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042016 rstonepftexas
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Email, Roger Stone, April 7, 2016

11:29 p.m.

The Trump Ballot Security project has moved to

The Republican National Convention is ruled not by state or federal law or the US Courts .

The form of evidence of voter irregularities the credentials committee finds compelling is up to the committee and no requirement that a complaint with the State election board or report to party officials is required to make a claim before the committee exists.

We have collected over 2200 individual SWORN affidavits documenting voter irregularities  in  Iowa, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, Maine, Utah and Wisconsin, Hawaii and Arizona. 738 of these are in Texas in at least eight counties.

We are NOT finished collecting affidavits in Utah and Wisconsin.

Voters contacted us thru our website  or Toll free number. Both were widely publicized.

These will submitted to the credentials committee if and when the Trump campaign  or others on the committee elect to challenge the seating of delegations elected thru a pattern of voter fraud .

Making this material , which we have collected at some substantial expense , public at this time would merely guarantee harassment of these citizens by the Cruz campaign.

Both radio KLBJ ( at least 12 reports ) and a local Dallas TV station as well as anecdotal information from social media both reported enough citizen complaints to merit our posting the website and establishing the website and toll free number.

"Our interviews of Texas state and party officials have yielded no confirmation of any part of that." Of course not- why would they admit it ?

 'We also haven’t turned up news stories demonstrating as much.'  Old media. Proves nothing.


In 1952 the seating of the Texas delegations was challenged on the basis of claims that voters had been turned away from Texas caucuses contained in sworn affidavits .

See you in Cleveland.