17 November 2014

Focus: Portfolios, peer review of multimodal object analyses


  1. Review Kenneth Haltman's "Introduction" to American Artifacts, paying careful attention to his description and discussion of Prown's object analysis assignment (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  2. Read "Assembling a Portfolio" (pp 645-52) in Everyone's An Author


  1. Thursday, 20 November by class time -- Complete draft of multimodal object analysis posted as drafts to class blog, and submitted as a shared link on Marca under Projects > Multimodal Object Analysis > Stage 3
  2. Sunday, 30 November by midnight -- Posts for Blog Post #10 
  3. Monday, 1 December by midnight -- Comments for Blog Post #10

10 November 2014

Tuesday, November 11, we will meet together as a class

Thursday, November 13, you will meet in small peer review groups to peer review your multimodal object analysis drafts


  1. Review Kenneth Haltman's "Introduction" to American Artifacts, paying careful attention to his description and discussion of Prown's object analysis assignment (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)


  1. Tuesday, 11 November by class time -- Drafts of object descriptions must be posted to the class blog
  2. Thursday, 13 November by class time -- Working drafts of object descriptions must be posted to Marca under Projects > Multimodal Object Analysis > Stage 2
  3. Friday, 15 November by midnight > Peer reviews of working drafts of object descriptions must be posted to Marca as review documents for Stage 2 drafts 

3 November 2014

Tuesday, November 4, we will meet together as a class

Thursday, November 6, you will meet in small peer review groups to finalize your models and reflections


  1. Lynn Z. Bloom "The Essay Canon" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  2. Review description for Project 5


  1. Tuesday 4 November by class time -- Drafts of 3-D model submitted to Marca under Projects > 3-D Models > Stage 1, access set to "Shared"
  2. Sunday, 2 November by midnight -- Everyone posts for Blog Post #9

27 October 2014

Thursday, October 30, class will meet in the CURVE in the Library South


  1. Review John Clifford, "The Subject in Discourse" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  2. Review Lawrence Weschler, "Inhaling the Spore" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  3. Review Matthew W. Roth, "The Museum of Jurassic Technology" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  4. Review Lisa Patt, "Horns, Bats, Ideas: Encountering the Fetish at the Museum of Jurassic Technology" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  5. Review Museum of Jurassic Technology, Website (www.mjt.org) -- don't stop at the home page; you don't have to read everything, but do explore and peruse carefully what's on "display" on the site


  1. Thursday, 30 October by class time -- Drafts of 3-D model submitted to Marca under Projects > 3-D Models > Stage 1, access set to "Shared"
  2. Friday, 31 October by midnight -- Posts for Blog Post #8
  3. Sunday, 2 November by midnight -- Comments for Blog Post #8

20 October 2014

Thursday, October 23, class will meet in the CURVE in the Library South


  1. Review description of Project 5: 3-D Modeling
  2. John Clifford, "The Subject in Discourse" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  3. EoA, "Writing a Narrative"
  4. Lawrence Weschler, "Inhaling the Spore" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  5. Matthew W. Roth, "The Museum of Jurassic Technology" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  6. Lisa Patt, "Horns, Bats, Ideas: Encountering the Fetish at the Museum of Jurassic Technology" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  7. Museum of Jurassic Technology, Website (www.mjt.org) -- don't stop at the home page; you don't have to read everything, but do explore and peruse carefully what's on "display" on the site

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Tuesday, 21 October by midnight -- Timeline posts published on class blog, links to timeline spreadsheets submitted on Marca under Projects > Timeline > Stage 3, and reflections submitted as eDocs on Marca under Projects > Timeline > Reflection
  2. Thursday, 23 October, Class visit to the CURVE

13 October 2014


  1. Bernard L. Fontana, "Artifacts of the Indians of the Southwest" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  2. James L. Kinneavy, "Expressive Discourse" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  3. EoA, "Synthesizing Ideas," "Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing," and "Giving Credit, Avoiding Plagiarism"
  4. Jennifer L. Roberts, "Lucubrations on a Lava Lamp: Technocracy, Counterculture, and Containment in the Sixties" (you'll need to obtain the _America Artifacts_ anthology in which this essay appears via GIL Express, or borrow the copy I've checked out and will leave in my mailbox in the English department mailroom on the 23rd floor of 25 Park Place)

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Tuesday, 14 October by class time -- Project 4: Timeline drafts submitted on Marca by class time under Projects > Timeline > Stage 4, access set to "Shared" (As discussed in class, you will complete three, focused 20 minute free-writing exercises before class time on Tuesday. During at least one session, you will write longhand. Then you will submit the resulting draft from each session on Marca. So by class time Tuesday, you should have three Stage 4 drafts.)
  2. Wednesday, 15 October by midnight -- Project 4: Timeline peer reviews of Stage 4 uploaded to Marca
  3. Friday, 17 October by midnight -- Posts for Blog Post #7
  4. Sunday, 12 October by midnight -- Comments for Blog Post #7

6 October 2014


  1. Kenneth Haltman, "Introduction" to _American Artifacts_  (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  2. Jules David Prown, "The Truth of Material Culture: History or Fiction?" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)
  3. Jeffrey Collins, "In Vino Vanitas? Death and the Cellarette in Empire New York" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access.)
  4. EoA, "Starting Your Research," "Finding Sources, Considering Research Methods," and "Evaluating Sources"
  5. Ken Macrorie, Excerpt from _Telling Writing_  (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Tuesday, 7 October by class time -- Project 4: Timeline drafts submitted on Marca by class time under Projects > Timeline > Stage 1 (Your drafts will be in the form of an annotated bibliography. See guidance from the Cornell University Libraries regarding the form and function of annotated bibliographies)
  2. Wednesday, 8 October by midnight -- Project 4: Timeline peer reviews of Stage 1 uploaded to Marca
  3. Friday, 10 October by midnight -- If you haven't already done so, submit your annotated bibliography for the Timeline Project under Projects > Timeline > Stage 1, making sure it is "Shared" with peers
  4. Monday, 13 October by midnight -- Complete peer review of Timeline Project Stage 1 (detailed peer review guidelines are available on Marca, must be signed in to access)

29 September 2014


  1. Description of Project 4
  2. "Writer Evan Ratliff Tried to Vanish: Here’s What Happened," by Evan Ratliff (http://archive.wired.com/vanish/2009/11/ff_vanish2/all/)
  3. "Footprints in the Digital Age," by Will Richardson (http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov08/vol66/num03/Footprints-in-the-Digital-Age.aspx)
  4. "Personal Branding in the Age of Google," by Seth Godin (http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/02/personal-branding-in-the-age-of-google.html)
  5. EaA Chapter 4: "The Need for Collaboration"
  6. Miller and Shepherd, "Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog" (available on Marca, must be signed in to access)

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Thursday, 2 October at midnight -- Project 2: Photo Study Reflections posted on Marca as an eDoc (Projects > Create > Document) under Projects > Photo Study > Reflection, shared with peers. You should also submit a link to your revised photo study on Flickr (this may be just a link to your photostream, or it may be a link to the specific album or photoset you've created for your photo study) under Projects > Photo Study > Stage 2. For instructions on how to use the Projects space and create an eDoc, go here.
  2. Friday, 3 October, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 5
  3. Sunday, 5 October, at midnight -- Comments for Blog Post 5

22 September 2014


  1. Walter Benjamin, "The Collector" (Marca, must be signed into Marca to access)
  2. W/D Chapter 5: "Assembling Your Technologies and Your Team" and Chapter 8: "Putting Your Project to Work"
  3. Walter Benjamin, "Unpacking My Library" (Marca, must be signed into Marca to access)
  4. Browse the site Researching Benjamin, in particular the posts "Historical Refuse" and "Graphic Forms."

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Friday, 20 September, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 5
  2. Sunday, 22 September, at midnight -- Comments for Blog Post 5

15 September 2014


  1. W/D Chapter 6: "Designing Your Project" and Chapter 7: "Drafting and Revising Your Project"
  2. EaA Chapter 26: "What's Your Style?" and Chapter 27: "Tweets to Reports"
  3. Ann E. Berthoff, "Learning the Uses of Chaos" (Marca, must be signed into Marca to access)
  4. Peter Elbow, "Some Thoughts on _Expressive Discourse_" (Marca, must be signed in to Marca to access)

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. Tuesday, 16 September at midnight -- Reflections for Project 2: Twitter Essay (uploaded to Marca under "Project 2: Twitter Essay," stage "Reflection"
  2. Friday, 20 September, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 4
  3. Sunday, 22 September, at midnight -- Comments Blog Post 4

8 September 2014


  1. W/D Chapter 2: Analyzing Multimodal Projects
  2. EaA Chapter 29: "How to Write Good Sentences" and Chapter 30: "Designing What You Write"
  3. James Deetz, "Parting Ways" (in In Small Things Forgotten) 

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

  1. 9 September by midnight post three draft Twitter essays to the forum on Marca under the topic "Twitter Essays: 9 September Drafts"
  2. By class time 11 September -- peer review drafts for two peers in the "Twitter Essays: 9 September Drafts" forum on Marca
  3. By midnight 11 September -- tweet one revised Twitter essay on the hashtag "#gsures"
  4. Friday, 12 September, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 3
  5. Sunday, 14 September, at midnight -- Comments Blog Post 3

1 September 2014


Descriptions of Projects 2 & 3
W/D Chapter 1: "What are Multimodal Projects?"
EaA Chapter 1: "Thinking Rhetorically," and Chapter 2: "Rhetorical Situations"

Russell Belk, "Possessions and the Extended Self" and James Deetz, "Recalling Things Forgotten" (in In Small Things Forgotten)

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

2 September by midnight--create a Flickr account, upload your first captioned image, and post a link to your Flickr photostream to Marca under "Project 3: Photo Study, Stage 1"

2 September by midnight--Post three draft Twitter essays to the forum on Marca under the topic "Twitter Essays: 2 September drafts"

By class time 4 September -- peer review drafts for two peers in the "Twitter Essays: 2 September Drafts" forum on Marca
By midnight 4 September -- tweet one revised Twitter essay on the hashtag "#gsures," and post a link to your Twitter essay to Marca under "Project 2: Twitter Essay, Stage 2"

Friday, 5 September, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 2
Sunday, 7 September, at midnight -- Comments Blog Post 2

25 August 2014


Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, “Why We Need Things” and Jules Prown, “Style as Evidence.”

Deliverables (see detailed project description for guidelines and deadlines):

Thursday, 28 August, bring to class -- A significant object, a thing that is important to you, and that helps you to understand and reflect upon the reading

Friday, 29 August, at midnight -- Posts for Blog Post 1

Sunday, 31 August, at midnight -- Comments Blog Post 1