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Fake Hero Vol.2 Intro
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The basement was cool, as opposed the heat the clung to the air outside.

The couch that lay lazily in the middle of the room, nowhere near any of the chipped discolored walls, was soon occupied by one of the three that were in the room, who promptly flopped onto it the moment they entered.

Her long, purple hair swished at the air as the momentum pulled it forward, onto the couch with her.

...This couch doesn’t feel comfy enough...

She looked at the ceiling for a long time, ignoring the complaints from her companions and tracing the cracks with her eyes.

Her name was Lucy, one of the three members of the valkyries, a mutant group dedicated to destroying evil.

She thought it was indeed a childish notion, as if there was anything other than evil nowadays, but, she was still a child.

The three used to be part of a bigger group of mutants called the chosen, but they had soon left, having realized the goals of that group.

To destroy all the normals.

To Lucy, however, she personally didn’t mind killing the normals thoughtlessly like her fellow valkyries.

Just the thought of being away from them, however, didn’t seem right to her, so she decided to follow them wherever they went.

At least, that’s what she thought.

Tilting her head towards the blond haired girl, the one who was so small and fragile that you’d think she would break under the smallest pressure, Lucy frowned.

Hana was their leader, despite being the youngest.

Why was this the case?

In actuality, her age was but a number; her logic was on par with any clever adults, and she always kept a cool head in most situations.

It was Hana who opened her eyes to what was wrong with the world and thought things through.

If those weren’t qualifications to be the leader to a cause, then Lucy didn’t know what was.

There was something off as of late, however.

Hana, who was currently reassuring Erika about their actions, noticed it as well.

Erika had doubts.

“No, I’m fine.”

Erika stated to Hana, who simply frowned.

Hana seemed at a loss for words, uncommon for her, and shook her head.

“Alright, but if you ever have any problems, then let's talk it out, alright? We’re a team.”

Erika nodded in response to Hana’s words, but the feeling of ‘something wrong’ continued to grow in Lucy.

Erika indeed had doubts, but that begged the question as to why had she gone through with it?

It was as if she couldn’t disobey Hana’s order, for whatever reason; as if there was some uncontrollable force moving her hand, grabbing her sword and plunging it through Gregory’s back.

Lucy then thought about Gregory’s sudden change of heart in the alley; how he was thinking about stopping his killing.

These two were seemingly unrelated, but the fact that both occurred at nearly the same time somehow stuck in Lucy’s head.

Both were odd. At least that part was true.

No… Lucy thought.

It wasn’t just those two things that were odd to her.

Although she hadn’t shown it to the other two, she herself felt different from before.

Her strange tendencies felt more unnatural, like she was only pretending to be weird from the very beginning, and she found herself thinking more and more about how she got to this point in her life.

...It all felt off. Everything.

Looking at the other two, Lucy guessed that these thoughts hadn’t occurred to them yet, and let out a muted sigh.

She couldn’t count on them right now, not until she was sure that they figured out something was wrong.

It would’ve been embarrassing to her if she brought up her concerns and they just looked at her like she was crazy, as usual.

But then again, to her, it was unbearable to simply laze around and wait for a moment to speak honestly.

She needed someone to hear her out, to understand where she was coming from, because she felt too… alien, right now.

Yes… alien was the perfect word to describe it.

...So then… should I talk to others that seem ‘alien’? Lucy thought.

There was a perfect example of an ‘alien’ she had seen not too long ago.

The timing itself seemed a little too perfect, but…


Lucy’s voice was serious and clear, immediately catching Hana’s attention.

“...What is it?”

The slight pause Hana had before answering made it clear to Lucy that she had picked up on the tone in her voice.

Lucy knew that she wasn’t known for taking things seriously, but she still continued in her tone.

“I’m going out for a bit.”

Lucy bounced off the couch and stretched her arms up, the words and actions confusing Hana.

“Well then, I’ll-”

“Alone. There’s something I want to check out.”

Lucy cut of Hana, who looked like she was about to protest, but Lucy continued.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re the leader and all, but this thingy I’m doing won’t work if you two follow me. Don’t worry, it’s not a dangerous thing, just a surprise sorta thing.”

Lucy tried to brush off her uncharacteristic actions as just a weird impulse, which was more in character.

Hana, although confused, seemed to buy it.

“...Um...Okay then.”

“I’m off~”

Before any further conversation could take place, Lucy left the cold basement room and made her way outside into the afternoon sun.

It was lazy, much like their couch, hanging in the middle of the horizon.

Stretching out a bit, Lucy adjusted the strap over her shoulder and looked at her bag, which she didn’t take off even as she landed on the couch, and frowned.

So that’s why the couch wasn’t comfy.

Lucy sighed and walked off into the city, on a mission to find the so called hero she saw earlier.