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Bronyville Episode 130
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Bronyville Episode 130 - Friendship and the Twilight Princess

Time : Saturday, Noon PST

Show Notes


The views expressed are that of the panelists and do not in any way reflect those of Hasbro, Studio B Productions, The Hub - employees and managements. The panelists themselves are fans and claim no expert knowledge on the source material.


Welcome to Bronyville! This is Episode recorded on , 201. I am your host Doctor Apple Dumb Face, Ph.D




        •10% off purchase with code bronyville10

BABScon - bronyville10 also gets 10% off your registration


Topic Time! - Season 4, Season 4, 1, 2, 3, 4!

Episode Discussion: Princess Toilet Spackleberries pt 1 & 2


Greetings, Bronyvillians!

I've been incredibly busy in the past couple of weeks, and thus have not been able to send you this email. But now here we are!

To AC: it was incredible(y nerveracking) to meet you at Nightmare Nights Dallas. Your panel with Emdefmek was entertaining and informative, and you were so, so nice when I got to talk to you after the panel.

To Sandy: I didn't get to meet you personally due to how (understandably) busy you were that weekend, but I want you to know that I had a fantastic time at NMND. It was my boyfriend's first con ever, and he had an absolute blast. Great job to you and all of your staff; I hope you decide to do it again next year!

And finally,

To Starry: I was so thrilled to get to meet you in person. You were incredibly nice and I was so glad that you liked the unicorno I customized for you. Also, you have fabulous hair :3

Lastly, I love your show and hope you continue all the hard work you guys do for this fandom.

Much love,

Panda, aka Starstuff

(disclaimer-- I won't be offended if you'd rather just wrap it up at the signature and omit the following)

ps- if you guys would be so kind, I would really appreciate if you'd plug my deviantart,

like every other artist in this fandom, I could use a little bit of traffic xD thanks!

Good day folks Piquo Pie here,

Just got caught up on the podcast from the 2nd and I think you misunderstood the email question I sent in.

I had asked why you don't do merchandizing and you thought I meant at conventions. I did not. What I was talking about is what most youtubers do, that is come up with things like shirt designs which are sold though companies such as We Love Fine. You know, good quality well respected companies that care about your fans.

Example: a black shirt with oc Cider and Sandy  on it in your mustard and ketchup outfits from one of your tabletops. As they are your ocs  you could likely get around 20% of the amount it sells for as long as it has no one else's material.

An example of Brony aprons for men from the same podcast Chefs oc grillin' cactus with the traditional kiss the cook wording.

Stuff like that, automated by people you trust so you don't have to make it all yourself.

Maybe you could put up a poll on it in addition to asking the chat. If you want I could figure out a wee bit of  market research for you. Nothing professional level, mind you, but defiantly more than nothing I am doing research on such things to start 2 YouTube channels.

Just remember, the bigger you are the harder you fall when I crush you Apple Spider and Chef Sandy.

With love,


P.S. I should have received that signed copy of Past Sins from Pen Strokes for you to raffle off by the time you read this. Email me and we can work out the details.

    First off you guys rock, seriously keep it up.

Whether Bronyville or Fandom Unlimited as long as you guys keep me laughing I'm in.

The only downside is I’ve recently gotten new hours at work and cant listen to the live steam on Saturdays,

I  always listen to the show midweek (or when it turns up) but i miss the nonsensical pre/post show and some of them have had me in stitches.

id really appreciate it if you could save them up on ... just saying.  


All the best from the soggy north of England

(insert clever pony name here - i wish i could think of one)

        Nick G

P.S. Where's Midnight Shadow hiding!

P.P.S. Id love it if both of you guys added me on the 3DS: 1177 7223 9291

The friends come in really handy in the endgame (trying not to spoil it)

Sandy’s 3DS Friend Code - 3067-5813-0143

Emdefmek’s 3DS Friend Code - 3609-2428-3696

ACs friendcode - 0275-8401-2330

5-STAR iTunes Bronies! - 823 ratings - FiveIronBrony

1 Cool Thing

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Join us roughly every Saturday, Noon PDT at

itunes reviews

Listen to the show on Celestia Radio every Tuesday, 3 PM PDT / 6 PM EDT / 11 PM UTC

twitter: @bronyville and @chefsandy

Meetup groups: Bronies of Northern California and North Texas Bronies

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Ermahgerd it’s here! Wow, just kinda crept up and suddenly - bam. New horse episodes all over the place. This week we got Cereal and Emdefmek on for reasons to go over ‘Princess Twilight’. We cover such fascinating topics on Emdefmek’s torturous upbringing, a second thing, and all the SPOILERZ you can handle.

Apple Cider

PS – Show notes can be found on the following Google Doc.

Intro - Friendship Forever Mix by ChainAlgorithm on Youtube -

Outro - Song: The Bartrot

Artist: Cyril the Wolf

Linky linky: