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Multimedia Projects - Animoto Video Rubric
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Animoto Video

You’re working for the local tourism department. Create a video slideshow using Animoto that promotes Crosby-Ironton and the surrounding area. Use the Gimp image editing we learned about in class.

login - mrbrainerdstudents+(your initials)

password - lunch number twice

edu code - a4ebraia891a2d6bad17d1e


- Promoting Crosby or surrounding area

- 2 minute in length

- 1 Selective color image

- 1 B&W image

- 1 Frame image (quickmask) or Vignette (

- Original pictures (you’ve taken)

- Music

- No watermarked/copyright images (cite sources)

Grading based on the creative computer rubric.