Computer Science at #iste2014

Inspired by Sue Water’s amazing document to collect #iste2014 resources on blogging, this document was originally created based on sessions in the ISTE 2014 Program tagged as Computer Science related. Not every session that was tagged Computer Science is included here. I was generally looking for sessions related to coding and sessions about computational thinking and sessions generally geared to the K-8 levels since that’s what I teach. I originally put the document together by going through the program and visiting any resources that are already linked to the session and including contact information that can be found about the presenter(s).

NOTE: This document is currently set to anyone with a link can comment. Please asked to be added as a collaborator if you wish to edit this document.

Now, I need help from anyone who attended ISTE 2014. Since I was NOT at ISTE 2014, I wasn’t sitting in the room for these sessions or visiting the poster sessions, I need help from those who were there or who were presenting:

  • If you went to any of these sessions and would like to add to this document, please tweet me at @visionsbyvicky or email me at and I’ll add you to the document for editing. I’d love photos (especially of poster sessions and student work), additional resources, reflections, etc. At this point anyone can comment on this document so if you would rather contribute via a comment, please do so.
  • If you are took your own notes on any of these sessions, please tweet out the links to these (and it would be helpful if you tagged me in your tweet if there’s room) and I’ll add links to them to the document.
  • If you were one of the presenters for these sessions, I would be happy to add you as a collaborator on the document or would love to add links to your presentations or other resources.

Thanks for helping to build this document! My notes are highlighted in light purple.

Coding at ISTE2014 not associated with specific Computer Science related session

Hack Education

Building Learning Adventures From Scratch

Create a World Class Robotics Program at Your School

Computational Thinking: Trendy Phrase or Essential Skill Set?

STEM IDEA: Inquire, Design, Engineer, Articulate

Creative Technology: Scratch Programming and Teacher Receptiveness

Creating Computer Games: Resources for Teachers and Students

Implementing Robotics in the Middle School Classroom

Girls’ Perceptions of Computer Science: Why I Like It

Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering and Engineering in the Classroom

ISTE Computer Teachers Network Forum: Nine Core Concepts of Computer Science

Build Apps With MIT App Inventor

Coding for the Future: Engaging Student Interest in Programming

Computational Thinking in Computer Science, STEM, STEAM and CTE

Arts and Bots: Encouraging Students to Learn by Building Robots

Creating music with Python and EarSketch

Programming on the iPad is Elementary

Think Different: Computational Thinking and the Maker Revolution

You Can Start a Robotics Club for Under $ 200!

Snapshot 2 of 2: Physical Computing and Programming with Arduino

Scratching Across the Curriculum: An Introduction to Scratch

Learn to Code so You Can Learn to do Math

Scratching Above and Beyond: A Deeper Look at Scratch Programming Language

756 Hours of Code: Introducing our Community to CSEdWeek

Spark a Love of Computer Science Among Students With AppShed

Paper 1 of 1: High school girls’ perspectives of and attitude toward computer studies

Six ways teachers and students can make mobile iOS and Android apps

Teach 3D game design in one week

Learn how to bring computer programming to your STEM classroom

Classroom learning and learning about the classroom with Etoys

Using programming and robotics with elementary school students

Coding at ISTE2014 not associated with specific Computer Science related session

Hack Education

Friday, June 27, 8:00 am–5:00 pm

10am Session - Computer science/coding in classroom: Resources at Thanks to @BrianMarks for sharing.

Most of the resources used are ones I have aleady explored or that I already use. I did learn about which lets you embed Python exercises directly into websites. Mostly for high school level but could be used in Middle School.

From the Trinket website, I also learned about which looks interesting - especially love at CodingBat.

Building Learning Adventures From Scratch

Saturday, June 28, 7:00 pm–8:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 16

Type of Session: Poster        

Presenter: Rodrigo Alfaro

Session Resources:

Awesome idea to have older students create learning games for younger students.

Student created games can be found at


Picture tweeted by 

Create a World Class Robotics Program at Your School

Saturday, June 28, 7:00 pm–8:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 6

Type of Session: Poster        

Presenters: Woodward Academy's Robotics Team

Pictures from session:

Very interested in costs to get something like this started and if they have any type of robotics in Middle School and how many girls are involved.

Computational Thinking: Trendy Phrase or Essential Skill Set?

Sunday, June 29, 8:30 am–9:30 am                GWCC B312

Type of Session: Listen & Learn Lecture

Presenter: Barbara Fox & Deepa Muralidhar

Session Resources:

Attendee Notes:

Would love to see samples of student work. is new to me and love that it appears you don’t need an email address to sign up. The community is a Google Group so you would need a Google account for that but not for using the website.

STEM IDEA: Inquire, Design, Engineer, Articulate

Sunday, June 29, 8:30 am–9:30 am                GWCC B213

Type of Session: Listen & Learn Lecture

Presenters: Paula Klonowski-Leach, Stephanie Playton, Manorama Talaiver

Session Resources: HP Catalyst STEM Projects

Interested in using things like Arduino and MaKey MaKey with my students. Love that a boy is featured in video using the LilyPad Arduino.

Creative Technology: Scratch Programming and Teacher Receptiveness

Sunday, June 29, 11:00 am–1:00 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 40

Session Type: Poster

Presenter: Julie Sonnenberg-Klein


Always interested in pictures and more information from Poster sessions. There are not any resources linked from this so if they are available would love to have links.

Creating Computer Games: Resources for Teachers and Students

Sunday, June 29, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 4

Session Type: Poster

Presenter: David Heller

No resources in the ISTE Program beyond links to apps that will be talked about which includes: Scratch, Alice, App Inventor, Gamemaker & STEMFuse. Interested in examples of infusing this into other areas of the curriculum that is mentioned in the overview.

Implementing Robotics in the Middle School Classroom

Sunday, June 29, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 7

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Laura Allen & Sherita Hayes 

I would love to do some robotics with my Middle School students. It’s probably not in the budget though. I see that both Laura & Sherita use (or have used) Tynker. Would love to pick their brains on that, too! Would love pictures & info from this poster session.

Girls’ Perceptions of Computer Science: Why I Like It

Sunday, June 29, 2:30 pm–3:30 pm                GWCC B208, Table 5

Session Type: Roundtable

Presenters: Jung Won Hur & Daniela Marghitu

I am always interested in research on girls and Computer Science. If this study is online, I’d love the link.

Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering and Engineering in the Classroom

Sunday, June 29, 2:30 pm–3:30 pm                        GWCC B312

Session Type: Lecture

Presenter: Gary Stager 

Love Gary and have taken an Invent to Learn workshop from him and Sylvia Martinez so I probably would not go to this session if I were at ISTE but would love to know what Gary says!

ISTE Computer Teachers Network Forum: Nine Core Concepts of Computer Science

Sunday, June 29, 2:30 pm–3:30 pm                        GWCC B313

Session Type: Interactive Lecture

Presenter: Veronica McGowan

Sounds like this one will present student examples. I would love to know what they are and if any are online, would love links!

Build Apps With MIT App Inventor

Sunday, June 29, 2:30 pm–4:00 pm                        GWCC A301

Session Type: Workshop

Presenters: Franklyn Turbak & Stephen Zanotti


Since this is a paid workshop, I probably would not be there anyway (no $$) but I have used App Inventor with some students and would love to more about how others are using it. Did they go beyond the MIT tutorials? If so what other kinds of things did they do.

We ran into some issues because of the simulator so I’d love some hints and tips on that (could be that our computers were just not powerful enough). I’d also love to know if anyone has hacked a Kindle Fire to be able to be used with MIT App Inventor - not after the fact for installation of apps but instead of the simulator.

Coding for the Future: Engaging Student Interest in Programming

Sunday, June 29, 4:15 pm–5:15 pm                        GWCC A410

Session Type: Explore and Create : BYOD

Presenter: Lorraine Bignell

Resources: CodeHS & CoronaSDK

Geared more to high school but am interested in approaches others are taking to coding even in grade levels above K-8, which is what I teach. From what I’ve read, it looks like CoronaSDK uses LUA which is also used in the Codea app. Would love to be able to get into app coding but it all seems to cost if you want to go iOS and you need a Mac which our school doesn’t have.

Gender Differences for Students' Attitudes Toward STEM Careers

Sunday, June 29, 4:15 pm–5:15 pm                        GWCC B208, Table 7

Session Type: Roundtable

Presenters: Rhonda Christensen, Gerald Knezek, Tandra Tyler-Wood

Resources: Research Paper on Gender and STEM

Love that this says it’s about more girls being interested than boys. Study in high school but I plan to read the paper.

Computational Thinking in Computer Science, STEM, STEAM and CTE

Monday, June 30, 9:30 am–1:00 pm                GWCC Building A, Level 3 (near Room A313)

Session Type: Playground

Presenters: Student Teams from Woodward Academy

Sounds like fun; you get to interact with student robotic teams. Showing how computational thinking maps with CCSS Math. Someone want to go and shoot some video of this one?

Arts and Bots: Encouraging Students to Learn by Building Robots

Monday, June 30, 10:30 am–12:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 33

Session Type: Poster

Presenter: Harold Blanco 


This looks so fun - tinkering meets robots & coding. I love things that tie computer science into other subject areas and this could be done in art classes just as easily as a programming or robotics class. This is definitely STEAM!  I want some Hummingbird Kits - too bad I have no budget. I love the Peek-a-boo Elephant video!

Creating music with Python and EarSketch

Monday, June 30, 10:30 am–12:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 18

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Jason Freeman, Brian Magerko, Christopher Michaud

Would love pictures, student examples, etc. from this poster session.


Another marriage of the arts and coding! This really intrigues me but since it’s Python I probably won’t be using it with my students. I have found that my middle school girls, in particular, love to create when they are coding. They are the ones that almost always draw their own sprites or backgrounds, for example. Music and programming sounds like a great thing to me.

Programming on the iPad is Elementary

Monday, June 30, 10:30 am–12:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 19

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Virginia Fraser & Gary Pinkston


I will be presenting on coding on iPads in the fall so I’m interested in knowing how others are approaching this and I’m always on the lookout for more coding apps.

Think Different: Computational Thinking and the Maker Revolution

Monday, June 30, 10:30 am–12:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 27

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Bill Moseley & Paul Sparks

This sessions does not seem to be directly related to coding, however, much of the maker movement does require programming or develops critical and computational thinking skills needed in coding. I would love to see photos and samples of student work, links, etc.

You Can Start a Robotics Club for Under $ 200!

Monday, June 30, 10:30 am–12:30 pm                GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 14

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Shawn Kirby & students from Birney Elementary School in Marietta, GA


I would love to introduce robotics to my students but since I have no budget, I have been able to do very little. This looks awesome and goes very well with the Tinkering course I’m currently enrolled in. I would love to see videos of the student’s robots and wish I could be there to talk to them about their experiences. Anything that can be shared would be great.

Snapshot 2 of 2: Physical Computing and Programming with Arduino

Monday, June 30, 10:45 am–11:45 am                GWCC B314

Session Type: Snapshot

Presenter: Josh Caldwell 


I would love to do more with physical computing and am very curious as to the most cost effective way to do this. Would love to see what students have done with this - videos, pictures, etc. would be great!

Scratching Across the Curriculum: An Introduction to Scratch

Monday, June 30, 12:30 pm–2:00 pm                        GWCC A303

Session Type: Workshop

Presenter: Kate Ogden 


Learn to Code so You Can Learn to do Math

Monday, June 30, 2:15 pm–3:15 pm                        GWCC A410

Session Type: BYOD

Presenter: Sheena Vaidyanathan 


Another paid session I probably wouldn’t attend if I were actually at ISTE but one I’m interested in. I would love to move my Middle School students more toward actual coding and have thought about using Khan Academy’s CS curriculum. Would appreciate any information shared that is not on the website.

Scratching Above and Beyond: A Deeper Look at Scratch Programming Language

Monday, June 30, 2:30 pm–4:00 pm                        GWCC A303

Session Type: Workshop

Presenter: Kate Ogden


Yet another paid session; this one uses Scratch and external devices such as MaKey MaKey, Pico Boards & LEGO WeDo. This another thing I would love to do with my students. I have been investigating the costs of these types of things and would love examples of student work with them and thoughts on what it costs to use these with students.

I attended this one. I think some new folks will be joining the #kidscancode twitter chats. You can see her work at I was working on a cloning project.

756 Hours of Code: Introducing our Community to CSEdWeek

Monday, June 30, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm                        GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 21

Session Type: Poster

Presenters: Adena Dershowitz, Young Kim, Jennifer Lavalle

All of my students K-8 participated in The Hour of Code. I am very interested to know what each grade level did at this school. Pictures & links would be appreciated.

Spark a Love of Computer Science Among Students With AppShed

Monday, June 30, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm                        GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 10

Session Type: Poster

Presenter: Becky Parton


Not really a coding session but my Middle School students love the idea of creating apps so I would like to know more about how I could have my students do that. Once again, any details would be appreciated especially costs and student examples.

Paper 1 of 1: High school girls’ perspectives of and attitude toward computer studies

Tuesday, July 1, 8:30 am–9:30 am                        GWCC B208

 Session Type: Lecture

Presenters: Zuochen Zhang & George Zhou

Resources: Full Research Paper

Six ways teachers and students can make mobile iOS and Android apps

Tuesday, July 1, 8:30 am–9:30 am                        GWCC B308

 Session Type: Interactive Lecture

Presenter: Scott Garrigan

Resources: MentalEdge

Teach 3D game design in one week

Tuesday, July 1, 8:30 am–9:30 am                        GWCC A402/403

Session Type: BYOD

Presenters: Ian Her Many Horses & Mark Shouldice

Resources: Scalable Game Design Wiki

Learn how to bring computer programming to your STEM classroom

Tuesday, July 1, 10:15 am–11:15 am                        GWCC A410

 Session Type: BYOD

Presenter: Sheena Vaidyanathan 


Classroom learning and learning about the classroom with Etoys

Tuesday, July 1, 11:00 am–1:00 pm                        GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 31

Type of Session: Poster

Presenters: Maya Israel  & George Reese



Using programming and robotics with elementary school students

Tuesday, July 1, 11:00 am–1:00 pm                        GWCC Murphy Ballroom Galleria, Table 30

 Session Type: Poster

Presenter: Merry Willis