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JH Purpose and Practice Limitations
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JH Purpose and Practice Limitations

Purpose of JH Track:  

To teach kids the fundamentals of Track and Field and to help prepare them for their present and future events.  This will be accomplished by tailoring workouts for three different event categories (Distance, Sprints/Jumps, and Throws).  Limitations will be put on the workout of each of the event categories to ensure the athletes are training for their event without overloading.  JH athletes who show they are more mature, are able to handle more of a workout, and can compete at a higher level will practice/compete with the varsity team when possible.

Below are the Max (hardest) practices each of these event categories should be doing.  These practices should be used at most once per week on weeks with a meet and should be avoided on weeks with two meets within a three day period.  This leaves 4-5 opportunities to run a Max workout.  Similar workouts can be run with decreasing the total distance of hard running.

*Sample workouts are given but are meant to be a guide.  You are not limited to just these workouts.  

Distance (400-1600m): (MAX workout is 2000-2400m total hard running)

Sample Workouts:

2x 1000s

4x 600s

4x 500s

6x 400s

7-8x 300s

10-12x 200s

100, 200, 300, 400, 400, 300, 200, 100 *ladder (up/down)

800, 600, 400, 200, 100 *ladder (down)

Sprints (100-400m) / Jumps (non-dist.): (MAX workout is 1200-1600m total hard running)

Sample Workouts:

3x 500s

3-4x 400s

4-5x 300s

100, 200, 300, (400 optional on top), 300, 200, 100 *ladder

600, 400, 200, 100 *ladder (down)

Throwers: (MAX workout is 600-800m total hard running)

Sample Workouts:

*nothing over 300m

2x 300s, 1x 100

100, 150, 200, 150, 100 *ladder

300, 200, 150, 100 *ladder (down)

300, 200, 100 *ladder (down)