Wolf Schmidt, coach (FC St. Pauli Hamburk): 10.000 Times děkujeme for the best organized tournament we have been to. Gold medal for all the people who made this come true. Unbelievable comfort, welcome, and support from the heart is what we felt and did take home as our strongest impression, out of two a half days that were full and rich!!!
Aleš Moravec, player (Avoy MU Brno): I would like to thank once again for the perfectly organized tournament; I don’t have anything to complain about. It is promotion of Czech blind football on the highest level; I think the Association should thank you. For us as players it meant new experience and inspiration asto how to improve. My assessment is a clear A+.
David Mycock, coach (BFC Worcester): All our guys gave everything on and off pitch like you Czechs did too. Brilliant, they have never had such FUN! If my team cannot make it on these tournaments in Europe please can I come along with you guys to help your Brno team wherever you go as you all great and you make me feel part of your Moravian family. Let me know whenever you need me to come and help you with anything. I will always try for you guys. What a bloody beauty you lot pulled off this weekend. So happy for everyone who was involved, everyone thought it was a real success. TOP CLASS! TOP CLASS..."
Gabriel Mayr, coach (ICB-Bahia): Thank you for everything... I am still very touched for being part of this weekend. It was magical, a dream coming true... I think that I will write about that for you properly later... but I just know that my grandsons will know about this event and about you guys... you are amazing! Thanks for everything! As I told Peter, the boss from Teiresias, you guys are doing work that can and should be reference for many countries around you. Not everywhere you can replicate the program made in Germany, with such structure and money. So, with so many limited resources, and with the main focus on the participation, not on winning at any cost, your work will be reference for many people, and I am sure that will have a positive impact in many people’s life.
Ulrich Pfisterer, coach (MTV Stuttgart): Now, back again, a big THANK YOU for a great tournament and your hospitality, well done. Sorry about the high results, but you had the best teams in the world participating. Also thanks for the great photos. The trip was important for us as build up for the European Championships. Again, well done, please say hello to all the other helpers.
Daniel Oršolić, referee: I want say thank you for the invitation to the tournament. I had a great time in Bucovice and the organisation was perfect.
Pavel Mykytyn, project mentor (Think Big Foundation): First of all I’d like to say that I was honoured to participate in your event and take a peek into things around blind football, which really stroke a chord in me. I admire the players a lot for being able to come to terms with their disadvantage – they play football better than I have ever been able to. Your project was absolutely exemplary as it helped transcend physical as well as geographical boundaries and enabled an event that might be ordinary in commercial sports, yet is something very special in a sport like blind football. Speaking on behalf of the whole foundation and company, I am very glad that we could support this project and thus contribute to a good cause. Thanks a lot for being able to organize the tournament independently without any other help from us, which is admirable, at least for me; I tip my hat to you. I am sure that all the other projects you might decide to organize in the future will be in good hands.
Josef Dvořáček, secretary (Football Association of the South Moravian Region): The Football Association of the South Moravian Region is honoured to have been a partner of such an event. Personally, the matches I saw there were very inspiring for my future work in football. We are looking forward to meeting you at a similar event.
Pavel Vyhňák, spectator: Skilful they are, the guys from Brazil… too bad for that one goal… never mind, next time you will stand on the winners’ podium… congratulations to everybody. I admire all those involved; it boosts one’s self-confidence to see what you can do, thanks!