Each of the following campaigns is for a family member or other relation to our local community. 

Scan the QR code to see more about each fundraiser & contribute now.

A donation of $5-$10 to one to three of these campaigns makes a HUGE impact. If you can’t donate right now, please scan the code and share 1-3 of these fundraisers on social media, or with family & friends. Time is of the essence so please donate and share now!


Help the Abu Shanab Family evacuate from Gaza

“My name is Motaz Abu Shanab, and I am living in exile in Belgium, feeling powerless to aid my own family…I am desperately searching for any means to rescue my family from the inferno of Gaza and to shield them from the cruelty of Israel…My 75-year-old mother, Hajja Fathiya Ibrahim Al-Masri…lives alone, accompanied only by my brother’s children (Farah, 16, Tala, 14, Dana, 13, Mahmoud, 7, and Lana, 6) in our crumbling home, having been forced to flee her home over 10 times under relentless bombardment.” - Motaz, // 

Help Marian, Dina, and Ghassan Evacuate and Receive a Better Education

“During the conflict, we sought refuge in a church alongside hundreds of others, clinging to the hope of safety amidst the storm of violence. But the horrors we witnessed there will haunt us forever…We have little food or clean water, and we've been sleeping on the ground for months…Donations will help us cover the essential expenses of evacuating Gaza, including fees for crossing through Egypt and securing tickets to Australia.” - Marian, Dina & Ghassan, // 

Help Enas’s Family

“My name is Enas, 20 years old, living in Gaza under genocide. I'm one of nine family members who've seen everything they built fades away. The war forced us to evacuate our home under heavy bombs to be living in fear and hard circumstances where we struggle to provide the very basics needs of life such as clean water, loaf of bread, medicine, and even safe shelter…for us to be able to cross the borders we need to pay a huge amount of money that we can't afford!” - Enas, //

Help Kareem’s Family Evacuate Gaza

“We finally decided, after 150 days of war, I am leaving Gaza, my beloved, and it heartbreaking to leave. But our borders are controlled by Egypt and the crossing is demanding a large sum of money for every person in my family. And after destroying everything we have (the house, the company, the car), we currently have nothing, not even our daily food.” - Kareem, // 

Help Dr. Khaled Qahman’s Family Evacuate

“I am fundraising for my friend Khaled Qahman whose family is displaced from North Gaza to Rafah, and is in urgent need of help. After six months of suffering, they’re seeking support to cross the border for a safer life.” Dr. Moaz Abutaleb, // 

Help Evacuate Saeed, Aya & their children

“I'm Said Hamadouna from Gaza's northern governorate. My wife, Engineer Aya Qahman, our daughter Yara, and I eagerly await the arrival of our unborn child (now a beautiful newborn!)…Displaced multiple times, we now find refuge in Rafah, facing dire living conditions exacerbated by disease, sewage, food scarcity, and escalating prices. Threats of invasion by the Israeli army compound our struggles.I humbly implore your assistance to secure funds for our relocation to Egypt, ensuring a dignified life for our children.” Said, // 

Help Zeyad and his Family Evacuate Gaza

“My name is Zeyad Saqallah, a 27-year-old…We are a family of 4. My father, mother and my twin Eyad, and me…We were hoping for a ceasefire but unfortunately there is no hope! We have to leave our beloved home Gaza or die! We need to evacuate from Gaza so we can start a new life outside; by seeking better opportunities to live a decent life again.” Zeyad, // 

Help the Ghabayens Evacuate, Survive & Rebuild their Lives

“My name is Yara Ghabayen and I'm fundraising for my dear uncle Kahmis and his family. We hope with your help we are able to offer funds for evacuation and necessities…under these unimaginable times. My uncle is the Youngest of 10, closest to my father. His family unit consists of 10: My uncle and his wife Mona Ghabayen, their children, Nada (28), Yosuf (27), Marwa (25), Rawan (22), Razan (19) and Ronza (17). Yosufs' wife Yasmin (20) and their child Mona (4months). Your solidarity, humanity and support means a lot to us.” Yara Ghabayen (fundraiser facilitator) // 



Help Evacuate Judy’s Family in Gaza

Fellow Palestinian-Oregonian Judy Shahin is organizing this fundraiser to evacuate her family: “We are trying to help my family in Gaza to be able to escape to Egypt in order to get to Australia. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all stuck in North Gaza in a church with no way to leave…They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them…My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” - Judy, //

Help the Dwaimas survive the Israeli Genocide

“My name is Tayseer Dwaima, and I live in Gaza in Palestine, please, help me save me and my family from the war that is happening in Gaza…We have faced repeated displacement since October. Your help in providing financial support to rebuild my home and workplace is invaluable. Your solidarity, humanity and support means a lot to us.” - Tayseer, // 

Duaa and her family in Gaza need support

“My family and I have suffered…facing danger and destruction. My husband is a pharmacist, but we lost our only source of income because his pharmacy was completely destroyed...I urgently need medical treatment and two surgeries on my joints…I cannot [travel] alone, as I need to be with my family, which consists of six members: Ammar, a devoted husband and father; Yazan, 13, a responsible and protective older brother; Razan, 11, an inquisitive and bright young girl; Juri, 9, the lively and cheerful heart of the family; Siwar, 3, the youngest who is still discovering the world around her, and myself, a mother and wife seeking a secure place and environment where I can safely raise my family.” Duaa, // 



Urgent Call for Help: Save Eman’s Displaced Family

“I'm the eldest of six siblings in a family of eight. My heart couldn't bear seeing my family fading in front of my eyes, so I created this GoFundMe campaign attempting to stop this endless pain. Losing our shelter, jobs, and education, my family's tragedy goes on.” - Eman, //

Help Batoul and Newborn Baby

“I do not want to leave Gaza; I love my land and memories…My husband and I are trying to go out of Gaza to escape barbaric death and horrifying massacres that are committed daily in Gaza and there are more threats now to invade Rafah and commit genocide there. I yearn to [be] in a secure place, a place that provides me and my baby with healthy food, clothes for both, electricity, and internet to keep the process of learning.” - Batoul, //

Evacuate Sara, Tamer & their Kids

“I am asking for your help in raising funds that will allow my sister and her family to escape from this cruel reality…[of] living in a tent in Rafah, surrounded by constant fear and danger.” Ahmad, Sara’s brother and fundraiser facilitator, // 

Help Noha, Yousef and their five children

“I am trying to evacuate my husband and five children safely out of Gaza. I wrote this after hesitation, but the need is greater than my ability and the ability of my family to bear. 6 months ago, we were subjected to displacement several times, to starvation and hunger. We were subjected to the destruction of the house above our heads from the bombing of our neighbors…My son, Tim, who is 3 years old, suffers from a chest infection and constant wheezing due to the atmosphere. My son, 14 years old, has holes in his heart and is suffering from a severe crisis due to not getting proper care in hospitals...I hope for help to save my children.” Noha, // 



Help Rea’af’s and her family stuck in Northern Gaza

“I am Rea'af from northern Gaza. I, along with my family of 15 members, are going through extremely unbearable living conditions right now…We all lack safety and feel death getting closer with every passing moment.” Rea’af. “I am facilitating this fundraiser for Rea'af. Their home as well as their fruit and vegetable shop were destroyed by bombs, leaving them homeless and without a means of income to afford food or evacuation. Rea'af and her parents and five siblings urgently need your help - any amount at all that you can spare. It costs around $5kUSD/person to evacuate into Egypt and more for food, water, safe shelter and transport, and other essentials. I will be sending all funds to Rea'af as they come in.” Isabella (fundraiser facilitator) // 


Help Nidaa and Family in this Emergency

“I am Nidaa, I am married and have two children. My family and I are displaced from Khan Yunis to Rafah, and my house was destroyed…I hope to get out of the Gaza Strip…the fateful war came, only two days after the birth of my (second) child, and our lives were turned upside down.” - Nidaa, // 

Help Hellana and her family Evacuate

“My name is Hellana Atef Albess. I am 23 years old…My family of 7 members: my father Atef is a heart patient who needs surgery and constant care, my sister Dania, my brother Muhammad, my brother Ahmed, and my brother Mahmoud. We are not numbers! We have once lived in a large and beautiful house, and our dreams and aspirations were without limits. The house was full of laughter, now, we have no house and nothing but an endless nightmare. Your support and cooperation will give us hope for a chance to live safely and start our lives again.” Hellana, // 



Help Ayatallah Evacuate her Parents

“I am Ayatallah Baroud, 17 years old, Palestinian from Gaza. I traveled alone [to Egypt] in the hope that my family would travel immediately after me, but…my dad no longer afford the travel fees…So I am fundraising to get my parents (Kamal Baroud, Zainab Baroud) out of the war in Gaza because they suffer from fear, hunger and lack of all resources , in addition, my mum is sick and she needs health care and urgent operation in her eye, which does not exist in Gaza right now.” Ayatallah, // 

Help Abdul and his Family Reunite

“I am Abdul Rahman Ismail, a journalist who has not yet completed his studies due to the war and a youth activist from Deir al-Balah in Gaza. The war on Gaza has split my family into two parts; three of my siblings are now abroad. We’re stuck in Gaza and want to gather before this war robs our hearts. I desperately dream of seeing my family together and reviving my broken life here, so please give me a hand to stand on my feet.” Abdul //

Help Maryam’s Family Evacuate

“Living in Gaza is becoming increasingly dangerous amids the ongoing war...My mother and two sisters have been steadfast here in Deir Al Balah - Gaza since the first few days of the war, but threat of getting bombed or killed is near…(my mom) needs urgent medical attention. We appeal to you to support us leave Gaza to safely.” Maryam, // 

Help the Abeltaji (Shaban) Family Evacuate Gaza

Seven of Sally’s cousins have had their home destroyed, educations halted, and evacuation is their only choice - Sally Mohammed (family of the Abeltajis and fundraiser facilitator) // 

Evacuate Bilal’s family from Gaza

“My name is Bilal Ziada, 31 years old, happily married to the love of my life, and a proud father to my one-year-old princess, Ghazal…After my house was bombed, my family and I now live in a small tent with 10 members. Basic necessities like water and food have become scarce…Our Objective: Support Bilal and his family in their urgent evacuation from Gaza, aiding them in rebuilding their lives post-war.” Bilal & Safaa (fundraiser facilitator), // 

Supporting Besan’s Family to Evacuate Gaza

Besan’s house has been destroyed and her family forced to flee from place to place. Their only choice now is to evacuate. // 

Support Khamis: Medical Care for Spine Injury After Bombing

“My cousin Khamis, his mom (my aunt) and his five siblings lived in Tel El Hawa…In the dead of night, their temporary shelter… became a target of bombing. Khamis became trapped under the rubble for hours…Miraculously, Khamis was rescued, but not without sustaining severe injuries to his spine. Our immediate goal is to provide Khamis with the specialized medical care he urgently needs and to facilitate their relocation out of Gaza to a place where he can receive the treatment and support necessary for his recovery.” Amal (fundraiser facilitator), 

Evacuate Khitam and her family

Hana’s aunt, cousins and cousins’ children are trapped in Gaza deprived of medical care, clean water, food and safety. They “struggle to afford basic necessities that are now only a luxury. Facing starvation and trauma, every day feels like a battle for survival, with no end in sight. Your support can provide the lifeline they so desperately need.” -Hana (fundraiser facilitator), // 



Evacuate Rahma’s Children to a Safe Place

My name is Rahma Al-Buhaisi. I am 30 years old, a pharmacist from the Gaza Strip, married and have two daughters…I had a life before the war, but my house was destroyed and…we live in fear and there is no safety for my children. We seek to try to escape the war and its dangers and return after the end of the war to build a new home and a new future.” - Rahma, // 

Changing the lives of Sohad and Salam from Gaza

“This is our story in a few words. Fortunately, we still remember our names and ages Sohad Hammad 23 years old, and Salam Hammad 21 years old. Being from northern Gaza means that we have lived through war, aggression, siege, massacre, pain, loss, torment, and also “death”, which life here forces you to look at with your own eyes. With your support and generous donations, we can rebuild our lives from the ashes.

Every donation, no matter the size, will have a significant impact.” Sohad & Salam, // 


Help Malak and her family evacuate

“Malak, who is 11 years old, and her family of 6 members, have been displaced several times over the past six months; they have been displaced exactly 7 times. Each time, they miraculously escaped death, so their situation is dire. After losing all their belongings and memories, they want to survive as a complete family without losing any family members or having any of them become disabled due to war injuries!” - Alaa (fundraiser facilitator) // 


Help Mariam reunite with her parents

“Mariam Mohamed al Khateeb is a 20 year old dental student and aspiring poet from Gaza, currently residing in Egypt. She is desperately looking for ways to save her family, who are stuck in the middle of Gaza. Her family is her father, who lost his place of work, her mother, who suffers from heart and back problems and requires medical care, her older brother Khalil (23), a medical student, and her three younger siblings Marah (17), Zain al-Abidin (14) and Zaina (10).” - Egan & Simone (fundraiser facilitators) // 

Evacuate Mohammed and his wife

“My name is Mohammed , a visual artist and interior designer from Gaza. After long and deep thinking and great hesitation, I decided to make a gofundme link…The war began only one year after my marriage, and I was forced to leave my home…I was forced to move to the south of the Gaza Strip…now I am unable to leave Gaza and go to a safer area, because the costs of leaving require more than $5,000 per person. I hope you can help me achieve this goal and rebuild our future as we deserve and desire.” Mohammed, // 


Save Ahmed and his Family

“I’m a five-war survivor, yet I’m not sure if I will make it this time around. I’m writing this message from the north of Gaza where I grew up, where I belong, and where I seeded the memories of my whole life which were all demolished in this war. There is no food to feed our hungry mouths, no clean water to clean our empty stomachs, and no medicine to help our neglected injured.” - Ahmed, // 

Help Fatima and her family leave Gaza

“Hello, I am Fatima Sameer from Gaza. The occupation destroyed my house in an instant. It also destroyed my father’s house and made it uninhabitable. We still do not know our fate in light of this bombing, destruction and pain. There is no safe place to go. We find death everywhere.I see myself unable to provide the minimum necessities of life and safety for my little child, Aboud, who is one and a half years old. We have literally lost everything! With your cooperation, there is hope to rebuild our destroyed homes and dreams. Your solidarity and donation, no matter how small, makes a big difference in helping us rebuild ourselves.” Fatima, // 


Help Dr. Ola and her family reach Turkey from Gaza

“I'm raising funds to evacuate Dr. Ola Madi, a sixth year medical student, from Gaza as well as her husband Mohammed and her sons Sami, aged 4 and Kenan aged 7 months. Dr. Ola has a standing offer to continue and finish her medical studies in Turkey... Her medical school as well as most hospitals in Gaza are now decimated.” - Mariana Vamplew (fundraiser facilitator) // 

Evacuate Hamza and his Family

“I want to rebuild again with your support and solidarity. I launched this campaign to restore hope for myself and my family. Let's rebuild our house, farm our land, buy a new car to regain our freedom of movement, and rebuild my small hot beverage business so I can live in dignity and earn a living. This support will help me and my family exit Gaza and start a new life.” Hamza, //

Help Reem’s Family Live and Escape the War in Gaza

“My name is Reem Hamada, an architectural engineering student, 22 years old, who has lived through wars and destruction. My family and I have been displaced seven times from north to south Gaza, forcibly…We’ve been living in a tent for two months now…The cost of leaving through the Rafah crossing to Egypt is around $5000 per person (as it's the only way out). You're our only hope to gather this money and escape this hell.” - Reem, // 

Help Haneen’s Family to Evacuate from Gaza

“I'm Haneen, a teacher who believes in the power of education to change young lives. My husband, Mohammed, is a dedicated nurse at Al-Shifa Hospital…Our kids, Mira, 7, and Kenan, 4, represent our hope for the future. Rafah, our current refuge, now faces threats...We struggle daily for basic needs like water and food, living under the shadow of insecurity.” - Haneen, // 

Help A Gazan Family Get to Safety

“We are a Gazan family trapped in the war-torn Gaza Strip, our house has been damaged and looted, which has not been fully paid for yet, we have evacuated two times already, and no one saw the second evacuation coming, this led us to believe that we are living in the unknown, as we don't know what's going to happen to us…The only solution to fulfill our halted dreams is to resume our lives in Egypt. By helping us, you have helped to achieve 7 dreams, you have contributed to giving us hope, and most importantly, you have contributed to saving a family from an unknown future.” Ibrahim, // 

Help Yasser Evacuate His Family

“I am the photographer Yasser Fathi Odeh Qudaih. I've worked as a photojournalist in Gaza for almost 20 years. In this current genocide, my house in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza strip was targeted by an Israeli army aircraft a missile, and killed 8 my family members. Ever since December 2023…we have been living in displacement, in a nylon tent still in Rafah. With the escalating genocide, starvation, lack of water, dignity, and so much else, my wife, three children, and I are trying to evacuate as immediately as possible through Rafah into Egypt.” Yasser, // 

Help Reunite Abdallah’s Family

“I am lucky that I was able to escape Gaza, but there is no peace for me as long as my mother and my sisters and brother remain in so much danger…In order to get them out of Gaza and into Egypt…I need to raise at least $30,000. I appreciate any donation you can make to help my family, no matter how small.” - Abdallah, //

Support Portlanders’ Mohammed, Mahmoud and Zandi's Families (42+people) Fleeing Gaza

“We are three Portland-based Palestinians - Mohammed, Mahmoud, and Zandi —urgently gathering community support for our families who are enduring dire conditions in Gaza. Currently, our family members face displacement, destroyed homes, and the fatal reality of living under constant bombardment and unimaginable violence, with no safe haven for over 3 months.” - Mohammed, Mahmoud & Zandi // 

Help a prominent Gazan writer document the lives of victims

“I am Mahmoud Jouda, a 38-year-old writer from Gaza City…we fled south at the onset of the war, then recently to Cairo, unable to salvage any belongings, even our memories. I have launched this campaign to secure financial assistance in my exile, allowing me to document the atrocities of war I have witnessed and endured, ensuring the world does not turn a blind eye to the untold stories of the victims and those who have been orphaned, widowed, and many left as amputees.” Mahmoud, // 


Urgent Appeal to Help Mohamed’s Family Escape from Gaza

Mohamed is a 9 year old with Down Syndrome who’s family (parents and two siblings) are fleeing Gaza to find a safe place to rebuild their lives and support Mohammed the way he needs. // UPDATE: All of Mohamed’s family have been evacuated EXCEPT their father! We will continue fundraising until he is safe and the family has the funds needed to support their new life in Egypt!



Help Mai and her family rebuild in Cairo

Mai and her family were able to evacuate thanks to this fundraiser! “The fundraiser is still up to continue raising funds for Mai and her family in rebuilding their new life together, so if you are able to share it in your networks, we would all be very grateful.” - Fatima (fundraiser facilitator), // 


Help Alia and her Family Evacuate from Gaza

We have never ever wished to be somewhere else but in Gaza, but my people don't get to choose anyway. We need to be evacuated from here urgently to safety. My Baba suffers from an end-stage renal failure chronic disease.” - Alia, //  UPDATE: All of Alia’s family have been evacuated EXCEPT her father! We will continue fundraising until he is safe as well!


Help The Musical Anbars Survive War in Gaza

“After Israeli tanks bombed the Anbar home in October, we continued to hold our hope that it could be rebuilt. But on 15 March, the entire six-storey block was flattened by occupation warplanes. Rasheed, Ansam and the three children had a lucky escape but remain in Gaza city, homeless and in the grips of famine. This campaign is now to provide their urgent daily needs, and to give the Anbar family a new home.” - The Anbars, // 

Help the Ghabayen Family Evacuate Gaza

“Last October, our family was torn apart by a devastating massacre that claimed the lives of ten cherished members, including seven innocent children. Since then, those who survived have been displaced multiple times, forced to flee their homes in search of safety that remains elusive…Their only hope is your help to escape a life that carries death at every moment and turn.” - Lina Ghabayen (fundraiser facilitator) //