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Part 33: House of Flying Toxins
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Part 33: House of Flying Toxins!



‘So, have you thought about who you’re going to use against Aya?’ Aly asked, breaking the silence.

I thought for a moment as we ventured through a small stretch of evergreen trees. Aya had used a Venomoth against that angry Muk. Growly and Kane seemed like good choices to combat a part bug type, but that was just one Pokémon. Since Aya was a ninja, there was a strong possibility of her using other poison types too. And then what?

‘I have some ideas, but I’m mainly going to battle on what feels right at the time’ I answered her honestly.

‘Well, good luck. Aya seems like a really tough battler’ Salvadore noted.

‘Thanks. We’re going to give it our all, right Kiro!’ I said excitedly, looking down at my shiny Eevee who pranced along the snow layered ground.

Kiro smiled and nodded back at me.

We continued our hike through the forest until the labyrinth of trees became sparse and eventually faded, revealing a nearby stream. The small river flowed between two naturally made towering levees. A wooden ramshackle bridge was the only thing that connected both sides. Then I spotted it.

Beyond the river, sprawling across the mountainous terrain lay a giant mansion, its surrounding wall stretching endlessly across the snowy picturesque scene. Within the walls borders dwelled an old-fashioned mansion and ageing trees.

‘That must be it!’ I grinned in anticipation. ‘That must be the Fuchsia gym!’

I eagerly ran towards the bridge gapping the two sides of the river before coming to an abrupt stop at its edge. The old wooden crossing was coated in a sheet of black ice and creaked eerily in the winter breeze.

‘That looks too dangerous. Is there another way across?’ Aly asked anxiously.

‘This is the only way’ I said with a stiffened face and took a hesitant step onto the slippery bridge.

Kiro tip toed loyally behind me. Aly and Salvadore gave each other concerned looks before reluctantly following. Togepi and Cubone held onto their trainers tightly as the gazed at the treacherous water far below.

‘Easy... easy does it’ I mumbled to my self as we crept across the bridge, carefully planning our next step as we tread on the treacherous ice.


Suddenly, my foot plunged through a cracked plank, swiftly followed by the rest of my body.

                ‘Whoa!’ I screamed as I desperately hung onto the bridge for dear life. I could feel my numbing finger tips loose grip on the ice sheathed wood.



Aly, Salvadore and Kiro all called out, staring down at me in horror.

‘Here, take my hand!’ Salvadore yelled and reached out his arm.

Just as I attempted to swing my other arm up to the breeder I lost grip on the bridge and fell backwards, down towards the rapid stream and my certain doom.

My life seemed to slow down as I fell. My friends cried out in dismay. I fruitlessly reached out my hand as I descended closer to my demise. Was this truly the end, I asked myself? Had I ventured all this way to fall off a lousy bridge?

Hell no!

I had a gym badge to win!

In a last stitch attempt I reached for my belt and threw a pokeball with all my might. ‘Beri, use vine whip!’ I screamed.

The Bulbasaur was summoned from her pokeball at the opposite side of the river. Seeing me within a few feet of death she cried out her name and promptly shot two vines down after me. Glancing over my shoulder, I shrieked in fear as I approached a jagged rock, jutting through the torrent of water. The spray of the water splashed against my face as it crashed against the rock. I winced as I awaited the inevitable impact.



I nervously opened my eyes to see the rock moving further and further away from me. As I looked around me I saw that two vines were wrapped securely around my waist, hauling me up to safety. Within a matter of seconds I was resting on the snowy solid ground once again.

‘Beri, you saved me! Thank you so much!’ I smiled and hugged my Bulbasaur tightly. Beri nuzzled my chest lovingly.

‘Robin, you’re safe’ Aly said with relief as she, Salvadore and their Pokémon joined us.

‘Yeah, and it’s all thanks to Beri’ I smiled brightly and thanked my Bulbasaur once more before returning her to her pokeball. ‘Now I can finally face Aya for the Soul badge!’

I marched confidently through the snow with Aly, Salvadore and Kiro close behind me. We entered the grounds of the old mansion which boasted many snow coated trees and a frozen pond.

I walked up to the wooden door and knocked hard. ‘Aya, it’s me, Robin. I’m here for the gym battle!’ I called out.

Echoes of my voice rung out around us, shortly followed by a spell of silence. I was just about to knock again when the doors suddenly swung open by themselves.

‘Are you sure this is the Fuchsia Gym? The place seems deserted’ Aly said nervously, cautiously examining her surroundings.

‘This has to be it! Aya’s probably somewhere deeper in the building’ I insisted and entered a dim hallway.

Suddenly, something appeared at the end of the hall, lurking in the shadows. Its silhouette was familiar. It was definitely a Pokémon. Our suspicions were soon confirmed when it fluttered into the light. Its scrutinising eyes and silky thread-like wings were unmistakable.

It was Venomoth!

‘Hey, Venomoth. Do you know where Aya is?’ I asked curiously.

Without warning, Venomoth twirled around and disappeared around the corner.

‘Venomoth, wait up!’ I called out and began to chase after it.

Kiro ran along side me. Aly and Salvadore instinctively followed closely behind. We turned the corner which led down another hallway. It was twice the length of the previous hall with many doors lining the walls. But Venomoth was nowhere to be seen.

We slowed our run down to a brisk walk as we observed the corridor for any signs of Aya or Venomoth.

As I ambled along the passage, my foot stepped on what felt like a loose floor board.

I glanced down only to be greeted by a pair of angry eyes encased in a red and white sphere, lodged between the wooden flags.



GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!’ I yelled in pain as the Voltorb shocked me with a powerful thunderbolt.

When Voltorb’s attack ended I collapsed to the floor. My hair was in a frizz and static crackled across my body.

‘Robin, are you ok?’ Aly asked in concern as both she and Salvadore leaned over me.

‘Yeah, I’m fine’ I coughed before managing to pull myself up off the wooden floor.

Brushing of my jeans I glanced around the hall. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the shadow of fluttering wings drifting around the corner of the corridor. Without a second thought, we recommenced our pursuit of Venomoth. We turned left at the end of the old passage and sprinted as fast as we could, desperate to keep sight of the poison moth Pokémon. Suddenly, Venomoth came to halt and hovered around to face us.

We had cornered it!

I increased my speed, energised with a sense of victory and-


My entire body and face splattered against an invisible force. It was like someone had magically conjured a reinforced glass wall right before me. Venomoth continued to flutter tauntingly on the opposite side of the glass. I moaned as my face slid down the invisible panel and I fell back onto the oak decking. Salvadore placed Cubone on the floor and examined the invisible wall before turning around and beginning to run back the way we came.

‘You guys stay here. I’ll try to find a-‘


The breeder ran head first into a second invisible wall and bounced backwards, sprawling out on the floor.

‘Looks like we couldn’t break the fourth wall this time’ Salvadore moaned as he tried to sit himself upright.

‘We’re completely trapped’ Aly whimpered and hugged Togepi tightly. She hopelessly sighed and leaned against the corridor wall. Suddenly, the wall spun around and the dragon tamer disappeared, her screams echoing after her.

Salvadore and I instantly got to our feet and ran to the wall where Aly once stood. Brimming with anger we pounded hard on the booby-trapped wall with our fists. Kiro nudged the wall with all his might and Cubone thwarted it with his bone club.

‘Give us back our friend!’

‘Let Aly go!’

We roared out demands for our friend to be released as we persisted in banging on the wall. Without warning, the fake wall spun spontaneously around once again, propelling us and our Pokémon through the other side. We were flung to the floor and landed with a puff of dust.

‘Congratulations on overcoming my trials and welcome to the Fuchsia Gym’ a familiar female voice spoke out.

The cloud of dust cleared to reveal Aya standing at the far side of the giant hall supported by aging pillars and flying buttresses. Venomoth lingered behind her in the shadows. A younger male stood to the right of the room, suited in a blue ninja uniform. I was relieved to see Aly and Togepi standing safely in the corner of the hall, although they seemed a bit shook.

I quickly got to my feet and looked determinedly at the gym leader. ‘Aya, I challenge you to a gym battle!’

‘I commend your passionate spirit and persistence. You are definitely worthy of a battle. I accept your challenge’ Aya smiled.

‘This will be a three-one-three gym match’ the other ninja announced, acting as the referee. ‘There will be no time limit and only the challenger may switch Pokémon at any stage. Begin!’

‘Nidorina, I request your assistance!’ Aya yelled and tossed a pokeball into the air. A Pokémon covered in pointed needles was summoned into battle. I quickly checked my Dex:

Nidorina, the poison pin Pokémon and the evolved form of Nidoran Female. Nidorina are less aggressive than their male counter part, Nidorino, but will utilize the poisonous barbs on their body to protect themselves if threatened.

Reaching for my belt I unclipped a pokeball and threw it into the air. ‘Growly, I choose you!’

The Growlithe leaped out of his pokeball and poised himself on all fours, ready for battle.

‘Nidorina, let’s start this off with your fury swipes!’ Aya commanded.

Nidorina nodded and sprang towards Growly with a raised claw.

‘Dodge it and counter with flamethrower!’ I ordered.

Growly promptly leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding Nidorina’s fury swipe. Then, whilst suspended in the air, the Growlithe exhaled an intense flame at the poison pin Pokémon. The flamethrower struck Nidorina in the chest and forced her to the wooden floor.

‘Nidorina,’ Aya gasped, ‘Are you able to continue?’

The Nidorina winced in pain, but managed to stand up on her hind legs. Her azure, prickled skin was singed with burned marks.

‘We’ve got this one in the bag! Growly, use fire spin!’ I encouraged my Pokémon.

‘Toxic spikes!’ Aya screamed.

As Growly inhaled a deep breath, Nidorina opened her jaw and a purple orb spiralled out from it, up into the air. Four streams of purple smoke drifted from the top of the orb and suddenly exploded. Tiny purple residue orbs sprinkled across the battlefield and seemingly disappeared.

‘That’s it!?’ I wondered. ‘Growly, finish this off, now!’ I demanded.

The Growlithe barked fiercely and released a spiralling flame from his jaws. The flame circled Nidorina like a fiery tornado. The poison pin Pokémon cried out as she was hurled around the fire spin. When the attack ended Nidorina lay on her back, covered in burn marks- fainted.

‘Nidorina is unable to battle’ the referee announced, raising a flag towards us.

‘Nice work, Growly! Keep it up!’ I urged, punching the air in excitement.

‘Not bad, Robin’ Aya admitted as she returned Nidorina to her pokeball. ‘But this battle is just getting started. Muk, I call on you!’

Muk lunged out of its pokeball and raised its hands, confronting the bellowing Growlithe.

‘Hmm... Using a Pokémon that she only caught yesterday is a bold move’ Salvadore remarked. ‘She must have something planned’

I glanced back at the breeder and then over at Aya, my thoughts completely focused on the battle.

‘C’mon Growly, we can win this one too! Use your flamethrower!’ I demanded.

‘Disable it!’

Before Growly could conjure a flamethrower, Muk’s eyes hued a light blue and the Growlithe was enshrouded in a similar blue aura. Growly opened his jaw to attack, but nothing came out.

‘I don’t think your Growlithe will be using flamethrower any time soon’ Aya smirked. ‘Muk, end this with pound!’

‘Growly, match it with take down!’ I screamed.

As Muk lunged towards Growly with a raised fist, the Growlithe propelled himself with his hind legs and began to charge at Muk.

Suddenly, Growly came to an abrupt halt and a wave of purple rippled through his fur. The Growlithe howled out in pain as he succumbed to what seemed to be poison. Overcome with this mysterious toxin, Growly collapsed to the floor. Even more shock waves of purple undulated through his body. A faded purple colour spread across his cheeks as he lay feebly on the ground, whining.

‘Growly, you’ve got to get out of there!’ I pleaded with my Pokémon, but it was pointless.

Muk skid across the floor and thumped the helpless Growlithe in the back.

‘Growlithe is unable to battle’ the referee declared as Growly lay sprawled on the wooden boards, eyes spinning- fainted!

‘Good job, Growly. You did great!’ I praised my Pokémon for his efforts as I returned him to his pokeball.

‘It seems as though Nidorina’s toxic spikes were too much for Growlithe. If you don’t want the rest of your Pokémon to suffer the same fate, I’d advise you to quit now’ Aya suggested with a confident smile.

I gritted my teeth in frustration as I reached for another pokeball. ‘I haven’t come all this way just to give up now. Kane, show ‘em what we’re made of!’ I yelled and tossed his pokeball towards the ceiling.

The Farfetch’d burst from the white energy of his pokeball and looped around the hall before coming to a stop, hovering in front of the angry Muk.

‘Kane, whatever you do don’t land on the floor. It’s covered in toxic spikes’ I warned the battle ready Farfetch’d.

Kane nodded back at me and poised his stalk threateningly in his right wing, eagerly awaiting my instructions.

‘Let’s start this off with aerial ace!’ I commanded.

Kane soared up high and spread his wings. His feathers glistened in white energy as he took aim on Muk. With a fearsome squawk he descended at rapid pace.

‘Dodge it!’ Aya said calmly.

As Kane plummeted towards Muk, the poisonous blob sucked in a part of his body, moulding it to avoid the aerial ace. My mouth fell open in shock as Kane struck thin air, missing the Muk.

‘But how!?’ I cried out in disbelief. ‘Aerial ace shouldn’t have missed!’

Aya chuckled quietly before speaking. ‘Muk’s globular body makes it easy for him to avoid any attack. Do your worst!’ she beckoned.

My face stiffened at the gym leader’s words. ‘Alright Kane, keep up with the aerial ace. Don’t give in!’


The Farfetch’d cried out defiantly as he took aim at Muk once more.

‘Keep dodging it!’ Aya encouraged her Muk.

Kane chased Muk around the battle field relentlessly, but Muk was equal to his speed, ducking and shaping its body to avoid the onslaught of aerial ace attacks. As the battle of speed and stamina continued I concentrated my attention on Muk’s movements. Not only was he able to evade a supposedly unavoidable attack, but he seemed to be completely unaffected by the toxic spikes.

‘Sludge attack!’

My focus was suddenly caught by Aya’s command. I didn’t even have time to warn my Farfetch’d of the oncoming attack. Before I could say anything, Muk shot a glob of purple gunk at the attacking Farfetch’d. Kane screeched as he was knocked backwards by the sludge attack and crashed to the floor.

‘Kane!’ I gasped in horror as Kane was consumed with purple shock waves. The Farfetch’d winced in pain and flapped helplessly as the toxic spikes took effect.

‘Pound attack, now!’ Aya urged her Muk. Her eyes were full of determination.

‘Kane, please get up!’ I begged my Pokémon. I spoke and watched nervously as Muk raised his huge fist. ‘It can’t end like this! When I saw you battle all those Fearow I knew you were a strong Pokémon. You never gave in. You can fight through this! I believe in you!’


Within a second of defeat, Kane flapped defiantly against the floor and propelled himself into the air. Muk’s eyes widened in shock as his pulsating fist brushed passed Kane’s beak. Seizing his opportunity, the Farfetch’d raised his stalk with both of his wings thwarted the Muk directly on his crown, denting his rubber like body.

Muk’s eyes bulged out of their sockets from the impact and the poisonous giant collapsed to the floor. Almost simultaneously, Kane’s feathered body erupted in a purple static and the wild duck Pokémon crumbled to the battle field, finished off by the effects of poison.

‘Both Muk and Farfetch’d are unable to battle. This round is a tie. The winner of the next round will ultimately decide who wins the match’ the referee announced.

‘I knew you could do. Take a good rest’ I congratulated Kane and returned him to his pokeball.

‘Well done, Muk. You did well for our first battle’ Aya said as she called back her fainted Muk. She then glared across the hall at me. Her face was stern and her voice was serious. ‘You have done well to make it this far. I must admit, you and your Pokémon have shown a lot of spirit. But if you want to earn the Soul badge you’ll first have to defeat my Venomoth!’

At these words, Venomoth, who had been fluttering behind Aya, merely observing our battle so far emerged from the shadows, onto the battle field.

We both only had one Pokémon left, which meant I only had one more shot to get my sixth badge. I knew I would have to take a risk and put all my faith in my Pokémon. Nervously reaching for my belt I unhinged a pokeball and threw it onto the battle field. ‘Beri, let’s win this!’


The young Bulbasaur smiled back at me as she was summoned from her pokeball.

‘Why Beri?’ Aly asked, her voice full of worry. ‘Its part poison typing makes it weak against Venomoth’s psychic attacks.

‘That’s true, but since she’s a poison type she also won’t take any damage from toxic spikes’ Salvadore noted. ‘Let’s just hope they’re able to overcome whatever Aya has planned’

I looked over at Aya who seemed surprisingly anxious to be battling Beri. ‘Another Bulbasaur’ she muttered. ‘We must win! Venomoth, use stun spore now!’

Venomoth fluttered its wings rapidly and summoned a thick cloud of orange dust.

‘Blow it away with whirlwind and then use vine whip!’ I commanded.

Beri calmly exhaled a deep breath at the approaching spores. The orange dust cloud dispersed from the whirlwind attack and left Beri with a clear path to attack Venomoth. The Bulbasaur yelled out her name and sent two vines towards the poison moth Pokémon.

‘Counter with confusion!’ Aya demanded.

Before Beri’s vines could reach Venomoth, its body became outlined in a blue psychic power. A similar blue aura took over the pair of attacking vines and made them u-turn back towards the surprised Bulbasaur. Beri winced in pain as her own two vines whipped and slapped her face. When Venomoth’s confusion attack ended, Beri was panting hard, struggling to stand.

‘It was a good battle, Robin. You and your Pokémon fought valiantly. But this ends now. Venomoth, us psy-’

The gym leader’s orders were cut short and we were all left speechless as Beri’s entire body shone in a bright white light. I stared in disbelief as the Bulbasaur grew larger and the bulb on her back unfolded. When the light faded the battle field was filled with a sweet, pleasant aroma. I grinned and took out my Dex:

Ivysaur, the seed Pokémon and the evolved form of Bulbasaur. Ivysaur display their true power when their seed is exposed to the sun. The intensity of the aroma it projects from its seed gives a good indication of its strength.

‘Congratulations Beri. Now, are you ready to win this?’ I asked my newly evolved Ivysaur, still astounded.


Beri growled back at me and then glared at the opposing Venomoth, awaiting my orders.

‘Beri, use leech seed!’ I demanded.

The Ivysaur tilted her bulb towards the Venomoth and a small hazel seed sprouted out of it. The seed began to glow white and without warning, shot a bright beam of energy at Venomoth. The poison moth Pokémon could not avoid the beam and as it was struck, tight vines wrapped around its body.

‘No, not again!’ Aya shrieked in disbelief. ‘Venomoth, try and fight back with psybeam’ she pleaded with her Pokémon.

Venomoth struggled against the leech seed, constantly twitching as its energy was being drained.

‘Beri, this is it! Double edge!’ I screamed at the top of my voice, pointing towards the helpless Venomoth.

At my command, Beri propelled herself from her hind legs and began to charge full force at Venomoth.


In a last stitch effort, Venomoth fired a series of multi coloured beams from her eyes, but could not aim directly as leech seed continued to weaken it.


Beri rushed relentlessly at Venomoth, side-stepping a flurry of stray psybeams. She left a streak of gold behind her as she surged forward.

Venomoth’s eyes widened in horror.


The Ivysaur hurtled into the Venomoth, forcing it across the battle field, passed an amazed Aya and crashing it into an old pillar. The impact of the collision caused an explosion of debris and dust.

I bit my lip, watching anxiously as the dust began to lift.

Beri stood on all fours, still facing Venomoth. She was covered in scratch marks from the recoil damage and was panting heavily. My eyes then fixed on the Venomoth, hunched over on its side, its eyes spiralling- fainted!

‘Venomoth is unable to battle. This battle goes to Robin and Ivysaur!’ the referee stated and waved his flag in our direction.

‘YEEEAAAAAHH!!! We did it!!!’ I jumped up in excitement and punched the air. Beri ran over to me and leaped into my welcoming arms. ‘Beri, you were awesome!’ I praised my Pokémon and hugged her tightly. Aly, Salvadore, Kiro, Togepi and Cubone cheered behind me.

Thanking and returning Venomoth to her pokeball Aya walked over to us with a humble smile. I gently rested Beri down on the wooden floor and stood up straight to meet Aya.

‘Your skills as a trainer and bond with your Pokémon are inspiring. As promised, here is the Soul Badge’ the gym leader said and stretched out the palm of her hand, revealing a badge in the shape of a pink heart.

I bowed respectfully before accepting the badge. ‘Thank you so much’. I grinned as I clipped the Soul Badge to the inside of my jacket along with my other five badges.

‘So you have six badges’ Aya noticed as she stared impressed at my collection. ‘May I suggest you challenge Andre at some point? He runs the gym on top of Mt. Spirit. If you really want to test yourself as a trainer I’d advise you to try there. Even getting there can be a challenge in itself’ Aya suggested.

‘Mt. Spirit, huh?’ I pondered to myself for a moment before turning to my friends. ‘What do ya say?’

‘I’m always up for an adventure’ Aly smiled back at me.

‘I’m with you all the way’ Salvadore nodded reassuringly.

Kiro ran up my back and perched himself on my shoulder, licking my face in approval.

It was settled. Our next port of call was Mt. Spirit where I would challenge the gym leader, Andre for my seventh badge. If Aya said he was a challenge then I knew I would have an extremely tough battle on my hands. But this was just another small step in my adventure and quest to becoming a Pokémon Master. I had to defeat Andre and every other trainer out there to prove I was the best.

Another part of being a Pokémon trainer was to catch all sorts of Pokémon, which was why we would be taking Bill’s advise and go to the...

Safari Zone!