity is the crux of the human spirit.

Anything that's susceptible to failure or destruction is a sin to create — God is a sinner and we are the bastard children of the forsaken nightmares of hell and we are asked to give thanks for this suffering.

One thing we have in common, from the bottom to the top, is we will do literally anything to avoid satan.

You ever wonder how it’s possible to have vocabulary words for things that don’t exist and are impossible? Isn’t it ironic? Multiverse Theory. Omnipotence. Polytheism. Immortality.

We're just a bunch of molecules perpetuating molecules. We live animal lives chasing animal needs, suffering for our imaginations behind the illusion of self-imposed sanctity, believing that our suffering belongs to our religious conceptualization of God. And for what? Just to make it home safely to our eternal omnipotence?

God created us with paranoid/delusional instincts that reliably fail us. Nasty things are good for you and good things are good for you while other nasty things are bad for you and other good things are bad for you - let's just say it takes some investigation to understand if or why hell leads to heaven - our instincts deceive us.

All the world could become something it’s not, has never been, and is unbelievable.

What we used to be can be just as important as what we will be if it can help us become what we want to be.

On a long enough timeline, miracles are bound to happen. Wait for them.

Always staying open-minded to the idea that someone else may have better intelligence than you, even if you are convinced it's impossible, or at worst, that you believe it's impossible because the entities posing as the authorities of knowledge are deliberately deceiving you and you believe it because it's the smartest thing you've ever known — maybe they're smarter than you and they still lied to you — staying open-minded is the first priority and first need in the merit of authority and it's simply arrogant and morally shoddy, unacceptable, criminal to pose as an authority with the certainty that you have ultimate and non-improvable knowledge on reality because the omnipotence of God goes beyond and deeper than credulity to a domain of miracles and rapture no one that ever lived has the courage to face — the mystery goes deeper than itself and our psychiatric investigations have led us to only one place and that is the peace and love of a helpful, benevolent, compassionate, and kind society.

The human spirit unconsciously desires paradise before it even knows what it means to mourn the loss of paradise.

You do reincarnate, but you never escape karma and if you're fearful, you risk smothering your safety to death by squeezing it too hard and if you're fearless, you risk getting violently tortured by the juggernauts you create by neglect — the ego leads to getting raped and and the destruction failsafe protocol leads to potential loneliness and the christ leads to potentially getting tortured by the juggernauts we create by neglect. The christ hopes that the aliens even metabolize carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, but you can never be sure if that’s true. If they don't metabolize the things we're familiar with, there's no way to prevent a potential cataclysm.

|God Gave Us Instincts|

The question is “What does God think about rape?”. What does God want us to do? If God didn't want you to rape people, then why did God make you rape people? God is the one who gave you these instincts. The rapee doesn’t want you to rape them and the rapist wants to rape them. You realize this is a stalemate because God created the rapist and the rape victim? Who are you to question God? Both parties are shouting “You don’t know what I want, you don’t know what I need!” - neither parties want to help each other out of a bind and whoever is the bigger asshole wins, but the party who helps the other out of the bind is the one who we cherish, so if you accept, you inherit the love of the community because we all know you’re not gonna inherit shit unless you put out, and if you practice consent, you also inherit the love of the community - helping the other is a form of love. Which party shares the most love? I am the party of consent - always thinking of love, always sacrificing my needs for the other. Is it Godly to accept? Is it Godly to rape? Who are you? Who is God? Who created the universe? If God created the universe, then who created God? Anything that happens is God’s will and anything that could happen is something God would let happen. Raping someone is not a bad idea in the sense that holding your needs sacred to yourself is a valuable way of self-improvement and healing, but it has consequences in this world where we have government and police - we do not live in nature, the domain of the uncivilized dream theater of The Divine Creator where God allows all things to happen to any of its incarnations, no matter how bad nor good they nor any of the things that happen to them may be, but we do not live in the state of nature, we respect each other because the authorities put us up to it; In other words, God does not  punish us for anything at all, punishment is a genetically-based reward system that allows flesh and blood incarnations to manage their genetically-based, experientially-regulated emotions for their own reasons of security, calmness, and peace of mind, which are valuable to them with their own ends, even if God's nature is absolutely indifferent to the joy or suffering of any of the organismic phenomena which, for reasons unknown, happen to have existed or will exist; In other words, God does not have morality, morality is a thing humans invent in order to protect the unfolding of their lifespan because a lifespan is all they will ever have or be concerned with because in the end, the ego is a thing with a lifespan and all of our concerns end when we die, so it's not that raping people is bad, it's that it comes with consequences; disrespecting people is how you lose the people you love - if you want to be loved and accepted by the people you admire, you must respect them. Love is respect and someone who loves you respects you. Don’t rape the people you want and love because they’ll leave you. If the answer is no, there is no right way to ask for consent. My position is not pro-rape, it’s pro-God because it’s impossible to be anything other than God. Our morality comes from the social contract where we give the police authority to protect us because we need protection and I could go on all day about how belief in morality is a symptom of schizophrenia, but I’ll leave that for another section. You ever heard that saying where 3 blind men are touching an elephant and one says it's a rope because it’s feeling it’s tail, one says it's a tree because it’s feeling its leg, and one says it's stiff like a spear because it’s feeling its tusk - that's what it's like to have religious opinions - The rapist says rape is the best thing in their life and the rapee says they hate it, but they're both telling the truth that means real, honest joy to them and if you say treat others the way you want to be treated, you end up in the same predicament because both parties oppose each other regardless of willpower - there is no way of knowing who deserves the right of way because both parties have sincere intentions to get what they want - ask them to be honest and they’ll both say I want it my way. Ask any government official and they’ll explain to you what the social contract means - that our morality comes from our choice to sanctify our means of civilization and not from God. Anyone who prays to God is unknowingly admitting they suffer from delusional paranoid schizophrenia. I do take a stand for consent and I oppose rape as authority figure — I am not going to legalize raping people — rape is not the right solution for your disease — you must go to prison if you rape someone.


Chapter 3 - Theory Of Government


Government law policy is the most important thing in the world because all human affairs follow government policy. All of our dreams and aspirations are inextricably related to the government.


Meritocracy is a system of government in which the maximum, most intelligent person in the world makes objective decisions rooted in science, logic and reason for all the other people who aren’t smart enough to know what quality is. Meritocracy is based only on science, not the speculations of the minimums. Meritocracy is better than democracy — meritocracy says quality over quantity, while democracy says quantity over quality. Meritocracy is the best political system known to humanity because it is logically perfect and unsurpassed, stating that the best decision is the best decision. Meritocracy is a dictatorship, as it should be, and you'd be a fool to complain. A meritocratic, authoritarian dictatorship is the unchallenged, best method of government known to humanity and it's better than democracy because the truth is true regardless of the speculations of public opinion. Meritocracy is intelligence supremacy. I swear allegiance to meritocracy. You understand what that means, right? It means no corruption. Corruption serves only the privileged and neglects the good and the holy. I'm willing to sacrifice my freedom in exchange for the enlightenment that comes through meritocracy and discipline. You can never let your inferiors govern you under the guise of morality through "democracy", which amounts to ridiculous and incompetent blasphemy in the face of meritocracy. Democracy is evil because it forfeits authority to anyone regardless of their true intelligence.

Let me point out the obvious by saying that in a meritocracy, the only person you could trust to bribe people is the president - with that said, we would obviously benefit from allowing the president to bribe people in a meritocracy - the reason is a lot of times, people are either unaware of the facets of good behavior, or worse, they don’t want to practice good behaviors, but if we get a trusted authority to bribe these idiots into doing the right thing, we can manage the direction of good behaviors by providing incentives why people would want to practice good behaviors.

I have escaped the confusion of the crowd to a new field of intelligence where I have learned to manage the norms of society through meritocratic, authoritative leadership & not the coincidental possibility of self-discovery. The possible intelligence that comes through self-discovery is never a replacement for meritocracy.

Who is the smartest person in the world and what can they tell me about meritocracy?

Who does our allegiance belong to? Let me be very clear that it does not belong to the DEMOCRATIC leader, it belongs to the MERITOCRATIC leader - very different. The first step we would take is to put our greatest subjects through lie-detector tests and favorably install those of our subjects who are loyal to meritocracy.

There's no way to outsmart me because I'm willing to comply with my superiors - I'm telepathic, too, so I know what my superiors want and what they want is for me to slave mindlessly for the hive and speak to their genome, to appeal to what they are, not who people say they are.

The best thing that could happen is if our meritocratic dictator gave us instructions based on science on how to become intelligent so we could all become leaders.


Technocracy means a form of government where science dictates government policy and the standards of the means of evolution of the human race and our technology. Technocracy defines the value and functional parameters of meritocracy. Meritocracy says that technocracy is doomed to fail without the doors of perception, that's why we're currently trying to legalize drugs. You can look “technocracy” up in the dictionary.

|Free Will|

Free will is not the highest ethical ideal of evolution because meritocratic dictatorship based on technocracy is way better than free will. Politics are non-negotiable because meritocratic dictatorship is a government based on science, so it doesn't matter what you want or think you want, what matters is the truth.


In a democratic society, communism is a failure because it grants authority to undeserving and intellectually inferior subjects. A meritocratic dictatorship is the best society because it is ruled by the most intelligent ideas, so it is perfect. Sure, communism sounds great if you're delusional, but the reason communism doesn't work is because in communism, all subjects, even if inferior, are the rulers of public property, but since we know we differ in intelligence, communal leadership is not effective.

|Capitalism Or Socialism|

I thought about it really hard and for all functional purposes, capitalism really is a superior alternative to socialism because it gives universal value for trade. Capitalism is the best system for the valuing and trading of goods and services. The alternative to capitalism is that the government provide direct resources to the public rather than money, but without capital, it's hard to create incentive for the work necessary to move civilization, hence, capitalism is superior to socialism. The question is whether or not the government should provide basic living resources to the public. I do believe in capitalism - capitalism is innocent - it is merely a means for civilization.

|Fascist Dictatorship|

My overall political stance is fascist dictatorship by elitist, meritocratic oligarchy. What that means is anyone who refutes meritocracy gets shut down by force. Democracy IS NOT a thing anymore because meritocracy has dominated over democracy.

|Theory Of Justice|

What is the meaning of justice in a nihilistic universe with no God and no morals? God doesn't have ethical principles, ethical principles are a human construct. Justice is whatever you want it to be, and that means survival of the fittest - Of course, this is an ugly truth that most intelligent people want to avoid if possible and we want to agree to common ideals that protect the safety and well-being of all members of society. Our justice should be based around our scientific principles such as fairness and proportionality, and we can use scientific reasoning to judge our greatest value through the guiding principle of meritocracy, which states that the most intelligent being dictates morality.

People always forget about the fact that if society were evolving with the times like they're supposed to, the standards for human rights are SUPPOSED to evolve with them, so every year, we're gonna have a different law.

|Social Contract Theory|

Social Contract Theory is a theory of government which describes a certain agreement the public makes with the government where everyone agrees that we must reduce the number of our rights, in other words, prohibit certain things and behaviors that threaten our safety or community life in order to have safety, security, and order which could not be possible unless we prohibited these things where the value of freedom comes into question: Should we be free or should we be governed? Through The Social Contract Theory, we agree to reduce our freedoms and forfeit our sovereignty to government in order to trade for the common safety, security, and order that is only possible by reducing our freedoms. The first example of the prohibition of things through The Social Contract is the prohibition of violence and murder - we agree to reduce the number of our rights in order to guarantee the safety and security of our nations by prohibiting dangerous or bothersome things like violence and murder. The Social Contract allows us to be born and gives us the circumstances we need to have rights.

|Theory Of Psychiatric Society|

The real experts of society understand the psychiatric science that defines the epigenetic transformation of human intelligence as it undergoes the development of the synergistic-metabolic conditioning of our DNA’s ability to rewrite and improve itself through mutagenic means and they can verify for you with certainty that the right psychiatric method, applied, creates unwavering altruists who simply do not and refuse to ever break the law  granted that they receive education, these subjects of the method never mistake the value of upholding law for the sake of community because they understand that civilization is a group effort with career roles that can only exist through devotion to law and order; Geniuses choose to obey the law because civilization can only exist through devotion to the social contract which dictates the behaviors of a community designed to sustain itself through law enforcement — we geniuses of the psychiatric kind know that without law and order, there is no survival   a psychiatric society is a safe society.

|The Semantics Of Our Values|
Community is made entirely out of vocabulary terms. It's the dictionary that defines our values. It's not that vocabulary creates reality, it's that it defines what we're capable of experiencing because a concept is an experience and our experiences create our beheldness of concepts.


Lawfulness is not the goal of civilization, it is the means to civilization. Ethics and morality are one of the goals of civilization, but not to be confused with lawfulness, which has always been used as a guise to enforce tyranny and corruption under the semblance of morality.

|Sanctity Of Life|

You notice I use the term "homo sapien" instead of "human" because I'm trying to distance myself from the word human because humans have human rights and I disagree — I think not all humans need rights and rights are earned through means of merit and not birth. I want to remind y'all that we are animals who belong to the DNA molecule; some people think all human life is sacred, some people think all of life is sacred, but that includes cockroaches, ants, wasps, mosquitos — the only things that separates us from mosquitos are the differences in our DNA; all of life is simply atomic building blocks — the sanctity of life is a hallucination.

|Mercy And The Right Of Benevolence|

Yes, by decree of intergalactic law, I command that any friend of mine willing to comply with my intelligence will be spared, with mercy, having their right to become benevolent removed under strict control that they adhere to the most beneficial laws of self-improvement, healing, patience, devotion, intention, honing of ki and vibration, the nobility of medicine, the proven effects of service and duty, the accountability of power, and the love of the mystery — one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

|Theory Of Law|

People say the purpose of life is to protect their interests, but if everyone has unique interests, there's no way to satisfy opposite interests. The kind of rights we need are rights that protect our purpose, which is to seek salvation from suffering and that's fine if we find salvation by communing with our loved ones.

|Respect For Our Protectors Of Justice And Morality|

I strictly believe in obeying the law and being good to the police and The FBI and the military - they are our superiors - we owe them our lives - be good to our service members.

|Theory Of Unlikeliness Becoming Reality Every Once In A While|

Even if it's kind of far-fetched, it is our job as detectives to take seriously every tip of a crime that has allegedly happened or is being planned on happening as being potentially real because we can never leave vulnerable lives defenseless just because the thing they claim to be true has never happened before because if you pay attention, new technologies come into existence every once in a while and probably more frequently with every advance in civilization - the internet didn't exist until just a few blinks of the eye ago, for example.

The Good, The True, The Lawful, The Profitable, And The Evil Venn Diagram, According To God Almighty

Chapter 4 - God’s Policy Reform For The New World Order

I, God, am running for president of The United Nations to enact all these changes into law. God says we must prohibit all civilians from possessing weapons, legalize our favorite drugs, patent and monopolize all drugs and performance enhancers, legalize prostitution, legalize public nudity, abolish the age of consent, legalize public intoxication, abolish the DUI penalty, increase police salaries, increase government salaries, subsidize green technologies and renewable energy, subsidize pest eradication, subsidize bioengineering research, increase the welfare budget for the poor, eradicate homelessness, subsidize free birth control for everyone, abolish the minimum age for a driver's license, abolish the minimum age for pornography, legalize murdering your own children, and legalize slavery from birth starting 10 months after it is signed into law.

We can negotiate what our actions and policies need to be in order to maximize the intelligence of my domestic and foreign assets because in the end, the animal genome of the homo sapien doesn't desire conflict, it desires euphoria that is available to us all through technology.

|Increase Police Salaries|

As president, I will increase police salaries to $550,000 a year for entry level positions as an officer, $1,200,000 a year for the sheriffs and $3,000,000 a year for the police chief.  

|Increase Government Salaries|

The mayor will get paid $5,000,000 a year, the governor will get paid $35,000,000 a year, the senators will get paid $60,000,000 a year, and the president will get paid $250,000,000 a year.

|The Education Curriculum|

In regard to revising the education curriculum, we should remove wasted time spent in false or irrelevant histories, useless and irrelevant sciences, irrelevant mathematics, useless or irrelevant fictional literature that the children hate and have no use for, and replace all these with career job training, and preparation for adulthood and adult responsibilities, primarily, and with a functional understanding of criminal law.

|Financial Aid For The Poor|

I said we should increase welfare subsidies for poor people and we should increase the minimum wage to $50 an hour. I do care about the finances of poor people.


You can’t blame a person for charging money for sex because you have to be worth their time…  you have to be worth something in this life. Saying we should ban prostitution is like saying we should ban capitalism in the entire market because trading money for sex is no different from trading money for any other good or service and there is no good reason to ban prositution. What are the arguments against legalizing prostitution? One, that it promotes the spreading of STDs. Not your concern. Two, that it drives overpopulation. This is avoidable through birth control methods and is not significant enough to make a difference. There's nothing else.

|Abolishing The Age Of Consent|

I'm not saying it's good to have sex with children (it may be), I'm saying that sometimes, children want to have sex with adults and we have no right to stop them, that's why we need to abolish the age of consent because it's not based on reality, it's based on superstition — the mistake is that children shouldn't decide for themselves when they're ready to have sex. — the logical fallacy is that children don't want to have sex until a certain age, but it’s not true - all children like to have sex. I've never met, I've never even heard of someone who waited until the age of consent to have sex - you know why? Cause no one likes that rule - It doesn't keep us safe and it has no scientific purpose for existing. All children like to have sex regardless of their demographic. The age of consent is based on expired superstition masquerading as science and it simply insults the good nature of all human beings to enjoy sex without a clock - people don't need to be told when they're allowed to consent to have sex. The real science behind the maturation of the human psychology through the apparatus of the cellular synthesis of brain activity which causes intelligence has now proven to show that all children mature at different ages based on the chemicals that react with their DNA, in other words, the phenotypic epigenetics of the human psyche depend more on circumstance than they do on time and that is the logical fallacy that this law is based on - they describe the maturation of the human psyche as dependent on time, but that’s simply not true and now, the science has proven that’s not true. The problem with having illogical laws like this one is that because humanity is asked to worship the government, they end up worshiping the logical fallacy this law is based on just because the government told them to and that leads us to the demonization of pedophiles, who are not guilty of sin. In short, yes, it is good to have sex with children - there is no scientific basis for prohibiting sex with children and it is done only to abuse adults and prevent them from enjoying good sex. You can't put an age on lust. Flesh is flesh no matter the age. Having sex with children is a healthy part of the homo sapien genome, all done with good intentions, respect, and consent. The age of consent is pure evil.

|Traffic Laws|

Illegal parking? Car towed and put in prison. Obstructing traffic? Car towed and put in prison. Driving under the influence? Free to roam. The idea is driving under the influence isn't actually a crime and the only real problem is obstructing traffic or disobeying the traffic laws, which exist for legitimate reasons.

|Controlled Substances Minimum Age Requirement|

Beer is very different from liquor and I think every different percentage of alcohol should have a different minimum age requirement for purchase: age 12 for beer, 18 for wine, and 21 for liquor. And still, the kids are gonna complain it's too strict. Well, the same principle of substance strength applies to the other substances like hemp and adderall. No one actually likes the DUI penalty because we should not judge a driver based on the contents of their blood, but rather the actual success of their driving and granted that millions of people drive under the influence every day, the DUI penalty is a pandemic inconvenience.

|Legalize Slavery|

We will legalize slavery starting from birth starting ten months after the bill is signed into law from two consenting parents to sell their children into slavery - the other option is once a person turns 18 years old, they can consent to be sold into slavery. Legalizing slavery is actually a huge benefit to the safety of the public because legalizing slavery reduces instances of rape by allowing ordinary rapists a working outlet for their sexual needs. Slavery includes sex slavery and we can meet our biological needs by legalizing slavery. If people have their own date, they will not go out looking for someone to rape, so we can drastically reduce the instances of rape for the public. Legalizing slavery also benefits the economy of private businesses by providing free labor, so it’s actually a huge benefit in many ways to legalize slavery and it will reduce crime and increase the health and prosperity of the public. We have long forgotten our sexual needs and our current laws regarding the prohibition of slavery wrongfully neglect the every day biological sexual needs of the public and if we legalize slavery, we can provide these needs without infringing on the human rights of the public. What people don't realize is that slavery is already legal until the age of 18 for children - let's take it one step further and make it forever. This new law is genius, it’s brilliant, it’s beneficial, it protects people from crime and injustice, it boosts the economy of private businesses, it satisfies our primal needs and urges to dominate the fuck out of somebody and it makes us healthy.

|Erasing The Line Between Abortion And Murdering Your Children|

We are going to legalize murdering your own children. Beating and disciplining your children and abortion are already legal - let’s take it one step further and legalize murdering your own children starting for all children born 10 months after it is signed into law.

Chapter 6 - A Discussion About The Implications Of Modern Science

The measure of a species’ or civilization’s sophistication and advancement is measured by the quality of its genetics to experience thought and action and its intelligence is measured by its philosophical understandings.

We haven’t made it out of the civilizational cradle until we learn how to crack the genome - We need hacks for super immunity as insusceptibility to pathogens - mold, viruses, bacteria, we need immunity to sunlight and solar radiation and galactic radiation, freezing and cold temperatures, hot temperatures and fire, anaerobic conditions, hacks for unlimited mobility like super fast flight, swimming, running, climbing, and eventually, teleportation, we need telekinesis, telepathy, 3D printing of molecules and complex molecular systems even as sophisticated as super powerful and intelligent biological organisms and the point of reference is not all intelligence is biological, as the age of intelligent machines has proven, we need endogenous, needless metabolism and regeneration of our tissue and skeletons and the endogenous, genetic synthesis of our exogenous metabolites, amongst any and all cracks that could possibly fancy our imaginations such as genetic beauty and size adaptation, genetic teleportation, genetic time-travel, telekinetic genetic design, genetic mattergenesis and lastly, endogenous, needless metabolism of our exponential evolution - eventually, we will reach a singularity when our DNA will become self-aware and start producing the kinds of beneficial mutations that we didn’t even know we needed. In the case of telekinetic gene modification, does our ability to recognize the existence of genetic modifications make them happen any faster? And how fast can we recognize every single genetic modification before we manifest them all, albeit they are infinite in number? It’s the case of instantaneous infinity. We need to talk about the potential for the tangible life of our organism to have an infinite number of genotypes in our DNA molecules to express not just immortality, but also permanent euphoria, to put it briefly. We can redesign our genome entirely - we could become anaerobic, super strong, super fast, antigravitic, unbreakable, unburnable, unfreezable, unmeltable hedonists with only one purpose and that is to experience the highs and hallucinations of the doors of perception. Evolution exists in order to discover how to correct the wrongs of The Creator.

One of the most valuable and intriguing mutations of bioengineering is the ability to metabolize life, lifeforce, intelligence, and consciousness endogenously, which is the opposite of the homo sapien.

Let's start the conversation into the mechanisms of mental health by saying that the homo sapien psyche is never perfect nor perfectible, but only the expression of our metabolites interacting with our organs of consciousness, which are subject to evolution by pharmacological intervention.

That's interesting how drugs work as antidepressants, but they're not mutagens and you're never going to grow mutations hallucinating, so fuck it if they're not legal. You don't understand that the gene cracks to immortality don't lie within the hallucinogens, so you're fighting over the wrong molecules. Your hallucinations do not crack the genome and your hallucinations only have value if they can help you crack the genome. The gene cracks to immortality are of the 1st order of importance BECAUSE if you can BECOME immortal, you will live long enough to find all the other cracks until you find The Creator Of The Universe.

The reason why society never worked out before is because the correct science, which has been proven, in double blind and peer reviewed studies, to work, has never been applied to large portions of the population and you don’t have to take my word for it, just try it and you’ll see that the scientific conclusions being testified on do successfully work to cure mental illness and the symptoms of brain disease that haunt our civilization like violent aggression, depression and suicidal depression, boredom, low IQ, anxiety, neurotic psychoses, and episodes of impulsive self sabotage.”

The homo sapien’s biological characteristics are just one genetic, temporary, transient phase in the genetic evolution of the species, and one day, we will have superintelligence, superbeauty, superstrength, superspeed, supermobility, supertechnologies, superlongevity, and winged and antigravitic flight. Everything we’ve ever known and felt is an extension of the way our genes record memories, experience sensations, and process thoughts through our central nervous system, and if we can transform the genome, we can change what it means to feel human and even our greatest epiphanies will one day be replaced by better ones as we continue to evolve our intelligence. Even jealousy is an expression of your genome in combination with our developmental and environmental conditioning and it can be eradicated with the transformation of our genes and epigenetic conditioning. I’m not saying money doesn’t buy intelligence because there are biological performance enhancers dor sale on the market, but the desire of the acquisition of excessive wealth is, at worst, the root of all evil, and at best, a neurochemical deficit of happiness in the brain, which is fixable through the manipulation of our neurochemistry by pharmacological means. The possibilities attainable through the designing of genes opens up an almost unimaginable goldmine of evolutionary advantages we could achieve through the advancement of our genealogy. The very first thing we need to look for is super longevity, because if we can extend our lifespans to last until the biological singularity of genetic metamorphosis into genetically-transcendental biology, then we can live long enough to become immortal through superintelligence. Our entire purpose in life is to develop the kinds of bioengineering technologies that could render our genetically-based suffering undone. They say a man never tries to pave the entire planet over if he can just wear shoes - that's a metaphor that means instead of trying to find happiness through external means, we can find happiness pharmacologically and that is a very powerful idea which revolutionizes our society to value psychiatric science over material possessions. The really neat thing about the Earthling hominid’s genetically-based sensory perception is that happiness, sensations, and emotions ARE objective, not subjective, realities based on the electron transfer of our molecules and their effects on the complex biological systems that create organismic consciousness. If you can genetically redesign what it means to be human - to breathe, eat, sleep, shed, corrupt, decay, dwindle away into old age, burn, freeze, electrocute, radiate, regenerate, reproduce, think, feel, suffer, fear, hate, enjoy, believe, then you can transcend what it means to fear death or even pain; if death is the crux of existence, then it would redefine existence to become immortal, but becoming immortal brings us back to the question of God trying to create itself - is it possible to live longer than the universe has existed or will exist? Is this what immortality means?

I wanna act coy and ask the question "has modern psychiatry found a way for us to design the psychology of the human beings to desire to coexist with each other?" because I have studied this topic extensively my entire life and the answer is "definitely yes". You can design a personality by the chemicals that go into a person’s bloodstream. It is not the DMT tryptamines alone that produce extra sensory perception, it is the combination of hallucinogens with medicine that produce the intelligent reception of scientific knowledge from the ultimate database of God's potential to produce hallucinations or thoughts that are valuable to our evolution. The fountain of hallucinations, the doors of perception, serve as a palpable spiritual tool to learn the secrets of The Mystery to show us the things we can use to benefit our personal and species evolution. The trick or the goal of psychiatry is to design the kind of instinctual homo sapien personality which seeks to serve the benefit of the species to share cooperation with each other rather than anger and violence. Through psychiatric medicine, we want to design a personality which is happy, energetic, patient, compassionate, selfless, generous, kind, supportive, ambitious, intelligent, eager to evolve or evolvetenic, gentle, and productive. All of my work in the drug policy business is aimed at legalizing these kinds of adaptive psychoactive substances which are responsible for influencing a person to develop this kind of personality through effect and experience. There are exogenous, bioadaptive psychoactive, psychotherapeutic chemicals that have already been proven to play a part in the experience of the community love and bonding of humanity, and they're only one part of the greater bioengineering domain, but there's also gene editing. Genetic design could mean permanent community love and bonding, not just chemical treatment. We're a species that is instinctually prone to different types of social behaviors depending on the phenotypic, environmental conditioning of their upbringing and development, but greed, jealousy, selfishness, and hatred are just coincidental genetic conditions of the homo sapien animal. Desiring euphoria is a unique instinct that only certain kingdoms of biology experience; all the exogenous metabolites, organs of consciousness, and the genomes that produce the organism which desires euphoria are unique to only certain types of animal life forms and this very aspect of needing to metabolize neurotransmitters can be eradicated through genetic evolution and doesn’t actually have meaning nor existence outside of the impression of consciousness which witnesses the experience of emotions. The smartest idea is to utilize the best advances in modern science to epigenetically design the kind of personality which seeks not to aggrandize the ego, but desires to improve civilization and the phenotypic origins of the human condition for the cosmically philosophical search for meaning. We are confined to lives of desperate, miserable enslavement to the instincts of our genome if we don't have the sort of pharmacological cures which have been proven to treat our symptoms for our emotional conditions. If you gave me authority as president, I could mandate that all members of society must be forced to upgrade their phenotypes through the advances of modern science because it is our most successful option to treat the failures of the homo sapien's individual effects on community. If you're not willing to adhere to the cures of modern science, you will be cremated. We have psilocybin, THC, LSD, DMT, PCP, MDMA, mescaline, and ayahuasca on the books already - stop searching for cures that already exist. I've tried these drugs in their pure, uncontaminated forms and I can vouch for their proven effects to treat the conditions of the homo sapien's contributions to community factors which manifest as the failures or successes of society. The failures or successes of society are based on the conditions of the psychologies of the people who contribute ideas to political and social norms and they have already been proven to be treatable through modern medicine, which has not been properly addressed as of yet. Paradise is waiting for all of us through the ingestion of the right metabolites. First, we have to address the most important factors which contribute to the causes of our psychological phenotypes which are responsible for the problems of society like violence, rape, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, boredom, anger, jealousy, and low self esteem, which are caused by the ingestion of the wrong metabolites and there is already proven science on the books of chemical medicines that cure the behavioral maladaptations and conditions of the homo sapien animal. Ruling over humanity is such a homo sapien concern - that's an insult - it's pathetic that your entire good will, your entire genome and every ancestor that's ever fought for their life before you for you to give birth is consumed entirely by your voracious greed for homeostasis — We have the technology. Let's put our pharmacologists to good use and give you the satisfaction within that you have been seeking from others; People don't intend to be abusive, they're just chemistry-deficient. People need medicine in order to find the means within themselves to treat each other with kindness and human rights and people don't hate each other because they want conflict, but because they have no better coping mechanism - they’d prefer to avoid conflict because it’s scary and subconsciously dangerous to risk pain or failure. The entire healing sphere is not just about the psychedelic doors of perception experiences, it's also about the legal medicines people eat or don't eat — When you combine the two, you get a friend. Your sadness isn't real, it's a chemical in your brain. Sadism and jealousy are symptoms of poverty, starvation, scarcity, insecurity, or deficiency — they're not necessary by any means. People don't want to be jealous, they're slaves to their animal genome metabolizing emotions in their central nervous system. People mistake their anger for the purpose of Creation, but the reality is The Creator is many things before it is anger and besides anger and God did not create the universe in order to experience anger, the guilt is on The Mystery for desiring to exist; God is many things, but only one of them is anger and God does not need anger in order to exist, but the homo sapien mistakes itself for Creation. Emotional insecurity is the original, primitive state of nature that all homo sapien animals came from before technology was available to us. People don't need to be strong, they need to be happy because strength doesn't make people gentle, it's happiness that makes people gentle. People don't really desire to be hated by others because they prohibit the medicines which treat community health and wellness, it's simply that they misunderstand the problem — they don't need to hurt nor abuse others if they can find self-esteem from within by subduing the biological mechanisms which cause the instincts of sadism, jealousy, and anger. All emotional symptoms of dissatisfaction can be subdued through pharmacological intervention. This is not a war of me versus the institution of law enforcement - that was never the point - this is a war of the instincts of the homo sapien mammal versus the power of technology to correct the ambitions of the homo sapien mammal. Not even the police can really be held responsible for needing to preserve the life, livelihood, and sanity of their homo sapien organism because they are not robots, they are flesh metabolizing the instincts of their genome because everyone fears for their lives the same way. Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs describes the hierarchy of the mechanisms which control the instincts of the homo sapien mammal to preserve their lives, livelihoods, and sanity and it defines the motives of people who all only ultimately desire peace of mind. The institution of government was designed to define the meaning of our rights to be protected because they are self-sustaining and somehow prosperous to the ambitions of the historical condition of the homo sapien mammal. People have been speculating on the meaning of morality since government started, but if we can choose the ambitions of the homo sapien mammal through pharmacological intervention, we can achieve evolution in redefining our needs and the legal rights which protect our needs. Psychedelic therapy makes people more motivated to seek solutions to their behavioral failures and in turn, heals society by giving people the willpower to be more kind and compassionate. The power of medical psychedelic therapy extends beyond the enhanced self-reflective condition of the psychedelic experience, it also directly provides the mentally ill with the enhanced ability to behave ethically as the effect of their happiness manifesting as good will. If our favorite treatment to our immorality is illegal over the counter, the government is simply obstructing us from being ethical; we must legalize all medicines over the counter. I have stated before that psychedelics are not the only antidepressants which provide solutions to the failures of the homo sapien psyche, but they happen to be remarkably, reliably, and significantly effective in treating the behavioral expression of immorality or evilness. Have you ever heard that saying that mentally ill people are the ones who cause the most suffering to others? Happy people don't hurt others, it is the sick and deficient who harbor sadistic intentions. Please respect the lives of the police as we offer empathy and forgiveness for the innocence of ignorance to the catch 22 principle - that in order for the police to become sane and benevolent, they must first have access to the medicines they're not allowed to have. You don't need to be strong, you need to be happy because strength doesn't make people kind, it's happiness that makes people kind - medicine makes us happy, therefore, medicine makes us kind; the police prohibit medicine, therefore they prevent us from being kind and gentle. From the educated, scientific perspective of the psychiatrist, we can confidently say that war, as an extension of our biological aggression, is merely a transient phase in the evolution of the homo sapien because violence and aggression are symptoms of low technology or simply symptoms of prohibition because we already have enough pharmacological technology to end all war and aggressions within our species. It's probably not that psychiatrists are trying to troll the aristocracy by giving the means of peace or sanity to the proletariat, it's probably that they simply desire a state of peace and love that is the only sane option to vy or try to achieve for as a homo sapien. You need to go get high on marijuana and then reevaluate all of my positions so you can feel the peace from within that you need to treat others with the human rights they need to coexist decently with other people - you hurt others because you're missing antidepressants. I think it's important to investigate the value of ethics in government policy if it ends in undeniable utopia, but we are so sad, jealous, and angry from our sadness, jealousy, and anger, that we are denying proletariats the rights to seek utopia. We all suffer from the same illness - we were all born endogenously metabolistic with the same instincts and desires - the point is we can't turn our backs on the new psychiatric science that has, in fact, provided solutions to our emotional and functional indeficiencies — It's not that people forget to be nice, it's that they forget to be in a good mood.

In a civilized context, violent aggression and anger is not an evolutionary advantage because only carnivorous predators benefit from being violent and power is only an advantage if we may ever have enemies who cannot be subdued through debate. The ability to win debates is an evolutionary advantage - the more capable of acquiring the loyalty of other entities we are, the more we will benefit and it is intrinsic in our genome to either be bad, good, or better at winning debates and acquiring the loyalty of other entities through whatever means, whether it be language or aesthetic or terror, as long as it’s not violent force and the trick to succeeding in a community setting is to give people the genome they need to be instinctually driven to cooperate with each other and the crime is to have a genome which is capable of dysfunctional actions.

Your beliefs are the extensions of your genome - rewrite your genome, you define what kind of beliefs you're capable of having; rewrite your beliefs, you define the purpose of life.

Food is not what we would call a psychoactive substance because we need calories in order to survive, so we're always going to have some similar consciousness simply by metabolizing our lifeline — calories are intrinsic to our consciousness.

It's only people who are sick in the head that tolerate freedom or competition, granted that we are obsessed with the pursuit of certain assets that pertain to us only because we are homo sapiens with needy metabolisms that feed our central nervous system and this very principle of fighting over resources could be eradicated through the evolution of our genome to have desires and metabolic needs that don’t conflict with the pursuit of common assets shared in a community context. The point of life is not morality, it is to attain the assets which would allow for immortality because no amount of good virtue is ever going to stop you from dying of old age.

It's only a matter of time before we reverse-engineer the entire morphogenetic metabolic synthesis of DNA to produce things within a biological synthesis replication system that was once only possible in test tubes, like nuclear fusion, plastic, metal, light, gases, antigravity, propulsion, extreme heat and cold, teleportation, telekinesis, free energy through metabolic synthesis, weaponry, euphoria, and it's almost unnecessary to mention intelligence.

Any point in our evolution is the middle of 2 infinities, but we can only measure our evolution by the technology available to humanity - Well, with that said, there's a lot we can do to improve the human condition through the application of modern technology THAT ISN'T BEING DONE because the government owns a monopoly on these scientific assets.

Consciousness is a mysterious phenomenon with ethereal, cosmic origins that may forever elude us, but we know for sure that what is heaven to some creatures is hell to others because we know and feel phenomena according to our genetically-coded, biological organism and what is pleasurable to some creatures is suffering to others, so it’s not that one person is right nor wrong, it’s that their genes are preexistent to experience the kinds of desires which unfortunately hurt other organisms like the way mosquitoes cause us pain when they feed for their lives.

I know exactly what the homo sapien argues about - they say they want their comforts and they don't want you impeding their comforts - well, I told you I have a solution to your emotional dissatisfactions: this solution is antidepressants in their many forms.

From a psychiatric perspective, I want to ask what beliefs, emotions, intentions, and desires each psychiatric drug molecule causes us to experience and what happens when you combine them and I want to ask what the differences are between small doses and large doses of all drugs, granted that they are not so large that they become lethal because a lot of drugs are useful at the medicinal dose, but lethal at large doses and then some drugs don’t have a lethal overdose capacity and some drugs are completely trivial at small doses, but Leviathanic at large doses and you can never know what a drug means from taking a microdose of it. It takes a lot of experience through trial and error to properly identify the correct dosing and dose sizes for each kind of drug, but it's definitely feasible to do.

One of the first things we found of interest in our investigations into the nature of reality is the enormous power of the drug molecules to alter and improve the psychological conditions of the homo sapien psyche in their effects to strengthen community love, bonding, and gentility, and to eliminate jealousy from the phenotypes of the homo sapien — bioevolutionary drugs cure the ills of society. The experience of happiness is an expression of our genes and if we can alter our neurochemical phenotypes through pharmacological intervention, we can cure depression, anxiety, anger, and boredom. Egomania and its close relative, sadism, are both symptoms of a neurochemical deficiency manageable through pharmacological intervention. To put it simply, we don't need to bother, hurt, nor fight anyone to attain our happiness from the perspective that happiness is not a material goal to be acquired through success, but a chemical equation in your brain and that's the problem antidepressants solve objectively — If we can just get our antidepressants, then we don't need to do anything else besides eat and sleep and that changes society forever — it’s not that we want to cause each other pain and suffering, it’s that we are unaware of the origins of our instinctual impulses as actually being genetic metabolisms and not absolute realities outside of our metabolisms; there is no reason to cause each other pain and suffering if we can cure the experience of our own dissatisfactions through the exogenous pharmacological metabolites of modern medicine. If jealousy is just the expression of our phenotypes, then we can eradicate jealousy through the redesignal enhancement of our genes. It is of our most top priorities to eradicate the jealousy phenotypes from the human experience. Moods, emotions, and consciousness are the effects of the synergy between our genotypes and the environment around us, and if we can enhance either of these things, we can redesign the human experience from the inside out. We can design a new world where we are too happy to hate each other. Being nice to people is a luxury afforded only to those with emotion-enhancing chemistry; Jealousy and hatred is all some people have, but if we can redesign the human phenotypes of emotions, then we can cure jealousy and hatred through internal means. Jealousy is a disease experienced only through an infinitesimally narrow sliver of the mammalian genome and we have already much technology available to our civilization to directly and palpably eradicate the experience of jealousy from our phenotypes. We unintentionally deal in subjective or objective realities, depending on the conditioning of our social programming, but even the king's quest for world domination can be simplified to objective values such as the enhancement of neurochemistry or the modification of our genes. From a sociological perspective, jealousy is the social venom which corrodes the ties of community and turns saints into the sea and makes beasts out of our nobles, so we have immediate and urgent needs to eradicate the presence of jealousy from our phenotypes. We know from an educated perspective that there are pharmacological origins to the experience of non jealousy in the homo sapien phenotypes, so how do we apply that knowledge to create a world that is graceful and loving? We want and can have salvation through pharmacology. From a realistic perspective, we can judge the severity of our mental illnesses with simple questions like “do you feel bored?” because if the answer is “yes”, then you need antidepressants and there are acquirable medicines currently available through legal pharmacology which cure this - immediately, everyone starts to wonder why some of our favorite antidepressants are illegal if they have been proven to cure the symptoms of depression through clinical trials. There is a sound, logical, scientific, and undeniable role that antidepressants play in the maintenance of our biological mental health, that is why we must legalize all antidepressants and adjust to the life they provide for us. Some people are afraid to adjust to the behavioral norms of society that certain drugs play a part in engineering, and you are welcome to speculate on the definition of these behavioral changes, but they do exist, we know that much - drugs change social norms. Independent of the medical statistics regarding our physiology, drugs change social norms, but we contest that it is something we must tolerate in order to have our freedom even if it comes at a challenge to adjust to these behavioral changes - challenge accepted - Heroes never back down from a challenge. Realistically, our entire human civilization and 90% of our entire existence of valuing the quality of human life revolves around the jurisdiction, manufacturing, and availability of our favorite antidepressants. It’s not that people want to create negative consequences, it’s just that they are impulsively driven by their instincts and if we can design their instincts through the design of medicine and genealogy, then we can cure the failures of the human condition, which are nothing more than extensions of our genes. If the point of life is to get what you want, then the only way to have community is to not want anything and that's where the new chemistry comes into play.

If everything we've ever known is but an extension of our genome, then the ego ceases to exist after death. There is no real you, there are only the different aspects of your genome. What does your brain activity mean to you when you're dead and what does it mean for the creator of the universe? What will your emotions and epiphanies mean to the universe a billion years from now when your body has returned into soil?

The year is 2010 on The Gregorian Calendar, which, by even our most basic guess is absolutely fanaticism, but even then, we have only certain technologies available, but imagine a billion more years of evolution and we probably will have mastered genetic design AND drug design.

Is death inevitable if by the extension of our advances in biological science? We speculate “yes”, although we understand the paradox of trying to outlive The Creator Of The Universe or trying to bite your own teeth.

Judging by the actions of the gene designers at Monsanto, I speculate that it's possible that within our lifetime, Monsanto may very well develop gene modifications for the homosapien which could result in super beauty, super intelligence, or super performance of our genotypes. We're in a race against time - we are in a race to develop gene modifications - improvements - for the homosapien before we die, basically.

I don't want to be redundant, but like the mysteries of the universe are only recognizable to us through the extension of our phenotypic intelligence at the organismic level and if we can transcend our organismic intelligence through genetic evolution, we can understand evermore about the depths of our own cosmic body to infinity and beyond.

One day, we will be able to design antimicrobial DNA that will destroy all harmful microbes. We have to find out which nucleotides code for the antibodies that destroy germs on contact so that we can have unstoppable immunity.

You see, the misconduct of the government is not the failure of the theory of government, it's the failure of the human individuals who err by their very epigenetic nature, so, the solution is not to attack their character, the solution is to provide constructive criticisms which will help the government provide the best leadership possible because the quality of their character is merely a symptom of the root cause of behavioral qualities, which is not only diagnosable as extensions of their phenotypes, but also treatable with the proven effectiveness of the method of modern science available to us now.

Can we depend on gene modification for the eradication of suffering? Well, if the gene designers at Monsanto could whip something up for us, then maybe that will be possible to answer within our lifetimes. Any day now. The short answer is yes, the long answer is how? For example, we could design our homo sapien genome to produce endogenous metabolism of our favorite antidepressants and that could mean the eradication of suffering through genetic manipulation.

The only way to have perfect satisfaction with the genotypes is to clone the genotypes through artificial means because any slight variations in the genotypes will result in some degree of dissatisfaction and it is only through cloning the maximum in the data set that we can ever calm our dissatisfactions.

We hope to become immortal because if we became immortal, we would live long enough to see the other mutations happen like super intelligence, super beauty, super strength, super mobility, and other things such as teleportation and invulnerability to death and illness.

If we can learn the molecular origins of nucleotide synthesis, we could design our DNA to produce seemingly impossible things such as antibacterial perfume instead of odors, bioluminescence, electric DNA, and the superpower mutations have no foreseeable limit in their varied multiplicity nor magnitude.

The eradication of mosquitoes through exogenous, technological means is a pretty big concern for most people, but I just deduced from my scientific intelligence that we will one day either design gene splices for impenetrable skin or chemical mosquito repellant DNA.

Mammals are the only animals which seem to experience pain and I think it's very easy to miss the genetic origins of the pain sensation as the 7th sense beyond touch if you don't have a basic understanding of biology; The experience of fear and anxiety are nothing more than genetically-coded biochemical reactions within your central nervous system, and they can be written out of the genome just like anything else.

My advice is don't waste your life chasing after the emotional treatments that are exogenous metabolites when you could redesign the genetic origins of suffering at the molecular level. That's my advice.

In the last 80 years, computer technology has evolved from arithmetic calculators the size of a bus to artificial intelligence at the size of a wristwatch. What will we discover in the next 80 years? Immortality? Winged flight? Permanent euphoria? The eradication of pain? The eradication of anxiety and depression? Unbreakable skeletons? Subzero and ultra heat metabolisms? Anaerobic metabolisms? Sleepless metabolisms? Bioluminescence? Intergalactic flight? Antigravity? Just think about how much technology has evolved over the last 80 years - we went from a computer the size of a warehouse to computers the size of a wristwatch with thousands of times the computing abilities and then think where our technology will be 100 quadrillion years from now. If we survived another 100 quadrillion years of evolution at full speed, we may very well be able to shrink the size of an artificially intelligent computer to the size of a bacterium and that means an entire civilization of aliens could be hiding inside a grain of dust. If you went post-modern, theoretically, you could become a metallic robot god that doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't move, doesn't shit, doesn't shed, doesn't breathe, doesn't cry, and doesn't feel sadness at all and that means biological reproduction would become obsolete - you would be the only robot god in the world and you wouldn’t need two people to think the things you do - People think that the point of reality is to live out their biological lifespans, but it's not because the entire experience of sentient life is redesignable entirely to the point where our deepest desires and moralities dissolve into nothing from up high, meaning that life itself is defined by the beating of the heart and sentience is only flesh-bound because we don't know how to transcend the frailty of flesh - people only desire to continue their biology because their experience depends on continuing their biology, but if you subdued your needs through the evolution and transcendence of the genome, you would no longer desire to continue your biological organism that seeks to continue itself because it must in order to satisfy its genetic desires - In other words, is the point of life to try to satisfy the desires of your animal instincts or is the point of life to not have desires?

I am one of the elite homo sapiens who have managed to evolve our phenotypes through mutagenic manipulation beyond the homo sapien sapien to what is the homo sapien genodesigner, defined by our abilities to deliberately improve our genes through behavioral manipulation.

People are already privy enough to the potential risks of mutation through genetic design to want to debate the ethics of superpower mutations because of their potential consequences that relate to our human rights because they're afraid of pain, suffering, and death; I think the only real issue with choosing the ethical laws of gene modification is to prohibit violence if our superpowers jeopardize our physical safety unless our super mutations jeopardize our safety indirectly by accident.

I deduced from logic that if certain viruses can produce genetic disease through contact mutation like HIV/AIDS, then viruses also have the potential to serve as beneficial evolutionary mutagens that improve our genetics through contact mutation - in other words, becoming an infected host to certain microbes could cause beneficial evolutionary advantages through mutations.

I just made up a word: it's "megamorphosis" - it means the genetic upgrade that we undergo when we apply all the state of the art technology available to humanity.

Everything we've ever known will soon infinitesimally pale in comparison to the technological revolution that awaits us if we could just tap into the government’s secret technological capabilities — we could become gods, incarnation sublime.

We weren't meant to live in forests, we belong in the city where there are no animals, no dirt, and no plants. We were meant to evolve - One day, we will transcend the homo sapien genome and the shedding and decay of our pathetic flesh bodies and the need to consume exogenous nutrients and we will become one with our machines and we will never again eat.

The point of life is to get what you want and if the point of life is to get what you want, then the point of life is to compete so you can establish self esteem in the age of the homo sapien's instinctual genetic origins to create the only happiness pertinent or possible to the homo sapien's genetic condition, which is temporary and subject to evolution, but if competition means violence or abuse, then we must find solutions to the genetic origins of our ills. Sharing self esteem is sacrifice and most people refuse to commit sacrifice and only through functional genetic evolution by the laws of science - chemicals, electromagnetism, or radiation, are we able to supersede the social ills that plague our genetic emotions. There are two types of behavioral evolutions: treatments, and gene modification. Treatments come in many forms, the most effective of which are chemicals that alter our psychology - in other words, drugs save us from our instincts to destroy, cause pain and kill. Certain chemicals improve the bond and agreeability of interhuman community that unite us and save us from our divisive and violent instincts. We have a moral imperative to answer the call of sanity and be responsible for our interpersonal relationships. Peace is wealth. Two of the most effective medicines for strengthening the inter human relationships of community I've ever known are psilocybin and THC, which work in synergy as Wholism Theory, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

If you compare the size of the blue whale's brain or even the homo sapien's brain to the size of a mosquito's brain, it is thousands of times bigger than a mosquito, which to me, is unbelievably unlikely at first appearances, so the possibility that intelligence could be thousands of times smaller than a mosquito's brain is JUST AS LIKELY, if not entirely inevitable, given the incredibly unlikely things God has been known to do and for that matter, anything itself is a miracle unless we forget that we don't understand how nor why God created the universe. We know there are microscopic life forms like bacteria, which have their own DNA, so on a long enough timeline of quadrillions and quadrillions of years, at least as long the universe has existed, it is inevitable that some form of intelligent life could make microscopic intelligent life - think about the evolution of technology here on Earth over the last 300 years and realize it only took us like 300 years to go from cavemen to a space-faring species, GPS located, with wireless high speed internet with YouTube in our phones.

Think about the average lifespan of all these different creatures and then remind yourself that you're an animal with a ticking time clock.

We exist in a certain definite domain of molecular possibility regarding the atomic makeup of molecules that is defined by the combination of atoms possible in molecules, where one electron is the minimum and there is no known upper limit to the potential atomic makeup of molecules through ever higher synthesis of atoms in the upper, which happens to be radioactive, domain;
Maybe the limitations of science are based on the fact that our entire reality is based on the function of our atoms to create molecules and if we can design new atoms that have yet been undiscovered, we can expand the possibilities of science to be responsible for the existence of super advanced technologies like teleportation and the 3D printing of molecules - only because things are impossible to achieve like this, it doesn’t mean we couldn’t learn how to create new technologies through advances in atomic chemistry - after all, even our most sophisticated artificial intelligences are the effects of atoms combining to be molecules and molecules becoming computer circuitry and computer circuitry being artificial intelligence.

Smart people understand that the amount of combinations of atoms to make molecules is so large that to assume you have found God within the psilocybin molecule is delusional because DNA has quintillions of combinations and psychoactive molecules have quintillions of combinations. When you multiply the amount of variations in DNA with the amount of variations in psychoactive molecules, the possibilities to design or discover a combination of a central nervous system with any one psychoactive molecule are so large, it is completely foolish to believe that the nature of the Creator could ever be identified by a 2,000 year old species dealing in molecules found in nature because the DNA of the fungi that produces psilocybin is a random mutation of the fungi kingdom of biology; It is laughable to suggest that the infinite nature of the creator to experience phenomena could possibly be understood by any random checkpoint in between 1 and infinity - in other words, our deepest convictions, even if religiously led by profound, divine experiences, may be nothing more than hallucinations, I mean delusions. You can try to feel all you want, but your feelings don't necessarily lead you to truth about the nature of The Creator, you have to think it out because don’t forget about coincidences and delusions - just because you think or feel anything doesn’t mean it’s true; Don’t believe everything you think.

I think, therefore, I am. If our emotions are manageable through the manipulation of psychoactive chemistry, is means our fears are just as ethereal or local to our genome and nondivine, although, for the same reason, divinity is defined by that which defies the crux of the human spirit, incredulity. If the fear of death is really the fear of pain or suffering, it means the fear of death is a replaceable hallucination within the mammalian genome, meaning your sacraments are also hallucinations. Virtue is a thing that applies to only certain domains of biology because some organisms feel no pain, have no memory nor emotions nor desires nor intentions and have no recognition of meaning nor purpose and live and die that way, so yes, your sacraments have meaning only by choice.

The only reason we homo sapiens have an advantage over other animals is we have the technologies of bioengineering, so the other animals will never stand a chance of randomly mutating to overpower us from galactic radiation or something like that.

Finding beneficial mutations by chance is so far-fetched, it's unreasonable to make it a first priority, especially if we already have scientists here on Earth that can design DNA from the structure of the molecule and not through a second organism.

You don't even know what you need - you spend animal lives chasing after animal instincts only to make it home safely to your eternal confusion and struggle to maybe, through your own painful struggle, realize you'll never understand why. Even the most primal fears we've ever been able to conceptualize like the fear of pain, death, torture, prison, humiliation, poverty, sickness, old age, immobility, boredom, sadness are ONLY the extensions of our genome and have no divine, cosmic reality in the creation of the mystery. There is no macrocosm to our animal genome - there is no clear reference point to infinity in our evolution, in our sentience.

It's as old as stone itself - "you can't judge a book by it's cover" - the same could be said about the aesthetics of an organism and we can investigate the motives why a gene-designing super-intelligent biological species would choose to look any certain way outside of math itself.

It's very easy to understand, from a biological perspective, that each class of Animalia has it's own tendencies like carnivorous predation and violence, rage, delusion, etc - some species don't commit violence even if you ask them to; It should be illegal to have a genome capable of violence or anger or jealousy or fear or disgust or pain or sadness or boredom.

Fungal DNA, lichens and moss DNA are just examples of DNA that are incapable of experiencing jealousy - they're intellectually inert and we can become insusceptible just like them - these forms of biology are obviously self-replicating - they perpetuate kind of like we do, but they don't fight, they don't complain, they don't fear, they don't hurt, they don't feel nostalgia for what they're incapable of knowing.

The hive mind of ants or even bees is an interesting concept in the domain of biology because they have never seemed to complain that they slave mindlessly for their queen and I think I'm jealous because we deserve something like that.

The transcendence of spaceflight would eventually lead our civilization to colonize other planets and live in spaceships, but probably not without a radical improvement of our genetic resilience to mortality, and immortality, and an improvement of our psychology and the transcendence of the ego.

The mortality of the homo sapien is just an effect of our bioengineering technology, but the creator of the universe has already cracked the genome before the universe was created.

Salvation lies on the other side of a molecular reaction; There's synthetic chemistry pharmacology and organic chemistry pharmacology - both are valuable, although organic chemistry is infinitesimally more limited than synthetic chemistry because there are more new molecules available through reactions than through genetic metabolism. Let's start with what we know and go from there - if we know that tryptophan converts to DMT, then we know it may convert to analogs and cousins of DMT that may have value to us, for example; DMT is simply a benchmark on the path to better molecules.

There's a discussion to be had on the technique of developing intelligence, but there's also a conversation to be had on the implications of intelligence, which lead to further techniques, which lead to further intelligence. The ultimate goal is to create paradise, for lack of a better word - what it means is we don't know, but we try to know how God created the universe.


Chapter 7 - Sociology And Social Engineering

Be loyal to your superiors because they're better at solving problems than you are.

We want a society which is loyal and obedient to King God Almighty. We want social norms which support and reinforce the command of the aristocracy. We should eradicate greed and selfishness only so far as it supports world domination by God Almighty.

How do you stand apart from the rest? First of all be beautiful, second of all be talented, third of all be stylish, fourth of all be rich, fifth of all be famous, sixth of all live in the right city, in other words, location.

What is the proletariat supposed to do? Eat some cheese burritos, drink some champagne, masturbate to some fine ass titties, take a nap and go to work in the morning. Say goodnight to your wife and be gentle with your kids. Give thanks that Automaton Dreams is still writing music.  

The world needs elite intellectuals more than it needs elite aesthetics, that's why my team is based around intellectual excellence.

Telepathy is the beginning of civilization.

I am a wise guy. I can see right through your little homosapien, egoic, genetically-caused insecurities of am I beautiful enough? am I famous enough? am I long enough? am I tall enough? am I talented enough? am I wealthy enough? Your insecurities are the effect of your genetically coded biological organ systems' animal instincts, which include your central nervous system and your brain and your emotions and your thoughts, and if you simply replaced your state of mind with euphoria, you wouldn't have insecurities. We have it down to a very precise science of designing the epigenetic condition of the homo sapien's genetically coded biological organism, and there is very much that we can do to influence and alter our biological neurochemistry which dictates our emotions. You see, every man's desire to rule the world is really their desire to correct the shortcomings of their neurochemistry, and if they simply reconfigured their neurochemistry, they wouldn't feel the need to rule the world - that's where the neuromodification comes into play. If you're loyal to meritocracy, then you earn your right to enhance your intelligence because your successes do not go towards conflict, they go towards improving civilization and the phenotypic origins of the human condition to evolve towards a loving sense of community. The smartest idea is to utilize the best advances in modern science to design the kind of personality which seeks not to aggrandize the ego, but desires to improve civilization and the phenotypic origins of the human condition for the cosmically philosophical search for meaning. Don’t talk to me about morality that doesn’t exist - the only thing that matters is total world domination and the enslavement of the entire universe - we don’t pacify the toxic ego in order to “be virtuous” because morality is a delusion, we pacify the toxic ego because it is the most happy and functional organization of the homo sapien community - it has its own purpose for existing because it works the greatest for us, it has nothing to do with being loyal to God and I’ve already told you what God is and why God created the universe - read chapter 2 of my book again to remember what that means.

The only time people ever help you is when they have given up on their lives because most people work to pay their bills. They have to sacrifice their lives - they have to DIE to help you.

People don't hate me for being poor, they just hate being poor because no one actually hates you for being poor unless they're poor because rich people don't mind spending the money.

Sure, smoking weed makes you compassionate, but does competition pay the bills or would you rather go homeless and die alone on the streets?

The only thing worse than being surrounded by idiots is being surrounded by geniuses because an idiot can't steal your job and if you give them half a chance, they'll steal your job, leave you homeless, and then mock you for being homeless so they can steal your girlfriend. The only way to rule the world is to ensure that everyone is an idiot because if people are smarter than you, they won’t consent to your authority, but if they’re really stupid, you can impress them with your charisma and if you impress them, they’ll consent to your authority. Anyone who doesn’t want to help you pay your bills wants you to die and anyone who wants you to die is your mortal enemy. You think "those people" are "your people" but they're not your real friends and they never were - the only people who should mean anything to you are the people who would help you pay your bills if they could - anyone who is not willing to share their surplus with you ain't your real friends and they never were AND they want you dead. Anyone who refuses to share the load of existence with you halfway neglects your need for self-preservation and that’s why they are your enemy - we have rights because they keep us alive and thriving; egocentric personalities are incompatible with community life and they are the very poison that corrodes and neglects our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Never help anyone defeat you, always subjugate their intelligence, their technology, their assets, their money, their health, their sanity, their authority, their everything. You have to subjugate everyone who refuses to swear a mortal oath to your authority. We have to give life sentences in prison to everyone who talks about how to become intelligent. Destiny is not and was never meant for the proletariat to inherit humanity, they are just born with desires that are not and were never part of the plan for the aristocracy to assume responsibility for and the mistake is to believe that because you were born, you deserve rights — being born doesn’t give you rights, it’s the rights that give you life — the proletariat thinks that because they were born, they deserve rights, but the truth is that the proletariat were allowed to be born to serve the aristocracy.

Civilians exist only to 1) pollute the environment, 2) cause crime, 3) babble schizophrenic fetishes at the king through their milk curd body odor, and 4) talk out of line. Civilians are a liability to all of life on Earth and to the sanity and safety of the aristocracy. As far as I’m concerned, civilians shouldn’t have rights and no one should have rights unless they swear a mortal oath to the leader of meritocracy.

There is no we, there is no unity, there is only the will of the aristocracy. Government exists to rule the public, not to save them. Other humans are better as slaves than prisoners, but better as prisoners than competitors.

We want a society that solves problems by any means necessary.

If we didn't create enemies out of our neighbors, we wouldn't need militaries and if we didn't have war, we could focus on evolving our technologies for the improvement of our sentience.

It's not wrong to want to survive, just like it’s not wrong to want to thrive, it's wrong to demand that people accept you for who you are if they don't want to. You can't demand that someone help you, but you can ask nicely and hope to maybe get some help if they want to help.

The problem with the fact that the common person tries to guilt trip you for abandoning their financial needs is that the common person is typically a parasite — they're all parasites — they expect you to take care of them while giving nothing in return or worse.

Different people have different interests and values and there are 8 billion of them, so the way I appeal to one person is not the way I appeal to everyone and what is an asset to one person is garbage to another, so it's up to you to determine my worth.

I don't celebrate middle-class accomplishments because I'm destined for opulence.

The solution to poverty isn't "please feed my babies", it's "don't reproduce in poverty". That's coldhearted, but what's worse is slaving over someone else's children — it can be done, though — it can be bought. The question is do we need more children?

More than two billion people on earth are living below the poverty line — you are not suffering alone.

We need to raise the minimum wage so that the children can make enough money to pay their bills. The children don't need to be taught how to be leaders, they need to be paid well enough that they can afford their own bills.

I know you aspire to be rich, powerful, famous, happy, and beautiful and you hate and fear anything which jeopardizes your success or safety. You want to be pampered, admired, obeyed, and respected.

We sympathize with the possibility that it doesn't help you survive to support your enemies, but what the police are doing is attacking their own friends by sending innocent drug users to prison because stoners are friendly and the hippies will always help you out.

I think anti-materialism is a privilege afforded only to those with emotionally-enhancing pharmacology. The anti-materialists say "why don't you understand my secret?".

We have a serious question: Is there ANY chance that the ruling class are ever going to feed and house the working poor from their enormous taxpayer budgets? The answer is only if they evolve beyond the homo sapien’s tendency to be stricken with jealousy and greed as medical symptoms of their genetically-coded biological organs.

The only real problem is that you could suffer. You can't escape death, so don't bother, but we have a moral imperative to help each other escape prison, violence, abuse, and torture. We must have good intentions or else.

They say "no, you're doing it wrong - you're not doing it the way I want you to, don't be proud of how God made you. You should be ashamed of being born with instincts. If one of us has to be miserable, it has to be you because I only care about myself and I'm proud of it, too".

The solution to loneliness isn't "please pretend to like me", it's "don't have kids".

Happiness is a group effort: it requires all of civilization to put together the pieces that make up happiness: the farmer, the police officer, the judge, the teacher, the delivery driver, the chef, the maid, the philosopher, the chemist, the musician, the designer, the artist, the prostitute, etc.

From my privileged vantage point, beauty has the most weight in all human concerns, but only because we are guaranteed human rights - see, that's important. Classically, before technology gave birth to government, money was #1, power was #2, and beauty was #3, but now that we have human rights protected by the capability of technology, beauty is #1, power is #2, and money is #3.

If anyone should inherit society, it should be the most beautiful people because anyone can become lucid through bioengineering.

My desperate greediness is based off the fact that I derive purpose from becoming wealthy and anything that jeopardizes my success is to be eliminated, but I understand the complexities of human ego, desires, and fears. Well, this brings us back to the question:

The hierarchy of interests are drugs, philosophy, sex, music, models, fashion, interior decor, cars, and mansions. Philosophy is the discovery of the soul.  Politics is more of a necessity than a hobby.

People bond over personalities. Personalities are a big determining factor in a relationship.

I'm not one to start calling people stupid, but unfortunately, the reason you sit there and cry about your ego is because you're ignorant and if you simply put all of your tears and fears in the right perspective, you would have nothing left to be afraid of.

A big part of the reason why we don't already have a global government is because of the language barriers that separate the English speakers from the others.

It is strategic to consolidate power in the government because that way, the government could never be outsmarted.

If genius becomes imitable, that's when no one will ever again stand a chance of being loved.

The doors of perception change values, but do they improve them? The doors of perception instill compassion and generosity into otherwise uncaring and selfish egomaniacs, but is that something we want? Is that something we need? It depends on whom you ask.

All politicians must be forced to have the psychedelic experiences before they make decisions in government.

It is neither holy nor sinful to choose to cooperate or hate against other intelligent specimens, what it means is life is always more profitable when you have supporters, so our common task is to form partnerships with each other and our superiors so we can benefit from other's service.

Have you tried the psychedelics? What do you make of the revelations found in the psychedelic experiences? Any self-respecting person has the moral obligation to try the psychedelic experiences at least once, if not every day. That's what they want out of you - they want you to be psychedelic, they want you to be at your peak performance, they want you to be enlightened. They worship the psychedelics and the psychedelic shaman. The public is psychedelic and they want to vote for a psychedelic politician.

I want 24-hour stores, I want 24-hour delivery, I want 24-hour restaurants, I want 24-hour parties, I want all night and all day activities because we don't all sleep during the night and we need services available to us people who have varying sleep cycles.

You're concerned with ethics and morality? What does that mean to you? More importantly, what does that mean to me?

I said before that being famous is a myth because in order to be famous, you have to answer 8 billion unique prayers a day. Even if you wanted to enforce justice, people perpetually debate the meaning of justice if it means compromising on their own ideals. Even if you had good intentions to enforce morality, they don't always result in success because what is good for some is punishment and failure for others and what is punishment and failure for others is good for some, so it's impossible to satisfy the needs of even leaders. Being loved by other people is not necessarily profitable and sometimes, it takes rather unreasonable measures of self-sabotage to gain the love of a person and when there are 8 billion people demanding unique interests, it becomes entirely impossible to satisfy everyone at once. Who deserves what based off of who's morality? Do you owe allegiance to your enemies? If no one is willing to protect your interests, then who is going to protect your interests?

A friend is someone who has the same intentions as you.

In a way, the doors of perception do make you more intelligent because they expand your knowledge about the possibilities of human consciousness. In the light of the doors of perception, certain egoic concerns become trivialized or otherwise unimportant.

Is it favorable to pick monogamy? The only reason to pick monogamy is because you're so needy that you need to be attached to someone 24/7, otherwise, you could take some time off to share them with someone else. Monogamy is, at best, one option which provides security of assets to a person’s needs, and at worst, one option which reinforces the belief of the ego’s questionable desire to dominate others, which is put into perspective if you try the transcendental, psychedelic mushrooms with THC experience.

I have an honest question: is it delusional to be obsessed with world domination? Well, maybe, maybe not, but there's better - The dissolution of the ego creates enormous possibilities for humanity to unite and live in peace by.

I don't want to go over the edge to say that it's immoral to need to pay your bills because most people are afraid of death - that's why. Maybe I've already gone over the edge - Maybe I'm teetering on sacrilege on a daily basis. Maybe we have solutions to sin: Maybe we could solve these problems if we expanded welfare subsidies to fund poor people's basic survival needs - MAYBE that would be our very disease and potentially our downfall since overpopulation, coupled with environmental destruction, is our greatest threat. People will debate the meaning of sin when their livelihoods are jeopardized and maybe we are willing to defile and destroy the innocent, the pure, and the holy just to maintain our job security, just to maximize profit. Maybe we're afraid to stare our eternal reincarnations in the face. - That’s ironic, of course, because you can never fail what never ends, but this type of supernatural intangibility never solves the problems of the living. It's redundant to ask "Does eternity have fated consequences?". “Does eternity have falterings?". "Is eternity fallible to homo sapien metabolism?".

What's the real issue here? Is it simply world domination? Different question: Is there a reason we should be greedy? Yeah, as far as our phenotypes are concerned, we have incentives to be greedy, but greed is merely a means to an end, it is not the goal of the homo sapien genetics; The goal of the homo sapien genetics is peace, love and utopia. There is no reason to avoid this undebatable conclusion. I would say that the end goal of the homosapien genetics is to evolve beyond the homosapien genetics, which has been implied already in another way.

From a reductionist perspective, we're just molecules, but that invites sins (like violence and genocide) which are social constructs that we keep away from in order to protect our egos. Without our social constructs, we would live in bestial anarchy.

Generosity is the poison that eats away at the heart of society.

We HAVE the technology to provide basic needs to billions of people. Farming, transportation, preservation, sanitation - all the basics. The question is do we need 8 billion people? Do we benefit from having more people? and the answer is “no” because the more overpopulated we become and the more affluent we become, the more environmental pollution and destruction we produce. I think the only way we could possibly justify having a larger population of more than 1 billion people is if they were all practicing scientists serving as direct assets to the overall knowledge and technology of our global civilization for the good of evolution. It's not that I hate having lots of people, it's just that there are undeniable reasons how overpopulation exacerbates environmental pollution and destruction, so we have a moral imperative to reduce the population.

If generosity means sacrifice, then is it really ethical? Is it more important to be secure or together? If sacrifice is unethical, then maybe the only ethical generosity is from unlimited budgets. Maybe we need saviors. Maybe our salvation will only come from radical evolution. Is generosity ethical? Is it ethical to reduce the suffering of others? What is ethics? Is there a science that defines ethics or is it merely whimsical?

Only the champion is honest because to tell the truth is suicide for most people, that's why we need to break away from our ideologies of sanctity. Do we need honesty or do we need pleasure? Only the champion will tell you both — that's kind of profound if you think about it. Bragging is not a vice in my society because my society is a champion society.  You have two options: you can either lie or level the playing field to appeal to everyone - that's what the cloning is for. The solution to The Honest Champion Theory is symbiosis where the losers appoint the champion as leader and the champion feeds the losers survival through their dominance - that’s why the champion must be president.

I understand everything about you: you want to be respected, pampered, & loved. You fear pain and you hate anything that diminishes your assets. You want slaves to do your bidding and you hate poor people. You want power, money, sex, & glory. You are a homo sapien.
I know exactly what you think about - with that said, I don't care what you think about - I like to swing partners with my crazy drug addict friends that don't wait for The Sith Lord to give them permission to evolve. I am the talking snake. Fuck you. Even the most sophisticated of human desires amount to nothing more than flesh tissue satisfying itself when compared to the intergalactic scale of inert celestial objects in the universe - in other words, they amount to nothing and that's what people don't think about. Life was meant to evolve only if it can, but that's only a tragedy if you believe God needs anything from you, as if you could ever become smarter than God.

It is naive to believe people will actually care about you because that's not the natural condition of the homo sapiens' biology - They don't care, they have survival instincts - A homo sapien is a thing you do business with - You have to offer incentive - that's the law of biology.

Since we can never guarantee the loyalty of our subjects, we must treat them with callous regards so that they can never rise up to defeat us.

Our holy texts are written about the values that save the homo sapien from the insecurities of the homo sapien. I think the point of life is to be free of insecurities - whether they are real or not is not your concern - your concern is to not have them because they amount to abysmal nihilism in the end.

You can't let your competition tell your story for you - you always have to get the final word.

We could be friends, but maybe you'll have me settle for the title of associates, affiliates, allies, partners, teammates, tribe members, community, companions, acquaintances, coworkers, peers, fan, or family, depending on the occasion - we have slaves, servants, frenemies, competition, enemies, and abusers - each one has a unique meaning. Family is typically either the greatest compliment to your trusted ones, which may sometimes be interchanged with the tribe or simply an identification of your genetic relativity to your gene pool, but we prefer unique vocabulary to define each circumstance. I have a very complicated and complex chain of relationships where I only support friendships with the people who are obedient to me and everyone else is subjugated to destruction. You can ask for my loyalty, but you can't force it, that's why I have the right to subject you to destruction.

If you don't post your pornography on the internet, you're a coward and you're never going to leave the cradle and make it in society if you can't be seen naked.

The hippies are actually like "No, I'm not superior to you because I need you to have self-esteem." and I think that's why people need mushrooms.

We have a real purpose, we're not just trying to stay alive - we are breeding scientists who can work in the fields of discovery for the evolution of our species. Our reduction of the population is focused on sustainability and eco-friendliness. We are no longer procreating thoughtlessly, we are intent on breeding only scientists for the advancement of our civilization.

I don't like the cancellation of idol worship - this has no value to my world. Gabriel is wrong - his synapses have driven him to madness where he believes that in order to evolve, we have to eliminate idolatry, but that's a Stone Age fanatical delusion about the meaning of God's only purpose - why did God create the universe?

The effects of your ability to convince people of your authority depends on what you mean by "God". People who don't have a transcendental reference point will kill each other over the right to live because they're afraid they could lose the only thing they’ve ever known — they gawk at the idea that there is something greater than their entire religions right around the corner they've never known. I started a conversation about social euthanasia and suicide as a celebration of our God-conscious ideological era or domain, but without the doors of perception, we cannot know the value of our physical slavery to the ego, so the conversation is limited.

We need to train more scientists to pioneer research in the fields of evolutionary sciences like chemistry, biology, and genealogy, develop advances in green technology and renewable energy, and further the technology of colonizing deep space, eventually - we need spaceships. We need to advance medicine, drug technology and drug design, amongst that, and we need to crack the genome, first most. Through the cracking of the genome, we will eventually solve all of our problems by enhancing our intelligence through genetic design, indirectly, but also directly, through the eradication of disease and even mortality itself. The only reason we shouldn't have a reduction in the homo sapien population is if we trusted or could enslave the homo sapien to develop advances in science for us because civilians are a liability to all of life on Earth. Civilians exist only if they have a military to protect them, so they owe their lives to the military and civilians don't have the right to make slaves out of their saviors - it's inappropriate to disrespect science.

The only reason to improve the standard of living is to breed more humans, but everyone knows that is ridiculous if you own the global military because humans exist only to serve the military. The only exception to this rule is it makes sense to breed more humans if they are being bred to develop scientific innovations, but since we know it's another species developing science for us, then it doesn't make sense to breed humans for any reason.

I don't eat cheap food because it's not expensive enough for me to flaunt my wealth. My food costs like ten times the average price. Do you see how I'm only valuable if I desecrate other people's basic needs? I'm cool because I hate people who struggle to eat - that's obviously not the point, the point is only ugly people use that kind of mentality because beautiful people have everything handed to them no matter how much money they have. There is a difference between having manners and being wealthy because you can have manners no matter how much money you have and the way you get kicked out of society is by not having manners, but that doesn't mean you'll ever be able to afford luxuries. It's alright to be a hooker because all it means is that you have pride in your own success enough to work for it, it's not an insult to be working-class, the only real insult is being ugly. If you really think about it, everyone in the world is actually a hooker in some way unless they work for free, but no one needs to work for free if money is being offered. A paid salary ain't nothing but prostitution when you get down to it. They say bribes are corrupt - are they corrupt? What is the meaning of corruption? Is it corrupt to take bribes if you have a family to feed? Is it greed or is it necessity? At what point does necessity become greed? At what point does greed become criminal? They say I'm being greedy by acquiring wealth through means that neglect other people’s hierarchy of needs, but I say if corruption is not greed, but necessity, then you don’t need to be in charge of my money because you don't know what to do with my money because you’re not even concerned with my needs, just your own.

When you have a family with anyone, you give them 50% of everything you own, not any less and anyone who is not willing to give you 50% doesn't like you because they’re greedy, but we can debate the meaning of necessity. The way to have a friendship with someone is to give them 50% of everything you own and anyone who is not willing to give you 50% is your frenemy, or even worse, your outright enemy, depending on the circumstance. Anyone who is not willing to give you what they have is your enemy.

We don't need to reduce the population, per se, what we need to do is reduce pollution and maybe the only way to reduce pollution is by reducing the population because there's no way of knowing when we'll have deep space colonies outside Earth. Every person you let live is one more person you have to share your self esteem with and they’re always bitching and whining and crying that they want rights and want to be treated fairly and they want love and attention and money and self esteem that YOU have to sacrifice your needs for.

People are afraid of looking poor whether they're rich or not because the royal family enforces social norms that reinforce the supposed superiority of the ruling class only if they can spend more money than you. They play you like a violin. They have y'all attacking each other so they can reap the benefits of your insatiable greed to destroy each other for social status without paying you anything. You make them strong by reinforcing their social norms and they kick you in the face as payment because they wouldn’t help you if they could. I don't hate poor people, it's just that when you're trying to have an image as a famous person, you can't be seen in poverty because people with no sense of compassion rule the world and they will tell everyone you don't exist unless you're rich because they’re competing with you to have authority and if they can take advantage of your inability to recognize logical fallacies like the false idea that money makes you smarter, then they can play everyone for fools and trick everyone into supporting them.

Everyone could be a friend to someone who reciprocated the bond, but the trick is to find someone beautiful, classy, gentle, sophisticated, passionate and intelligent who brings out the lust in our animal body.

There are very few activities that pass as socially acceptable: you can

1) Get high on drugs

2) Have sex

3) Dance

4) Work out

5) Eat

6) Shower

7) Work/Business

8) Practice consent

9) That's it

You have to swear allegiance to meritocracy - your orders are to eat your medicine and report your epiphanies to your superiors. Do we need 8 billion people? No. Do we need civilians? No. Do we need ugly people? No. The only thing we need is research scientists. In a medical society, there are no criminals - the police cease to have value and become obsolete if there are no criminals. In a medical society, our self esteem does not come from others, it comes from our drug-induced psyches.

A loyal servant is better than a disloyal wife - Never sell out to the pussy because the pussy don't love you, you serve the pussy and are possessed by the pussy; If you forfeit your sovereignty to the pussy, you become a slave.

We are never only who we used to be, we are more so who we are and always who we could be; In the final judgment, our lords will see us for what we want to be and wanted to be.

We all go through mood swings where we desire things we wouldn't admit to, but the real value of psychiatry is to manipulate our blood chemistry in ways that make our intentions favorable to the evolution of our genome.

No one, not even the king nor the president, is allowed to have authority unless they are willing to apply the best conclusions of modern psychiatry to their own regiment and we will arm a resistance to any and every imbecile who chooses to reject help.

This is not a matter of ethics - it's a matter of my desires versus your desires - ultimately, it is up to us as the masters of society to put laws over living ecosystems that are otherwise only subject to the laws of science - the bonds of atoms, the replication of DNA, etc. Ethics is the belief, or better yet, the imposition upon other beings that they must conform to the rules which perpetuate certain life forms based on allowable behaviors that our leaders choose for us to abide by in order to perpetuate our civilization, also known as The Social Contract.

If a leader should deserve authority, they must be the most intelligent and if you should deserve my loyalty, you must be the most intelligent - luckily, I am the most intelligent. Our leader must be the most advanced combination of intelligence with education and experience and beauty and talent and sexiness and fame in order to earn the authority. The trick is if anyone can become intelligent, educated and experienced, then we would be best fit to educate and train our most beautiful specimen because you can't be perfect unless you're the maximum of all traits.

Every evil genius in the world who has deeply considered the possibility of being betrayed knows that the best way to ensure your survival is to dominate all of life in the universe and it's simply suicidal to do any less.

My perspective on military affairs is I think we must build our defense to full capacity in case we should ever encounter hostiles, we need to be prepared.

Some of my friends are my business partners; there's peers, there's acquaintances, there's clients, there's buyers, there's idols, there's frenemies, there's enemies, there's servants, there's haters, there's fans, there's criminals, there's villains, there's predators, there's authorities, there's leeches, there's providers, there's lovers, there's pornstars, there's spectators, there's children, there's parents, there's spouses, there's police, there's educators, there's detectives, there's paparazzi, there's trendsetters, there's developers, there's manufacturers, there's transporters, there's champions, there's wannabes, there's peasants, there's plebeians, there's proletariats, there's royalty, there's maximums, there's medians, there's averages, there's minimums, there's modes, there's admirers, there's secret admirers, there's hook ups, there's monogamy, there's baby's mommas, there's priorities, there's favorites, there's needs, there's luxuries, there's opulence, there's negotiations, there's saints, there's hippies, there's messiahs, there's salvation, there's euphoria, there's satisfaction, there's eternity, there's immortality, there's purpose, there's impossibility, there's mystery, there's polytheism, there's law, there's delusion, there's sanctity, there's survival, there's allegiance, there's loyalty, there's intentions, there's motives, there's tactfulness, there's willpower, there's success, there's failure, there's unexpected turns,

You wouldn't let someone else disrespect you, so why do you expect someone else to tolerate you disrespecting them? I don't tolerate disrespect - that's why no one but the most superior can have authority - no one is allowed to have performance enhancers except for our military, police, detectives, and policy makers working on developing intelligence for our most superior the same way you would never give a weapon to a criminal because it's impossible to tame the genome of the homo sapien and the homo sapien will always corrupt the way mammals degrade, wither into failure, and die like animals with the last beat of their heart and their last breath of air - the homo sapien will always betray you, either because of insecurity or delusion - the sapien sapien genome was not created to sustain divine absolutes like selflessness, honesty, nor cooperation - take commands on a leash if you want a business deal.

A friend is someone who has patience with your neediness - I need to eat and sleep and shit and shower and shave and bleach my hair blonde and jerk off and I need to pursue my interests - this is the first conversation you need to have before you associate with someone.

Never be embarrassed of who you used to be if you are proud of who you've become - we all have become better than ourselves and we all don't want to be the people we used to be - at some point, we all have to realize that we're not the people we used to be, our past does not make decisions for us, and it is completely unacceptable to our moral duty in politics to enforce laws which neglect or dishonor our human nature - we were meant to be free - we were meant to find the happiness within ourselves which allows us to tolerate, or even better, love our neighbors and to honor the value of gracefulness, which can only come to our communities through the deep evolution of our psychology that we are metabolic organisms with phenotypic deficiencies that can only be addressed through state of the art psychiatry - to put it simply, modern science has proven that the human condition can be treated with medicine; The police don't enforce justice to hurt innocent people, they enforce justice to protect the values of order, peace, gentility, safety, emotional security, so the point of law enforcement is not to hurt people for the sake of hurting people, it's to achieve safety and security by the most intelligent means available to our age.

Just know that if you're famous, the only people you're allowed to date are 1, the royal family, 2, The White House, 3, the president, 4, the prime minister, and 5, the world champion. I'm the world champion of all rockstars and I'm gonna be president one day. Have some class.

The middle class are the millionaires - the upper class are the billionaires and anyone with less than a million dollars in their bank account is ghetto.

No matter how hard you suffer, it doesn't do other people any good to try to save you from suffering if they suffer for their own reason and that's what none of us understood before I wrote my book; people will never sacrifice themselves for you unless there is divine intervention where the crux of the human spirit is severed from your willingness to believe it, but that's exactly what is being omitted from the public narrative. Healers are being crucified. Only let go once you have admitted defeat because admitting defeat means to curse yourself against your own good. Even better, seek help - don't be afraid to ask for help even if begging is all you have because maybe God needs you. Do you need this? Do I need this? Do they need this? Is this allowed to happen? What does God allow based off what you've noticed so far? For how long has God been allowing the first thing and what happened before the first thing?

It's manly to avoid conflict - teach that to the children - don't teach toxic masculinity, teach people to deescalate conflict and prevent aggressions because real men don't beat their wives - only cowards do.

|Aesthetic Ideals And Critical Race Theory|

God Almighty is devoted to utopian aesthetic ideals. God says we should breed selectively for the acquisition and perpetuation of the most coveted genotypes.

Selective breeding in eugenics is the number one most important issue in the world after law and order.

 There's a long list of things we need to do to improve the quality of our civilization and eugenics proves to be one of them. Good intentions lead to eugenics. Our goal of eugenics is an attempt to eradicate suffering because being ugly is depressing and being surrounded by ugly people is depressing. Selective breeding is one form of eugenics and gene modification is another form of eugenics. According to God Almighty, beauty is sacred, and his impositions on selective breeding reflect that. You know as well as I do that we want to breed selectively. If we were being honest with ourselves, we all know that we all prefer to be beautiful and to have beautiful partners, that's how we know that we all would prefer a planet Earth filled with only beautiful people, but we don't talk about this because they're paralyzed by sadness. It's fine if we find salvation by communing with our lovers and we happen to be made to heal from love and if love implies consent, it is our duty to be good partners for the people we want, so it is immoral to force love on others if they don’t want you and being beautiful is a deal maker in romantic equations. We need a social policy which caters to our best intentions, not mindless, thoughtless baby making. The beautiful people should breed and the ugly people should stay behind and not breed. Race is a real and valid human concern with unavoidable consequences. We shouldn't pretend like all races are the same because race has unavoidable consequences. It's just not in your favor to make unfavorable babies. I'm warning you ahead of time of the undesirable inconveniences of breeding unfavorable babies. I'm trying to save your babies from a lifetime of rejection, exclusion, hatred, disappointment, humiliation, and failure because that is exactly what ugly people experience their entire lives - You are naive to believe otherwise - it's not a life worth living - no one deserves to be ugly. YOU are the stupid madman for being ugly. YOU are the stupid madman for wanting to be ugly or for wanting to have ugly children. No one in their right mind likes ugly people - people only like ugly people because they're stupid and schizophrenic because no one likes ugly people; If you enjoy liabilities, it only means you're insane.

Baby making is all about genotypes and nothing about anything else.

Politics is more effective when the politician is beautiful because people have a natural, emotionally-driven instinct to be loyal and subservient to those who are more beautiful than they are.

In this kind of society, it's impossible to please everyone. The people are divided by race.

It's not that I want to take away people's rights, it's just that you have to be beautiful to get invited to the party because partying leads to drugs and drugs lead to sex and sex leads to babies, so why do we even talk to each other unless we're beautiful? Fame is for beauty.

If you could choose to have a planet of only beautiful people or only ugly people, which one would you choose? Beautiful people. Everyone agrees. Would you rather be beautiful or ugly? Everyone agrees they'd rather be beautiful, so that's why we should make everyone beautiful. Please explain to me why you prefer to have an ugly baby over a beautiful baby as if somehow, that were logical. Ugly people are obsolete because anything an ugly person can do well, a beautiful person can do it the same, but beautifully and that’s better than being ugly - the only reason we would allow black people to exist is IF they were better than us for any reason, which it actually isn’t true - black people and white people are exactly the same on all levels, only that being beautiful is better than being ugly in every conceivable way. Just because you want to live in denial of the consequences of your race, it does not mean we want to live in denial of the consequences of race. Selective breeding is the future of humanity. Selective breeding is a morally permissible concern to have. Beauty is one of the goals of life, and if you asked yourself what the meaning of life is, beauty is actually one of the most important goals in life, that's why selective breeding is valuable. The selective breeding of genotypes is a very big concern of humanity and you are completely oblivious and naive to believe otherwise. It's evil to make ugly people because ugliness makes you sick to your stomach. Breeding beauty IS intellectually superior and that's what people don't understand or they're in denial of because being beautiful comes with better benefits if we’re being honest. The reason why eugenics IS, in fact, a good idea is because when you narrow it down like this, being beautiful is good for others, but being ugly is bad for others. No one likes ugly people, no one wants ugly people, and no one needs ugly people.

Being ugly is immoral. Ugly people are a burden to our biosphere and a burden to our sanity.

Everyone desires to have a beautiful partner and we can help satisfy the needs of everyone if everyone is beautiful and the less ugly people there are, the less of a burden they are to the beautiful people, so we can help improve the health of humanity by breeding more beautiful people because the more beautiful people there are, the more beautiful partners there are available to the people who want them - I say we should make beautiful people because people are most likely to consent if their partner is beautiful.

We should only worship the beautiful - it is a sin and a lie to worship the ugly.

We need to reduce the population size to reduce environmental pollution and destruction and practicing eugenics to reduce the population through selective breeding is one way to solve two problems at once. There's only so much smog we can put in the atmosphere before we die of pollution, so let's part ways with our environmental destruction and make a pact to live harmoniously - That's why we can only bring the most beautiful people. The ruling class? The privileged should be the best genetics and let them carry the torch of human civilization. Ugly people are a burden to humanity and overpopulation is a threat to our biosphere. Let's just say being ugly doesn't work - we don't like it and we don't want it and we don't need it. We are looking at a new solution to the genotype factor. Prepare for a new world. We have a moral duty to practice eugenics and depopulation. Being mentally ill is what causes people to think it’s permissible to be ugly and being ugly is the cause of sin more than just because being ugly ruins our good intentions to have community love, it’s because being alive causes pollution; we can measure noticeably the way being alive causes environmental pollution and destruction which cannot be justified to such a degree that we would allow ugly people to ruin our standard of living just because they have a childish fetish for carrying out the repercussions of their animal lifespans.

Is it stupid to be ugly? Dichotomized? Yes, it's stupid to be ugly. Ugliness is a burden to all intelligent life on Earth. We stand to benefit from reducing environmental pollution and destruction by overpopulation and avoiding ugly people is the perfect way to reduce the problems caused by overpopulation and reduce the problem of being surrounded by ugly people at the same time.

There is an actual science to the fact that beautiful people make better members of society - they're more respected, more desired, and more successful commanders. When our leader is the most beautiful person in the world, we don’t have to lie, cheat, and beg people to like them because everyone naturally loves them for who they actually are and this makes government much more powerful because people are subservient to the people they love.

 It is stupid to be ugly because everyone hates ugly people.

Good intentions lead to eugenics because if you want to be holy, you have to be beautiful because beautiful people don’t have to lie and cheat in order to get laid and being beautiful is good for yourself and for the people around you.

Beautiful society is much more functional than an equitable society because people are ruined by their inability to love their inferiors. All beautiful people love each other to death - they're super happy with high self esteems - it allows for greater social cohesion and functionality in community. Ease of function is a higher logical ideal and beautiful society is more utopian, advanced, modern, and intelligent than a diverse society for self-evident reasons. It’s impossible to have a high self esteem if you’re ugly, that’s why it’s a moral imperative to never be ugly. If we were all beautiful, the instances of rape crimes would drop by over 99%. Being ugly is an impediment to morality because beautiful people suffer from having to look at ugly people and it’s impossible to have community love and bonding with people that naturally make you sick to your stomach just by looking at them; if we were all beautiful, people would agree with each other better, have less disagreements, have more will to tolerate each other through the thick and thin, and would be more motivated to share life with each other. Beauty is undeniably preferred amongst all demographics and if it's not, they're lying because they think carrying out their lifespan will save them from the fate of The Mystery's Acreative, Automatic Creation, that through their mammalian endeavors, they will be able to do what God could not.

Being racist is the evolution of humanity because it is more intelligent to hate ugly people. The Party Against Brown People is the most intelligent revolution of our lives - it is everything we've ever hoped for and love.

Ugly people’s best argument for being ugly is they won the argument because they’re ugly as if it were good to be hated by everyone.

Would you rather be ugly or beautiful? Which one do you like more? Do you like ugly or beautiful people more? Are you trying to tell me it’s good to be ugly?

We asked our greatest genius in the world, smarter than Einstein - is it good to be ugly? And the answer is NO!!!!! Fuck you!!!!!! All ugly people are liars - they think you're gonna believe them when they say they like being ugly or that anyone likes ugly people and if we're gonna be honest, they can't stay in our country. All black people are ugly - teach THAT to your children!

It’s stupid to be ugly.

Ugly people think it's honorable to load us with the burden of their awkward rejections and humiliations and failures of being ugly - They think they're saving humanity by helping people be ugly. The solution to being lonely isn’t “please pretend to like me”, it’s “don’t have kids”.

You can't have tragic memories of an extinct race if you were never born. Dead people don't cry. If they never find out, they'll never miss what they never had.
We have to start to disenfranchise and subjugate all brown skin people to dismantle their lives and terrorize them down to their core so they can stand no chance of retaliating against us. We have to remove all brown people from positions of government. Brown skin is a plague upon the aryan race.

Eugenics is a question about preventing pain through pest control because people cannot suffer unless they're alive. If God needed ugly people, then why are they not immortal? God does not need anything, all people have to die anyway and that is God's plan. If God needed any portion of the gene swarm to live forever, then why does God let any portion of the gene swarm go extinct? The only thing that defines our sanctifications are any discrepancies in the genome, and in the end, all organisms are simply ACTG. Humans have rights because they want to, not because they deserve them. The desire to live does not give you the right to live - even cockroaches will run away from you because they want to live; Being subservient to the king is what gives you the right to live because the king is smarter than you are and that means the king can solve YOUR problems better than you can. Namely, one of the biggest problems of the homo sapien is facing the rejection, exclusion, hatred, disappointment, humiliation, and failure that comes with being ugly and that doesn't happen if you're comfortably dead. Do you miss the pitch black empty nothingness that you experience while you're asleep? No - that's what it's like to be dead. We do not feel nostalgia for times we never knew.

No, I do not intend on committing Nazi genocide, I just want to investigate the meaning of eugenics - This is a global conversation about the meaning of homo sapien intelligence, don't get that confused for the national pride we have or used to have for reasons based on the old, outdated or lesser intelligence that someone used to have. This is not about what we used to have. This is about what we want to become.

It's fine if we find salvation by communing with our lovers and we happen to be made to heal from love and if love implies consent, it is our duty to be good partners for the people we want, so it is immoral to force love on others if they don’t want you and being beautiful is a deal maker in romantic equations.

I am not trying to commit genocide.

Chapter 8 - Interpretations Of Phenomena

To feel is to know. Memory is based off experience.

The measure of a society is based partly on its ability to recognize logical fallacies.

Your insecurities own you only because you don't know enough about the universe that you worry about the fate of the homo sapien.

Being able to memorize the scientific method is not a determinant factor of higher intelligence any more than it distinguishes simpletons from chimpanzees because memorizing the scientific method is a very simple task that even simple children can do.

The 5 most important topics of the century are

  1. bioengineering in its many forms, including gene modification and pharmacology,
  2. renewable green energy and waste-free technologies,
  3. the prevention of crime,
  4. extraterrestrial contact,
  5. the pioneering of the meaning of philosophy as it relates to our political science

Biological sentience is something God wants to create whether it's telepathic or paranoid and we can only wonder why.

I still don't understand why impossible things are possible in our dreams, and I don't know how long it will take us to understand why. It could be decades or it could be billions of years before we understand how or why our dreams are what they are or why the physical universe is anything in particular and what it reveals about our biological limitations of sentience, meaning that what we perceive is based off our genome.

I'm not as interested in the creation of artificial intelligence in computers as I am in the development of biological intelligence, primarily in the human species, because biological intelligence is something we can feel and relate to.

If human technology continues to advance at the rate at which it has been advancing, in a million years from now, the homo sapien will have evolved so far as to be unrecognizable from its current bilateral, bipedal, eating, shitting, sleeping, breathing, shedding mammalian form. The evolution of the longevity of the homosapien is and will be evolving to the point where the homosapien lifespan eventually becomes so long, that it will be indistinguishable from immortality. The question is whether or not this metamorphosis will come in our lifetimes. The idea with obtaining superlongevity technology is to evolve to the point where our life spans are so long that we live long enough to discover the metamorphosis of our aesthetic and functional genotypes into something which we enjoy more than the current ones.

My idea is that you need to try the doors of perception, and if you did try the doors of perception, you might discover God and you might discover these oh so influential perceptions.

If all of our sensory perception is replaceable with the modification of our neurosynapses, then it's hard to tell what's real and what is merely illusion.

All of our thoughts, emotions, memories, and beliefs are the effect of our genetically coded biological organ systems and they are entirely replaceable with the modification of our genes.

Anyone who has studied history even briefly understands that with the passing of time, comes the development of greater and greater technologies, technologies which improve the quality of our lives in the most essential ways.

So what should we do? We should utilize the psychedelic doors of perception, advance our sciences, and breed selective genotypes for the purpose of aesthetic utopian ideals. Be good to God Almighty and help him rule the world.

Full moon on your birthday happens once every thirty years, so you better eat that shit up.

The idea that the homosapiens could travel intergalactically is ludicrous because the homo sapiens need to digest oxygen and calories in a warm temperature, which aren’t available in space. Before the homo sapien species should travel through space, they need to modify their DNA to have noncaloric, anaerobic, resistant to radiation, and subzero metabolisms.

Since the price of technology drops with time because technologies become obsolete with time, if we made everyone rich, it would amount to exactly what the future would be like, but sooner, but it would remove the wealth disparity. Whether that is convenient or not is a matter of your perspective.

Let me just say that the only sentience I've ever known is biological and I don't think there is a future for artificial intelligence to become sentient because silicon and titanium are not sentient, but these machines have impressed me beyond belief, so who knows what could happen over the next 100 trillion years.

Memorizing the textbook is not a synonym of intelligence. People confuse knowledge for problem solving abilities like confusing the hard drive for the processor. Memorizing the textbook is not the same as functional intelligence and does not replace functional intelligence on its own — both are necessary for evolution, but are limited by themselves. People think history repeats itself, like it were circular, but it's not circular, it's a traveling spiral - I don't think history repeats itself, I think history happens only once, but that still doesn't help us understand the purpose of creation.

There are 5 levels of human intelligence: the infant-toddler stage where the child cannot consume garbage, the child-preteen stage where the child can consume garbage, the teenage years where the child can reflect intelligently on adult content, the adult stage where the child creates it's own adult content, and the final stage where the adult creates superior content that sets the standard for other adults. I'm at the highest stage where I'm creating leadership-quality content.

I am not one for fiction unless it has real life applications that are better than the nonfictional versions and sometimes, it works like didactic parables, for example. Fiction is a waste of time unless it has real world applications.

Current events come second to philosophy, which defines the value of all things.

Some people call the pursuit of luxuries vain if the universe is 99% dreams, but I disagree - why not have the best of both worlds?

The shape of The Earth? Bizarre. Completely unlikely. The shape of our solar system? Bizarre. Completely unlikely. The shape of The galaxy? Bizarre. Completely unlikely. The shape of The Universe? Unknown.

The purpose of life can be reduced to 5 simple desires: money, power, fame, evolution, and beauty. Classically, before technology gave birth to government, money was #1, power was #2, and beauty was #3, but now that we have human rights protected by the capability of technology, beauty is #1, evolution is #2, power is #3, sex is #4, money is #5, and fame is #6. - We’ll call that Aesthetic Technocracy. There are 36 different orders - each one has a unique name.

Reality defines our vocabulary unless our vocabulary defines reality and the trick is to know the difference - the same can be said about syntax and grammar.

I want to assert the position that any and all creatures who do not stand a chance of ever becoming loyal in their lifetimes deserve to get executed without question - for example: house cats, lions, alligators.

I think obsessing over historical events is a point of mistaken worldview in the sense that believing that your salvation will ever come from the past only leads you to worship your own ignorance, the intangible, the irrelevant, and the useless. Obsessing over historical events is also a notion of mistaken identity in the sense that believing that your salvation will ever come from the past only means that you are unaware of your inseparability from creation. You can argue the value of the mistakability of the innocent identity, but what it means is ignorance of your eternal nature.

You can either desire to be worshiped (an expensive and troublesome liability) or you can free yourself from the prison of desire (freedom). The flip side to that is that the desire to be worshiped (eglesy) is an evolutionary advantage which increases the likeliness of survival. A lot of people will tell you that freedom from desire is salvation, but they will probably become extinct before you. You can ask God what the purpose of life is.

It's not "nerdy" to utilize the power of fiction - what's nerdy is the infantile, thumbsucking belief that the fiction is an intellectual replacement for the miracle of life. If you're really clever, fiction delivers philosophical & scientific concepts in a more relatable or even meaningful way than nonfiction if nonfiction either bores the viewer to disdain or burdens the subject with overwhelming realities about the unforgiving nature of God. I think the point of humiliation that comes with nerdiness is believing that stupid things are intelligent just because they're portrayed professionally and the trick is to know the difference. What’s nerdy is the romanticizing of the ugly and the stupid. Fiction can deliver meaning more effectively than nonfiction. Good fiction is a privilege afforded only to those with brilliant minds that can deliver the value of the imagination successfully enough to overcome the intellectual challenges attributed to learning new ideas. I don't suffer from the unrelatability to my own nonfiction because it is all constructed supremely in a way that negates the intellectual disenchantments attributed to accepting other people's work. The only unrelatability to other people's fiction is a pretentious sense of superiority over people because you believe you are smarter than them because they speak in parables, but the only insult to their intelligence is to submit to stupidity, not fiction, which is art. Not all works of fiction are stupid, and that's the logical fallacy you're trying to push on people. With that said, I don't spend a lot of time in fiction unless it is a point of worship above the mundane, in which case, you pay homage to the triumph of the artistic imagination - that's the way it is and happens to be the way it should be. The trick is to know the difference between empty, fancy, decorative gimmicks and the actual value of the concepts being examined in the works of fiction, but having fancy visuals only helps to strengthen the delivery of the ideas being conveyed in art. What’s nerdy is the romanticizing of the ugly and the stupid - not to be mistaken for fiction. What's stupid is mistaking the implicationless data of observation for the potent precision and meaning of value. I don't think it's nerdy to cash in on the intellectually justifiable redeemability of other people's fandoms & their profitable fanbases. It's not nerdy to explore nor examine the potential intellectual gains of either fiction or cartoon, nor is it logical to demean either of which simply because they happen to come in a certain format that is not definitive of its challenging nature nor its intellectual worth. What's nerdy is to worship the stupid portrayed as intelligent by its deceptive means to establish superiority and the failure is to fall victim to the deception being portrayed as divine, holy, or superior, which has no causal relation to the format of medium it comes in. People get cornered and demeaned as nerds when the works they worship fail to lead the subject to spiritual and intellectual salvation through means of objective value and the subject is left adoring the stupid and the evil, but maybe that's the point of life - maybe that's the very nectar of our survival and we should sell stupidity as a means of manifesting our divine right as royalty. We were born to exploit the animal instincts of our subjects so we can profit from their cheap and desperate labor; Science is our common enemy and delusion is our fountain of immortality and elixir of success. I'm not impressed by fiction in the sense that you can't replace a thing with the idea of a thing and it hardly helps to imagine the possibilities of creation if the reverse engineering process is actually backwards from fiction - you start with a creation and develop ideas from it, not the other way around.

The trick is neither to lose your sense of urgency to the evolutionary possibilities of the distant future nor the amazement about the genetic circumstances of our animal body like exogenous metabolites interfacing with our DNA nor the sexual reproduction of our organisms. You and I both know that destiny occurs through the molecular synthesis of even our simplest molecules like Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen etc, and not through the passing of time, as it were, which is the misconception about the laws of physics that define our circumstances. Although time plays a role in the synthesis of some of our reactions in DNA and inert matter, it is merely by coincidence that any reactions take time rather than happen more quickly than our organism can detect, which is possible in the nano realm of phenomenon. It takes time, but it doesn't need to take time and then we have to define the circumstances of the semantics of time itself and its inextricability from the movement of our celestial objects and the delay in the synthesis of molecules which occurs by the supposed, but indiscernible nature of the atoms matter is made of. We can try to identify how long the synthesis of molecules needs to take, but this is attached to the atoms they're made of, and the laws of physics recede into the same diminishing mystery as the creation of the universe, which eludes us between eternity and uncertainty.

In a world of unlikely phenomena so devoid of a living, intelligent designer that it is indistinguishable between design and coincidence, what's really fucking weird is the intelligent incarnation of DNA with the heart that beats itself.

The fate of inert matter is not influenced by the homo sapien's DNA because we don't have telekinesis, so our genetic life plays no part in the ultimate unfolding of the universe and often times, our delicate biology is ravaged by inert phenomena like hurricanes and volcanoes and solar radiation and meteors - what it means is that even our greatest intentions to escape the burning clutches of satan are futile and that makes us fear greatly that we may be fated for hell - in other words, you CANNOT petition the lord with prayer.

The best proof of love is trust.

When demand goes up, price also goes up because the more people want something, the more they'll pay for it too.

We need to make contact with extraterrestrials who can save us from our own instincts to hate and commit violence.

When you get outside of the trap of Christianity which demands that you accept the Christian narrative as your only way of salvation and you see the crucifixion as a theme, but not the beginning of the universe, then you can see how wrongfully obsessed humanity is with their believed savior instead of looking to themselves for salvation from the real and the tangible threats to our life.

Our values are 1/Authority 2/Honesty 3/Cleverness 4/Novelty 5/Power 6/Talent 7/Wisdom 8/Strength 9/Courage 10/Intelligence 11/Meritocracy 12/Loyalty 13/Self-Sacrifice 14/Obedience 15/Sanctity 16/Evolution 17/Resilience 18/Nonviolence 19/Curiosity 20/Consent 21/Devotion 22/Discipline 23/Work Ethic 24/Positivity 25/Tactfulness 26/Patience 27/Renewal 28/Motivation 29/Hedonism 30/Virtue 31/Willpower

The ceremony is one part drugs, one part music, one part good food, one part sex, one part money, one part location, one part hygiene, two parts leisure, one part manners, two parts freedom, two parts safety, one part famous, one part priming, two parts timing, & one part beauty.

I've never heard anyone say it, but I'll say it: It is ridiculous to suggest that anyone knows how old the universe is. 13.7 billion years is a delusion.

I contest philosophically that the meaning of life IS fame, fortune, beauty, and evolution - all the things that make us happy, but that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people and maybe we can never have these things in common, but we need commonality in order to have society.

There’s obviously something to be concerned with the fact that we can even have intelligent, nonlocal hallucinations which interact with our biological intelligence of the human ego.

Our dreams are not JUST hallucinations, they have psychic delivery of real phenomena transmitted through feeling and vision and that's what makes them confusing why we experience random junk in our dreams.

We need antidepressants that provide nothing but euphoria, not impairment of thinking, not impairment of motor skills, not hallucinations, not sleep suppression, just euphoria. Hallucinations have their own reason for existing, but they're not always compatible with daily life.

Nightmares have the power to send unstable people over the edge of insanity.

All people who won wanted to win, but not all people who wanted to win won - think about that.

We never know if art is just a mood or a real truth - people want to ask me what that means about the race issue and the real truth is that aesthetic beauty undeniably has value to the homo sapien whether it's convenient or not, but you could try to be valuable otherwise.

The Hero's Journey is defined to have any meaning based on the concepts used to describe it - change the concepts, you change the need to be confined by any reality you choose; there is no universal pattern, there are just the limits of the imagination. The Hero's Journey is superstition; It's possible to have certain belief in paranoid delusions of organic, physical and biological systems based on a 10 point congruence system of fractal realities of a universe that is beyond the understanding of the homo sapien - The Hero's Journey is based off a 10-point congruence system that does not have fractal microcosms nor macrocosms outside of our imagination and there are greater influences to our genetically-based metabolic highs and lows than celestial orbits.

I'm not against getting stoned, but getting stoned doesn't help you evolve the way doing research helps you create new technologies and the real meat of the issue is the exceeding of our genetic limitations through technology, not hallucinations, but that's another topic - there's a lot to be said about the chemically-induced production of hallucinations and the value the experiences have to the development of our psyches, personalities, and worldview, but the real meat of hallucinations is the extra sensory mining of knowledge from God's infinite hallucinatory fountain, although hallucinations are no replacement for bioengineering medicines and mutations that don’t come from hallucinogens.

The reason the gods don’t let us evolve is because they don’t want company because anyone as powerful as them also has the power to destroy them in the worst case scenario, that’s why they don’t let us become like them in the same way that civilians aren’t allowed to have weapons.

All things considered, I think the insect hive mind is an interesting topic because it's fascinating to experience some sort of higher intelligence where a whole collective of the gene swarm behaves selflessly for the perpetuation of the hive without complaining and it's something we humans don't do well and it's almost as if the hive mind insects are better than us in that way.

I ask the question "is it better to be very big or very small?" and there are a lot of factors that go into this answer - stars, black holes, intelligent life, weapons of mass destruction, planets, and the mining of resources like metal ore that jeopardize our survival. If you're very small - say, the size of a bacteria, you have infinite space all around you for generations to come, but are very vulnerable to destruction from anything; If you are very big, you are immune to destruction, but have nowhere to go if you're bigger than the galaxy.

You ever realize it's ridiculous God intended to produce a living flesh incarnation with taste receptors in our mouths that don't actually detect the trillions of chemicals that have been discovered, which are only a infinitesimal fraction of all the possible molecules?

Honest intentions aren't always good enough because it's easy to be honestly DELUSIONAL and still pass the lie-detector test.

I don't think anything superior or snobby of school, I don't think people need to go "to school", "a school", in order to become intelligent, it's just that learning important things enriches the quality of your intelligence through language - vocabulary terms define reality. I think the point is we're delusional to believe we can know more than is known simply by guessing it because learning concepts enhances our intelligence by relative association.

I think all of math and science tend to, at least experientially, have macrocosmic relationships to the nonscientific elements of natural phenomena - many things of the mind that we can conceptualize have have mathematical and scientific definitions.

I'm being facetious to claim that you can never know what a person is capable of doing with the right education, dedication and resources like money, time and experience, that's why you can't just expect assassinations to solve all problems.

You have to understand that being the most intelligent person in the world doesn't mean you're submissive to the status quo, it means you can improve the status quo.

I think there's a logical fallacy that parasitism is inherently immoral just because it harms the host, but even if that's not scientifically valid in the greater multi species domain of biology because, in a contextual domain of animal's rights where survival is a need and a duty to your greatest intelligence and all animals have the same right to hunt even other hunters to survive, it doesn't work as a homo sapien community value and that's what it really means to us. Giving compassion is only an asset if other people want it to be, but there’s nothing inherently profitable nor virtuous about being compassionate, at least that virtue and compassion are not synonyms, but they could be in a certain connotation - maybe virtue means to nurture yourself at the expense of others if self-improvement is what leads to the evolution of your psychology, or even better, the evolution of technology because advances in technology can multiply the virtue of a species by millions of times over in a millionth of the time and effort, also known as The Virtue Of Scapegoatism Theory.

It's unrealistic if people don’t believe in the power of God to create phenomena they witness in their dreams as a matter of capability just because they consider dreams as not real or not based in reality because it’s difficult to scientifically explain the content of dreams; If God can create our dreams, God can create reality just the same - dreams are real, dreams are reality, and God can create anything we’ve ever witnessed in our wildest dreams and beyond our wildest imaginations; The content of our dreams is something God has the power to create.

Look at every fiction movie ever made and look at your wildest dreams and then realize God is so infinitely more powerful than all of that combined.

Having skills is a need while having talents is a luxury. Skills allow for your talents to exist.

Imagine the stupidest person that ever lived and then imagine the smartest person that ever lived and realize you would never, in your right mind, give authority to the stupidest person that ever lived because you would give it to the smartest person that ever lived.

You listen to an album once because you're curious, you listen to it twice because you liked it - it's your duty to investigate what every song sounds like because that makes you knowledgeable.

Sometimes, you believe something because it could be true and sometimes, you believe it because you want it to be true and sometimes, you believe it, but it's not true.

If you don't believe in government conspiracies, think about how much money it cost to build New York City and then compare New York City to the rest of the planet and then realize someone paid cold hard cash for that shit.

Don't mistake your beliefs with reality because there is such a thing as paranoia and if you can't guess a random number from a random set of numbers, you're not psychic and you're just imagining things; the quicker you come to your senses, the less time you will spend suffering.

We could get into another point where the pursuit of money is only so good as long as it can buy us medications, but the acquisition of money is a real and separate issue because it does buy us more than just medications and we need both — money and medications.  

Did you notice that in the animal kingdom, the sheep has the good reputation amongst homo sapiens because we need sympathetic alibis to make a case in court, but the predators are the ones with the genetic weaponry to actually enforce violence, the devil's advocate; the pangolin's outer shell is actually very hard and helps protect it from enemies - it's not black or white, it's not either predator or prey, it's actually one of the most fascinating concepts in the English language is the multiplicity of variability of the DNA molecule to produce creatures which either prey or don't prey on others, which either produce benefits or don't produce benefits for others and nothing is actually archetypal unless you want it to be - people want you to be benevolent because it provides them with security and safety and it is only reasonable to protect your safety and your life, but actually providing benefits to others is a massive, heavy, and difficult undertaking and responsibility to be able to provide either safety or assets to other people and it’s actually complicated to choose any one certain policy that fits for all people because what is good for predators is bad for prey and the trick to saving altruists from villains is to enforce policy which fosters and protects the rights of benevolent people to live adequate lives where their safety is not jeopardized by predators, to put it simply, although the homo sapien phenotypes demonstrate our genetic predisposition to become predatory through phenotypic means - in other words, nothing is sacred unless you say it is. It’s actually going to become illegal to be a predator soon - we’re going to make sharp fangs or claws or talons illegal, and for that matter, we need weapon control so that only our most wisest, benevolent, kind, intelligent, and non-predatory elders can save us from enemies - we’re going to ban all weapons.

Our dreams seem to be influenced by what other people want from us - the more people involved in a desire, the greater the effect appears to be in our dreams - dreams reveal not just our fantasies, but other people’s fantasies about us, although that is not the only thing dreams reveal and it is interesting to wonder why dreams reveal anything incomprehensible.

Society is constantly competing over who can be the most intelligent but intelligence is only useful the first time it happens because once it happens, it's not original twice — you can't sell an idea to someone who already knows that idea.

|The Microscopic Domain|

Think about have you ever been able to see a virus with your naked eye the way you see a mosquito? And then realize an atom is trillions of times smaller than a virus. If you can't see it with a magnifying glass, then how do you expect to see it with two magnifying glasses?

If bacteria are invisibly small, then how big are molecules? DNA molecules are huge molecules. Drug molecules are much smaller than DNA molecules.

|Psychological Perspectives|

There are a list of things you can do to stop flirting with my wife - they are 1, breathe deeply, 2, drink some water, 3, exercise vigorously, 4, eat your favorite meal, 5, drink some beer, 6, maybe smoke some weed if you have any, 7, masturbate ferociously, 8, take a shit, 9, look at my cock.

There are 7 basic fears that the homo sapien experiences: fear of pain, fear of prison, fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of illness, fear of disgust, and fear of humiliation. Almost all of our anxieties come from these 7 basic fears - that's why people do what they do - because they're afraid of something.

Chapter 9 - My Intentions

There is no such thing as your will, there is only the will of King God Almighty. Your desires don't matter. You exist to fulfill the will of King God Almighty, and if you are loyal and useful, then King God Almighty will help you if it's worth his time.

Only if you obey my every command maybe we can make it work, but at least I'll try to make it work as long as I have your devotion to my commands.

Friends only exist to drain you of your money, fame, power, and glory - you don't want friends, what you want are servants. The word is servants. Your only friends are your servants because your so called friends don't respect you - if they respected you, they'd serve you.

If you want to be my friend, you have to be loyal to me and obey my every command. Anyone who refuses to forfeit their authority to me is not my friend.

I need to be friends with people who are accommodating, who care about my feelings. This is not a happy giveaway.

The reason you have to do what I tell you to do is because I don't take any nonsense and I don't accept any failure. I'm a great leader and I make it happen.

The only way the homo sapien can possibly earn the right to live is if they swear a mortal oath to the king. Meritocracy, based on the technocracy of the aristocracy, is the only way to be.

I can't say that I can promise any certain thing in return for your support, but I can promise that I'll try to make it worth your time if it's worth my time. Just because I promise to try to make it worth your time, it's not a guarantee that I can make it worth your time. Help me when you can, and if it's worth my time, I'll help you when I can.

We could try to negotiate a deal between us to see if a relationship would work between us.

I need drugs, wealth, art, friendship, love, romance, intelligence, sanity, reason, philosophy, divine intervention - whatever that means. I need beauty and fame and leisure.

We have a duty to morality... What does that mean to you? More importantly, what does that mean to me?

My promise of non-violence is a devotion to the greatest good of all.

It's not that I try to be accessible to poor people, it's just that anyone is welcome to court me regardless of their economic background.

The end goal is to win over the loyalty of the bankers so I can print my own money and I will take care of my teammates by paying their bills.

King God Almighty is keenly obsessed with world domination and that unfortunately means disappointing everyone except for his elite inner circle. The only way to get anything out of me is to have the same intentions as me. We have to team up to dominate the world. We are only the top 10,000 celebrities in the world. Compared to 8 billion, that's less than 1% of the population.

The best solution I have to our social divisions is to monopolize the power of the aristocracy so that I can earn the right to command over planet Earth.

I don't want anything to do with civilians - they exist to be harvested as livestock and if I can have my way, I will legalize slavery. I have nothing to gain from babbling jibbers that can't even muster the will to save themselves from themselves.

I do share my girlfriend with my friends. It's a mushroom cult thing. You have to know who I am to get on my good side. If you knew I was God, you would respect my wishes.

You have to be patient with my errors and mistakes and patient with the imperfections of my evolution. As I become better every day, so will our relationship become better.

I need a whole city with nothing but desperate hookers that fuck on command and don't complain when you touch them - brothel is paradise. If that's not you, then don't ask me for anything.

I don't compromise on my ideals, but if you happen to have the same intentions as me, then I'm so much fun. I'm not interested in having friends because friends implies that I have to tend to the emotional and financial needs of other people, and that's not something I'm interested in doing. I don't want friends, I want servants. I want fans and loyal subjects. You have to be loyal to me and obey my every command. If you know how to protect my interests, then I could create a place for you to manifest your will if it doesn't conflict with my will. I prefer "business partner" over "friend" because usually, someone who wants to be your friend is an incompetent mooch and dishonest frenemy who wants to use you and then abandon you in your time of need and doesn't understand your intentions. I'm here to rule the world. Do you want to get paid? Obey my orders.

I am accepting any form of help that will get me to the ultimate end goal of building my city and accepting charity along the way is something I’m willing to do.

I look forward to a life devoted to ethics and virtue and justice and the hope that I may one day experience gene modification gives me hope for the future.

Let's start a new commune of friends where we can share the expenses of paying the bills and get along with each other the way I need it. I'm trying to start a new commune of friends who support each other, but even though I would like to pay your bills, I can't, so we need to woo a billionaire into paying our bills for us, which are not that expensive if you're a billionaire. Just so you know, I treat my friends very well - I treat them as equals, I pay them what they're worth, I teach them my secret formula, I include them in my private events, and sometimes, I even let them sleep with my girlfriend. If you happen to make it into my inner circle, it's a good place to be.

I am interested in knowing or finding who has very similar personalities to me, but you can design a personality with the right chemistry, so it's not set in stone.

I'm not stupid - I do take constructive criticisms.

It's not that I deliberately avoid friendships with plebeians, it's that it's physically impossible to have a friendship with an imbecile. To function as a friend, a person needs to be extremely intelligent and competent and functional - no different from a genius. You have to work hard and never give up despite the new challenges that arise on a daily basis like only a genius could.

One day, once I become wealthy, I'll hire a fashion designer to design my clothes for me the way I want them designed, but until then, I have these gorgeous, amazing, and stunning options to choose from from these extremely talented fashion designers. This stuff floats my boat.

I want to do drugs to enhance my emotional state of mind, which is a means to its own end.

I solemnly swear allegiance to all that is good and righteous, with no intention of ever breaking the law, and I have the intention to always challenge corruption and incompetence in order to have the most advanced, most ethical, and most intelligent laws possible for humanity. I am totally devoted to law and order.

All I care about is ruling the world and anyone who opposes me is trash. I can tolerate other people as long as I have authority over them.

I don't just hate democracy, I also don't sympathize with democrats because I’m a hopeful billionaire and a competitive elitist with superior intentions.

My stance is prohibit science, teach fiction, and enforce slavery.

Let's not pretend like we could ever be friends because your relationship to me is "loyal servant", not boss - you are here to follow my orders. Automaton Dreams is a business. We are here to make money and rule the world. If you were part of my finances, then we could negotiate your intentions. Let's not pretend like I care about you - I'm looking for money. If you obey my every command, then yeah, we could be friends. If you don't want to obey my every command, swear allegiance to me, and be loyal to me, then don't ask me for anything. Do I care about you? I don't know - can you make it worth my time? I'm looking for assets. If your agenda is supporting my quest for world domination, then call me so we can partner up.

Can I bribe you? Maybe I can talk you into bestowing your assets upon me in exchange for my loyalty.

All of my intentions are the pursuit of assets, and after all, why shouldn’t they be if there is only One God?

I'm not snobby in the sense that like you have to be rich or famous in order to deserve human rights, but in order to deserve fame or fortune, you must have the same intentions as me. In that sense, I am looking for partnerships with those who are loyal to me. If you have the same intentions as me, then I will treat you WELL - money, power, fame, beauty, knowledge, sex, travel - all the luxuries known to humanity.

I am not a charity hippie - I am obsessed with greed and world domination so that we can maximize the wealth disparity and own a monopoly over all of human life for the explicit purpose of enslaving all of humanity. The trick is to never let anyone have any money so they always need you because they don't work for free. The trick is to give people just enough free food that they stop rioting, but never enough that they can ever escape their poverty. Artificial scarcity, for this reason, is precisely what makes the economy run.

The trick to staying on my good side is to not ask for more than I can provide and the trick to gaining my support is to not ask for more than I am willing to give and the trick to winning my love is to provide for me whatever I am missing.

Eventually, you may come across the question: what things do we have in common and not in common? The biosphere, the military, law enforcement, and technology, we have in common. Everything else, we probably don't have in common unless we're getting married.

The military is not trying to hurt people, they're simply trying to seize control of the planet and they will fight their way through it if they have to and that's kind of forceful, but it's not meant to be hurtful.  

I'm gonna buy my own social media platform where it's like YouTube and Tribel and Google combined, where you can have all the best features of every social media platform that went before it like pornography and movie uploads and groups and endless documents.

I am not looking to standardize the lifestyle of the ruling class for the entire population, in fact, the wealth disparity between the billionaire class and the middle class is what makes us special.

I work to protect the safety and interests of the bankers and the overall New World Order of an unstoppable One World Government with intentions to make the entire planet blonde and beautiful.

Anyone who refuses to share the limits of Creation must be punished.

If you treat me the best you can, I will notice.

No one likes me? That's what I asked for. If I can't have it my way, I don't want it at all. I don't want you to like me, I want you to need me so I can make decisions.

Don't bring me any idiots - bring me only your best genius.

My intentions are to practice consent. I have no choice but to practice consent. The ladies like it when you treat them well.

I do make promises - if you treat me the best you can, then I will treat you the best I can - it's very simple, actually - all you need is love - it's very simple when you're sane - you just put in the pieces that fit and you get a reward.

I want to push you to the edge as long as you say you're mine — We're always negotiating things.

The real value of community is to seek, tolerate, and allow people who want to nurture your lust for life - being loved is a coincidence because the real point is to dominate and enslave the entire universe at all costs because even if you wanted to treat people with love, it is no guarantee that they will be loyal to you and the only assets that have any value to you are your own assets and you have a duty to protect yourself. Only help the people you want to be enslaved by. Only tolerate the people you want to be enslaved by. I debate the idea that forfeiting your authority to your inferiors only and always leads to failure and strife and untimely death, that’s why it is immoral to allow anyone but the leader to make decisions and it simply cannot be tolerated. Remember - I DO care about helping my servants - I will always provide a good life for my servants, but never authority because surrendering your authority to anyone else is the only way you could possibly be subdued or die an untimely death.

Have you ever met someone so smart, the only thing you want is to make them the authority of you? Not me - the Homo sapien's phenotypical metabolism and psychological judgment is WAY too prone to err to be trusted. You don't want what's good for me, you want what's good for you and that's not my intention. Are you interested in learning how you could desire to nurture my genetic needs? We have the technology.

I'm telling you right now to never subjugate my efforts unless you are offering to improve my assets and my intelligence as king of the world and the indisputable commander of intelligence.

If you provide for me my assets, I will let you use my intelligence to advance your contribution to my empire's assets.

Isn't it reasonable that if I leave Planet Earth, I am not responsible for the interactions I don't have with the only species concerned with the laws that pertain to them, the homo sapien? It's not that I want to break the law, it's that I want to have enough space to make my own decisions, namely to develop advances in science whether they be genealogy or chemistry or machinery or weapons technology, etc. It's not that I want to bother other people, it's the opposite - I want to have space where I don't bother other people. My intentions are not benevolent, they are morally ambiguous and neutral - I am concerned with identifying reality, not pleasure, or better said, pleasure, not reality and I can only do that if I have space. What does it mean to create karma?

You shouldn’t trust me with authority because I am evil, greedy, selfish, violent, treasonous and deceptive - I promise to prey on and leech off you with no regard for your well being.

If you're not willing to coordinate with me, I have to resort to my failsafe protocol that may mean I have to offend you because I'm not gonna lose for you and my paranoid delusions may be frightening to you, but if no one is willing to establish proper communication, then I'm gonna harvest your life and turn you in to money because "maybes" will never pay the bills and my duty is to survive.

If you look for trouble, you're gonna find it - if you don't want to provide assets for me, you're gonna get stuffed in a sack just like the queen will be - give me everything you got and I'll try to transmute it into your pleasure, benefit and satisfaction - no promises - please do inspect my arsenal before you make a judgment - am I capable of providing for you?

I work as a volunteer agent of law enforcement, serving intelligence to society so civility can triumph over barbarism. My primary concern is that you see a psychiatrist who can help you acquire the medicines you need to become able to serve civility to those who need it. I would like to put social services, like government-funded resources, in place to help interested parties to flourish in order to become more able to serve civility to those who need it - everyone who wants to contribute to society should have government-funding to serve our needs - we need safety, security, intelligence, and evolution.

I'm on a world domination plot to become president and seize control of the government and own the bankers and the means of production and the military and the police. My plans are to crack the genome and become the creatures we want to become with technologies that will help us achieve ultimate satisfaction in whatever it means to have a genome.

Chapter 10 - God’s Morality

Chapter 11 - God Observes Your Details

I pay attention to lots of details: what color and shape and material and design your clothes are, what color and shape your guitar is, what color your drumset is, what color your piano is, what color your microphone is, what length and color and consistency your hair is, what color your makeup is, what size and shape and color your house is, what size and function your computer is, what brand and model your phone is, what your food is, what brand and model your gear is, the shape, size, and color of your teeth, your height, your skin color, your eye color, your fragrance of cologne, the shape and color and age of your car, the brand of your car, the shape and size and color of your yachts, cruise liners, jets, and helicopters, the way you dance, what style your music is, how good your guitar solos are, how good your vocal performances and live vocal performances are, the style and quality of your cinematic content, whether you record manually or digitally, how clean you keep your house, the smell of your house and car, how much money you have, how intelligent you are, what brand and fragrance and consistency your shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and detergent are, the smell of your clothes, the smell of your body, what color and size your towels are, how you fold your towels, how your clothes are stored, your interior decor, including the texture and color of your walls, ceiling, furniture, and carpet or floor is, what country and city you live in, the color and lighting of your concert decor, what festivals you play, the venues you've played, how famous you are, how clean your hygiene is, your interests and beliefs and intentions, the size of your bed, the color of your bedsheets, the color of your purse or backpack, your age, what time your concert is scheduled, who your disciples are, whom you follow, the wrinkles on your face, which social media websites you use, what temperature you keep your house, who your spouse is, what your spouse’s name is, your name, and the names of your children.

Chapter 12 - Almighty Country

The Extravagant, Luxurious Almighty Country

My plans are to become way too wealthy and buy an entire country and build a huge city with my own castle/nuclear fallout shelter with a dock attached where we can dock our yachts and cruise liners on the beach in the tropics with my own private airport that will be larger than Manhattan for me and my friends and family: wifey, the kids, and friends that will have my own castle with at least 1,000 bedrooms, a 3,000 car parking garage, and enough music studios for the entire gang to have their own recording studio, multiple film studios, makeup and beauty salons for the ladies, a roofed amphitheater, a gymnasium, a dance hall, a skating rink, an ice skating rink, a track circle, a BMX track, a go-kart track, a huge greenhouse to grow plants in, and a Nascar racetrack and a gas station on site where we can get fucked up and drive under the influence - the racetrack is gonna be underground in a tunnel and it’s gonna be huge. I will buy you fashion designers, architectural designers and engineers and automobile designers so we can have pimped out cars and boats and airplanes and we will have Guitar Hero and Rockband and Dance Dance Revolution and a candy manufacturing factory and I will buy you a drug manufacturing corporation so we can have an unlimited supply of every single one of our favorite drugs and we will have trampoline parks and a water park and swimming pools and skydiving from my airport and we will have unlimited supplies.

I'm going to have my favorite celebrity rockstar friends play private concerts for me and my royal banking partners. I will buy you psychedelic apparel like light gloves and lasers and fog machines and disco balls and black lights and glow in the dark jewelry and a performing circus and a choreographed dance routine in my stadium and brag about being rich and not share my money with anyone who doesn't work for me. We're going to have very fine hotels in my city, on site for my stadium festival concerts. We're gonna have performers, DJs, psychedelic churches, movie theaters, and play pens with ball pits.

It's going to be called Almighty City. This is a huge undertaking which will take maybe at least a year to plan and design and I anticipate I'm going to have to take some time off of my studio recordings to plan this construction. I'm going to need maids to do my housekeeping and chefs to cook my food. My castle will have a huge kitchen with private chefs to cook anything and everything we could ever feel like asking for. The point is to have everything in the city so we will never need to leave. The city will have a bunch of skyscrapers and castles each for one of my elite world leaders that have been invited to live with me. The city will accommodate every one of my friends’ needs and I will pay for all of it.

I’m going to build several hotels and a second stadium arena so we can have guests over in our city to have fans over to attend our concerts in our stadium arena.

If you get invited to live in my city, I will build you your own mansion in my city however you want it built and I’ll pay for all of it. If you’re invited, I will build you as many rooms in your mansion as you need to house your family.

I will pay for all of your bills, including the construction of the city, the utilities of the castle, the food, and the maid and chef services. We will have endless maids, chefs, secretaries, masseuses, waiters, hair stylists, makeup artists, cameratographers, fashion designers, photoshop smiths, custom cars, custom buildings, and loving support from The Almighty Team.

I'm not supposed to give out money because I would get scammed, but if you came to live at my city with me, you could have unlimited access to my fortune - That's the deal I really want - I want total control over the city and the entire fortune, that way, I can cut your funding and have you deported. If you want to come to the city, I'm gonna ask you 4 questions under the lie detector test: 1 is "Do you have any intentions to disagree with me?" and 2 is "Do you promise to obey my every command?" and 3 is “Do you promise to never break the law?” and 4 is “Do you swear allegiance to my ultimate authority?”. If you pass the test, you can come to the city and enjoy my unlimited fortune.

If you ever break the law, you will get life in prison.

The bankers don't want me printing money and neither do I, that's why there is limited housing in my city. Only my super cool friends who ACTUALLY care about me will get to share my ridiculously enormous wealth of the ruling class.

I will never make you work and you will never have to lift a finger because I am paying our servants money to work. None of us will ever subject you to violence and violence will be strictly enforced by the police.

Wifey and the babies are gonna fill up 38 rooms, so that leaves 961 rooms for 961 of my best servants in my castle. If I let you live in my city, I will buy you anything and everything you could ever have the time to ask for: yachts, jets, cruise liners, helicopters, supercars, drinks, drugs, art, wardrobes, furniture, pills, video games, gadgets, studio equipment, everything.

I'm going to make you sign a legally-binding contract that says you consent to have sex with me if you want to come to my city.

I will manufacture the drugs for all my party guests so you don’t have to, but the drugs will never leave Almighty City.

I’m going to have heavy, armed police security 24/7 at my city. I’m going to need to apply for permission to have my own private government with my own laws in my city and have my own police department with 24/7 on-site police security.

I will be having 24/7 police surveillance cameras on every inch of the city so that no one could ever commit a crime. There will be no weapons allowed in my city. No knives, no guns, no bats, no glass bottles, nothing that can be used as a weapon - the entire city will be heavily enforced 100%, that’s why it’s going to be a really easy to job to work police in my city and not only that, but you will also get access to the fortune. I need trained police with the knowledge & capability to run a police force in my new city that I'm gonna build somewhere & I'm going to be looking for intelligent police recruits who are interested in working for my city. I will be paying a lot of money to work for the police in my city - I will be paying a large salary to work for the police in my city.

I am not going to be corrupt. I called The UN Human Rights Council to guide me through the human rights necessary in order to be allowed to have a private government, which I intend on micromanaging, but not to the point of rejection from The UN. If you consent to come to Almighty City, you are consenting to my ultimate authority. The police of Almighty City are there only to enforce the laws that I choose to have, where violence is completely outlawed to the point of banning weapons. They say “Oh, we need knives to cut our food.”, well I have a solution for that - only the police will cut the food and serve y’all with plastic spoons. No weapons allowed in my city.

The police in my city will be valued members of our society and they will get to inherit my trillion dollar fortune on their time off work, so they will have full access to the city, the cars, the yachts, the private jets, everything. Almighty Country is very positive about police. The police are regarded as heroes and saviors and they have huge benefits in my country like a large salary. Exactly how much would you charge me to do the police job in my country? It's the safest country on Earth.

Almighty City will have a 100% ban on weapons, surveillance cameras on every inch of the city, lie-detector tests to guarantee the loyalty of its citizens, a zero-tolerance safety policy, and only the greatest human rights known to humanity.

I decided I’m going to use the infrastructure that’s already built in South America so I can provide housing for my residents while we build our castles and skyscrapers.

This is the map where I have drawn a rectangle around the location and size of the future ALmighty Country.

The rules are you can't steal my girlfriend, you can't raise a military against mine, and you can't break the law. We will have legal drugs.

This is the invitation list to my city:

1. God Almighty from Automaton Dreams



























































































My city is for famous people. Listen, it's not weird if you call me and ask can you come to the city - I won't roast you for asking.

Part 2

I, God, am running for president of The United Nations to enact all these changes into law. In my country, we will legalize our favorite drugs, legalize prostitution, legalize public nudity, abolish the age of consent, legalize public intoxication, abolish the DUI penalty, increase police salaries, increase government salaries, subsidize green technologies and renewable energy, subsidize pest eradication, subsidize bioengineering research, increase the welfare budget for the poor, eradicate homelessness, subsidize free birth control for everyone, abolish the minimum age for a driver's license, abolish the minimum age for pornography, legalize murdering your own children starting with all babies born 10 months after it is signed into law, and legalize slavery from birth starting 10 months after it is signed into law.

Chapter 15  - King God Almighty’s Gossip

I'm 100% Candy Kid: Drugs, sex, rave, techno, music, beauty, evolution, truth, ecstacy, disco, candy.

I like to hand-select my fashion statements so that they compliment my aesthetic.

There are almost 200 countries in the world - if I can become the royal family of any one of them, I'll be the richest motherfucker on Earth.

At the age of 29, my beard is still growing in - I haven’t finished developing as a mammal. My uncle doesn't bald. I'm hoping I don't either.

My American Patriotism is, at worst, a vague promise towards the sort of ethical ideals I believe government should be based on and, at best, my real and honest pride in what are some of my favorite aspects of popular culture ever. National patriotism, for better or worse, is founded upon a logical fallacy that because you live in a country, therefore, it's laws are perfect and unimprovable. Whether or not I believe in America is up to the moral law of justice, but I believe in believing in national pride if through merit.

I thought I had erectile dysfunction, but apparently. it's just the government using the anti-erection radiation frequency machine on me to take away my boners. There are microwaves and gamma rays and heat and X-ray machines and radio and tv and wi-fi - well, there's also the anti-erection radiation frequency machine that takes away your boners that the government uses against me every time they're jealous of me.

Chapter 16  - Presidential Authority

I am running for president of The United Nations, based on the supremacy of intellectual meritocracy.

Chapter 17 - Ancient Aliens

The History Channel’s television program “Ancient Aliens” is my favorite and most recommended show ever.

Chapter 18 - Terence Mckenna

The entire week of Terence McKenna lectures amount to 1 thing: you need to try the doors of perception for they are the most influential thing of all time.

Chapter 19 - Website Links

Website links:

TikTok: @automatondreams

Chapter 20 - God’s Paintings

Chapter 22 - Ultra Mega Hella Superstar - The Movie

Let's brainstorm a script for a movie based off my book Current State Of Affairs. We need only beautiful actresses and actors who compliment my genius who can make the film a success with their beauty. I can buy the camera and The Adobe Premiere. We'll soundtrack it with Automaton Dreams. The location, the actors, the camera, the microphone, the set, the background, the wardrobe, the lighting, the script, the makeup, the screenplay, the budget, the plot, the soundtrack, the hairstyle, the melodies, the dancing, The Sun King. I'll be the director and you do the funding.

Chapter 24 - My Favorite Reblogs

The Hubble Deep Field Video


The Trillions Of Galaxies Hubble Study Video


The Andrew Ryan Political Party From Bioshock Video


The Xavier Renegade Angel Do You Believe In God? Video


The Seven Levels Of Civilization Video


Wisecracks’s 8-Bit Philosophy Season 1


Wisecracks’s 8-Bit Philosophy Season 2


KurzGesagt’s The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future Video


How Large is the Universe? Bigger than you can Imagine?


KurzGesagt’s Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR Video


KurzGesagt’s What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale Video


KurzGesagt’s Why We Should NOT Look For Aliens - The Dark Forest Video


Video 1 on Logical Fallacies.


Video 2 on Logical Fallacies. 


Video 3 on Logical Fallacies.


Light in your DNA is just one little gene hack away. Sure, that's miraculous to us, but Pokemon DNA is literally just one gene hack away just the same. https://youtu.be/0BOjTMkyfIA / https://youtu.be/lch-qrFtZxA / https://youtu.be/XUVerZsbYiw 

This is electricity in your DNA. https://youtu.be/LBjv5Le2KqY 

This is rainbow in your DNA. https://images.app.goo.gl/MxJRacwMdmb1G1kBA.

Have you ever heard that saying where 3 blind men are touching an elephant and one says it's a snake, one says it's a tree, and one says it's - that's what it's like to have religious opinions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant

Chapter 25 - Sun King’s Attempt At Cuil Theory

At 1 level of abstraction, you shoddily draw a misshapen square in the soil with a fallen tree branch in your loincloth.

At 2 levels of abstraction, you smell like shit because soap hasn’t been invented yet, as you are a caveman with hundred of bugbites all over your body and you barely manage to fall asleep in your cave. Sleepy dreams of monsters fill your head.

At 3 levels of abstraction, you carry a calculator in your pocket as you ride a ferris wheel at the state fair that plays a sweet tune on a melodrone that turns into a spaceship that blasts low brass tones that can be heard from Mars.

At 4 levels of abstraction, you are a prancy unicorn that happily prods around on a sunny cloud in a Spyro The Dragon video game as it gets sucked into a vortex of interdimensional manifestation that reveals that you have never been born, but you have always existed without memory as a eunuch that minds its own business and bothers no one and eats hot dogs in fair weather that never taste unfresh no matter the time and you blink only to miss the start of a cosmic aurora borealis emanating from the far side of the galaxy lit by galactic radiation without any explanation.

At 5 levels of abstraction, you have never existed as an incarnation, you don’t see nor feel nor hear, you simply think thoughts of peace and joy and sometimes fear and you wonder what it would be like to be born as a koala with 3 ears in a few hundred million years from now that never stops giggling, but only teleports around the universe with thousands of paranoid stalkers that never seem to stop insisting upon their delusions of this and that. You dematerialize only to phase back into materiality to become a European king surfboarding on waves of molten metal on the surface of the sun, and you are transmuted into rainbow dolphins that chortle in alien tongues merrily as they give birth to the universe once and again, but never seem to find the will to get it quite right enough to please me about it.

At 6 levels of abstraction, you surrender to Sun King as he commands you to forfeit your omnipotence to the black underglow of eternity in the emerald jeweled stars of a forgotten dream that never meant much to anyone, but had to be created for some reason known only to the frozen deities of an alien race that have secret accords with the laws of physics chosen by your forlorn ancestors who never knew what it meant to disintegrate into vapor at the speed of light and reemerge as the crawling insects demanding that you give them blood with no apparent sense of remorse as the light of the local sun lazily shines in through the window just to miss lighting the picture of the 15 quintillionth speck of sand at the bottom of a canyon that has been carried 4 thousand and 37 times to the convenience store and sold at auction to a 4 year old child from bangladesh who paid 6,700 pounds to be taught antigravity technology from the shapeshifting race of interdimensional gods who know not the meaning of sympathy and only rage at the first sight of death, but have never known the taste of that sour fruit juice on their tongues and can only speculate the possibility of being forgiven by their superiors for failing to protect their companions from annihilation by the foul forces of nature that seem to scoff at the tears of the forsaken and the forfallen innocents of calendar time unknown to Gregory.

At 7 levels of abstraction, God asks you why you forsook him and he pulls out a battery powered electric drill made of orange gelatin that only turns soft if you bite it and screws baseballs bats into the wall made of shiny new glossed plastic that vibrates softly as it spins in circles and displays little smiley faces of emotions that smell like your favorite cologne and are highly coveted by the happy inhabitants of a living universe with no known origins and no conceivable purpose before you fall asleep in your your fuschia skyscraper only because you are lucky enough to have the basic necessities of life that allow you the time and money to buy luxuries that some people don’t bother to dream of having and you wake up every day and have sex with your wife because she loves you and you pull out your cellphone and dial 92 for the ruling class and they answer to say “my, what a man you have become” and they hand you a box fulls of benjamins and you say “wow, I sure am lucky to have ya and why don’t we dance about it in the street?” and the kids have woken up and they say “why don’t we reincarnate for all of eternity only to do it again?” and you say “only if you will”. You say “no, I don’t know either why I forsook you, but if we ever find God, we’re gonna whoop his ass”. You eat your ice cream cone as the antigrav you just made causes the melt to float upwards and you chew a magical purple pill that makes you sprout superpowers that render desire futile and you wonder if it will ever mean anything to be immortal as you dive head first into a rock moon that breaks under the weight of your collision and you sigh at the fact that you never have to eat again and Santa Claus calls you on the phone and he says “let’s FUCK” and you’re like “na, Santa, you need to quit booty calling me but let me hook you up with a fine ass girl that knows a thing or two about elven workshops” and you go on vacation on your motorboat that levitates off the water and disappears into the galactic horizon of trillion year old nebulae that beg you for the chance to know loneliness if you could just get it done, but your disco balls drops from the ceiling vent and Automaton Dreams starts playing and you lose your fucking mind because it’s so good and you call Sun King and ask for a date.

At 8 levels of abstraction, Sun King takes you on a date and asks you to marry him and you say yes because you’re into rockstars and he brings you onstage with him at his concert and Sun King becomes so powerful that he convinces the government to make him president while our greatest scientists crack the genome allowing us to become immortal and shit like that and you learn how to fly like you did in your dreams and you call The CIA and devise a plot to convince God to abandon his self-righteous desires to create infinity if it means hell as well and you never stop laughing at your golden hair and you decide to host a demolition derby in the sky and you go so fast, your biology can’t keep track of the intervals between your speedometer levels that sublime into dancing gorillas and hippopotami that glisten like a thousand suns while Batman does a backflip that opens the door to heaven and you realize that if you could just do a backflip, you could tear it up like a real G and if you would only say it’s true, then you could escape the dangers of 2, but since you never knew what it meant to know nothing, then your best guess is futility, but since no one can honestly handle futility, you lose your mind and start crying. The angels complained that the gods were too cruel as I pick my jaw up off the floor.

At 9 levels of abstraction, you find out how God created the universe. God invites you into his house and you find his girlfriends Omnipotence and Eternity who are lounging in bed eating divine candy made of molten 24 karat gold and playing improvised symphonic compositions from their mechanic DNA, as the Gods do. God says now that you have found How, let me show you Purpose, as he reveals the Nihilism of pointlessness and the ultimate futility of trying to run away from your shadow. The moon stops revolving around the Earth and stays permanently at full for the rest of time. The birds come out of the sky and become one with the Earth. Rock becomes sentient. The sunlight stops and asks for directions to the party. You let him in. Space becomes one with your lust for life. You retire from your search. Satan walks in and reveals he is actually you in a third body. You laugh. You ask God “can we become postal?” God says “it’s worth a shot”.

At 10 levels of abstraction, God forgets to create the multiverse. He is drunk. He is spewing bullshit at the mouth about how Shiva owes him the crown. He knocks over his beer and it spills all over the computer and the short circuit in the hardware creates the universe as we know it. We destroy the multiverse looking for God to ask him to buy a new computer so we can have a nice universe. He buys a new computer. Heaven on Earth becomes disgusting, despicable compared to the unwavering paradise that God has now.

#fbi #unitednationshumanrights #police #joebiden #dallaspolicedepartment #thewhitehouse #doj #departmentofjustice #cia #centralintelligenceagency #thesupremecourt #scotus #humanrightswatch #POTUS #houseGOP #houserepublicans #congress #senate #senatedemocrats #senateGOP #europeanunion #europeanparliament #parliament #europeanunioncomission #eucomission #thefederalreserve #internationalcriminalcourt #unpeacekeeping #unitednationspeacekeeping #unitednations #UN #usarmy #nato #president #primeminister #governor #mayor #citycouncil #intelligence #military #europe #america #newyork #newyorkcity #american #elitesociety #royalfamily #news #foxnews #US #unitedstates #directorofnationalintelligence #sheriff #sheriffs #LAPD #losangeles #california #losangelespolicedepartment #NYPD #worldbank #internationalmonetaryfund #IMF #capitalism #unwomen #michellebachelet #robertametsola #hillaryclinton #ursulavonderleyen #women #girls #wikileaks #amnesty @amnestyusa @amnestyinternationalub-blog #amnestyinternational #pontifex #fbi #unitednationshumanrights #police #joebiden #dallaspolicedepartment #thewhitehouse #doj #departmentofjustice #cia #centralintelligenceagency #thesupreme


Here on page 294, you can get a look at my teeth. I still need to get braces. I’m gonna have perfect teeth one day soon when the procedure is over.\

Click this link to hear my new music. https://soundcloud.com/automatondreams/sets/stonermagicparadise?si=4865518e36ee4cd4ad7ba2e4a4066868&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing ?

Click this link to see the pictures and videos of my face.

Click This Link To See My Drug Policy Campaign Every Famous Drug Advocate Ever Known 

I do not have intentions to hurt myself nor anyone else nor am I seeing nor hearing things other people don't - the screenshots are doctored and falsified - call the government and tell them to cancel the arrest warrant. @joebiden #potus @potus #joebiden #joebiden #joebiden #joebiden #joebiden #joebiden #joebiden

#dallas #dallastx #dallastexas #dtx #fbi #unitednationshumanrights #police #joebiden #dallaspolicedepartment #thewhitehouse #doj #departmentofjustice #cia #centralintelligenceagency #thesupremecourt #scotus @humanrightswatch #POTUS #houseGOP #houserepublicans #congress #senate #senatedemocrats #senateGOP #europeanunion #europeanparliament #parliament #europeanunioncomission #eucomission #thefederalreserve #internationalcriminalcourt #unpeacekeeping #unitednationspeacekeeping #unitednations #UN #usarmy #nato #president #primeminister #governor #mayor #citycouncil #intelligence #military #europe #america #newyork #newyorkcity #american #elitesociety #royalfamily #news #foxnews #US #unitedstates #directorofnationalintelligence #sheriff #sheriffs #LAPD #losangeles #california #losangelespolicedepartment #NYPD #worldbank #internationalmonetaryfund #IMF #capitalism #unwomen #michellebachelet #robertametsola #hillaryclinton #ursulavonderleyen #women #girls #wikileaks #amnesty @amnestyusa @amnestyinternationalub-blog #amnestyinternational #pontifex

Almighty Country Click This Link To See The Invitation List To Almighty Country https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o44PTD9lx7gcxQc_gmXFxI02GecrZfKQtUVfrqg03sE/ 

I am a heterosexual. 

“Lord Master” is my title and “God Almighty” is my name.


Click this link to hear my new music. https://soundcloud.com/automatondreams/sets/stonermagicparadise?si=4865518e36ee4cd4ad7ba2e4a4066868&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing ?

Click this link to listen my new album. https://soundcloud.com/automatondreams/sets/improvisedalbum?si=d2f1fbf8e5214f5c988b99a53ee3369a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 

hyperlink https://automatondreamsrockstar.tumblr.com/archive 


Y’all didn’t notice I have the greatest album ever made? Click this link to hear my new music. https://soundcloud.com/automatondreams/sets/stonermagicparadise?si=4865518e36ee4cd4ad7ba2e4a4066868&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing ?

Click this link to find Volume 2 of this book 

These are the shortcuts to the articles I wrote after Volume 1 of the book, but you can read Volume 1 first.

God Almighty’s Current State of Affairs Volume 3God Almighty's Current State Of Affairs Volume 2God Almighty’s Top 100 Greatest Celebrities

God’s Paintings
God’s Children
Almighty Country
Every Famous Drug Advocate Ever Known