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Lord Roberts News - September 9th, 2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Lord Roberts Junior Public School News

Principal: Crystal Capalbo

Superintendent: Liz Holder

Office Administrator: Dolores Turley

Trustee: Neethan Shan

School Hours: 8:40am - 3:15pm

165 Lord Roberts Drive

 Scarborough, ON  M1K 3W5

 Tel: 416-396-6420


Monday September 9th, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you had a restful weekend and are ready for another exciting week of learning here at Lord Roberts! It has been a pleasure connecting with some of you out on the yard or at the crosswalk. I can tell that this is a caring community that values education and wants the best for all students in our school.

Our first week went very well. Most students remembered the expectations (i.e. hands off, using kind words) and helped to remind those who forgot. Students not only connected with old friends, but made new friends as well, and we hope that these positive behaviours continue throughout the year.

We are in the process of determining our school population. It is very important that students attend classes prior to September 12th, 2024. If you are on vacation, or planning to return after this date, please ensure that you contact Ms. Turley at the office, as soon as possible.

It is my goal to share a newsletter with the community each week, so that you are up to date with important events and happenings at the school. Newsletters will be shared on Mondays.

Looking forward to a great year!

Ms. Capalbo, Principal






Visiting the School and Student Safety

Student safety is very important to us here at Lord Roberts Jr. P.S. All guests to the building are asked to come to the front of the school and buzz our main office. This also applies to students who are arriving late for the day. Parents who are picking up their children for lunch should coordinate with our front office staff. Parents are not permitted to go to classrooms at any point during the day. If you wish to speak with a staff member, please schedule an appointment to do so. If you need to see your child, we will have them brought to the front of the school. Thank you for your cooperation.

Traffic Safety and Parking Lot Use

        Please DO NOT use the parking lot for dropping your children off and picking them up. The parking lot is for staff only and does not offer adequate space for vehicles to turn around safely.  If dropping off or picking up a student, please make use of the adjacent side streets. It is safest to park down the block and walk a few minutes to the school.

PLEASE DO NOT PARK or LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE UNATTENDED at the front of the school. This is a no stopping zone. Thank you for your cooperation.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Staff will provide supervision from 8:30am until entry at 8:45am for Grades 1 to 6 and 8:45am - 8:55am for Kindergarten. Please note that parents and caregivers will not be able to walk their child into the school. Students will line up with their classmates and wait to be called in by the supervising staff.

Students will exit the building through their assigned doors at 3:00pm (Kindergarten) or 3:15pm (Grades 1 to 6). We ask that you wait outside to pick up your child and do not enter the school building. If you do need to enter the building for any reason, please come to the main office doors at the front of the school and speak with our office staff who can help you. All students are encouraged to leave the school property immediately after dismissal.

No Dogs on School Grounds

Dogs are not permitted on school grounds. Please remind other adults who may accompany your children (babysitters, grandparents, etc.) that they may not bring their dogs onto school property while dropping off or picking up your children.

There are children and adults with allergies or fears of dogs. However friendly your dog may be, and whatever the size of animal, please abide by these regulations which are designed to keep everyone safe.

Student Nutrition Program

Lord Roberts is pleased to offer a morning nutrition program for every student, from Kindergarten through Grade 6. This means that participating students are able to receive a nutritious snack. Studies have shown that a Nutrition Program such as this results in improved attention and classroom behaviour, as well as increased student learning. All food served is culturally appropriate, and follows Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

Although we receive some funding for this program, it does not cover the full cost. Parental contributions are important to make the program successful. To help cover costs, we are asking for a contribution of $20 per child for the school year.

This week, an envelope will come home for your completion. Should you wish to participate in the program, please fill out the relevant information (i.e. Student’s Name, Teacher, Grade) and enclose $20. The envelope may be returned to your child’s teacher no later than Friday September 13, 2024.

The FIRST DAY of the snack program will begin on Monday September 23, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the office: 416-396-6420.

Lord Roberts Jr. P.S. is a NUT FREE School

Just a reminder that we are a nut free school as we have students with life-threatening food allergies. Please discourage your child from sharing or touching the food of others. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY PRODUCTS WITH PEANUTS/TREE NUTS FOR SNACK OR PARTIES. This includes products such as Nutella and trail mix.

Protect Your Family with Student Accident Insurance


We all know that accidents can, and do, happen. While your provincial coverage or your employee benefits plan may cover some medical, dental or other expenses related to these accidents, they may not cover all of them. Student Accident Insurance helps to protect your family from these unexpected costs if your child is injured on school property or during school-sponsored activities.


Since the Toronto District School Board does not offer student accident insurance, you, as a parent/guardian, have the option to buy this coverage for your child or children. While participation is voluntary, it is highly recommended. All students, up to 26 years of age, are accepted.


Coverage is available in three affordable plan options, for as low as $17/year (that’s just over 4 cents a day!) in Lite, Plus and Premium. Benefits include:


Discounts are available for families with 3 or more children. For more policy details or to buy a plan, please visit or call 1-833-560-0527 (toll-free) or 416-916-1588 (local).


Please note that the insurance agreement is between you and Student Accident Insurance.

Steps to Address Questions and Concerns

The Toronto District School Board has developed PR505: Parent Concern Protocol to support addressing your questions and concerns in a timely manner. The graphic on the right  outlines this process, and who you should reach out to and when.

In any situation, your child’s classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school’s principal, the school superintendent and your Trustee. You can find more information about this process on the TDSB’s website.

It is important to keep the lines of communication between school and home open, by remaining in contact with your child’s teacher. You bring valuable knowledge and insights as your child’s first teacher. Most issues can be resolved through open dialogue, so please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher should you have questions or concerns.