Getting here

The address of the office is:

Müllerstraße 138D

13353 Berlin

Müllerstraße 138D

Map of Müllerstraße 138D, 13353 Berlin

Go to the 1st rear building, 2nd floor (3rd floor when counting the ground floor). Detailed guide here.

Public transport

The office is ~2 minutes by foot from underground station “Seestraße” (line U6) and ~5 minutes from the tram stop “Seestraße” (lines M13 and 50).


You can lock your bike in one of the courtyards of Müllerstraße 138D.


At Müllerstraße 138D you will find a door to a courtyard. Ring at “UES | Effektiv Spenden”. Cross the 1st courtyard, go through the passage to the 2nd courtyard and access the building through a door to your left. Walk up the staircase to the second floor (third in AE). The door to TEAMWORK is on the left. Yes, it says “Druckerei Paul Kistmacher” on that door.

Because the actual office is somewhat hard to find at first, here is an illustrated guide starting from U Seestraße station:

Take this exit if you arrive with the U6. The U6 is under construction so there is only one exit if you come from the south.

After emerging from the U-Bahn exit, turn left and walk straight past Apotheke, DM and Shisha shop until you arrive at a big intersection.

Cross the road to your left so that you’re on the other side. Walk in the opposite direction that you came from, just on the other side of the road.

Walk until you see a passage between “Müller shop” and “Spätkauf”

Enter passage of Nr. 138D.                           Find the doorbells next to the first gate.

Ring at “UES | Effektiv Spenden” if the gate is not already open. Go through the first gate and first courtyard.

Go through the 2nd passage to the 2nd courtyard, then enter the brown door to the left.

Walk up to the 2nd floor. Congrats, you made it. The office is disguised behind this door.

There is a doorbell to the main door.
If you hear the ring and you are close to the door, please feel free to open it.


If you got lost and can’t find the entrance, call +4917623570281.

For any non-urgent questions, feedback, suggestions or other requests, reach out to