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Superpoke Public Tarot
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


By Michelle Erica Green


Superpoke Pets was an internet game created by Slide and later purchased by Google, who presumably still own the trademarks on the images. Players could adopt one of more than a dozen virtual pets, furnish the pets' homes, buy toys and clothing, take care of a garden to harvest pet collectibles, and play with friends' pets. This Tarot set is made up of habitats I decorated for my Superpoke Penguin during the three years I played the game. During that time, my penguin and I saw the world together, celebrated holidays from many cultures, and relived our favorite movies and TV shows. While my penguin occasionally had a job -- in construction or teaching or coaching tennis -- and had several children, most of our time playing together was engaged in travel and leisure with fellow Superpoke Pets users, particularly from my club The Reliables.

Many of the habitats I used for Tarot images would not have been possible without HabiMakeover, a program created by Neil Wick to allow Superpoke Pets users to continue to decorate habitats after Google shut down the game. This Tarot set was a labor of love, not made for profit; please feel free to save it for your personal enjoyment if you wish, but do not print, sell, distribute, or pass it on in any form except to share a link to the web page where it can be found.

Because there are so many royal accoutrements for Superpoke Pets, I decided for the Minor Arcana court cards to use princesses and princes rather than pages and knights. I've also altered the suits a bit to fit a Superpoke Pet's lifestyle, using the traditional elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth for Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins, though where possible I included those items in the cards. Each of the three senior court cards represents a quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable) of the elements. The positive aspects of fire are creativity, adventurousness, passion and confidence, while its negatives tend to be brashness, aggression, impulsiveness and a lack of focus. Air can indicate majesty, dignity, wit and practicality or aloofness, arrogance, flamboyance and a desire to appear dominant. Water reflects empathy, compassion, peacefulness and deep love, while the suit's darker side includes brooding, hypersensitivity, moodiness and passivity. And Earth symbolizes reliability, endurance and resourcefulness, though their flip side can be inflexibility, miserliness and an obsession with material things.

I have kept my descriptions of card meanings to a minimum; they serve more to explain why I chose the images for each card than to tell anyone how to interpret the Tarot. Personally, I am most familiar with the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and read the cards for their artistic and psychological/archetypal significance, not for fortunetelling. Comments are welcome at editor at littlereview dot com. If you would like to see my Star Trek Tarot or Barbie Tarot decks, each has more extensive notes on card meanings.




0 The Fool

Traditionally the symbol of courage, innocence, and faith, The Fool is traditionally setting off on an adventure. Here the Penguin is surrounded by penguins representing all the things he could be on the balcony of the Penguin Natural Zoo.



1 The Magician

The Penguin takes on the role of teacher and master of the elements in the Sorcerer's Classroom, mastering the elements as he represents originality and willpower.

2 The High Priestess

A Beltane ritual is performed at Stonehenge by the mystical Penguin priestess, surrounded by sheep in the Blown Away on a Windy Day habitat, representing wisdom and intuition.



3 The Empress

An older woman, sometimes associated with fertility and sexual potency, the Queen represents action and accomplishment as she oversees her court in Buckingham Hall.

4 The Emperor

The Penguin stars as George VI in 'The King's Speech' in this masculine image of accomplishment, potency and earthly achievement set in a modified Relaxing Bazaar.



5 The Heirophant

The Hierophant is a card of orthodoxy -- usually spiritual, often social -- which sometimes can mean mercy and institutionalized charity but sometimes can mean being bound by convention. Here the Penguin is a rabbi overseeing Rosh Hashanah services.

6 The Lovers

Traditionally this card shows Adam and Eve or another pair about to be wed, symbolizing trust and harmony. The Penguin is officiating at a wedding at the Castello Sforzesco.



7 The Chariot

The card of the journey is often illustrated by a cart being pulled in two different directions or by two different animals, representing resolve and determination. The Penguin here becomes the captain on the Voyage of the Mayflower.

8 Strength

This card traditionally denotes lust and passion as well as courage, power and physical prowess; it often features a woman prying open a lion's jaws. The Penguin takes on the role of priest at the Lion Temple.



9 The Hermit

An image of self-sufficiency, The Hermit can emulate the virtues of patience, meditation and inner counsel or the vices of immaturity, antisocial behavior and selfishness. The Penguin is in the Grand Library trying to bury his head in a book.

10 The Wheel of Fortune

Representing both individual lives and the patterns of entire cultures, the Wheel is concerned with destiny and the inevitability of change. The Penguin stands at the center of a Faerie Ring surrounded by faeries and unicorns representing the cycle of the seasons.



11 Justice

The traditional image for Justice is a blindfolded woman holding the scales, balancing fairness and virtue against a lack of consideration and rigidity. The Penguin is presenting evidence in a case before the Court of Petice.

12 The Hanged Man

A card of willing suspension, surrender and readjustment, The Hanged Man represents an end to old patterns and a transformation of life. The Penguin is in Neverland being forced to walk the plank by Captain Hook!



13 Death

This is a symbol of summation, transformation and release far more than mortality; its most negative meaning is stagnation, not literal death. The Penguin is celebrating the Day of the Dead in a Deadly Dark Room, surrounded by skeletons and images of ancestors.

14 Temperance

This is a card of inner and outer harmony, moderation and balance, focus and skill. On the Waite decks, the illustration portrays an angel pouring water from one cup to another. Here at the Restful Garden of Koh Samui, the fountains do the same.



15 The Devil

Licentiousness, lack of self-discipline and being a prisoner to one's own desires are all faults of the Devil, though the positive aspect of all this are lost inhibitions and passion. The Penguin has become a vampire in Count Monkula's Tower and has undead minions!

16 The Tower

The title of this card is deceptive, for its focus is not on the tower's height but its downfall, symbolizing abrupt changes and disruption of the familiar. Here the Greek gods find themselves in Grecian Ruins, the wreckage of the world over which they reigned.



17 The Star

The Star stands for bright prospects, inspiration, and self-sufficiency. At the Guiding Light Beachfront, the Penguin works at the lighthouse and shares in its beacon of hope.

18 The Moon

Often associated with force and renewal, with negative aspects of fear, deception and danger, The Moon represents choice, duty, and value. The Penguin is celebrating the Japanese Moon Festival, but ninjas threaten the festivities.



19 The Sun

The Penguin celebrates Mother's Day with many other mothers and children. The card, which often illustrates a happy child, represents growth, satisfaction, and knowing that with each new dawn comes new opportunities.

20 Judgment

Not judgment in a legal sense but The Last Judgment, this card signifies atonement, transformation and rebirth. On Halloween, the Penguin joins witches in a Foggy Graveyard where lovers reunite beyond the veil.



21 The World

People and animals gather on the Earth Day Beach to celebrate a unified world of peace and interdependence. The traditional World card shows a woman floating in the sky, surrounded by images of balance and completion.



Prince of Fire

Symbol of a generous friend and sometimes a hasty journey, the Rider-Waite card shows a knight about to gallop off. Here the knights of the Shamrock Castle are preparing to protect the castle and the kingdom from dragons.



Princess of Fire

The symbol of liberation and release from fear, The Penguin in the Undiscovered Magical Forest symbolizes admiration and courage, and in a reading often indicates a messenger.

Queen of Fire

This card is the astrological equivalent of Leo, with a Queen who is fiercely protective of her home, strong and honorable but sometimes strict and jealous while she enjoys the Fashion Night at Admiralty Arch.



King of Fire

Upright, this card portrays a kindly father figure, someone who is noble and affectionate; reversed, it signifies someone who is intolerant, unyielding and sometimes violent. Here the Penguin is Uncle Sam on the Fourth of July at Mount Rushmore.

Ace of Fire

In the card of creative beginnings, the Penguin sets up a laboratory in the Pet Dungeon to make love potions!



Deuce of Fire

Generosity, interest and forward thinking are represented by this card, in which the Penguin shares a Thanksgiving feast with fellow Native Americans and Pilgrims in the Colonial Petstown Kitchen.

Three of Fire

This card is said to represent success in business and trade. The Penguin is a leader here Embarking at Jamestown, sharing the land in peace with its original inhabitants.



Four of Fire

A celebration often adorns this card, an image of prosperity, work that is going well and the anticipation of a happy future. Here is the Penguin as a chef in the festive Superpopo Ramen Shop.

Five of Fire

This is a card associated with competition or potential obstacles, though also the courage and determination to overcome them. The Penguin may be lost in the Wondrous Amazon Forest but he has his friends there to help...or confuse him further!



Six of Fire

Creative leadership and rewards for helping friends are represented in the Rider Waite deck by the hero led home for celebration. Here the Penguin prepares for a celebratory feast at the Bright Day in Brazzaville.

Seven of Fire

The Seven illustrates a person who enjoys a challenge and has attained success and status. The Penguin is celebrating Kwanzaa at the T.G.I. Pets Restaurant, surrounded by friends impatient to share his food.



Eight of Fire

This card can represent a spiritual quest or eagerness to reach a desired goal. The Penguin is about to light the Hanukkah candles in the Cozy Fireplace Room where everyone is impatient to open presents.

Nine of Fire

A symbol of preparedness and deep reserves, the Penguin is prepared to play Santa Claus and deliver gifts for everyone for Christmas in the Christmas Village.



Ten of Fire

Traditionally this card represents a heavy burden or a sense of being overworked. Here the Penguin finds himself lost in the Lush Rainforest.

Prince of Water

The card of the romantic dreamer, this Penguin is surrounded by mermaids at the Beach House Escape Coral Reef. The prince represents energy, passion, and impulsive behavior.



Princess of Water

This princess suggests greenness and innocence, a person who is sensitive and emotional. Here the Penguin is on the Enchanted Floating Isles with equally ethereal friends.

Queen of Water

A vision of integrity and imagination representing a good mother or gentle person, the Queen here is portrayed by the Penguin at Niagara Falls, on the bridge straddling two peaceful countries.



King of Water

Here the Penguin is in his element at the Playful Penguin Paradise, surrounded by family and friends, appreciating the arts and things that move the emotions.

Ace of Water

The beginnings of joy and beauty are represented by the Winter at the Shibu Onsen, which the Penguin visits to recharge his compassion and creativity.



Deuce of Water

The Two of of this suit can represent a new romance or a new creative endeavor. Here the Penguin enjoys dancing in the rain on the Bridge over a Stormy City.

Three of Water

This card represents hospitality and fertility, and here we see the Penguin on an Alaskan Adventure watching northern animal families frolic on the ice.



Four of Water

Reevaluation and renewal are the themes of this card, which sees the Penguin visiting the historic Koi Pond Garden to refresh and recharge.

Five of Water

There is scarcely enough water for everyone at the Autumn Prairie in Denver, on a card that represents disappointment and regret.



Six of Water

A card representing unexpected surprises, choices from the past, and making one's best effort is here illustrated by the Voyage to the New World, which the Penguin and his friends await.

Seven of Water

The Rider Waite image on the Seven of this suit is of a man trying to choose among dreams and illusions, while the card meaning concerns willpower and determination. Here the Penguin has gone diving for seashells and thinks he has found the Ruins of Atlantis.



Eight of Water

This card's theme is concerned with striving for something higher, even if it means abandoning one's current path. The Penguin stands at the Tranquil House of Manannan on the Isle of Man, whose ruins pay tribute to its past while current residents celebrate May Day.

Nine of Water

One of the most positive images in the Tarot, the Nine of this suit represents security, well-being and fulfilled wishes. At the Magical Forest Lake, the Penguin is surrounded by friends and wonder.



Ten of Water

This card represents lasting happiness, peace, and delight in family and nature, often adorned with a rainbow. Dolphins arc into the sun at the Beach House Escape Beachfront, where the Penguin and his companions enjoy comfort and ease.

Prince of Air

The Prince of this suit is blunt and opinionated, independent and occasionally overbearing. Here we see the Penguin at the top of Big Ben, pretending to be king of all he surveys.



Princess of Air

Here is the Penguin in the Cold Celtic Castle, embodying diplomacy and fortitude in the presence of Lugh, Brigh, and other gods and symbols of Gaelic pride.

Queen of Air

An image of dexterity and grace, this Queen is astute, upright and confident. Here in the Forest of Athens, she reigns over the fairies.



King of Air

This King symbolizes a wise counselor whose intellectual and analytical skills benefit his sense of justice. Here in the Windsor Castle Drawing Room, the Penguin King is surrounded by the ghosts of Henry VIII, Victoria, and other proud ancestors.

Ace of Air

This swashbuckling Penguin carries a sword and wears armor for competition at the Renaissance Faire. The Ace is a card of new beginnings, which in this suit means seeking justice, fortitude and inner strength.



Deuce of Air

On a card representing strength and a display of power but also uncertainty as to the best course of action, the Penguin stands at the Regal Camelot Castle while Merlin keeps an eye on Morgan le Fay.

Three of Air

A card that symbolizes heartbreak, upheaval, and a break from the past, the Three here depicts Cleopatra's Room where the queen enjoys a last tryst with Marc Antony before the downfall of her love and her reign.



Four of Air

The Four is a card of rest and rebirth, illustrated in many decks with the tomb of a warrior. Here the Penguin rests at the Pirates' Treasure Island with his fellows to sharpen their skills.

Five of Air

This card is associated with gleeful self-interest, even a devil-may-care attitude. In the Moorish Palace, the Penguin feels invincible, particularly with a flying carpet and a genie on his side.



Six of Air

The Six typically depicts a voyage in a boat, representing journeys, new beginnings and recovering from old wounds. The Penguin is here illustrated aboard a well-stocked Traveling Raft on the Mississippi River.

Seven of Air

The Penguin is Empress of Egypt on an Endless Nile Cruise on a card that represents self-reliance, isolation and seeking one's own counsel over that of others.



Eight of Air

The Rider-Waite illustration features a blindfolded subject and represents restriction, deception and struggle. Here is the masked Penguin at the Scenic London View on Guy Fawkes Night, reenacting the attempt to blow up Parliament.

Nine of Air

This is a card that suggests impending disaster, the possibility of powerlessness and grief, often showing an image of a person waking from a nightmare. Here is the Penguin on Dr. Johansen's Flying Boat, which no one appears to be steering.



Ten of Air

The Ten of this suit usually depicts utter ruin and signifies letting go. The Penguin appears here as Macbeth in Stormy Dunsinane Castle, with Banquo's ghost watching as Macbeth's doom approaches.

Prince of Earth

The prince in this suit is self-reliant, trustworthy and hard-working. Here we see the Penguin in the Urban Condo Living Room celebrating the Jewish holiday of Passover with his family.



Princess of Earth

The princess must work hard to reap her rewards, but when she does the rewards manifest themselves. Here is the Penguin about to celebrate a Royal Wedding at Westminster Abbey with her prince.

Queen of Earth

Intelligence, creativity, resourcefulness and nurturing are the strongest aspects of this Queen, here standing in the Lucky Rainbow World while all the ponies around her share in her good fortune.



King of Earth

The Penguin leads a Mardi Gras Parade through the French Quarter, celebrating its displays of tradition and pleasure, a reliable and enterprising person who can be counted on to pull people out of scrapes.

Ace of Earth


The Penguin brings with him luck, confidence and prosperity, three of the qualities of this first earthy card, as he visits the first national park in Welcome To Yellowstone.



Deuce of Earth

This card signifies fun and flexibility, often featuring a juggler. The penguin spends an Afternoon in Machu Picchu, high in the clouds, surrounded by friendly animals.

Three of Earth

Teamwork, industry and reward are symbolized by the Penguin in feline disguise, entertaining friends in the Cat Playhouse.



Four of Earth

The Rider-Waite Four of this suit portrays a greedy person who does not realize that he suffers as much as others from failing to share his wealth. The Penguin plays a saloon owner at the Birdcage Theater, looking for shortcuts to riches.

Five of Earth

This card that reminds the querent that there may be suffering even in a land of plenty shows the Penguin in the Bamboo Forest studying endangered pandas with his colleagues.



Six of Earth

A symbol of shared assets, redistribution of wealth and the importance of charity, this Six features a Mad Tea Party with the Penguin in the role of the Mad Hatter sharing tea with Alice in Wonderland.

Seven of Earth

Growth, reevaluation and a change in direction are the hallmarks of this card, which is illustrated by the Penguin in the Classic Vineyard where his harvest has produced not only wine but grape juice and other products.



Eight of Earth

The Eight is the card of the artisan, where hard work leads to rewards both material and personal. The Penguin and his friends are recreating the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of hope and freedom, in their own images.

Nine of Earth

Self-reliance, refinement and solitude are celebrated on this card, which here features the Penguin as a Sultan in the Persian Pet Palace visited by merchants and performers.



Ten of Earth

The triumphant victor having A Day of Fun at the County Fair represents wealth, leisure, and the ability to appreciate family and local traditions.