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We recently asked our members to tell us what they like about the guild - or just grab screenshots from time to time

This is what they said.



Lead Bluebyte employee for Northisle server

You are an exceptional Guild Leader luckydiddy! I wish continued prosperity to you and your Guildmates. [click link for full text]



Level 65

[21:49] [Zon] Krarup: Guys, i'm amazed. Great first impression here. I've tried to see my own 'cya later' message in the chat 4-5 hours later when re-entering the guild chat. Somehow i dont think it will happen here :)



Lvl 40

click link for screenshot



Lvl 62 

click link for screenshot



Level 34

But also a lvl 61 on Zeus server 

click link for screenshot



Lvl 53

South Africa

Member for more than a year.

Zon is a fun, fast paced guild where tso is played as a game, no request is too big or too small for the officers and members in this guild, my best time in Zon was when during the easter event the officers assisted me in getting my first and only MMA - no questions asked. If you want to have some fun join Zon, u wont be dissapointed. Lothian



Lvl 55


Member since June 2016

I love my guild, pick [Zon] for my money,

they are helpful and kind and above all - funny!

They may sound grouchy, cruel or just mean,

but it's all in good fun as soon will be seen.

whether fins on the roof or a pillow fight rages,

or passing the dunce hat when someone misguages,

they keep me laughing but if I'm in need,

they are fighting to help to do the good deed!

all of that plus lotteries, contests galore!

I say it's the perfect guild - who could want more?



Lvl 48


Member for more than a year

Making your way in your island today takes everything you've got.

Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody helps your game,

and they're always glad you came.

You wanna be where you can see,

our troubles are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows

Your nickname.

You wanna go where people know,

people are all the same,

You wanna go where everybody helps

enjoy your game.




Lvl 43


Member for more than a year

Rarely do you find a group of people such as in ZON!  Friendly, dynamic, helpful!  A group that can make you laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time! Yes, you are expected to complete your Guild Quests [what great guild wouldn’t strive for this], but there is always someone ready and willing to help if you need it.  I am thrilled to belong to such an amazing guild!



Lvl 42

South Africa

Joined January 2nd 2017 at level 15

When I started playing the game early in January 2017 I was instantly hooked, but I also knew that unless there was a long term reason, I would get bored and stop playing. I started looking for a guild when I hit level 15 to see if there was a group of people that I would be able to have some fun with.

After looking at a couple of options with regard to requirements and my own expectations I joined Zon and have not looked back even for a moment. From the first, everybody was extremely welcoming and helpful. People were arguing(good naturedly of course) about who would be sending me resources that would help me to grow. And grow I did, hitting level 42 within 21 days from starting.

I was absolutely flooded with resources and advice. we have discussed everything from how to set up blocks to how to best lay out your island. All the answers to your questions are merely a couple of keystrokes away. But I think the part I like the most about the guild is the atmosphere. There is almost always somebody actively chatting. Sometimes just silliness and camaraderie and other times about game specific mechanics and tricks. There are a massive number of unique individuals that form a part of what can only be called a family.

I really can't imagine that I would have been this happy anywhere else. I will be endlessly thankful to be part of this great group of people.



Lvl 60

Czech Republic

Joined March 2017

Amazonian Settlers (ZON) are my third guild. When I was moving here from my last guild, I was really afraid. But the fear was quickly gone as I have met so many great people here. People who help each other, who are nice, polite and funny. We talk, and play, and have fun together. It is a great place to be. And I am glad for it.



Lvl 56


Member for 3 years

I am Nastynono and I am a TSO addict!

Jan 29 2013 I received my first mail from the guild's founder, Sephuaua. He answered a newbie question from me in help chat and didn't let me off the hook. February 11 2013 I joined ZON. A bit reluctant I must admit, since I had no idea what to expect and what this guild (whatever that was?) would expect from me. It didn't take long before I realized that being in ZON changed everything! The help I got and all the fun we had playing and in chat made me a TSO addict! I am convinced that hadn't I joined ZON I wouldn't have continued playing. After a few twists and turns I am now back where it all began. Some people have left, some have stopped playing and a lot of new people have joined.  People who all keep up the true spirit of ZON: to be helpful, respectful and to have fun! I love it and I am an addict!



Guild Leader

Level 60


Yes guild we can do it!

You and I our guild,

Side by side we build.

Alone we stumble,

Alone we grumble.

Together we stand!

Yes guild we can do it!

Our opinions might not be the same.

There are so many things that are.

Hand in hand we can form a chain.

Cosmopolitan guild we are!

Yes guild we can do it!

You and I my friends,

Side by side till the end.

Alone we stumble,

Alone we grumble,

Together we stand!

Yes guild we can do it!

You and I our guild,

Together we are skilled.

Alone we stumble,

Alone we grumble.

Together we stand!

Yes guild we can do it!

We'll be the lighthouse that guides you on.

We'll be fighting in your corner.

No one who joined will play alone.

Together we are stronger.

Yes guild we can do it!

You and I our guild,

Together we are thrilled.

Alone we stumble,

Alone we grumble.

Together we stand!

Yes guild we can do it!



Level 31

Joined 13th January 2017 at level 22

I started the game not long into the new year, and I joined the Greatest Guild on the server, Just over a week ago,  On The day I leveled at Twenty, With The concise, clear and complete knowledge of some long time players i was soon at level 31,  Showered in kindness, resources, and the knowledge of how to put these to good use, i cannot see how i will not reach the lofty heights of the level Forties, before the long anticipated Bunny arrives.

This Guild has a very active and supportive group of officers, as well as a fun group of players whose company anybody would like to keep, Its large and diverse member base means somebody is always awake, having breakfast, getting ready for bed, baking cakes or just settling down to a nice cup of tea, before slaughtering a few bandits .

Loot Spots are often plentiful, sometimes with people begging you to come and get some, and we all get our guild quests done each day, meaning a nice additional bonus of guild coins.

Altogether a wonderful experience, unless you don't like building mines...



Level 57


Joined June 2016

This is a guild that supports each other

It’s egalitarian, friendly and has players spread throughout the world

thus you can always find some friendly soul to chat and provide you with information and inspiration.

In my fours years of playing and member of many guilds...Zon is the very best by far.



Level 57


Joined more than a year ago

Our leader and her deputies are the best  -- so pack your bags and join the rest--you will never find a guild as good as us --so coming to us is a must



Level 62


Joined January 2017

irobijn was her name- she found the guild leaders way..sephuaua was not insane- he just got bothered in his say´´

the guild they had in marbles top- many other wanted to grab their loss

  with lucky beside her she rules-many other just follow with big tools

stonewaller is quick to react- if u missing a buff in other act

Kc grim is down(under) but not ready to swim

luxor just brighten the skies -a lamp on the way to say=hey here we are

baco just digs in the dirt- but granit he did find on the earth

chippie is a grand lady herself- u do not wanna capitulate

with nono beside them they do not wait- if u nasty- hey it might be too late

by moonlight is ready to spray- a little fellow on the horizon she hope to paint(man on the moon)



Level 55

Joined July 2017

From UK

As soon as I joined ZON, I was made to feel at home. All the guild members are very friendly, and extremely helpful, chat is busy and interesting.   I would certainly award this guild 10/10 on every aspect.  Come and join us, I am sure you won't regret it.


Irobijn, Luckydiddy, Hazeleyes

Guild chat log

[21:33] Irobijn: hey we are great its a privilege to be a member :)))

[21:34] luckydiddy: lol .. is that your testimonial Iro ?

[21:34] hazeleyes: they will when they see us in action

[21:35] luckydiddy: I totally agree !

[21:35] Irobijn: but being one of the long term members it can be two things or I'm a slow mover or its great here :P

Sept 2017


Lvl 57

Started playing Jan 2017 and joined ZON Jan 2017

From Portugal

My experience at ZON is so good, that i can point the guild as the major reason for why i keep enjoy playing TSO. Best experience in guilds in a online game to me as far, never got reason to get upset because everyone is so polite and helpful. I have brought a couple of guys already to the guild and i always recommend it to anyone who asks my opinion of the guild.

Another thing great is that are so many nationalities in the guild that you feel always at home because you will have someone that is your countryfellow.

PS: And i confess that i make a extra effort sometimes with GQ so i don't let these guys down (including looking for wifi in vacations).

Sept 2017


Lvl 62

Joined March 2017 at level 46

From USA

I have found ZON to be an exceedingly supportive, friendly guild. I never see any complaints about helping people who need help, and there always is someone willing to assist with buffs. There seems to be activity pretty much 24 hours a day. Definitely a good place to call home!

Sept 2017


Level 60

French living in Ireland

Even before to join Zon, I already appreciated this guild as the members I met in game were helpful and always super nice. SoundForm, Raddichio and a few others were already "in game" friends. When I join this guild, I only found more players like them, making the game relaxing & convivial... apart from Luckydiddy who is more perfidious than Gargamel and more villain than the Joker

[editors note… Luckydiddy is now guild leader]

Sept 2017


Lvl 43

New Zealand

[ZON] guild - hands down probly the friendly'est helpfull active bunch of ppl i have ever meet on MMO's

very well structured guild who care and want to help'  great for new active players and or season'ed active player's



Lvl 62


ladies and gentlemen

when i first came to zon i knew nothing

i had some of the best help anyone could have wished for

i am now level 62  and have gained so much knowledge,

at the same time i can still ask for help and advice,

i became a deputy  and  do as people done for me  we are a friendly happy group   we all help each other to progress  

we complete our guild quests daily  all we ask is   politeness   and  remember we are all here to help you and each  other  

 signed  hazel


Lvl 60

Member since Feb 2017

From UK

i have played this game for 5 years now been in many guilds and even tried my hand to build my own a couple of times since joining ZON i have been made to feel like i am welcome and no matter the time of day i can get some help when needed i also help out when i can but imo this guild is deffo one of the best always keeping a eye on their members and ever ready to help a good solid guild with a great set of players who do wot they can to help and keep this guild as good as the day i joined.
so if you looking for a guild that doesn't have a lot of members that never log on and [and where members] do there GQ everyday come here don't think twice about it come to ZON and you will never leave :)


Lvl 62

Member since June 2017

From UK

only been in zon a short amount of time but feel at home already a friendly helpful guild