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Math: 5/26/14 - 5/30/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject _Math________          Grade Pre-K1      Week of _5/26/14 - 5/30/14______________                            

Unit 3 Week 2                                                                   Unit Title Exploring Measurements                            Essential Question How can we find the length of an object?









(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.



 School Closed

School Closed

School Closed


School Closed








 Use nonstandard units to measure the length of an object. 

 Which one did you use the most?

  1. Explain to the children that when we find length of something, you will find out how long it is.
  2. Discuss ways we can measure to find the length of objects.
  3. Demonstrate measuring an object using a lima beans.
  4. Show how to measure properly, the first lima bean must be place at the edge of of the object.
  5. Ask: What is length? How can I find the length of a pop cycle? What can we use to measure the object?
  6. Show the children how to extend the beans in a straight line across the object.
  7. The teacher will demonstrate measuring an object, such as the chalkboard, with other objects as units of measurements.
  8. Have the children use other units to measure, such length of a hand, or lima beans.
  9. Have the children measure a classroom book using lima beans and paper clips and record the measurements.
  10. Have the children share the results.
  11. Ask: How many lima beans or paper clips did you use to measure the book? What else can you measure with those units? Which one did you use the most? 
  1. How many paper clips and lima beans did you use to measure the book?
  2. What else can you measure with those units?
  3. Which one did you use the most?








 Use nonstandard units to measure the length of an object.  

 How can you compare the two objects?

  1. Explain to the children that when we find length of something, you will find out how long or short an object is.
  2. Discuss ways we can measure to find the length of objects.
  3. Demonstrate measuring an object using snap cubes, links, and crayons.
  4. Show how to measure properly, by placing the snap cube at at the edge of of the object.
  5. Ask: What is length? How can I find the length of an object? What can we use to measure an object? Which one is shorter and which one is shorter?
  6. Show the children how to place snap cube in a straight line across the object.
  7. Have the children  measure and compare two classroom object.
  8. Ask: How can you compare the two objects? Which one is longer? Which one is shorter? How can you tell?
  9. Have the children tell which one is longer and which is shorter. 
  1. How can you compare the two objects?
  2. Which one is longer? Which one is shorter?
  3. How can you tell?








 Use nonstandard units to measure the length of an object.  

 Is the inchworm longer or shorter than the crayon?

  1. Discuss story elements.
  2. Read the story “Inch by Inch.”
  3. Have the children answer the following questions: Why is the inchworm called inchworm? Is the inchworm longer or shorter than than the twig, the bird’s tail, or the birds’ beak? How does the inch worm measures things?
  4. Have the children use an inchworm and a crayon to measure an object.
  5. Ask: Why is the inchworm called an inchworm? Is the inchworm longer or shorter than the crayon? Which unit of measurement did you use the most? Which one did you use the least? How can you tell? (By count the units of measurement)


  1. Why is the inchworm called an inchworm?
  2. Is the inchworm longer or shorter than the crayon?
  3. Which unit of measurement did you use the most?
  4. Which one did you use the least?
  5. How can you tell? (By count the units of measurement)








Use nonstandard units to measure the length of an object.  

 If you were a an animal what animal part would you use to measure an object? Why?

  1. Introduce the book “Footprint.”
  2. Discuss story elements.
  3. Ask: What prints are mentioned in the story? If you were a an animal what animal part would you use to measure an object?
  4. Give each child an animal foot print.
  5. Have the children measure an object using an animal footprint.
  6. Ask: How many footprints did you use?
  7. Make a graph.
  8. Have the children compare and tell which footprint did they use the most and the fewest. 
  9. Ask: Why one has the most foot prints? (The footprint is bigger) Why one has the fewest? (The footprints are smaller)
  1. What prints are mentioned in the story?
  2. If you were a an animal what animal part would you use to measure an object? Why?
  3. Why one has the most foot prints? (The footprint is bigger)
  4. Why one has the fewest? (The footprints are smaller)



Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1. measure                               6. unit

2. shorter                                  7.

3. same                                     8.

4. measure                               9.

5. compare                             10.

Use of Technology:

   __*__ Smartboard

   __*__ Student Response System